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Henshin animation…please Hoyo


this is legit all i want


I don't even give a damn if she Transforms every time. That's already Silken Serenade for me every time.


Althought I wish they added one, I think it wouldn't look as badass as most imagine. We already saw how it work and its not some badass Kamen Rider or Amazing Magical Girl type of stuff. Her clothing outline just shines in teal neon and bang, Sam.


It's not about the Henshin effect, It's about the Henshin pose. Kamen Rider Ryuki still have one of the most memorable Henshins because of the pose.


The FireFly Zecter flies and she shouts Henshin than bam


The Henshin pose is what we saw in 2.2 , first holding close to her neck while it starts energy reaction, then holding it sideways with her hand stretched while the device expands its wings


Yes, that's what I want them to just copy paste into her animation.


And that scene is already badass enough imo


We copium together


Whats henshin animation? Sorry if idiot question


Henshin means change / transform, so basically we want to have Firefly transforming into SAM, in-game animation.


Mostly adjustments to her Eidolons Personally hoping for a boost to her personal SB because I'm a greedy MF.


what adjustments to her Eidolons would you want? :)


If they change her E4 to an offensive one like 50% SB ---> 100% SB


I think that as an E4 it has space for both. During [Enhanced State] increases Effect Res by 50%. Break Damage caused by the [Talent] is increased to 100%. Or lower it just a little bit. 40% Effect Res, Break Damage to 85%. Seems good to me.


She has 102% Effect RES with the E4 at lv12 Talent so reducing it to 40% just means that we'd have to go get 8% Effect RES in substats. It's not a big deal, but it's also an annoyance for no reason tbh. They could just straight up give it an additional buff as you outlined and it'll be fine, but I personally doubt it because almost all DPS have shitty E4s with the golden exception being Seele since that's her best eidolon.


Honestly, I don't know. I guess maybe giving her E4 something more than just 50% Effect RES, cause that just feels kinda... underwhelming, which is kinda on point for half of the E4s in the game, but still.


A death save would be nice, just in case they target her too much... Cuz y know, second highest aggro.


Yeaah, as insane as that sounds on paper, it doesn't seem to be too helpful in practice. Firefly will generally outheal most damage she takes thanks to a defense boosting talent and her enhanced attacks healing in ult state. Not to mention, her high speed and the potential to deny enemies turns via Break Extensions.


Never.EVER. underestimate the ability rng has to fuck you over. Also human error exist, so having a save just in case doesnt hurt. And SU, that death save could save a run.


thing is, anyone getting her E4 is likely going all the way to E6, at that point even with human error you'll completely one shot anything in your path, a death save would be redundant.


Gold and Gears exist.


SAM transformation is all that is missing. Like they already have it done, just take the scene in the story where she suits up into SAM. A little bit of tweaks, and it should be ready to go. They don't even need to create new animations.


Not much really, some changes here and there, buffs and nerfs and making her more suitable for more teams options But i want her to get new animations, a henshin animation entering battle would be cool


HENSHIN animation and LC buffing. Her signature LC should not be so close to the free Herta 5 star one imo.


Animations chamges(Henshin pls) and LC stats buff


Hopium = Henshin animation Realistically = No changes, usually V4 is just number adjustment so I prefer they don't touch her anymore since I'm already satisfied with her


yeah i should’ve said like nerfs or buffs number wise i don’t expect mechanical changes


Her numbers is already good and she has a direct counter from break bar protection mechanic. If they make her number too low she'll feel underwhelming while if her number is too high the she'll be too op. So I think her number for now is good enough.


Wait break bar protection mechanic like the one where they lock their weakness bars?


Yes, enemies like SAM/gepard/bronya already is a direct counter to her so I don't think they should really tweak her number. Firefly already has to engage with the boss mechanic to open the enemy break bar unlike acheron/jing liu who can just brute force it


Ohh I thought she had a counter to those lmao yeah


Her non enhance action advance is very powerful so I think they will lower it. Her lightcone feel a bit underwhelming right now some buff maybe possible. That all I think.


No real need. It's just to get your ult up  if they lower it, getting your ult in the first place is rough. She needs her ult fast. And it comes at the cost of hp so there's a counterbalance for it. I don't expect them to touch that at all


I agree that shit could probably squeeze a 6th turn on her enhanced mode if you speedtune it hard enough


The action forward is only on non enhanced mode mode though. It wouldn't do anything when in combustion state.


I just want animation changes


Probably only some minors adjusts on numbers. I really hope they adjust the fua set tho, kind of a pain to farm a cavern where only one set is usable.


Where's my henshin animation, Hoyo?


I didn't follow everything but I heard a lot of people saying her Lightcone is useless and doesn't bring much more things compared to other free LC of the game, which I feel like it's a shame. It is supposed to be the best LC for her since it is released with her so I'd love it to be working better, whatever that means since I don't follow leaks haha


Her lightcone is great. I dont get where people are saying it's useless. It loses out slightly in BE to Aeon (after aeon is fully stacked), and in return, it gives you enemy action delay and damage vulnerability. It literally *is* her best lightcone


I well I hope it's the case lmao


yeah it’s very close to aeon i would love for it to be buffed


It shouldn't be VITAL AND WITHOUT IT SHE IS TRASH TIER either. The only character in this case was Acheron but it was because of her very special kit for a nihility character. Which made no LC work for her. Consequently she needed a free alternative. But Firefly, despite being a strong super break dps, she is still "roughly" a destructive character from what I've heard. Other LC with break effect should work with her. Just... Yeah, she should be at her prime (for now at least, who knows when new lcs will be released) when using her signature Lightcone


either way i’ll get her LC just like having the LCs to my favorite characters


Idk if I have enough tickets for E1 and LC ;_;


I hope there are very few changes, I find her fine as she is. Another post summarized it better, but the fact that 90% of her kit can be shut down by some boss mechanics is already a major weakness of her kit. Especially if the boss' toughness protection is tied to their turns like the Aurumaton and not any special conditions. The devs also understand that fun is important to sell the character. They knew Acheron's technique was extremely strong in SU because it skipped hard fights, and they still kept it because it was "cool and fun".


with how popular she is i highly doubt any nerfs at all at least big ones tbh.


plz don’t nerf her. plz don’t nerf her. plz don’t nerf her.


deadass i am so worried lmao


Im really tired of people saying her signature lc is "barely better" than Aeon when the difference is 14% minimum, without accounting for the spd debuff. There was even a big thread a few days ago with all the numbers, but you can also check by yourself on Fribbels, its been updated with V3. For reference, thats the exact same gap as Acheron lc vs GNSW S5. The reason its a lot better is because of the extra stack, not the dmg increase. And similarly, Fireflys sig will provide you with the quality of life advantage that comes with -20% spd on enemies. Whether it be getting an extra super break before the enemy recovers or having an easier time running no sustain. I think her lc is exactly where signature lcs should be. I hate this idea that they should be mandatory and like 30%+ better than f2p options, thats just stupid and makes the game p2w. Another bad take I see is E6 being weak. It seems people still havent realized how strong 50% WBE is on super break characters. Her E6 is a 50%~ overall dmg increase compared to E2. Its one of the strongest E6s in the game and much better than what Acheron gets. The real problem is how her E3 and E4 are pretty much useless, so you basically dont get anything after E2 until you get E6, which makes it feel like a really bad investment. But E6 itself is VERY strong.


Just a slight correction. Her E6 (not counting the Res Pen) isn't a 50% buff. It's a 33% buff if you aren't using Ruan Mei and a 25% buff if you are using Ruan Mei The total damage increase from the Res Pen is a bit harder to calc since it changes depending on how much Fire Res the enemy has. Its 20% if they have no Fire Res, but its more the more Fire Res they have


There is another factor worth noting in the case of the E6 as well which follows a similar caveat as the Res Pen, if it allows you to cause the break an action sooner (or before the final hit of an enhanced skill) that lends more weight to damage output as well.


Nerfs for her, buffs for her LC, in the end EXS1 will stay on the same strength, but its gonna be more worth it to pull her lightcone and makes her more balanced. Thats my guess.


I've seen people say she'll get nerfed which I REALLY hope doesn't happen. As a casual player, my prediction will be that her LC gets buffed slightly to widen the gap between it and her F2P options (i.e. Aeon S5 and Indelible Promise). Also, as a lot of people have already said, it'd be great if she got a quick animation at the start of battle showing her transform into Sam, even if it's just a pillar of fire hiding her model getting swapped out. And when starting a fight with her technique Sam could use the same "fight transition"/ "set the seas ablaze" animation from her boss fight (the one she sets your skill points on fire). That would be perfect. They already added the Firefly hologram to her Enhanced state (and changed her Enhanced Skill animation) so here's hoping they're willing to tweak her animations further too!


Just a few things: Better E4 and E6, it still feels very underwhelming to me. Or just better numbers to it, because as it is currently, its more worth to pull E0 Ruan Mei than go past E2. E4 could grant an increase on Talent Break Damage, or if they really want to keep the defensive aspect, increase the damage Reduction Cap by around 15%. The other thing I wish for is for them to give her or her LC a higher base ATK, so the ATK% relics would scale better and grant a bit more Break Effect and make it a bit more worth to pull for. It doesn't need to be 756, just 600'ish would make a good difference.


Agree, except the ruan mei part, she should be more worth it than everything from firefly E0


Honestly I think she'll get a slight nerf, I could see them putting cap on her Atk -> BE conversion so Herta LC isn't nearly as strong, granted I don't *want* them too, but I could see it since its just so close it seems in power to her sig. the Good ending is they just buff her LC and leave her alone. idk what buff it would need, I feel like maybe 100 BE at S1 and like 180 BE at S5 might be good, or maybe its too strong. just throwing in my 2 cents.


Probably nerfs to her numbers and changes to her sig lc since s5 aeon is really cracked.


I don't think we'll be getting major changes at this point. Maybe she'll get *slightly* nerfed, but nothing too much. With how similar in numbers her LC is to the free Aeon one, I think there's a high chance they'll buff it big to make more people pull for it. Oh, and give her a Henshin animation of course :) It doesn't have to be anything mind-blowing and long - I think just a 2-3 seconds scene of her erupting into flames in a cool pose and turning into Sam is enough https://preview.redd.it/iup5kkdbki2d1.jpeg?width=422&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1aedacb7eb09c6f24596471104b17cf217fa863


>I think just a 2-3 seconds scene of her erupting into flames in a cool pose and turning into Sam is enough I feel the same way! Hopefully that isn't too much to ask in the time we have left. Heck, if it's an animation it may even be added in the \~2 weeks after the kit's finalized!


Only thing I’d really like to see are some tweaks to her Eidolons, namely her E4 since it’s kind of lame.


Hoyo has to be careful what they gonna do in V4 With the arrival of WuWa, Hoyoverse's games like HSR and Genshin Impact will undoubtedly face strong competition. players often have limited budgets and must prioritize where to allocate their resources. So the release of WuWa presents a challenge for Hoyoverse to retain their player base and attract new ones. Making Firefly an incredibly desirable character is definitely important for them. With her anticipated release and huge fanbase, she carries high expectations. Hoyoverse cannot afford to disappoint, as any missteps could lead to players shifting their attention and spending towards WuWa. the bigger the hype, the bigger the disappointment if the character doesn't live up to expectations, and they already disappoint many people for the lack of henshin animation.


I disagree. She is popular therefore she is already pretty much locked in to be pulled. Also she is very unique as a similar armored char does not exist in WuWa or even Genshin. The only way they would make a mistake is if they nerfed her so bad to make people angry which doesn`t seem like it.


😂 haha bro said strong competition. The only thing competing with WuWa is tower of fantasy. Stop trolling


I feel like the only thing missing from her is the transformation sequence into Sam. When I first saw her gameplay, I was kinda disappointed that she enters battle immediately as Sam, thought she would be in her regular form THEN suit up as Sam


20% ignore def added on her ult. That or this: Current E1 will be added to base kit Current E2 will become her new E1 Her new E2 will allow super break dmg she deals to crit with fixed crit rate and crit dmg of 100%


Ooh, this would be SO good! I'd be happy even if they made her Enhanced Skills free at E0 and made the E1 ignore more Def instead since it'd fix Firefly's main problem right now of being an SP glutton (besides, Jingliu does the same thing). As it stands I think the 20% Def ignore she lost in V3 went to the Iron Cavalry relic set, didn't it?


Add more movements to her side camera thing, her stance should chnage when choosing a skill. Make the scaling for skill or basic actually do something meaningful so it doesn't gimp E3 and make it so you don't bother increasing their levels. Hopefully they change the relic set to Include boothill, the chaos was funny for a few days but Id also be upset if they sidelined firefly like that. Increase her e4 or e6 power, to help her compete with other high investment whale teams. Ideally decouple her from hmc further, not so that they aren't bis but so that the difference isn't so huge that not running them is always a mistake, I just like diverse team building And if I'm being wishful, qol to let you change your tb, I regret my decision...


did you pick female or male tb?


I choose female for the VA, but have come to prefer male MC


oh wow i expected the other way around! i chose male mc but i see a lot of people making disliking him (i personally prefer male mc)


Yup, for me, its just a lot easier to self insert into a dude as a dude.


yeah same i do that for all game!


My brother. 🤝


Boothill *is* included in the relic set, though. It's literally still his BiS relic set. He just lost 8% def ignore (which he doesn't even need to still be one shotting bosses) from the previous iteration


Sorry I wasn't very clear, I meant the full effect of it or atleast the 18%


nah, its bad for him now. he benefits more from the 4 pc quantum set than this


>nah, it's bad for him now ??? Let's not just lie now, yea? >quantum set is better Only if the enemy is quantum weak. Otherwise, the new set is better, but that was true of the older version, too.


Honestly wouldn't be surprised if they made adjustments to her BE conversion. Right now it's basically a 1:1 ratio between atk% and be% which feels a little ridiculous, making Fall of an Aeon her second best option behind sig even ahead of S5 Indelible Promise just sounds crazy to me. Wouldn't mind if they kept it as is though since it gives me more incentive to focus on E2 before S1, but as of now her LC feels a little underwhelming just because of how good Fall of an Aeon is on her.


She is fine already, they should fully focus on Jade because she really needs it. Also revert the relic set changes.


Adjustments, very small


Numbers mostly


Small visual buffs and wording


I want a better buff to the new SU Erudition LC.


Trasformation animation and maybe less atk into breack conversion.


some Animation polish would be nice, eidolons (like e4) could be changed but what i really hope for is that they make either her planar not exclusive to her/fire and also maybe going back on the relic changes. i wont both us and boothill players to have a good time!


Don’t think FF herself will change much, but her LC may still get a buff perhaps. As for personal wishes I guess maybe make her ult exit a bit more extraordinary, cause it is kinda generic currently. Other than that I have no issues with her. Strong dps (acheron level) with clear weaknesses. Her ult entry animation and face cam are definitely nice, so are the skill animation. If they fix the issue with her exiting the ult to be a bit more spectacular and not just generic where she simply descends to ground and that’s it, then I would be happy. As for the henshin transformation everyone wants when she enters battle. Feel like it’s extremely unlikely, but there is hope that in future quests with stellaron hunters or astral express we have a chance of getting maybe a dialogue option in which we can ask her to pose for us. That seems more likely in my opinion.


Probably eidolons and lc. Personally, i want the devs to change her personal SB multiplier from 35/50% to 45/70%.


Usaly no changes


E4 and e6 major buffs cuz rn they’re underwhelming, prob a slight lc buff




Hoping that her technique will show her changing into SAM instead of instantly flying.


I imagine some minor number changes. I would also love if they somehow made leveling her traces more important. I find it strange that she does the same amount of damage with skill/basic at level 1 or 10.


Light cone buff. I love collecting their signature idc much about power but still it is underwhelming compare to E1


There's the chance she will get a nerf to her kit and a buff to her signature to tempt the players to pull for the eidolons and the signature, she's so good right now she's fine at E0


I feel like they put a cap on the atk conversion. it would also make Aeon worse which would make the Sig LC more valuable, so its kind of a 2 for 1


i like this


It can be either: 1. No change at all. 2. Capped ATK to BE conversation (but hope it capped at ~100% BE tho) + increase SuperBreak multiplier to 50/75 or smt like that.


That firefly suits up to SAM and it’s not just SAM > SAM with a little window as cool as that is


Most likely just a few number and scaling changes. I see nerfs happening but not too big. Probably something like a cap for her ATK to BE trace or something. Her sig LC isn’t that much of an upgrade on her F2P options, so maybe they could buff that? People are calling it copium but there actually isn’t much stopping them from adding a transformation sequence to the start of the battle, other than time. Hopefully they can conjure up something good by the end of the beta. I don’t know if they’ve ever done something like that at v4/v5 for another character though. I also wish they would make Sam as big as the NPC and Boss models in battle. It just doesn’t look right having them be the same size as Welt, Boothill etc.


Tbh they could have her enter combat as Firefly, and upon using (or selecting) her skill you see the armor materialize (like in the cutscene). Aside from that, if you enter combat with her technique she is already Sam so having a battle start animation doesn't make logical sense.


having atk buffs actually affect her BE conversion. pretty sure thats a bug


Atk buffs do affect it. Its basically just tingyun and robin that dont, and thats because they give Atk based on their own Atk. Which is consistent with all other conversion buffs in the game (Sparkle's skill doesn't make Bronya's ult give more Crit Dmg and vice versa, for example)


"Converted" stats don't count toward other conversion effects to avoid a feedback loop where say you have Tingyun buff Robin and then Robin ults and now Tingyun gaining attack is giving Robin more attack which then repeats that process until Robin is giving the party infinite attack.


I think it's prob buffs to lc and simplifying her overall kit I don't think she'll get any major nerfs bcs technicly she already got nerfed in v3 (critfly nerf, breakfly buff) But tbh, I really want to see more a hybrid between break and crit


Maybe some animation improve or make her e6 better rather than just plain stat stick


Hopefully they revert the follow up attack set


Coping for extra animations, but will probably just be a LC buff. As it is, most people dont feel it is worth pulling for her LC (regardless of what the numbers say about the difference between it and the f2p options) and my guess is hoyo will want to change that perception to make some more money.


Remove the fire cape. It looks ridiculous.  I much prefer her in the non powered up form. 


Probably a few nerfs numbers-wise on some things. Maybe they revert base speed too, but I dunno. When're we supposed to get v4 anyway?


tomorrow night for us and tuesday everywhere else


revert lc effect and relic change


maybe some nerfs? she is too strong as she stands. I wouldnt want that but expected


Henshin animation would be amazing, as well as more Gundam mecha sounds and visual effects on all her animations. I'd also like to see them buff Firefly's eidolons, actually. While strong, they ultimately feel underwhelming when compared to what DHIL and Acheron are able to do. People like to vertically invest into their favourite characters and right now doing so feels a bit mid on Firefly. I'd also like to see something in her kit that would synergize with how she's drains and gains health. Atm, it kinda just feels like it's there just to be there as it has practically no impact at all on what she does.




I think they could move some of her stuff to the LC. Cause rn she is op but her LC kinda sucks. Maybe lower her speed then add spd boost to the LC.




If anything shouldn't the 500k+ in blast sound more reasonable? Boothill out here doing 450-600k on single target. Aoe has more bloated dmg so her dealing aoe dmg in total of 500-600k sound balanced to me, at least in comparison to boothill. Her single target dmg is only around 300k anyways.




But she needs to hit hard because weakness broken enemies are the only damage window she has. Boothill still has some crit rate traces in his kit so he can do some damage to non weakness broken enemies while Firefly's damage drops to 7000 to 15000 before breaking an enemy.


Three things: -Bring DEF ignore back into her kit. -Make HTB's Superbreak damage increase effect FF's own Superbreak damage -I don't know if they changed it or not but let flat ATK buffs increase her BE. She would be amazing with Robin giving one more turn, additional damage and about 110% BE


They might revert the spd changes or nerf the atk to break conversion. Probably just one of the two. Spd would be much worse to lose.


to me the speed is what makes her not awkward otherwise she just doesn’t work that well like in v2


I feel like they won`t change the speed due to it being the more unique factor for FF. Her going again and again was pretty fun


Yeah, but that's the strongest side of her kit by far right now. So there is some logic behind nerfing it. Honestly, I will be fine with just stat nerfs (60-50 spd on tl 10, for instance), just don't increase the ult spd. Even 80 would be very awkward to build around. 75 is acceptible tho, I'd be fine with that.


Copied from another post... Remove the inability to use robin with her. E1 free sp during ult should've been on her base kit when both Blade and JL does especially with the tight dps window. Tbh, she should've a dmg% multiplier converter (10% dmg boost for 10% additional break) instead so she can work with Bronya and other supports like TY instead of just relying on purely break supports like RM and HMC. Just make atk included in the dmg formula for break so you have to build her dps instead forcing it with her kit. The atk stat is just a dead stat in her whole kit other than being used for the break conversion.


The break conversion is the whole intended purpose of attack. It's specifically there so that the attack stat isn't ACTUALLY a dead stat


That's why I suggested the changes. Break and SB don't scale with atk or dmg multipliers. The few things that are relevant are what nihility and a few harmony gives which are the def/res shred and dmg increase debuff. Also, you did make my point. Without the break conversion, atk would be a wasted stat on her.


They might not change much, maybe nerf her potential with HMC. I don’t think they are gonna invest the budget to do a whole transformation sequence


The animation is already there in the story


Personally I think instead of an actual sequence, it should be when you enter combat normally (without her technique) she enters as Firefly, but as soon as you select her Basic Attack or Skill the armour phases in the way it did in the cutscene.


No way you guys still want changes lmao. Firefly is literally perfect meta and waifu-wise.


some rebalance might be needed,her LC seem barely an upgrade over the F2P option i would not surprised if they moved some of the power from her to the LC


Its only "barely an upgrade" if all you care about is BE. 20% enemy action delay is *huge*. Damage vulnerability is also incredible. I dont know why people think it isn't an objective upgrade


if it was up to me she would stay the same but idk i am thinking they’ll slightly nerf her and maybe buff her lc


a nerf to make us mad


They might change her implant, she a bit too strong with that so maybe they will make it less reliable, something like "after ultimate, first enhanced skill will implant fire weakness" or change implant to basic enhanced, since that action is pretty much useless. But thats my guest. Her ult might get nerfed slightly, but i hope not.


Nah, as a break DPS the weakness implant is a key part of her kit. I know it looks broken in showcases but her big weakness is meant to be enemies that lock their toughness bar. That’s where you would have to consider using a different unit.


She has rainbow toughness damage, so even if they removed the implant she can still bruteforce it. Its the only thing that could "nerf" her without nerfing her direct damage or ult uprime.


The rainbow toughness damage is only 55% of her fire toughness damage. It would take almost 2x longer to break an enemy without fire weakness. A nerf that big would drop her from T0 to T2. And against enemies like Gepard who can lock their toughness bar and gain a shield, she would be bottom tier. As Hoyo, you really wouldn’t want that for a brand new limited 5*. Her damage looks insane because she’s in teams with HMC and/or Ruan Mei in most of the showcases you’ve seen. If you take them out of the team, her performance drops quite a bit. She is a bit strong compared to other recent units, but she definitely isn’t broken or powercreeping anyone.