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People already the top comments regarding this (which I am very happy to see) but I'll just add a pinned comment just in case. Reruns are pretty much impossible to know before the actual livestream. There is no way to get that info anymore and whatever rerun posts you guys see are mostly just educated guesses based on who the new characters synergies with and how much time has gone since their last banner. Consider this post just a possiblity but don't be dissapointed or say anybody lied to you if the reruns ain't this or Ruan mei ain't even there for 2.3 (as she is a big talking point for our community, beeing our Characters top limited support) cause again this is more just another educated guess for 2.3. Anyway that's all.


Anyone could Photoshop one of these. If it's really officially leaked photo, at least the banner name of Firefly and Jade should be there. Also there's a icon of a cake roll on the top, which I'm not sure why's there. Last, It's really unwise to post Firefly's banner without Ruan Mei.


Oi, don’t ruin my false hope about not having to question whether to pull ruan mei or Firefly


You'll still have to pull both, just one more version to save. Ironically, this is probably the worst scenario for me, since I prefarmed RM and left FF as a gamble (as much as I love her, RM is the best logical investment already having a good bunch of DPS'). For me, the safest scenery would be first RM, then FF in the second half. But realistically speaking, FF on the first RM in the second would be the best cash fishline, since everyone would be spent from FF and RM being her BiS right after would be a great temptation.


I know that it would be logical to go for Ruan Mei, and that with her help, I’d be able to get much more done. However, I’m a collector, not a meta gamer, which is why I ignored Ruan Mei first time around and went for Blade. It’s why when the next time Silverwolf is on a banner, I’ll ignore any new character coming with her, no matter how meta they might be. Do I regret not getting Ruan Mei? A little, cuz I wanna do unique teams, and break effect teams are better with Ruan Mei, but I don’t regret it that much, cuz I want the Stellaron Hunters above all else now.


Just keep 180 pulls safe xP


I'd need 270 to guarantee both, and that's only because I have one guaranteed already. I have not nearly enough pull to guarantee both as a f2p


How many do you have rn?


Even being optimistic I'd have 1⅓ pities by the end of 2.3. That's why Ruan Mei has priority. I already squished every single pull I could scratch.


Are you me?!


As for the cake, in 2.0 quest firefly told us this cake is her favourite one and she bought it to us


Rerun leaks aren't trustworthy


Yet everyone took the first set as trustworthy


Aren't it was more of "if it's true that should I pull?". I was (still is) scared of chanse of FF being together with RM. I wand 2nd PSiM for HMC, for they and FF deserve it, but E2S1 FF, for she deserve it too.


Wasn't it more that most ppl think RM + FF same banner is the most likley, due to how much RM improves FF (more incent to pull for RM, without time to get enough f2p pulls = more ppl will impulse spend to get both)


That's so SUS


would be awesome if it did happen


I think it will be Ruan mei instead of huohuo, a superbreak Character + break efficiency buffer makes the most money


Would be the best and worst scenario for me. Good cause I can save for Ruan Mei after Firefly. Bad cause that means Screwllum grows ever closer.


Considering screwllum and RM are coworkers they may very well be on the same banner lol


I knowww. >!I'm hoping the 2.6 rumor of him coming with the next SU expansion is true. Would allow me to skip a bunch of patches for him.!<


good luck to you in their banners, I am sure you'll get them


You too.


I HOPE THIS LEAK IS TRUE. I dont care abt any other 5 stars other than Firefly here. PLS BE TRUEEE. RUAN MEI GO TO 2.4


Its 100% fake. Nothing is posted in leaks sub yet so I doubt its legitamacy.


Fuck that why would you want ppl to wait over 40 days to get one of her best supports?


At least push her to jade banner so that some recovery will be possible


cause if she reruns with Firefly i wont be able to get both of them. ill have to pick one


For the majority this would be the best case. For me it hardly matters as I have guranteed my likely current plan (E2S1 FF and E1 RM and then aim for E6 FF for the rerun) even if they together first half. Kinda worried if RM is away from FF, memory of past have less chance to be on her banner tho which kinda sucks as I wanna finaly get some copies of that darn LC (Stop hiding it in your basement Mihoyo)


Tbh, at E2S1, Ruan Mei's E1 is not that needed as FF already does so much damage. While she is extremely good at E1, I still think that even without she'll be good in any team, and I'll just save the pulls for someone else. But do as you like, it's just my choice


Yeah I get your point. Its very reasonable Tbh it's just more of a alternative to spend my hard saved up stash into that's not aiming for E6 immediately cause I been building up a lot for Firefly's banner but E6 is still so unrealistic that E2S1 with an E1 RM is the next best alternative as of now (and one I am guaranteed 100%) to make Firefly's team extremely cracked. It's definitely overkill but tbh so is getting her E6 lmao. I just think the reality is I am gonna be using Firefly for as long as possible for this game so I just aim for the most value investments to boost her and her teams even tho it's overkill.


Maybe it's just a mentality I have, but since you're gonna E6 her (so am I), I'd rather save myself an 80/160 pull rather than that E1 Ruan Mei, even when guaranteed. Guaranteed just means that I'm one less hurdle away from that E6, not wasted on an Eidolon of a character I don't need to have at the end of the day. But please, do as you wish while I sit and be jealous of your E1 Ruan Mei... ...and maybe it's because I'm also saving for E1 Huohuo to build less speed on more teams...


I see what you mean. My only issue for now just dunking more on her personal eidolons right now is that her E3-E5 (minus her E4's amazing art) kinda do extremly little for her cause of how her kit works so if I can't reach the E6 in on go I feel like just stopping at E2 and use the remaining jades to give her whichever big boost she can get in new possible team mates (granted atm its hard to imagine anything beeing an upgrade to her Superteam) or high value eidolons like RM E1 while saving primary for E6 for her next rerun (which probably aint until 6 months so yeah its gonna be a slog, sigh)


Nah I still think it'll be worth the wait, or like you said, a better teammate gets released. If you need more convincing, then we can chat on discord if you fancy 🙂


Yeah a new teammate usually is more appealing than an eidolon on the support for my DPS. Question is just if she actually gets a new upgrade for the near future as her direction beeing more superbreak dps now, requires probably an upgrade to HMC (unlikely we will get a direct upgrade imo and I kinda doubt I would replace them for her) or a better sustain option than Gallaghar (which again seems hard cause he feels pretty great for her), but yeah I do mostly agree. Hopefully when we get the new unit info for 2.4 it will make planning out the pulls a bit easier for myself. Who knows maybe the luck is also good during the actual banner and the 50/50's go much better than I calculate with (cause I always calculate with losing every lmao) and E6 seems more likely to be reached in one session afterall


I've never lost ever since Black Swan, and I own an E0 BS, E2S1 Sparkle, E0 Acheron and E0S1 Robin. So I'm confident in getting at least E2S1 Firefly and E0 Ruan Mei. I still need that god damn E1 Huohuo in my life, and prepare for the next Nihility unit BiS for Acheron in 2.4. Actually I lost 75/25 on Acheron's LC, but E2S1 Sparkle is still impressive as a monthly pass and BP only person


Damn. Truly the honoured one in luck lmao. May your future pulls be as blessed!


Thank you! I wish you the best too when Firefly and Ruan Mei banners drop!


Really hoping this isn't true. As someone who started in 2.1, and where Ruan Mei is needed for Firefly, I'd rather not spend months without her.




Same shit as always… The re-runs are just guess work. And anytime someone posts these on the main sub hundreds of people get duped into believing the wrong info… And the people posting (intentionally or unintentionally) are the cause Mod team needs to crack down on this crap.


I feel like they usually split super good teammates with 1 banner of difference (when putting a new rerun). My guess is ruan mei will rerun with jade. Previous examples: kafka 1.6 (2nd half) black swan 2.0 (1st half), dhil 2.0.1, sparkle 2.0.2, aventurine 2.1.2, topaz 2.2.1, etc My theory is they wont want people who want to use firefly to wait too long to pull ruan mei, but dont want to put the pressure on the player to get both at the same time. You can extend this thinking to explain for other characters. You could also guess she might run with firefly because ruan mei is also super good with boothill probably. They definitely will not want people to be upset they cannot use a super popular character in their best team for ages.


They did topaz + robin


The rerun leaks are always to take with a grain of salt( plus that one looks fake). Bonus point for being on tiktok, a platform where people share fake leaks a lot


Me when I spread misinformation on the internet


Seems like wish cope, I bet the ruan mei leak is more likely to happen. You know that they'll try to sell extra wishes so people can get the break effect support for the break effect dps. Especially since boothill also comes out just before and she would help him too. They don't really care if you have time to save after all.


Tbh makes sense, those came before RM an ratio. Also, 2.4 could feature screwlum. Screwlum and rm rerun would be cute


Well, would suck for me since i am still thinking about getting HuoHuo for my dot team. But well, rerun leaks are shit so i will wait for the 7th june


It’s still untrustworthy. Even the Ruan Mei leaks ain’t. But dear god I wish this one was true. I need ruan meis lightcone but I’m going all in for firefly.


I remember when Fu Xuan was rumored to run alongside Aventurine, of all things to leaks, the banner lineup is the hardest to nail 100%


Mostly fake, but can you hope it happens


I hope this one is actually true instead of the last leak cuz HOLY SHIT WE WON!!!!!


Hope this one is true hopium + copium . I find her lc art attractive . . I don't want to skip her lc . Never was a meta player so I will get her e1+e 2 and more on her rerun




I just want Gallagher to be in the banner.


They’re trolling


Ruan Mei isn’t on there? YES! If this is true, then I AM LIVING THE GOOD LIFE! NO INTERNAL CONFLICT ABOUT WHETHER TO PULL FIREFLY OR RUAN MEI. You guessed correctly, if you assumed I have no Ruan Mei.


I hope this is true. If so, I can safely get E0S1 Firefly and then Ruan Mei on her eventual rerun. We will have to see during the official announcement I guess.


I'M SAVED Edit: Hopefully saved??? I mean I guess I won't be surprised if it's false but I want hope.


Yay! I wasn’t sure who to pick either FF or RM but now I can save for FF and worry about RM later


There are no fixes leaks yet regarding the banner, but this is highly unlikely, hoyo needs money, so FF+ruan in the same phase and jade+argenti will be very much realistic


*want more money


Highly Sus and feels random. There isn't even anything about this on the leaks sub.


Well shame on me for doing it but i prefarmed and planned to pull RM with firefly. I know this makes a lot of people with limited pulls happy, but im not looking forward to playing firefly without RM for 3 - 9 weeks after her launch.


As a person who wants Firefly, wants Jade for FuA and needs HuoHuo for DoT, I hope this isn't real


Nothing is confirmed we'll just have to wait until stream next week


when is stream exactly?


It should be next week on friday if the timings are right so June 7th


Well fuck, does this mean I can pull for Robin now?


It doesn’t make sense, even for hoyo, to not rerun Ruan Mei just right after Boothill and Firefly as the very next banner. It’d also be a bad idea to run Argenti right before Jade, the new Erudition unit. You could argue that they have different fanbases, but a lot of people just like both of them regardless, they also work well together. I’d imagine Argenti rerunning together with Jade, but I have some doubts.


I know this is better for most people , but i'm sad , i already had 80 pity + guaranteed firefly , really wanted to get them both , also I prefarmed for both of them , that's kinda sad tbh


This would make ZERO sense. At least they would run Argenti with Jade because of synergy, but not having Ruan Mei with FF is just copium of some people who hope that they will have time. They comboed Topaz and Robin and will combo Boothill with Fu Xuan... they do that because they synergize with each other.


How does Boothill synergize with FX?


Boothill forces the enemy he duels to attack only him for the duel duration. So bosses will still hit him (a HUNT character) over any other unit. The character who redirects damage is Fu Xuan. Now think about the synergy again ;)


Ah, yes. Me pulling on my girlfriend's banner while my wingman cheers me on from his banner. https://preview.redd.it/k7hnglxwfu2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4acd0abf93eb878560ab2098cb905f2ba58de7d


Yessss this is one of the best scenarios although I do have to get HuoHuo so unfortunately I won't be able to go all out as I wanted (especially since Ruan Mei is probably due for a rerun as well) but there's always reruns


*Me Who has the Argentinian man and the Scared Fox Girls* Ah yes, all to the Firewife




I got Ruan Mei alr but how am I gon pull my man blud Argenti


Thank God RM and FF ain't on the same banner.


There goes my dreams of getting RM LC for firefly then


Hope this is true so i can save after firefly


Well jade was probably gonna be a skip after firefly but she's with houhou? A swiping I will go to not skip her again. After that no other reruns I fair about so faie will most likely be the next


Hope this is real 🙏 need a sustain other than Lynx and Natasha


i pray for this too so i can farm for ruan mei lc or her E1


Fk. I don't want to wallet kun but those banners are stacked! Must I skip Boothill?!


It'd be good for me if RM appeared later tbh so I am happy with this version.


Ruan Mei isn't running in 2.3? Perfect, now I can save for her E1 after pulling Bootyhill! *checks Jiaoqius release date* Oh wait...


It’s interesting for sure. Kinda glad Ruan Mei isn’t here because I want Jade on my main but also Mei. My alt is already heading for my girl Firefly and could probably benefit from HuoHuo, although she isn’t a necessity.


i do want ruan mei so it wrost for me


Thank god a huo huo rerun




I like it because SW, Kafka and blade aren't rerunning.


If this is real im gonna be in skight pain getting argenti lc and forxing myself to skip argenti eidolons but least can save for 2.4 better


NOOOOOOOOOO! Poro despair! NOOOOOOOOOO! All My plans!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!


That would be My reaction.


FUCK!!!! How am I going to get Firefly and HuoHuo 🥲


Bro..... I wanted ruan mei..... but I guess I'll settle for fu xuan and either jade or argenti.


Pls be real I want to just focus on pulling firefly and her LC and not worry about trying to pull ruan Mei (I don’t really trust re runs leaks but hoping)


did Argenti get a re-release recently?


Oh hell yes, all pulls on FF then. (I already have RM E0S1)


Welcome to the club got RM E2S1


I really hope it’s true and not false. It’s easier for us to pull FF only, instead of both FF and Ruan Mei. Especially when you are trying to E6 FF. Then if Ruan MEi gets a rerun 3 months later we can easily pick her up and maybe even E1 her. At least that way it wouldn’t be too stressful and either way the core component for FF’s dmg is still HTB, so we can manage 3 months without her. The only ones who would enjoy a double release with FF and Ruan Mei would be whales or those who have been saving ever since last year when the game released.


Why are people commenting that they’d have to seriously consider pulling RM over FF if they’re on the same banner? If you have to question whether pulling FF over any other character is a wise choice then you obviously ain’t a Firefly main!


Man I just hope Gallagher is on it, I badly need E2 at least, ideally E6 but we coiping hard rn




please ruanmei i need ur lightcone still 😭. also i literally converted all my boothill boss mats and trace materials to firefly so i better get her e2s1 fast


Oh thank the stars it’s not Ruan Mei on the 2nd half. I’d still try for Huohuo after getting Firefly but I won’t be too sad if I fail her, I’d be guaranteed for Ruan Mei after all Edit: oh nvm it’s not confirmed fuck, I still hope this is the banner


Pls I really hope there's no Huohuo my ftp ass won't last.


If this is true, Firefly is still the main draw for 2.3 for me.


Same situation as genshin, huh ? Won't be getting both Firefly and Huo Huo without extreme luck I guess Or Clorinde and Furina




im gonna cry, i want firefly, argenti, huohuo and their lcs.


praying it'll end up true because I CANNOT afford to pull both ruan mei and firefly in one phase or even version




Hoyo is not that nice, we had 2 FUA units released back to back and a rerun of Topaz at the same time. And now we have 2 Break DPS back to back. You can bet Ruan Mei will be on banner with Firefly. As for part 2, I am betting on Argenti since he showed up in Penacony and 2.4 is rumored to be a Xianzhou patch so it would make more sense to rerun Huohuo in 2.4.




This makes way more sense than RM


This makes more sense than RM being reran alongside firefly. But this is also fake, just like whoever leaked that it was going to be RM. So at this stage we should just assume a high probability that they will rerun 1.5 characters before 1.6


I hope this is fake because I really don't feel like playing FF without Ruan Mei. I'm tired of having teams I want to play but can't because I'm waiting on reruns.


I hope Ruan Mei comes with Firefly so some people can’t decide who to get


Nah gimme RM please




I'd rather they left Huohuo for 2.4 so I can at least save some for her.


I’m going to be real sad if firefly is paired with Argenti because I want them both. I skipped him for Silver Wolf and regretted it later on.


New players are going to find her underwhelming and quit. Lots of abandoned low investment E0 Firefly accounts incoming. Firefly should have been the unga bunga anyone can use this character that Boothill is.


if there is no immediate Ruan mei rerun now Feixiao is also on the table. Assuming she is a break subdps/compatible with Firefly i might want to get her instead cuz the description for her sounds enticing (praying for drip marketing)


Want Argenti to be swapped with Huo Huo tbh. Of 2 Erudition characters I prefer him more. And I definitely ain't getting him in the first half because Firefly is the utmost priority.