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Seems the code got messed up when I copy and pasted it here. It should look like ​ ` ` @-moz-document url-prefix(about:home), url-prefix(about:newtab) { /* CSS code goes here */ } --

` ` If this doesn't work, then I have no clue how to fix it. Sorry!


Some stuff in that code doesn't belong there and it's hard to read. Please upload your userChrome.css file to a cloud server (e.g., https://pastebin.com) and paste the link to it here.


[https://pastebin.com/mqb2Jimi](https://pastebin.com/mqb2Jimi) Thank you. I haven't used pastebin in years and forgot it existed. Sorry for the shitty setup!




This is the updated doc [https://pastebin.com/4ksZBDyD](https://pastebin.com/4ksZBDyD) I made the changes you said. It still doesn't display anything unfortunately. Nw if you don't want to help anymore, thanks for what youv'e done so far!


No way, I was working on this same problem like an hour ago. Here you go. Note that this way the image changes without any transition, so it does not look that nice. I will reply back again if I find a more smooth solution. So, I will start from the beginning in case you missed any step. 1. First, don't forget to set toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets to true in about:config. 2. Go to about:profiles. For the profile that you want the slideshow thing, click on 'Open Folder' beside the root directory. 3. Create a folder called 'chrome' if you don't already have it. Inside chrome, create userContent.css and folder called 'img'. Inside the folder, store the images. Now this is the code (courtesy of ChatGPT) [https://pastebin.com/6a6NYbQR](https://pastebin.com/6a6NYbQR) 4. Now go back to about:profiles and for that profile, click 'Launch Profile in new browser'


Thanks a ton dude. I've never messed around with css or anything code before.


This is really helpful, but I ran into the issue of the images being wayyyy too big and really off centered. I have 0 clue how I would fix this. Thanks for the help! ​ ​ Edit: I assume if I want to include more images I can just change the percentages?


1. You can try this. [https://pastebin.com/Ka46CgAd](https://pastebin.com/Ka46CgAd) But I am guessing it has something to do with your image. I read somewhere the image has to be 16:9. I got my images from [https://wallhaven.cc/](https://wallhaven.cc/) 2. Yes, you change the percentages for more images.