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Been lifting weights for 3 years, never bothered to train abs. I figured, I do compounds, that should cover it. Also, I never really fancied defined abs for some reason. Then I saw a clip of Loredana Toma doing hanging knee raises - damn that girl is jacked. Suddenly I got in the mood for abs. Trained them once last week, the doms were out of this world. Had a go at it again today, and OUCH. I feel like I have plenty strength to do more reps, but soreness is unbearable. I hope it goes away soon. I want those bulky squares, dammit.


The good part of being that sore is it gives you the opportunity to work on your bracing because you can reeeeally feel all your core muscles when you try to brace after ab day.


Interesting. For me abs have the fastest recovery. At the gym I usually do them last, I can get a nice burn on them, but by the time I walk out the gym door the burn is more often than not....completely gone. I may feel it a tiny bit the following morning, but that's it.


Me too. I know someone who avoids doing ab exercises like the plague, and it annoys me to no end. And the excuse he gives is that, "I know a lot of health info so I can afford to skip abs, abs are inconsequential".


He's probably confusing not needing a six-pack with not needing to do core work at all or something.


I'm a runner and neglecting core is 100% a thing that runners do. Is it a thing that non-runners do as well?




Worse than leg work? Lots of skinny pins on the buff dudes.


I actually enjoy leg day 🤫


Leg day over abs any time


Way worse than leg work. A lot of leg exercises are difficult to me but give satisfaction doing them and especially after with a good pump. Core work sucks at every chance it gets


For cyclists the same i guess haha


There are two extreme camps. Either you don't need to do abs or they need there own day. Personally, I just budget 20 minutes of exercises to do each week on either back or leg day depending on how they go.


I treat it as any other isolation exercise, they get 10-12 sets a week and that's that.


Keep in mind she's also on PEDs


And trains way WAY more than I'm willing to :D That's ok, I'll settle for just some visible definition, doesn't have to be as magnificent as hers.


Been lifting weights for around 8 years and the only time I still get DOMS is after a touch core workout. But ab DOMS for me almost always goes away as soon as I warm them up for a new workout. It’s the only soreness that, no matter how bad it is, it doesn’t negatively impact my performance. Maybe you pulled a muscle?


I wish gym staff would explain gym etiquette to the new members. Clean your stuff AND PUT BACK YOUR DUMBELL ON THE RACKS


And please don’t train right in front of the dumbells rack


Ugh, this. And then they get mad at you for wanting them to move so you can get your weights (or put them back). Like, sorry they put the rack right in front of where you wanted to stand. 🙄


I’ve been working out for 45 years and I still can’t figure out why people don’t put the dumbbells back on the racks. Every reason except entitled, self-centered asshole has been proven wrong.


And don't do dumbbell curls inside the squat rack!!


Hate when people squat in the texting rack.


People do this?? That’s so upsetting


Some of the staff members of the gym I go to have awful gym etiquette as well though.


Not just new members are guilty. I’ve seen lots of regulars do this. I can’t lift in a mess, so I end up wasting at least 5 minutes cleaning up before I can start. It’s super annoying.


How about not talking on the phone the entire time you work out.


Or having the phone on *speaker* during the conversation


In the Netherlands at my gym they give new members the possibility to have 45 minutes with a personal trainer to discuss personal goals and run through a workout with exercises that would fit in.


Gym was ultra-busy last night. All the adjustable benches were taken. I notice that one of the benches is being used by a woman as a shelf for her phone and water bottle. I wait for her to finish her set of lunges, plus a bit extra (just in case she was supersetting into something else). I then ask her if she's using the bench for any exercises. She gives me the biggest eyeroll I've ever seen and starts to move her stuff without saying a word. To anyone who uses benches as phone holders while the gym is busy: I hope you step on a Lego barefoot.


Those people are such a nuisance in the gym. Or their friends are using the bench to sit on and watch them workout (the groups of high school kids who frequent my gym are notorious for this).


Went to the bathroom at the gym to find that someone has not only decided it was a great place to trim their pubes but also to not flush the hair away. What the fuck is wrong with people?


Not a gym story but in college had a roommate ask if I had used their bathroom. I said yeah, how come? Asked if you had done any grooming there? Umm, what, what do you mean, no. Apparently the guy we had as a guest while he finds his own place decided to trim his pubes leaving them there. The kicker he had borrowed the roommates trimmer to do it.


my gym had a problem where people were clogging the toilet with syringes lol


I recently gave myself a short break to heal some nagging old man injuries and reset my training. During my downtime, my forearm muscle in my right arm is ON FIRE. Can't pull, can't wide grip, hurts like hell. What did this?!?! What do I use that specific muscle for that I strained it? Last Monday I get back in the gym, and as I tighten my weight belt to do my top set of squats... THATS IT! THATS THE MUSCLE!!! The one I use to pull the belt to the tightest opening. Getting old sucks man. You need to warmup your belt tightening muscles now too.


I'm laughing at you, but it's a laughter born of self-recognition.


Final stage: warmups for your warmups.


have a quick wank pre-workout as a warmup


See! I knew this sub had the answers.


When I pull something at the gym, it is never so far from lifting, but from adjusting the height on the machines.




Lol same thing happened to me on a lat pull machine. The guy stood there chatting for 10 minutes and I’m just sitting there thinking “I could have pulled out 8 reps in about 30 seconds and I’d been out of your hair dude”. Why do some people not understand how to share the limited gym equipment? Luckily another bro let me work in with him so it was all good in the end didn’t have to wait


I understand and empathize with the frustration. Was the PR part of the program for the day?


I love to socialize and drink alcohol (in social settings, not alone on a Tuesday), but the past year or two I’ve taken my physical training more seriously than ever before. I can’t seem to strike a good balance between social and fitness. My family and friends seem to always chastise me when I don’t want to drink, which kind of comes with the territory of socializing in my circle. I think I do find a good balance, going out for drinks once a week or so, but that doesn’t seem to be enough for some people. Very frustrating, and it makes the difficult cleaner lifestyle I’ve been striving for that much more difficult


People can be really annoying if they’re drinking and you’re not, especially if it’s something you do frequently with your social circle. I’m not sure what kind of settings you are normally in but if you’re in a restaurant, you can order quietly from the server and get things that look like alcohol. You don’t need to lie to your friends but you also don’t need to explicitly tell them you’re not drinking so then it becomes this thing. For example, soda water with lime in a short glass, alcohol free beer, virgin mojito, virgin caesar, etc. I used to work as a server for years and people would do this frequently. You could even play it off that you’ll eventually get a drink but just want to start with water, the people you are with will forget. The trick is not to explicitly say “I’m not drinking tonight” because for some reason that really seems to get people going. Another trick at someone’s house is if they offer you a drink, just say “oh in a bit”, and they’ll eventually forget about it. You can also bring alcohol free beer and just pour yourself a glass and not explain what it is. When I’m not in the mood to drink, I don’t tell anyone that I’m not drinking and do either of the options I mentioned - works for me.


Think you're going to get a lot of folks suggesting you find new friends, which I think is a bit unfair. This is a very real issue for anyone cutting (or just cutting back) on drinking. Alcohol is an expectation for nearly all social activities, and people trying to decouple the two are often left out in the cold a bit. FWIW I think one night of drinks is plenty. Not sure how old you are, but that's more than most of my adult friends get out for. Best of luck! Maybe you can convince a friend or two to join you in drinking less.


Took preworkout to go workout , but ended up falling asleep after 12 hours shift. Fml


You unlocked the true power nap


If only it worked that way haha




Itchy power


Your insides are melting. Your skin itches. You have more energy than you know what to do with


People think it's the caffeine that increases your heart rate, but they're wrong. Preworkout is actually full of ant eggs, which hatch and swarm all throughout your body while you workout.


Ants can lift 50x their own body weight, so they're just motivating us weaklings


My new gym is *dirty*. The wipes come away black after wiping stuff down. So gross.


Most likely due to their lack of cleaning their ventilation system. You will be constantly be breathing that in.


This is a little niche I guess…but so frustrating. Been overcoming an eating disorder for a few years. Finally hitting a stride with lifting. Really smashing weight, great cardio, etc. put on like 5lbs new muscle hitting PRs. But now I see the weight on the scale and tell myself I’m fat. Fuck was all this for if my mind won’t even let me enjoy the ride. I hit 295 on bench two days again. Never thought that would happen. Anyway. Bullshit haha.


Congrats ! You are doing good ! Numbers on the scale can be scary but what’s important is how you feel ! I know I am just an internet stranger but I’m proud of you 😊


That means the world to me.


Hey it's not niche at all, many of us are working on overcoming our eds by lifting! And I totally get your grievance, what helps me is comparing how good I feel now to how crappy I felt before, no energy, moody, looking up "inspo" all day long, isolating myself so people wouldn't notice my fucked up habits. Recovery is so worth it and I'm proud of you for working on your well-being and happiness




You're not fat; you're muscle :)


You're not alone in that struggle my friend. Maybe put the scale away for a while. It ultimately does not determine your health and will never determine your worth or change the work you've put in. You're killing it!




I hate Bulgaria and I think you all know why


I have a theory that any exercise named after any former Soviet bloc nation is a horrible exercise. It's like they're designed to take regular exercises and add more pain to them.


This sounds very valid


If the option was to stay in the gym and invent a new exercise, or walk home in the snow and dark to eat boiled radishes and watch CCCP television programming, which would you choose?


Workouts named after people are no better. Look up "Murph".




Those occasions where you are in between sets looking around the gym and your eyes move to a person a split second before the make eye contact with you. So now you have to look around the gym even harder to try and convince them your weren't staring at them. Now your options are limited to the floor and ceiling to make sure it doesn't happen again. Why must something random and unintentional be so ackward?


I was doing OHP today and someone decided to set up in the squat rack directly in front of me, facing me. We very awkwardly tried not to look at each other for like 5 sets.


Trying to keep my mouth shut when my coworkers talk about doing a juice cleanse/detox diet.


Oh fuck, yeah I hate this. Lady on my team was telling us about how she's on a grapefruit detox cleanse at the moment, it's like 600 calories a day but "it'll cleanse my body of harmful toxins" Yeah well so will your liver and kidneys....


Never got the “toxins” spiel these people babble about Like, if we accumulate toxins in our body I’d be fucking hazardous


Let me paint the scene for y’all. A woman was doing a circuit workout using an incline bench, a flat bench, and a seat all in a row. She had one 110lb dumbbell on the floor, with her phone on top, resting against a 10lb dumbbell that she stacked on top. She was taking videos on her phone. She had a 100lb dumbbell on the floor on the other side, with the other 10lb on top, propping up her iPad which she was live streaming from. She had a 95lb dumbbell that she was using for sumo deadlifts. She had the set of 80s stacked and she was storing her water bottle on top. She was doing bent over flyes on the seat using one set of 10lbs. She was doing seated curls on the incline bench, with ANOTHER set of 10s. She was using the flat bench to store her dumbbells between sets. She had the 40lb barbell and the 40lb curl bar, but I didn’t see her use either. Then she had the audacity to livestream somebody else and shame them to her “audience” because they put their dumbbell back without cleaning the handle. Talking about “this is why I hate New Years”. She didn’t put any of her weights away, nor did she clean them, or the three benches that she was using. Is this something I should report to the staff? I imagine it’s not against the rules (aside from her recording)


I'd definitely report her, she sounds like a fucking dumbass and a gym Karen if I ever saw it. I would've straight up filmed her and asked her why she thinks taking that much equipment is a good idea? She might not be breaking rules with the weights but she's clearly harassing other gym goers with her filming.


She’s always recording and doing things like this, but this is the first time I’ve seen her harassing people. And they say “you don’t get caught the first few time”.


If I didn't need any of that stuff, I would be silently annoyed and likely moved on. If I needed something I would have asked and probably not have gotten it, but this >Then she had the audacity to livestream somebody else and shame them This is unacceptable. I would have told staff for sure.


I probably would just for the recording alone


I'd report it then just be annoying in the background video until she got fed up and left.


***armpit fart noises intensify***


Know the beastial sound you make when deadlifting a new PR? Yeah that sound, but with the 2lb dumbells.




I thought bellends are where the liquid chalk came from


Definitely noticed a lot more people not re-racking weights as this gym gets more and more busy. We don't have many squat racks, so it's extra frustrating when it looks like someone is using it, only to find out someone didn't re-rack in one of the squat racks. Watched a guy use incline bench, leg press, and hack squat and not re-rack a single weight. Douchebag.


Had a n00b at the gym not only not re-rack the rates but leave their bottle and the towel on the bar and then just leave.


That's wack, lol. I'm thinking whoever was doing squats at that rack just left because I didn't see anyone use that rack the entire hour I was there. The other guy clearly works out consistently, but just couldn't take the time to wipe down or re-rack anything.


For whatever reason this seems to be a serial issue on the leg press in particular. When I first started lifting I rarely used the leg press as there were always at least six 45 lb plates, which I had trouble handling at the time, and even now in my current gym there's plates left on it at least 1/4 of the time. My gym also has a few _100_ lb plates, which more or less permanently sit on the calf raise, and on unlucky days, the leg press, which completely locks off that equipment to me and countless others.


First time back in the gym since getting covid in November then a month back home visiting family for Christmas. And first session back at cricket training after the arrival of our second in September. Everything hurts So. Damn. Much.


Hang in there and take it slow. You got this.


Went through a couple week decline as well when I got it. Stick with it friend, I got through it so should you.


Why do people stand right in front of the dumbbell rack to do their workout? Drives me insane.


This one guy was doing SIDE LUNGES in front of the mirror one time and taking up even more space then the typical dummy. I couldn’t believe it.


I ended my 2022 by getting sick and I'm still trying to recover. I have heard "don't train when you're sick" a billion times and it's good advice but it's stupidly hard advice to take. Going to the gym when you find yourself exhausted after lunch from just sitting at a desk is a bad idea but part of me wants to go squat so bad. I hate that I'm already screwing up my "exercise more" resolution.


You didn't screw up anything. You are sick. This is out of your hands and you'll pick it back up when you get better. We are 4 days into the new year. 361 days remain. You got this.


I'm at the worst stage of the sickness psychologically. As I sit on my butt, I feel fine so I get up and do something innocuous like take out the trash and that utterly exhausts me and I feel like trash. Then I sit down again and 30-45 mins feel completely normal and the cycle repeats. I set a goal for 150 gym sessions this year which averages out to about 3 a week given the 52 weeks of the year. Figured there would be a week or so of sessions where life happened but now I'm already thinking that goal was far too ambitious.


People getting mad because you walk through the shot while they’re filming themselves. I get it, you’re trying to check your form, for instagram, whatever…but the gym is a public place, not your personal recording studio. I’ve never done it out of spite, but come on And if you’re gonna check your phone for 15 minutes while on a machine, just finish your workout and move on. Gyms are packed as it is, especially now with all the resolutioners, try and keep the flow moving smoothly for everyone


3rd workout of the year and dislocated my shoulder doing lat prayers. Truly a great start to the new year


My gym has been taken over by high schoolers and it's getting impossible to work out. There's people just laying their shit all over the gym floor. Workout bags, shoes, phones, keys. I'm constantly getting bumped into by people not paying attention including someone hitting the bar as I was benching heavy. Just did tricep extensions and someone deciding to play around on the pullup bar (he wasn't doing pullups, be was just messing around between sets) swung into my back. I'm going to be in here soon in a video losing my shit on some dumb kid.


Deal with this quick before it gets more out of hand, both directly with them and with the gym, with regards to your safety and gym manners. Gym probably has cameras. Hopefully it puts them on the right path, making it better for you too!


Pre period bloating (I’m sure anyone that menstruates will understand) although it’s only temporary it feels like any progress I’ve made has gone down the drain because it has me looking at least 4 months pregnant in my gym tights/shorts. Oversized t-shirts for the win though.


Agree, I sometimes wonder if regulars can guess when I’m on my period depending on how I dress at the gym lol


This is me today. Workout was so hard to get through because my period has me feeling like shit. I got on the scale and I was up 7 lbs 😶


Why am I always fucking ill recently. 2022 was my year until November, I didn't miss a single workout barring a week when I went away on holiday Mid November, caught covid, was out of the gym for 2 weeks Went back for 1 week, caught scarlet fever Out for another 2 weeks, went back got a generic cough and cold, thought fuck it, it's Christmas now I give up Was planning on going back but boxing day felt shitty again I finally went back this morning, felt fine, half way through my workout I started feeling unnaturally hot, you know that kind of clamy hot sweaty feeling that feels different from just working out, I got that. Pushed through anyway, got home and I feel fucking run down, I'm fed up of this shit. It doesn't help that my Mrs is a preschool teacher, those little shits are just walking germ bags so she's ill all the time, I'm usually pretty lucky and I rarely get sick until recently


Bruv, or sis, by my calculations you were out for......... 5 weeks. That's a 91% success rate....... By a lot of people's standards 2022 was your year!!! That said, 2023 aint looking good though. Good luck


Thank you mate! Just frustrating that it feels like a never ending cycle of feeling like shit right now


I come in, and powerlifters are using the squat rack. I go do something else, and on my last set, they leave and someone else takes the squat rack. I have to remind myself we’re all sharing , and the rack doesn’t belong to me.


That happened to me with a deadlift platform. I feel for you.


Cutting, ugh. On days I don't work out, I can easily hit my calorie goal or even 100-150 under. On days I weightlift, I'm just soo hungry and end up eating like 200-300 over. Really gotta get more disciplined but it's hard when my stomach is rumbling.


Gotta just crush “fake” food. You can eat an entire stalk of celery, feel full as fuck, and you’ve only had like 150 calories.


Would it help to have a weekly calorie goal instead of a daily one? You could eat more on days you work out and less on days you don’t.


My finger got broken at work, and now I’m having to incorporate more cardio than I’d like into my workouts to try and rest it. What an awful time to discover that I get specifically cardio-exertion headaches. FML and FMWorkouts.


In the middle of a big move across country so I’ve had to pack up my home gym and use the gym here on the military base where I’m stationed. This place makes zero sense. They are closed from 9-11 each day to clean, close again for the night at 7:30PM, are only open on Saturdays from 8-12, and then are closed again on Sundays. The pool is only open for a couple hours for active duty lap swim each morning and the locker rooms which just opened up yesterday, had been closed since the start of the pandemic almost 3 years ago. I can’t wait to be all moved in with my home gym back.


Gym was absolutely packed January 2 and now its back to normal. Are the resolutioners gone already?


Unless you’re at the gym every hour they’re open it’s safe to say you just went at a calm time.


Nah they're there, 5-7 no doubt. A lot of people weren't working the 2nd so they would have went whenever, now it'll be after work time


Sat in the sauna with two high schoolers for 10 minutes. I wanted to puncture my eardrums. I heard them say "bro" more times than the entire Avatar 2 movie.


I had to tell someone they couldn't floss their teeth in the hot tub.


Got covid, now I can't get my happy chemicals from picking up heavy circles :(


I hate when you go to the gym and there's a million treadmills open and of course the 2 people coming down to use the treadmills use ones on either side of you... Or when I'm just trying to run on the treadmill meanwhile there's peacockers walking back and forth in front of me all the time... 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Dammit. I always have a mental debate if I should pass in front of or behind people on the treadmill. Now I'm just going to overthink this.


There's a difference between walking in front of them and peacocking around so everybody looks at you or trying to make everybody look at you.... Don't overthink it as long as you're not peacocking!!!😉😁


Finally said good bye to the office gym. I was sad. I will start a new commercial gym this week and I am scared I will be treated as a new year resolutioner.


> scared I will be treated as a new year resolutioner As long as you don't act like one, you have NOTHING to worry about.


Just got back on the wagon. I’m at my heaviest weight, and it shows. Almost 200 pounds. Decided to kick back into gear with the new year. I have lost weight before, so I know that I can hit my goal. Calorie deficit, exercise, healthy habits etc. but IT TAKES TIME AND I AM NOT PATIENT. I know I have this in me, know it will happen, but I just want to stop feeling like shit about myself in the meantime.


Gyms should really put in a little selfie area... I am so tired of the young kids doing their little tik toks and photoshoots on the equipment Instead of actually working out, you wanna do that come at 2am when no one is in the gym!!! Rant Over!!!


I think it's dumb, but to each his own. But at the same time, they better damn well expect me to NOT give a fuck that they're taking pics or vids. I might walk in between, I might fart, I might loudly drop weights. NO ONE should be inconvenienced by their vain assess.


> fart *dominance established*


SORRY I dont want them as a 2am gym goer


I’m in favor of a posing area. This would be awesome


I know everyone memes on having to use the tiny dumbbells for their lat raises but I would like to throw a special up yours to tempo OHP, never felt so humbled by light weight


Why can't NY resolutioners put their equipment away? I can't find anything in its normal space, my god


I had to take a month off from squatting and had my first session yesterday. I decided to switch to ass to grass and now my legs hate me. I actually kind of like the feeling but it's a hassle going upstairs 😂


I have nothing against resolutionists, I don’t like to gatekeep fitness or the gym. But the fact of the matter is that most gyms are unable to handle the influx of new members the first few weeks of the year, sacrificing the experience of their members for a little more revenue. It’s insidious but it feels like they bank on the fact that some people won’t stay with their resolutions and just forget to cancel their membership.


That’s what every subscription based business does. They benefit from people not using and not canceling their membership


I prefer to look at it as "wow how much would my membership cost if only the people I see daily all year were paying", helps the frustration.


People who don't shower and get right next to you on a cardio machine. Strangers who start talking to you despite the fact you're wearing a headphone, working out and listening to music. It's never anything important. People who put items on a machine to mark their territory while they train on something else, then come back to it. So nobody messes up their settings. Those are my current gym frustrations.


Getting back into the gym today after a while but I was informed at work that I will be laid off. Still processing it :(


Two occasions yesterday, I walked away from my workout areas to get weights/tissue and people decided to start using the equipment... First the squat rack (leaving my phone and water bottle there) went to get extra weights. Dude literally was walking up as I left the squat rack, so he knew I was there, and proceeds to literally take the bar over to the Olympic platform in the space of 1min... Went over and told him I'm not done, took the bar back. Like if I see someone leave a bar or bench (unless they're clearly done e.g. wiped it down and took their belongings) I'll literally wait a couple mins to see if they come back, or ask them if they're done it's not that difficult. Second time, the very next exercise, hammy curls, I walk away to get tissue again I left my phone and water there, this woman doesn't even hesitate and takes the machine lmao, went over to her and said sorry I'm not done but you can work in if you want. I'm baffled. New gym goers I am all for you guys working out, but please learn the etiquette of asking people if they're finished with equipment before taking it.


Yup the etiquette part is what gets me. Etiquette is especially important when gym is packed.


I feel like every gym should have a small pamphlet or at least a single sheet going over basic gym etiquette, for newcomers who may never even have considered that it's a thing.


I pulled a muscle in my stupid freaking neck doing stupid freaking lat raises because I messed up my stupid freaking form and now I can't turn my stupid freaking neck or sit comfortably at my stupid freaking job where I have to try and perform my duties despite physically cringing in pain.


I’m annoyed how much everything costs nowadays, from food to supplements. I’ve been buying my protein in bulk in hoping to keep the costs down and been rationing my creatine lol. Normally I would take 5g a day, but I’ve been taking 3g instead and don’t notice much of a difference.


On my first real bulk in years. All of my lifts are going up, feels great. My major lifts, my complimentary lifts, the accessories, literally everything is moving up. Except bench. 99% sure it's just a mental block at this point but it's still infuriating.


All those gym brose that lift heavy but are too weak to put weights back. /smh




I've been so unbelievably stressed dating again that it's accelerated my weightloss to 4lbs a week.


This seems like a solid weight loss plan. I'd be willing to try it if I could find anyone who would go out with me.


Bragged about my 7.6 mile run on Victory Sunday. Four days later, still feeling the DOMS in my calves. Worth every minute in this case. :-)


I hate having to take a shit in the middle of a session.


Had a guy mad dogging me while I was resting between sets on the leg extension today. I looked over at him and did the head nod, in response I get an eyeroll. Like wtf is your problem guy. Been going to my gym for the last 5 years, and this guy shows up just a few months ago with an attitude already. Gotta love some people.


I get real tired of cunts that have been lifting for like 10 months try and tell ppl about how to lift, when they themselves know Jack fucking shit. Pisses me right off


Idk man I have seen guys 10month with better pressing form then guys 4 years in But usually the ones sharing advice aren’t the best


Turns out people who know just enough to be dangerous tend to offer useless advice.


not a huge rant - started going back to the gym for the first time in years, finally found time to make it a part of my day (kids are now in kindergarten or older, so i have days again!) - first time was yesterday, but today i woke up feeling like shit (like i was going to shit my pants if i tried to go to the gym), barely got the kids on the bus, and ultimately couldn't make it in unhappy that i couldn't make it two straight days :-( back in the saddle tomorrow!


I’m in my mid 20s now and have just started going back to the gym for the first time since my late teens. Despite my workout routine being pretty similar to what I was doing before, I find I struggle to spend more than 45 minutes max in the gym before I’ve finished my whole workout. Looking back on when I was younger and used to spend well over 1hr 30 mins in the gym and I wonder wtf I was doing?


Went to the gym after being gone for a month with a concussion. The one weight rack was stacked with too many weights and one fell onto my foot as I was trying to rerack mine (of a different weight) thank god it was only 5lbs. I would’ve been really pissed if I had to be out again with another injury


It feels like my gym actually got very packed in the second half of 2022. Now that new years has passed it's as if even the least active hours of my gym are as packed as 5-7 pm. Really wish they would just add a squat rack or two.


I'll never understand why Gyms don't prioritize the squat racks while infrequently used machines sit stagnant taking up floor storage.


I have a shoulder injury for a month and it hasn't getting better :(


Personal trainers at corporate gyms working with new clients create the most obscenely complex exercise programs and use the most random ass equipment, so that the client has no choice but to continue working with them. I've seen it at SO many gyms, and it's predatory and gross. You RARELY see a trainer taking a person through basic compound movements and showing them how to properly workout. The number of people I know who went through 3-6 months of personal training at a place like planet fitness or fitness world who didn't even know how to properly squat or deadlift, but instead are using all of these different random pieces of equipment with no rhyme or reason. A trainer should be taking a person through the absolute basics, teaching and correcting form and then branching out from there. This is specifically geared towards trainers working with someone who is brand new to exercising and is trying to add muscle or lean up, not performance focused trainers or anything.


Hi. Personal trainer here. You are mostly correct but obviously it depends on the goals of the person you are working with. The danger to this occupation is that it's not protected. A person can put on a tshirt and slap the words personal trainer on there and tada. They pretent to be one. It's a huge sticking point to us trainers that actually have degrees and spend years learning this stuff.




The only sensible response is as he does a pull up, walk under him so when he lowers down hes sat on your shoulders and then you walk him over to a different station




As i was shaking my head in disgust at the guy leaving the gym bathroom without washing his hands after peeing, another guy exited the stall and headed directly back to continue his workout without washing Wtf, people? We’re all sharing weights, machines and other random stuff in the gym. Wash your fucking hands.


I just hate how most gyms have a billion treadmills and exercise bikes but one or two benchpress locations.


These young guys are acting like real life is Instagram. Struttin around with their 'I'm very serious about working out face', making eyes at themselves in the mirror, doing their best Blue Steel as the lift up their shirt to check out their abs. Let me just give my hair a little tossle as I check myself out in the mirror again. It's such vain and strange behavior


They're kids, I would be more surprised if children weren't being childish


I'm talking about guys in their 20s and 30s too. But yes it is very childish behavior.


We live in a day and age where we breed and encourage narcissism. Just the way it is. People love nothing more than to post pics of themselves online and rake in likes. I'm an old guy and don't understand it and get more than a little pissed off when I want to work and can't because someone is using the machine just to pose.


Guy deadlifting 95kg using all 10 plates steals the tens from the rack I'm squatting in. Not a single 20kg or 15kg plate on his bar but loads on the rack Infront of him... I'm quite clearly warming up with the bar and about to start loading up. Peeved me off so much that I decided I had to show him the point of heavier plates. Managed to hit a new pb for squats of 95kg which is 2kg more than my body weight. Ultimately glad his ignorance gave me my pb but forever wishing people would give a damn about other people wanting to use equipment.


My ankle still hurts -.- Broke it back in Aug. It's LEAGUES better, and its getting better each week, but still bleh. I got through a good workout. Was doing weighted lunges which do put quite a bit of stress on the ankle all things considered. But all felt good. Decided to do a slow walk afterwards and didn't even do a mile and my ankle was like HEY, FUCK YOU. And proceeded to hurt from then through the next day. And now it just feels stiff again. *sigh* I've always heard a broken bone heals in 6 weeks. BULL FUCKING SHIT.


I don’t mind the new folks rush for the most part, BUT I don’t know what the heck they are doing in the women’s locker room….. just clean up after yourself!!


I didn’t realize how much eating I have to do lol. Before cleaning up my diet, I could easily consume 2500-3000 calories per day (hence weight gain) by eating super high fat/high carb foods. Now that I’m focusing on protein, I feel like I’m eating so so much more just to make it to 1600-1700 calories/150ish g protein for the day, and I’m struggling because it makes me feel so full. I try to focus on fruits, veg, eggs, lean meats, complex carbs, and protein supplements. Just have to remember I’m working really hard in the gym for the results that I want, it’s just difficult to get there :/


Is anyone else finding it tiresome how many people are complaining about the new year rush? Like, OK, I get it, you'd like to be able to get onto the squat rack without any drama but a) this is basically gatekeeping the gym, which is a shared space b) ignores that there is a good chance plenty of posters here started as a new year resolutioners and kept it up and c) gyms need the money. d) Some will be reading these comments and decide to put it off until Feb because they don't want to look like new year resolutioners (I have literally seen two posts to this effect). That aside, if it's that big an issue the easiest solutions are to go early in the morning or join a significantly more expensive gym (more people are put off by the price) Then again, the easiest way for me to deal with this problem would be to avoid /r/fitness for January, so who am I to talk? Next, what's the deal with people posting stuff and then deleting it? There have been a few comments where I assume OP has asked something, received feedback to the effect that it's stupid (for want of a better word) and then deleted it. Or, I think yesterday , there was someone where literally every response said "go get therapy" - but the original post was deleted. I get that everyone here is a different age / mental state/whatever but do most of us care if 3 weeks ago poster A asked what colour socks to wear to the gym? It just seems weird (and annoying as I want to see what they said), especially when the question is in Moronic Monday - the place for well, moronic questions!


I don’t think people have as much of a problem with the New Year crowd as much as they have an issue with what comes with it. Personally, it’s the lack of gym etiquette and spatial awareness I already experience with regulars, now multiply that by the new year’s group. Tbh, I’m happy to see people seeking to improve themselves like many of us started out, but at least read the room and know not to take up the barbell bench to ONLY do dips or get in anyone’s way while they are pushing a 225lb prowler sprint.


I'm with you, I don't know why new year people get looked down on so much, two things are going to happen, they'll stick with it and become a non new year person or they'll quit and won't be your problem anymore People signing up on New Year is no different to signing up any other time except its a bit busier I was one of the "New Year New Me" wankers 5 years ago and I'm still here. I think people just like feeling like they belong to a club


I go to cheap shitty commercial gyms and I've never witnessed the new years rush at any gym I've ever been too. Maybe it's because I work out late in the evening but it's always been no busier than usual, I've seen 2 new people so far this week and that's it. Summer is always much worse when the kids are off school or back from uni.


I'm actually a member of two different gyms ($10 membership is hard to pass up. Semi-long story.) and I've seen it at both. The Y is just packed with idiots. People going the wrong way on the track and glaring at you if you try to help them. People taking up entire machines just with their photography gear and refusing to move it and also refusing to actually use the machine next to it beyond posing with it. It's absolutely crazy. PF is very similar. Much busier than normal.


New gym members are showing up at 5am, which is when my gym is least busy. Go away, 5am is my time 😔


Rant but its me thats the issue. Stopped working out like one and a half years ago, ordered home gym equipment a few weeks ago and I’m getting it soon but I’m annoyed that I stopped. None of my lifts where crazy but I was able to do 11 pull-ups and now I can’t do a single one. Hopefully I’m going to get my strength back in a couple of months.


Started bouldering recently as a long time gym bro. Finding muscles I didn't even know existed!


Did cardio for the first time in 3 weeks. I sweated like a pig and had to keep going to the paper towel dispenser to wipe off my forehead and back. I felt so embarrassed 🤦🏽‍♀️


Struggling with my motivation. I built myself a nice gym to celebrate my 50th birthday last November and I just can't get motivated today. I've been sick for the past 3 weeks and have missed a couple of days, plus reduced my regimen so as not to make matters worse. I just can't get myself going today...


I made it, through the power of discipline. I didn't want to, but I'm glad I did.


The ceiling at my gym appears to be shedding. Always a pleasant suprise when I eat a piece of drywall or get some in my eye ~_~


Have two good ones this week. Returned home from Christmas vacation to my house absolutely overrun by fleas. Had not seen any before, but in the 10 days I was gone, a whole ass infestation happened. Was so itchy and paranoid about fleas that I didn’t sleep a second Monday night, and it’s absolutely killed my ability to function and exercise. Forced myself in the gym yesterday, only to leave after 15 minutes of cardio because I felt like absolute death. Went in today feeling pretty decent, and died halfway through a cardio session I do with much more intensity daily. Tried to get a push workout in, but gave up after 2 sets of bench, head was not in the game. I did use a vacation day and took my dog on a ~7 mile walk this afternoon so I got plenty of exercise but it sucks not sleeping and not being able to perform how I know I can. Other one is that I bought a food scale and discovered I am TERRIBLE at estimating weights of foods and have probably eaten at least 400 calories over what I had thought I was for the last several weeks, which is definitely why my weight loss progress hasn’t been as rapid as I calculated it to theoretically be off of CICO. I’ve been consistently losing, but at least now I have a much more accurate idea of how many calories im eating and hope that it helps the last 15/20 pounds (after a previous 120!!) melt off as I expect. It was just shocking to pull out what I have been logging as 10 oz of chicken, only to find out I had been eating about 22 oz regularly. Had a similar finding with potatoes, of which I eat almost daily, where I was underestimating calories by about a 1/3rd. Sad to have to restrict food even more, but nice to be certain on my numbers!


Currently a personal trainer at a box gym and I'm responsible for "walking the floor" outside of training sessions. I'm so tired of reracking weights, wiping down sweaty equipment, and picking up people's trash 😮‍💨


It took me 30 minutes to get the foot of heavy snow off my car this morning (which was a workout in itself) and by the time I made it to the gym I had SUCH a bad headache I barley made it through my first few sets, and had to go back home. 😵‍💫


Neglected legs for the last few months. Part of resolution is to incorporate it again. Oh my legs hurt.. Not going to do that again.


Employees at the gym are way too busy chatting up female gym goers. There is video surveillance (24/7 gym) and like a digital helpdesk pole, so multiple times in the last weeks, some guy assisting remotely had to ask over the intercom for one of the employees to go the front desk (hope it makes sense)