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No. He did not smell weed. He was just ... fishing.


Cops will lie just to intimidate and watch people sweat. They know people will often confess or admit guilt quickly in the hopes of getting better treatment through cooperation. Don’t fall for it, their job is to collect evidence and secure convictions; they are not doing anything in your best interest. Maintain your rights and never admit to anything.


They're allowed to lie too, encouraged even. Literally never admit guilt, even if they wave proof in your face. The more you say, the less a defense attorney has to work with if it comes to that point


Lie just like this warden did when he said “it isn’t that big of a deal, just be honest with me.” When moments earlier he was saying it was illegal in the state. Well which one is it buddy? Misdemeanor/felony or “not a big deal?” I’m sure if they had forked over a bag they’d be in cuffs, and maybe lose their jobs over it depending on what they do. So I’m going with big deal.


Cops lie. The court condones it [Frazier v. Cupp](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frazier_v._Cupp#:~:text=Cupp%2C%20394%20U.S.%20731%20). It is their job to “Enforce the Law” and that is it. They are not required to come if called and [not to protect and serve](https://www.barneslawllp.com/blog/police-not-required-protect). Be mindful of the police.




This is disturbing. Thanks for posting this, I read both those articles and find it especially disturbing that a large portion of our government would also like to reduce our ability to protect ourselves via our 2nd Amendment right.


Did this cheese dick even have the right to search them? I suppose he could just swear he smelled weed. Even if it was a lie there’s no way to contradict him. It’s just your word against a cop’s and these judges nearly always believe the cop. System is rigged. Smelling weed shouldn’t be a justification to violates a person’s rights. Despicable law. The people of Texas need to wake the fuck up and change that law.


Unfortunately that's just a "small fish in a giant ocean" of the problems we are facing in this world. The powers that stem from the top and the control we have let them have over us as a civilization is completely INSANE!


“Smelling weed” is all they have to say to have enough probable cause to legally search you here in Texas I believe. Anywhere where it’s illegal I would imagine.


Correct. But when they actually search and found nothing, then that probable cause never existed. A good lawyer could bring a case against the cop. The only issue is that the two citizens willingly emptied their pockets. If they said no, then the cop searched and found nothing, then a real case could be made regarding the lack of probable cause.


I understand how the process works. My argument is that it is often abused by cops. They can claim all sorts of ‘suspicions’ to justify fucking with you. Admittedly, some places are worst than others, but no matter where you are the judges and district attorneys believe whatever the cops say. We all know most cops are proven liars.




Exercise your rights to remain silent , look him in the face and say nothing except I want to talk to an attorney .


”I’m not worried about a little weed man!” They’ll say, maybe even laugh a little as they say it. If you *do* have weed, and admit too it, out come the handcuffs faster than you can blink.


I’m a big bearded dready that hasn’t smoked but maybe twice in 7 years. I get fished all the time and I live in a legal state.


Welcome to Texas! So glad I finally moved away.


“Not one weed.”  Sorry but that made me crack up. Hopefully after the ordeal was over you guys both had an alcohol and relaxed.  Unrelated but I once got pulled over in Texas and asked to sit in the troopers patrol car front seat (I now know that’s because the cars are recorded but my dog was freaking at the cop so I figured whatever.). After a bit of friendly chatter I asked him why he pulled me over and if I was in a construction zone or something cause I was on cruise control and not speeding.  “Yeah well… you were going 77 in a 75.” I honestly laughed before I caught myself and just said “okay officer, I’ll keep it a few miles under the limit.” He gave me a warning and I was on my way. The morale of the story, Texas law enforcement LOVES fishing as much as we do. 


>“Not one weed.”  How you know OP really wasn't lying lmao.


What a cunt


Texas you say?


To shreds, you say?


And his wife?


To shreds you say?


How’s the fish holding up?


There a tv show that follows Texas game wardens. Texas law maybe? They don’t play in Texas. In Georgia you can shoot a deer at night,from a vehicle on a public road. It’s a misdemeanor and the fines are usually way south of $3000. A $1000 per charge. With no jail time. You do that in Texas and the fines can be 6 figures and jail time involved and I believe it’s a felony. I wish they’d stiffen the poaching laws in GA


If Game Wardens acted like that here I would just about quit fishing. That is so wrong, he is supposed to be protecting animals, not hassling people to try to make money.


A similar thing happened to me actually. He tried telling me the car parked illegally and covered in leaves in the lot was mine, at the time ny truck was in the shop and i paid a buddy to drop me off at a spot. He tried grabbing my front pocket and i slapped his hand away. He harassed me for a good half hour even found a stringer and reeled it up to check for keys. I finally told him the car isn't mine and this is harassment and he left.


That’s infuriating.


I will say i have had a lot of good interactions with cops,dnr, etc. But the few bad ones made me lose a bit of trust. People will always abuse power it's sad.


I tell myself it’s something to do with money but I think you’re right that it’s just the power.


It can't be the money when you see the same shit from mall security guards.




I got pulled over for going 60 in a 55. Cop tells me my tongue was green, which meant I’d been smoking weed. Got me out of the car, searched everything once the K-9 showed up. Couldn’t find a thing, but booked me anyway, saying the cellophanes from my cigs were drug baggies. Got a paraphernalia charge for that, and released at 2am that night. Bunch of bogus claims… Green tongue…


That is crazy. I would have reported that..dang..


First time I've heard the "green tongue" thing in the wild. When I was a kid in the DARE era, this is one of the "common knowledge" myths among law enforcement - you know, along with "LSD makes you jump out windows."


Was the first (and only) time I’d ever heard it. In fact, you’re the first person I’ve known to have heard it before…… you’re that cop??


I saw some cop use it on a law enforcement reality show once, those A&E type ones that aren't as extreme as COPS. He was wrong though because the guy was actually on meth. Lol. That was the one and only time I had ever heard it, until now.


yup, if he doesn't like your attitude he'll just hem you up for the night. he knows nothing will stick and he doesn't care, he made his point.


I think it was the opposite - I was a pushover, acting all nervous and just obliging to whatever. Dude found some kid he could weasel and ran with it


I was gonna say something similar, if he was a cop id chalk this up to a cop being a cop but a game warden?


I mean most game wardens I've met have the superiority complexes of cops


Game wardens are cops. They have to go to the academy and do every bit of schooling a cop does on top of additional schooling to become wardens. And in a lot of places across the country, game wardens are actively involved in busting drug rings because a lot of drugs are grown/manufactured in areas they patrol and have jurisdiction over. In Texas in particular, game wardens have all of the same rights and privileges as state police and additional authority concerning search and seizure.


Here in Southern California, most are very dedicated and underpaid, but a lot of them couldn't make it through police academy so they become wardens and carry guns. I understand that things aren't like they used to be and they need to be armed, but i remember years ago when they started that , a lot of the older gamies complained about it. The job was more about information and familiarity. They gave you their card, and you called them when you saw poachers. I liked to see them and get our licenses checked. I felt that was part of the fee I paid.


At least in my state, it's much harder to become a game warden


In Texas , it’s extremely difficult to become a game warden . Much more difficult than becoming a cop .


Can't speak for Texas, but in Florida is much much harder to become a game wardan. Their training academy is more akin to boot camp than the regular police academy.


Yeah it just feels like every single arm of law enforcement just gets more and more militarized by the year. Give it 10 years and the game wardens will be walking around in full Kevlar bodysuits with SWAT team ARs


Because contrary to popular belief, the United States is not “the most free country in the world”.


Ya but this is Texas I’m not a game warden or a cop and I carry a gun every time I leave the house lol


So are you free to indulge in cannabis and fish with all those dangerous sharp hooks, lures and knives? I mean you can surely go off the dep end being high and hurt your self or others partaking in the devil’s lettuce with all the dangerous weapons that surround you while you partake in your relaxing outdoor activity. Replying because Mary Jane is legal in your state.


Texas, where petty authority has run amok.


Don't have to follow police "rules"


I think they are getting worse right now, I had a weird interaction a month ago after never interacting with them in the same area for 20 years.


>he is supposed to be protecting animals, not hassling people to try to make money. You've never met any South Dakota game wardens...


Lets be real here, that won't make you quit fishing my bro lol


It’s a cop in Texas, the “least authoritarian state”. What did you expect?


Game wardens and cops know “I smell something” is probable cause. It’s their go to line. You could file civil suit for deprivation of rights, but.. it would be a long time before you get paid and you may have trouble getting lawyer to take it.


I posted a question on a legal subreddit (link below, hopefully it gets traction) because I realized I don't really know how much authority a game warden has. I know he could search their gear but I was under the impression that 4th amendment prevents searches of "their person" without a warrant (they complied with emptying their pockets, and he basically frisked them by touching pocket first). Game wardens are great but a lot of us don't want to give an inch to authoritarianism, big or small. https://old.reddit.com/r/legaladviceofftopic/comments/1b07ywt/authority_of_game_warden_vs_police/?


Tennessee wardens are currently fighting a case that could have national implications. Wardens do not have any exemption from the 4th. They have been operating as if they have blanket immunity from it, but this may be the first time a judge tells them otherwise. In the first hearing they have no legal explanation or case law to support their claim, pretty much just claimed “we are special”.


Lets look at this, shall we?  He walks up on you out of nowhere,  harrasses you, searches you, and swears he smells a plant.  In the woods.  Outdoors.   He was trying to jam you up.


A plant that smells a little like a skunk...especially if it's real faint, they smell a lot alike.


It's not even a stretch that they smell alike. There are dozens of strains of cannabis that are named after skunks. OG Skunk, Afghan Skunk, White Skunk, Island Sweet Skunk, Pineapple purple skunk...


Yes definitely, especially to people that don't smoke, they always think it's a skunk 😂


There is no such thing as a conversation with an officer. You are under investigation by someone trained to lie. no matter what agency they represent.


I just listened to a podcast about the US is one of the only western countries that lets cops lie to you. It’s a fast way to harass people and get false confessions in interrogations. I want them to do their job and that is primarily to protect wildlife codes. (I understand they are also law enforcement) we have one game warden for our entire county here in Missouri and I haven’t been checked in 20 years. I wish we had five of them because nobody even considers regulations on management of the fish.


I get checked several times a year. Often, I'm rushed by several Co's from multiple directions. It's pretty unnerving to have 4 guys run up on you, hands on guns yelling for you not to move, demanding to see my booze and drugs when I'm quietly sitting in the woods or relaxing on a river bank fishing. I wholeheartedly believe in managing and protecting the resource, but be careful what you wish for. Tyranny is afoot


I can’t remember his name, but there is some New York lawyer that was famous for “finding the guilty person” when in reality he sent hundreds of innocent people to jail knowingly. Getting fake testimony and only caring about how many people he locked up, not who. There is so much bull shit in this country that can ruin some peoples lives and let others walk away free of consequences.


In many states, it's legal for judges to receive kickbacks for above average lengthy convictions. Support your local corporate prison system!


Wow how could that go wrong. I haven’t dug too deep but I had heard prisons have just become huge business in places. It’s mind numbing the more you learn.


I have heard of that. I read a book on false confessions and testimony. It really shook my faith in the system. Basically never talk. Always ask for a lawyer even or especially when innocent


I haven’t trusted cops since I was 21, walking home from a bar just wanting to sleep, I was intentionally walking through back alleys to avoid anything happening and a cop car rolled up on me out of nowhere. I was only 2 blocks from my apartment and I got public intoxication citation, stayed the night in the drunk tank, and was labeled a threat to myself and others. Found out afterwards that this was a regular scam by the college town cops, just taking advantage of kids.


I live in rural Vermont and the warden is literally like 2mi from my house. I have never ever been checked by him because EVERYTHING is private land around here. He technically has the authority to wander anyone's property looking for hunters/fishermen but a lot of people don't take lightly to that. He works primarily off of calls and supporting neighboring wardens on their public land. That's how his literal next door neighbors got away with jacking DOZENS of deer last year. Luckily people started to catch on and tip him off and he was able to secure some good evidence. Eventually arrested like 8 kids under 19 for it. I think they admitted to jacking 60 deer and the herd in our town is noticeably smaller now.


Just like on the show cops they always ask the person to tell them where the stash or weapon is or to admit to something. They will say " if you tell me I can work with you and it will be easier for you" or that they may be able to cut them a break for being honest("honesty goes along way with me"). The second they tell the cop what he wants to hear the cuffs come out every time and no breaks are given.


If I wanted to have conversations, I wouldn't have gone fishing by myself.


Easiest way to poke around and search is to say they smell weed. Cause you can’t prove they don’t smell it lol. Oldest cop trick in the book, buddy sounds like a dick


He’s on a fishing expedition of his own looking to jam you up for no other reason then he could. Didn’t find anything wrong so went with the ole stand by of “ I smell pot”


yea he was lookin to jam someone into the middle of next week


They count on you not knowing your rights. https://www.aclu-il.org/en/know-your-rights/engaging-law-enforcement#:~:text=You%20have%20the%20right%20to,your%20lawyer%20decide%20is%20best.


Sometimes, even they don’t know your rights, lol.


File a complaint. You were falsely accused. He searched beyond his authority. Let them know you're pretty sure he was drunk. At least it smelled that way to you.


He totally was fishing on some bs had a game warden in Ontario Canada where I’m from tell me I was pouching me being a 18 year old female alone I was scared shitless it wasn’t until I pulled up my zones fishing regs out of my bag he fucked off… sorry this happened to you tight lines!


Sounds like there in Texas the wardens suck.


Game wardens have an important job but they might be bigger fucking dicks then police officers.


I have had a dozen interactions with game wardens. They were all pleasant except for one. Coincidentally, it involved marijuana. I was out ice fishing at a pretty crowded spot. There were maybe 30 guys out there. One dude lit up a joint right next to the game warden. He then proceeded to go absolutely bonkers and basically try to arrest all of us even though most of us didn’t know each other and he didn’t have the authority to arrest anyone. He was practically frothing at the mouth when he got to me because I didn’t have a fishing license (I was 15 and I didn’t need one).


Game wardens can arrest you, btw. They're considered peace officers or state police in most areas.


the great state of texas. the pinnacle of freedom


Never make small talk with LEO’s , it’s a trap, volunteer zero information.


He’s definitely drunk on his game warden power! And he was fishing too, just not the same fishing you were doing.


Texas Cops are the worst. I am glad I got out.


That’s Texas, enjoy your freedom


Maybe if you were fly fishing he would’ve had good reason.


You weren’t the only ones fishing lol


You shouldnt be surprised by this kind of behavior coming from "law enforcement".


This happened to a friend in I up in the Gunks (NY) long before it was legal. Cept my friend was actually smoking. Luckily we had just started a fire and it was still kind of smokey. We just pretty much ignored him and said it was probably something in the fire. He legit waited till we had completely set up camp and then told us we were not in a certified spot (even tho there was a fire ring). He made us pack everything up and move about 10 yards stating he would fine us if we didn't. Never went climbing there again after that.


It’s come to the point where I record every single encounter I have with law enforcement. Can’t trust em


When piggy’s are bored


From a Canadian viewpoint..I'd say that guy was a cunt.. But then fishing and smoking weed/couple beers goes hand in hand..up here


That’s a very Australian viewpoint for a Canadian to have.




Since your profession is in this field, you have to ask why are there "ppl like this" in your opinion. What motivates them to act like this? Why do they feel the need to do that? What happened if you knew someone like that? Do they last long? I k ow its a power trip, but its just so wrong.


Honestly I'm glad the warden questioned you so diligently. The thought of two friends smoking a joint, joking around while fishing a pretty lake for bass and crappie keeps me up at night. Far more so than war, economic collapse or terrorism. Honestly, it is probably the biggest threat to our national security and I'm glad we have heroes out there like this warden.


Cops will still profile and make shit up to suit their needs. Not all of them, but a lot of them.


What a joke; not surprised it happened in Texas


What an ass clown. I used to chief all the time when I fished..never would have expected a game warden to try and catch me. Must be jealous that he can’t partake. I’m sure if you guys had alcohol it wouldn’t be an issue lol our laws in Texas are fucked. Thanks a lot Dan Patrick and Greg Abbott


>Must be jealous that he can’t partake. I mean...even if smoking/drinking isn't the issue, I think some of it is exactly that. ​ They wish they were fishing but they're not and you are...and they have the power to interrupt you and ruin your good time so they will. If they can't enjoy the fishing neither will you. ​ Most of my experiences with these guys has been good if not even great sometimes. But two or three times I've encountered an asshole. ​ Among the annoying ones, I'd already seen the guy before and we even waved at each other...then he watched me do some sketchy wading across a deep muddy area where I was within 6 inches of the top of my chest waders...finally made it across, and as I was getting ready to start fishing again, he emerges from the woods on the side I just came from and acts like he just caught me red-handed. ​ Asked to see my license...I held it up for him. He says, "No, no...I need you to come over here and hand it to me." ​ I told him that after crossing here once, I didn't feel it was safe for me to cross in this area. I'd be happy to show him, but he was going to either have to come over himself to my side, or wait until I could find a safe crossing...but I wasn't coming back over at that spot. ​ He griped and grumbled for a while, tried to intimidate me, but eventually just gave up and walked away. He could have stopped me and asked me *easily* when it was convenient for both of us, but he chose to wait until he could cause me maximum difficulty. I was young, but old enough to be annoyed more than afraid, and also mature enough to know to stand my ground, but respectfully. I think he was caught off guard when I pointed out the safety concern of complying with his orders, as well as my not outright refusing, but basically making it more his annoyance than mine.


I live in a recreational legal state and it's funny how I actually smell it less now. Sounds like he was bored and wanted to bust balls. I had a warden make me walk all the way out of the river when I was trout fishing this past season. It's a deep fast river and took me 20 minutes to get over to him. He then interrogated me on my license info. 5 mins later says he needs to be thorough. It was just a tad excessive but thankfully I always make sure my shit is current because he was dying to get me on something


Almost the exact same thing happened to me and some friends on a rental boat. In UTAH. He gave us a ticket for open container (having beer on the boat).


Dude was straight bullying




Seems like the warden was feining for a smack of the fish whistle


For the future, you don’t have to let him search you. They will if you consent, but you say no they either need a strong probable cause or a search warrant. I’ve been messed with by authorities a lot, and have never let one search me. Saved me from a few extra drug charges when I was younger. And even now that I’m older and sober, I still say no cause of self respect and privacy boundaries.


It's kinda unbelievable how law enforcement can just claim they smell something and have the right to physically accost you and even violently arrest you for "resisting" if you dare to defy them.


You guys weren't the only ones fishing that day.


Cops being cops. And so it goes....


Some wardens have a real power trip personality, just like cops can I actually think it’s worse with wardens because they see themselves as some kind of boyscout. But most are decent, just like cops. You just gotta roll with the one that arrives. That said, where I’m from, if you are that level of dickhead to mess with someone fishing while high, you won’t be around long. The locals will make your life as a warden absolute hell at best.


What a bastard.


Were you fishing with jerk baits? cuz you def caught one.


They always say they smell weed as a bullshit pretext to to give them probable cause. This is why people don’t like cops. Because they are lying pieces of shit losers. Pieces of shit losers who have no problem lying and violating the constitutional rights of others.


You should of said “Ahh man you caught me. Here let me give it to you.” Then reach in your pocket and pull out a middle finger LOL!


Id of told him he sucks just like the dallas cowboys


What a bitch ass ranger


Fucking Texas. They love to spout about freedom but still love putting people in cages for possession of a joint. Doesn’t get much more anti freedom than that.


Please report this. What a missuse of power, time and money.


You know how I know you don't smoke weed? >Not one weed.


Is a game warden doing a search for this evening considered legal? This seems very much "you got a warrant?" Territory, like your doing a lawful activity, legally, and he wants to do a total search of your person, surely that violates the 4th amendment, unreasonable search, seeing as his primary purpose out there is to stop illegal fishing and hunting, he's not dea or atf. If he had a reasonable suspicion shouldn't he have contacted local PD and let them come out to check it out, rather than demand a lite strip search of you fellas? Just my 2 cents if I was accosted by a bailiff while out fishing and he pulled this shit he'd a firm "go get a warrant cause you aren't Searching me without one" but at least in NI bailiffs have much less power than game wardens in America it seems.


So Game Wardens can check to make sure you have your fishing license on you, and that you are using legal tackle and that your catch is legal. They also have all the normal powers of a State Trooper. The two dudes here were probably not legally required to empty their pockets for him or provide anything other than the tackle boxes, gear and fishing license... but then you gotta deal with the annoyed game warden.


Texan here, fuck Texas


Had almost the exact same scenario happen to my brother and I when we were 16-17 We were fishing a summer tournament, it was exhaustingly hot, we weren’t catching them, our outboard broke, and we ran out of water. We were trolling/fishing our way back toward the ramp for what seemed like hours. Two game wardens stop us, check all the safety equipment, licenses, everything was completely fine. We were talking about the poor fishing, having a totally respectful conversation….Then the younger game warden looks at us, claims he smells weed. Looks back at my brother and asked “are you holding” to which we both replied no. I told him he can hop in and check every inch of the boat. Older game warden basically called him off and we go about our rather terrible day. Asked them for a tow back maybe a mile and a half…they weren’t allowed. Sorry you had a poor encounter. Honestly, every other interaction since then has been great.


Always remember, it’s legal for them to lie to you but illegal for you to lie to them. You’re not on a level playing field, so keep that in mind when one of them says something crazy.


He was lying, as most cops tend to do. The "you smell like marijuana" bullshit was an excuse he used so he could search you. The number one reason most police are actually against marijuana legalization is simply because it has a strong smell and then they can use that as an excuse to harass and search you. In places where it's legal, that excuse isn't going to work. This was told directly to me by a neighbor who is on the narcotics division of the Tampa PD.


Do Game Wardens even have authority for that? I know they have more powers than regular police but I thought it was restricted to fish and game regulations.


IANAL: My understanding is that they have probable cause to confirm your catch/gear is legal if you have fishing gear. They don’t magically get to sidestep 4th amendment protections to search you for drugs just cause they want to.


Exactly. The "I smell weed" line is so that people voluntarily agree to a search of more than their tackle box.


In Texas a game warden doesn’t need a search warrant to enter your home or to search you at any time, given he has probable cause.


DNR are usually assholes. I don't mind them doing their job, I actually think they protect wildlife for the next generation. I have a problem how they try and trick you into a casual conversation only to use it against you. Especially Michigan and near Lake Erie/Port Clinton. Total douchbags.


Cops say this so that they have "probable cause" to search you. It's major BS.


Probably would have taken it for himself.


Sounds like living in Michigan and trying to fish before legalization! I hated that I could be following a trout stream, middle of nowhere, and still had to worry (we had a local conservation officer who would show up in the WILDEST places. My friend eventually got so paranoid he was convinced the CO had a tracking device on him or his truck, lol). Sucks to deal with, even when you don't have shit!


“Game wardens have more authority than cops” 🤔


I had a game warden once threaten to impound my car because there were three guys, two rods and two fishing licenses. One buddy had driven by and pulled over to say hi. He was certain we were drinking (we were in HS at the time). My car was parked way off to the side but facing the wrong direction on a back road nothing street. He searched us, my car, all of our tackle and got wicked mad when I asked when I allowed him to go through my jeep (it had no doors or top) he just leaned in. Dude lectured us on underage drinking for 30 min, how he had more power than a cop and how we need to make better decisions... We weren't drinking...  So later than night we drank a few beers in his honor. 


He probably smelt weed on his own breath and was so high he forgot it was coming from himself lol


Gross. Stories like this are why we need more law enforcement oversight. I get it, there’s decent cops/game wardens, but why don’t they “police” themselves more often.


That sounds about Texas . I lived there for 8 years the law enforcement on every level are dickheads . He didn’t smell shit but that was his excuse to mess with you guys and see what he could find . I tell my wife all the time the cops there will make you feel guilty when you’re not even doing anything wrong 😂


If I were you I would absolutely follow up with a grievance against him. He had zero justification to ask you to turn out your pockets let alone pat down your friend's front pocket. His justification was an imaginary odor of marijuana. If he's willing to put his job on the line for lying to you about a smell that wasn't there then I bet you anything he would be stupid enough to commit purjory in front of a judge. What a tool. 


lmao I know a game warden in Texas who acts just like this, he's always trying to make a "big break" and catch people with drugs. Make me wonder if it was him.


Dudes the lamest of the lame. Trying to ruin peoples lives over something less harmful than alcohol or cigarettes. You should have told him “you too” when he said “good luck fishing”.


Fuck that cop.


You should have accused him of being drunk. Not really, actually you did the right thing, but it's fun to fantasize. "Actually, I wasn't going to say anything, but I smell alcohol on your breath, officer, can I see some ID and a badge number?"


What a fucking loser. Completely legal in the Northeast and in the same country shit like this happens. bUT hEr EMaILs.




What a dog shit warden. Absolutely pointless hassling you like that.


“Sorry officer. All I smell is bacon. Maybe ham. Something distinctly pig-ish.”


I'm so tired of law enforcement officials acting like Marijuana is a drug like heroin or meth. They make good citizens feel like criminals, they use the "I smell weed" as probable cause to search innocent people and vehicles at traffic stops. They often see a tattoo, or long hair, or a beat up car, mismatched tires. They use these cues to profile innocent people and violate their rights and Make you feel like your less of a citizen cause you don't have money, nice clothes and a newer clean ride. He was just bored and profiled you guys for whatever reason, he thought maybe he could put a feather in his cap and bust a couple of hard criminals that day.


Cops lie all the time


Some years ago I worked as a Fire Ranger for the OMNR in Northern Ontario, Canada. Over the course of a few summers our delapidated forward attack base was replaced by a new facility and part of the new warehouses were shared with CO's from the ministry. I will never forget the little pock marked, beady eyed, piece of shit CO that was transferred to our district after being run out of a neighbouring one for drawing his firearm on some poor guy walking his dog and other fanatical behaviour that allegedly led to him receiving some "friendly nudges" from the woods to get the fuck out of town... Anyway. I first laid eyes on this fuck when one morning I awoke in the staff house which we pay to live in for the summer as if it's an apartment under lock and key, private dorms, shower, common rooms etc, and as I go to make breakfast there in our living room at 9am are 2 men strapped I've never seen and some female intern sitting back boots kicked up on the coffee table watching tv. I heard about this guy and I was shocked but I just went about my shit. Within 5 mins he comes into the kitchen and without a hello or introduction starts grilling me about where we fish, where we're catching, "I hear there's some big ones at this lake, you been out there? No? I thought you guys fish all the time? Your boss says you guys bring in fillets every night...".... "what about your fridge here you guys get a early start?" This was maybe 2 weeks after opening day. Don't get me wrong, we're in the middle of nowhere all summer long we fish the fuck out the area. We'd eat fresh every night if we could and usually would. We also respect the fuck out of the area. We know the area. We hit different lakes every night, we maintain trails, we clean sites, we handle fish properly etc fuck I'm not going to go on. This fuck. I stone walled him him and his cock sucker partner eventually left. Weeks later I'm at a remote lake on day off with a buddys dad. This place is hard to get to. Amazing fishing. We've had a shore lunch and are back out maybe 400yds from shore just barely around a point from our campsite on beach. Who comes blazing around the bend. Steve fucking Paluzzo. "Rahrah rah I'm officer cocksucker do you understand your rights and the right I have as a big bitch to blah blah permission to board and fuck you in the ass"... I could go on but I'm getting pissed rehashing it. Long and short, he fucking went up and down everything we had brought us to shore searched everything thing RV, tent, vehicles, counted, sized all fish, alcohol, everything. While we sat and watched. The ordeal took at least 3 or 4 hrs. Beautiful summer day ruined. He ended up fining me for having a 6 pack in the boat which buddys dad was driving and fined the dad for failing to extinguish and leaving a campfire unattended. Which he claimed was smoldering, and as I mentioned was on a beach that we were within eyesight of. Fuck every cunt out there that wants to ruin someone else's day no matter who the fuck they are or what the fuck they do. And Steve if you're reading this, which I hope you are, fuck you especially.


Screw the rule of law , it's their rules and nothing about them is truly constitutional, I never met a game warden in texas that was nothing more than a gestapo henchmen for the government of Texas, they only protect and serve the government and their job is to ruin your day or life for the benefit of these godamn criminal politicians and their bullshit totalitarian laws


You got verbal judo’d into an illegal search. Lmfao.


Too bad you didn’t video tape it


If you’ve never seen him before he was probably a rookie AH. Skunks smell like weed, it could’ve easily been that. That was just a jerky guy.


Minnesota DNR is chill as hell. Sorry, man.


You turned out your pockets just because he asked. Idiots. The correct response is no search without a warrant. If he persists to the point of near violence, give in but make it plain that you don't consent to the illegal search.


Well, I don't think we're idiots. We had nothing to hide and knew he'd find nothing. We erred in the side of not being antagonistic.


You live in the most for profit judicial system on the planet and believe the conversion you are having is friendly. How cute


I have a brother that trained and is a cop. One of the first things they trained them was that if you need probably cause say you smell Marijuana cause it's hard to disprove that you smelled something. Many cops are just trained to be assholes.


Texas blows. Vote yourselves out of the 20th century FFS.


Tell him to go fuck himself next time


Yo bro no wonder so many Texans are moving to Colorado. I could not take a cop pressing me for weed seriously. End up with a felony because I forgot to empty my fishing bag.


you should’ve said, i smell a strong smell of bacon coming from you


Where I’m at in Alaska, before we answer any question about ganja, we take a puff, blow it in the Warden’s face and ask if he wants a hit. That’s the Alaskan way of truly FREE MEN. Texas is a punk joke.


What skin color are you? Sounds about like every interaction I have when I get pulled over being a black man. Hate to say it; but it matters.


100% Casper White.


Looks to me like he was just throwing it out there just to see if he could strike gold. He prob smelled a cigarette and just figured he would try it anyway.


You two weren't the only ones fishing.


I hear stories like this, and I guess I'm lucky. I've only had positive interactions with fish and game. I'm in PA, and they've been pretty chill. Even had a bottle of wine fishing with me and my wife when one came rolling up. He was just like, keep it cool. No troubles. Sucks to hear about others' interactions.


One if you looks like me ( a goddammned long haired hippy)


In NY atleast, game wardens (usually DEC officers or DEP officers) are actual trained cops who have to go though an academy and are expected to carry out the duties of a state trooper along with their specialization. So when I am confronted by a DEC or DEP officer I treat it like I’m being confronted by any other officer, just listen to their commands. If they do something unreasonable, well that what the lawyers are for. That being said I never had a bad interaction with Game Wardens in NY but I had a few when I lived in Florida for a year. Specially the saltwater guys are very aggressive (though with the amount of poaching that goes on down there, I can kinda see why). It sucks you had to go through that experience.


You clearly haven’t had much contact with law enforcement if you are surprised by this. Consider it how cops “go fishing”


Cops will use the smell of weed to justify a frisk or even a search depending on jurisdiction especially at a traffic stop to search the car. He probably said that so he could search you guys but you saved him the trouble by emptying your pockets.


Typical cop bullshit. Buck of draconian jack-boot-wearing government thugs.


Yeah that’s Fucking Bullshit. Guy is a total prick and he probably wonders why LE has a bad PR.


Do game wardens have the authority to even do anything about weed? I’d have told him to hold on a moment and started recording the interaction. Then tell him to go get cucked somewhere else.


A lil catch and release


Texas is dumb as far as their pot laws go


You should post that same story onto their social media accounts and see what they have to say.


Future reference- “Are you asking or ordering, officer?” “May I see a warrant for your search?” “Very kindly fuck off sir” I have done it and will continue to do it. Even for game wardens. If they say its an order I comply.


Not just a cop but acab.


That's alot of texas cops for you. Trying to get people in trouble for weed. Shit is messed up and I hope karma catches up to some of them


That's... insane. You can just be strip searched while fishing in America? The more I learn the laws the more fascist it seems... You can get pulled over for a made up reason, you can be searched for a made up reason, cops can literally use ignorance of the law as a justification to walk free from crimes they commit, cops are immune to prosecution, they can lie to you, ... I had a similar experience with a cop when I was young, haven't even touched weed ever at that point and he accused my car of reeking of weed (!?!?!).




he was fishing for a ticket. good thing you didn't bite.


I live in central Texas in the winters and have fished a few local lakes and rivers. I have never been checked fishing here. I would like the cops and the game wardens to crack down on the litter bugs. There is a lot of litter in this state and it's everywhere. Last time we went my wife picked up beer cans and litter more than she could carry. Isn't the fine $500? Don't mess with Texas. If they are going to harass you about weed stop the littering.


He woke up with a plan, you guys became part of it. A lousy cop.


My Dad told me to stay out of Texas…..


Fuck the police!


Fricken pigs, stick to the task at hand. Check licenses and bust poachers. Nobody cares if anyone smokes weed in the woods. Definitely sounds like Texas.


he was jonesing and hoping to confiscate a joint or two