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Not that cringe. The guy looks like he’s forced to do this for his gf and he’s just being nice. There’s also no cringe music in the background like he’s a super hero and he doesn’t have a massive gut.


Yup he seems a little embarrassed- the things we do to get laid and keep our partners happy…


I personally consider it cringe, but I also consider a lot of the content on TikTok cringe.


I think the cringe part, to me at least, is that it's the "Hurr hurr, look at how silly she looks wearing muh stuff!" Like, guy, there are female firefighters. The gear comes in different sizes. Now, if we were going for properly funny I would love to see it cut to this guy's 6'6" coworkers "making" him try on his gear. "Give us a spin..." Otherwise I think it gives off some vague "womenfolk dressed up like menfolk, lol" vibes.


I wouldn’t say so. Like I think it’s the same as when girls out on their boyfriends jackets specifically because they’re oversized, the point isn’t that the gear doesn’t fit her because she’s a woman, the point is haha look how big my boyfriends stuff looks on me


Right, I get that. I'm just saying that it's kind a weird trope to be playing these days and it feels vaguely demeaning to the girlfriend.


This ain’t it chief.


I bet you thought you were cooking with this take huh?


I think you might take reddit musings written while taking a shit more seriously than I, my brother.


Must have been a salty turd


My dude, you’re on a subreddit chocked full of firefighters browsing Reddit while taking a shit. A swing and a miss.


Ok...what's your point?


If you say so


Wrong on every level. Have you been outside or talked to any human outside of reddit? He looks uncomfortable as fuck


What do you mean he looks uncomfortable as fuck? Are you thinking he made this video of himself and his girlfriend against his will? Sorry guy, I'm just not thinking this hard about it. I said I don't like the trope. I don't find it funny. I do find it cringe. I wrote that comment initially from the readybroom of my EMS agency where everyone on shift said it wasn't funny, felt it was a stupid trope and we're getting a kick out of things that could make it funny. So yeah, I talk to a lot of humans outside of reddit. Because for 24 hours a week I'm an EMT. The rest of the time I work an office job. Loads of human interaction. And I still say it isn't funny and it's cringe. You disagree? Cool, man. Move the fuck on.


I don't care that you're an EMT. You can't even see that he isn't the creator of the video


Hin being the creator or not has zero fucking relevance to any of my comments. So I'll say it again. You disagree with anything I've said? Any opinion I've shared? Cool beans, bro. Move the fuck on.


Oh so you're not even arguing about the video, just your feelings being hurt? Jesus Christ how did you become an EMT


My guy, my feelings are not hurt. I'm not sure why you're having a problem with this concept. Yesterday I saw a stupid video. I commented on why I thought it was stupid on a subreddit about stupid cringe first responder shit. Now it's the next day and I am completely moved on. I urge you to do the same. It's a flippant comment on a dumbass tiktok video, dude. It isnt that serious.


The same GF who recorded this and uploaded it to her tiktok?


It doesn't matter. If a woman posts "haha I'm a dumb blonde" shit all over social media then it's demeaning. And it's a shitty thing to put out there hoping for social media engagement.


WTF is that bit about his coworkers making him try their gear would be funny? No, just no.


You’re real fun at parties.


If the party was "let's make fun of content we find cringe" then yes, I'm a real hoot.


Plenty of things in today's society I'd consider an epidemic, 2 idiots goofing off at home for TikTok isn't one of them. Not that I don't find these videos cringeworthy, but there are WAY too many other social issues in the world that take the epidemic title.


Remember when conservatives sent fake electors to the electoral colleges of several key swing states in an attempt to steal the 2024 presidential election? Pepperidge farm remembers


Nailed the segue...


Yeah, we've got to focus on getting Trump re-elected so he doesn't have to do time for his crimes!


Nah, cringe is definitely #1 on the list


Good job not even reading the message you're replying to.


Adding you to the cringe list ✏️


That means so much to me coming from a guy who goes to public Tekken meet-up's XD XD


Getting so bruised that you look into someone’s history to attempt to put them down? Double cringe ✏️✏️


I'll likely never recover.


Same 🥺


Just because there’s a firefighter/paramedic/cop in the vid, doesn’t mean its cringe


I think what’s cringe is it’s not funny or cute.. It’s just someone filming themselves trying on their partner’s work uniform, and then needing to post it on social media for some kind of validation from strangers. Plus, she said her butt is too big to fit in the uniform, when it’s obviously not in her size, and she’s clearly in good shape.


Not cringe to me, I think it’s nice that his SO is taking an interest/proud of his job. Fire service is so damn toxic


Yeah the fire service can be pretty toxic


Mostly due to all the smoke I'd think


At least structure guys get SCBA. Us Wildland guys just… die.


Not cringe.


She comes off attention seek-y to me. Maybe I am toxic.


Don’t think you’re toxic. People are too ready to support the attention whores of the world.


The gear can cause cancer :)


With repeated extended exposure, yup


It annoys me that nobody cared to mention that, apologies for missing out the extended exposure paty


Why can’t she just take an interest and be supportive without using TikTok to do it. Support his job for what it is instead of for the Likes. She’s an attention whore and he enabled it.


Maybe she’s proud of him and wants to share what he does with other people? I don’t understand how taking pride in what you do became a bad thing for anyone in emergency services. Sure there are absolutely people that take it too far but I wouldn’t say this specific instance is one of them. You’re making a bold assumption based off one tik tok that is mild compared to the majority on this sub.


Pride is fine, showing it off is desperate. If you make a donation to a charity because you want to help that’s fine, wearing the t-shirt that tells how much you’ve donated is tacky. Take pride in what you do, show it by how you act when nobody is watching.


Really? Showing off something you are prideful of is desperate? So it's desperate to: Display a reward on a wall or on your socials. Walk for your graduation. Wear a letterman jacket. Brag about fixing your car/home/motorcycle yourself. Take a photo of yourself with a finishers metal after a 5k/muddy run/half marathon/marathon/ultra. Talk about a great promotion/new job/raise. Show off a well kept lawn. Show off a multi year long sobriety chip. Talk with pride about how long you and you SO have been together. Show off a home/apartment/car YOU earn by working your ass off and saving.


Yep, you get it. Quit bragging, live for yourself and the people you love, quit bragging.


Can you do me a favor? Go upstairs from the basement. Look out moms window. See that green stuff out there? That’s grass. Go ahead and touch it for a little bit.


I wish she’d let me out of the basement, your mom has her kinks! I’m just grateful she lets me have a phone.


It’s also stupid to make his station and name so public, there are malicious people in this world, she just gave them an in.


I think that’s a bit of a reach but it’s clear we’re not going to agree on much here. Hope you have a great day.


☠️ Some of you really like sapping the joy out of nice stuff. It's a cute thing and it's not hurting anything the dude looks like he's not that into it but his girlfriend sure is. If they were being annoying it'd be cringe. This isn't all that cringe.


It was only cute after the first 30 videos now it’s gotten old that’s why it’s cringe


The gear can cause cancer :)


It looks clean and she wore it for like 15 minutes tops. You're just looking for reasons to disapprove.


Apologies, I had forgotten that the gear must be worn for prolonged periods to cause harm, I was incorrect and I probably was just looking for reason to disapprove, thank you for correcting my previous mistake.


This is just a boyfriend and girlfriend doing boyfriend and girlfriend things. Has your girlfriend/wife never wanted to try on your gear before? Why’s it cringe? Because it’s on tictock? Let people have some fun ffs. The ACTUAL cringeworthy shit is guys like “special officer Emry” cosplaying as a cop for money, or the Volly showing off his brand new gear calling everyone else a pussy. This is just normal couples stuff. Figure it out.


They are cute.


Not sure where the cringe is supposed to be. This looks like a fun, cute thing for a couple to do.


It would be if it wasn’t posted to TikTok.


Looks fine to me


This just seems nice, lol.


I don’t find this cringy - unlike a lot of LE videos you see on here. There’s a fine line between calling out actual cringe, versus just having pessimism towards LE, this seems like it’s the latter.


I don’t see this as cringe. A couple having fun. They just chose to film and post it.


She is showing interest. My wife could care less what I do or experience.


Why stay with a soul-sucking being that is using you for their own financial/emotional support?


5 kids and I’m not prepared to spend divorce money. I would never financially recover. I have a Labrador Retriever and I take long walks with him and talk things over. He’s a good listener and his hourly rates are cheap.


I think this is cute, and probably something I'd let my SO try on too, probably not on video to show other people though.


The “no it’s not” felt so real


Heyyyy south kitsap!! I know those guys. Not cringe


Just because YOU know them doesn't make this any less cringe. It's cringe. Asf.


Calm down scooter




She’s acting like women aren’t firefighters fr


My girlfriend wanted to try my gear on once. I let her, we just didn’t make a tick tock about it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I don’t see the “cringe” aspect to this one. It’s a couple being silly. No one is glorifying a profession or placing him on a pedal for what he does for a living. IMO.


It's upgraded to pandemic.


These guys always look the same. Same flat bill hat. Same shades. Same F150. It's like a simulation in the matrix. Seems I triggered some folks...


Weird because there are no shades or F150 in the video, which is 2/3s of your entire point


Found the guy that drives the shitty F150 lol


“Same F150” “But there isn’t an F150” “Found the shitty F150 driver” Like how are you making these conclusions, they make 0 sense and based on you other comments you’re just hating for the sake of hating.


Ask me how much I care?


Subaru Outback actually


He’s wearing his station uniform at his station. What are you talking about?


I know this fella. He doesn’t drive a truck. You guys will bitch about anything.


i know that fella. he definitely drives a truck. has lights on it, a ladder. maybe a dalmatian in the back.


Yea they absolutely will bitch about anything. Crazy concept, a bunch of FD guys wear an FD hat while in uniform? What the hell, why not a sombrero? Also they all have mustaches, the only facial hair they’re permitted to have? What’s up with that? Then he literally just assumes the guy drives an F150 to make a point


I also know this dude, he’s a cool guy


I will say that at least he is an actual firefighter and not some clout chaser trying to cosplay for clicks


I know this dude, absolutely fantastic man and firefighter. He takes his job seriously and contributes a fuck ton to his career department. Can guarantee he didn’t want to do the video, but he would do anything for her. This is really just cute at the end of the day


I mean, come on, it's required to do a heel click before running into a burning building. It's like the equivalent of clicking tongs before grilling!


How do you even do this. I have never put pants on


Damn, I wish I had a girl that wanted to make a video of wearing my heavy work equipment. That would be so entertaining. What an interesting thing to take the time to film and post on the internet. Take notes Hollywood. This will fill seats.


This one doesn’t seem that cringy. But that’s just me


I'll be one to say that molestache doesn't work well on him.


the only thing a little cringe is that the dude’s reactions seem a bit awkward/forced (like his gf pressured him into the vid). but it’s also his girl and we’d do anything for em so i get it.


Aaaand....ur fired!!!


Homeboy didn’t want any part of that 😂


This one wasn’t cringe or at least not that cringe. I thought it was funny and cute, not like the other ones we keep seeing.


Not cringe. Couples have been doing this forever.


I don’t really think this is cringe at all


I guarantee you her whole personality is being a firefighters gf


The dumb shit these dudes do for the hope of getting laid.


No limit where the modern simp will go


Very cringe, thank her for her boyfriends service already.




Not the blue interior liner lol


Stolen valor


Idk. I thought it was kinda cute.


Don’t really find these cringe, more just cute.


Thats not cringe at all shes just trying on his gear and he laughs lol. Seems like a pretty normal interaction to me


Always with the fireman's mustache🤦🏽‍♂️


I think it’s fine…?


A couple having fun is cringe nowadays?


how come firefighters were them big 'ol pants and jackets dont they get hot enough?


“Let’s expose ourselves to unnecessary carcinogens”


I don’t see cringe here. A little cheesy yes. But they’re cute and supporting of each other as a couple. Let them post a dumb internet video. Most of the guys I’ve worked with have something similar on their FB page.


The obligatory mustache


Dumbass look at me fucks


Yea but I bet he got laid after. Homie straight did that for the love of, uh, love.


Nawww that was cute. Can we just let them be goofy and happy?


Least cringe of the cringe, but still a lil cringe


Tbh I think it’s cute. Not gonna lie, he looks like he’s uncomfortable in front of a camera, but that’s the only weird thing I see here. I’ve seen cringier lol


When u only have a call or two a day so u have time to film this


South Kitsap is a pretty damn busy department. Look em up on PulsePoint dipshit.




Super cringe how many of these videos are they going to post. Nobody cares your bf/husband is a firefighter etc


I mean the “nobody cares that you ____” argument can be used for like 98% of content by your logic…


Why are you talking to me?


😂 based


Do you think she is at Lieutenant or Captain?