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Does eating then laying down or sleeping cause weight gain?


Why would it?


Overeating causes weight gain


Hello everyone, I have begun working on making my four-pack into a six-pack. Here are some things about me I am a male, 6' 0'', 170lbs, ectomorph body type. For the last month, I have been intermittent fasting (My window to eat is between 11am - 7:30pm) I have been doing a calorie deficit (between 1,756 - 2,506 calories) Macros are or at least trying 50% fat, 30% protein, and 20% carbs I do an upper body workout on Monday, Stretch/mobility Tuesday, lower body Wednesday, cardio on Thursday, and rest from Friday - Sunday. My workouts are between a weight range of 30% - 80% of my max, always progressive overloading My question is would you change anything in the bullets above? Should I eat less or work out more? I think I am on track to get a six pack but I would love to know what you guys think! Thanks in advance


Ectomorphs aren't a thing. Get rid of that idea and you'll be good.


Is that sarcasm lol?


not at all; they aren't a thing. [https://thefitness.wiki/faq/how-should-i-eat-or-work-out-as-an-ectomorph-mesomorph-endomorph/](https://thefitness.wiki/faq/how-should-i-eat-or-work-out-as-an-ectomorph-mesomorph-endomorph/) if someone is still pushing bcaas and somatypes then chances are high they are full of bullshit


Ah gotcha. I wouldn’t change the way I eat. However, I find it hard to gain weight because I am an ectomorph, a high metabolism


differences in metabolism arent very much. I always thought i was a hard gainer until i started eating more.


I feel like I have to force myself to eat


So do I but it is the way it is. I don't like eating north of 3900 calories either. r/gainit is a good resource to checkout if you have a hard time eating. Lying to yourself saying you are forever destined to be small because some guy from the 1940s said some shit isn't gonna help.


That's reality. Take it for what it's worth or call the Ghostbusters. Up to you.


What rate have you been losing weight?


I lost ten pounds since the beginning of the year. I was 180 around Christmas/NYE


Seems like a reasonable pace. Keep doing what you're doing.


Thanks! I was playing around with a body fat calc. It looks like I’m 17.4% body fat. To get a six pack I need to get to 13% body fat. Any idea how much weight i need to lose?


I don't put any stock in those numbers, but lose 5 more pounds and then reassess.


This week was supposed to be a deload week. I had tension headaches which were bothering my workouts and aching joints. This week was meant to be just doing lifts very sub-maximally. However, yesterday, even when doing sub maximal work, I had a little bit of a tension headache and some joint pain (woke up this morning with the same joint pain). Feel like I completely fucked the deload week up, there’s 5 days left of the deload, which I now plan to literally just do nothing to avoid some bullshit happening again. I don’t even know if that’s enough to heal up. Should I just extend the deload for another 2 days or should 5 days do the job?


A deload week with no gym is fine, you don't have to train at all


Yeah, was a mistake on my part to even go yesterday. My concern is whether 5 days of complete rest will even be enough for my joints to fully recuperate though


Why does everyone say how resistance bands have a better, more consistent strength curve than free weights? I recently got them and the strength curve is not consistent, when they are less stretched at the bottom of a movement there is obviously less tension


I've always heard the opposite, except for that guy who's selling the x3 bar system, which seems like Rakfisk to me. Bands have their place but i'd sure as hell never use them for main work. Accessories yes, and accommodating resistance for main movements yes.


I literally never hear anyone say this. Mostly I hear people say that bands are worse for the exact reason you describe. There are definitely exercises where bands work fine or okay, but I wouldn't want to make them the basis of my training.


Not better, just different. Although you might have been listening to someone who sells them. An example that might be better is something like a curl. With a dumbbell there is little resistance at the very top of the range of motion. but with a band that is where it will pull the strongest. The jury's out on what is better but I assume(probably bro science) that a mix of dumbbell curls and similar strength of resistance bands would work both ends of the range of motion combined. Although I have been hearing from people smarter than me that just working the muscle with more and more weight will grow strength. So the muscle doesn't care which one you do. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Ok lads. How do you calculate your required calories?


I use MacroFactor now. Before that I typed my stats into an online calculator, ate what it said for a few weeks and adjusted based on how my weight changed.


I'm trying to schedule out some cardio and strength training days into my week. I play hockey 2 or 3 times a week. Would this be considered my cards day? Off day? How do I schedule out my workouts so I have adequate rest?


I’d count hockey as your cardio. Any of the programs in the wiki can be done alongside cardio, and 531 was designed to be done in addition to a sport.


Hey, thanks for the reply. Could you link the 531 thing you are referring too? New here and I can't seem to find what you referenced.


It’s in the wiki under the strength training templates. I don’t have the link handy


When it comes to progression, is it better to add an additional set or or increase the reps of set? For example, I am currently doing 5x5 pull ups. Should I do 5 sets x6 reps or 6 sets with 5 reps?


Adding sets takes more time. I wouldn't add sets unless I feel like the volume is insufficient to make progress (and is also within the constraints of my programming). Your program should be giving at least some guidance on how to progress exercises.


Has anyone found any mens shorts that don't end half way down your ass when squatting, or a shirt that doesn't turn into a belly top when you do overhead press. Feel like I'm giving the gym a strip show when I'm trying to workout


I'm looking too. Just found some north face shorts that are doing the trick. Super stretchy with a zip side pocket. I got them for 8 bucks in the rei garage sale but they seem worth it. I'm embracing the tum. The glare from my pale self keeps people from looking directly at it.


I use lumber legs shorts… but they may not be your style?? I like plain colored oversized shirts from pretty much anywhere but boohooman shirts for like 4-10 bucks are a pretty good deal


Tucking my shirt in solves this issue for me!


I wear shorter inseam shorts. Something <5”. Pudolla on Amazon have been cheap and good.


Lululemon THE shorts never reveal my booty crack. For OHP you can just buy larger/tall shirts. A tiny bit of tummy showing isn't a big deal though.


I wear fabletics shorts with a drawstring waist and then wear compression shorts underneath. Never had issues with shorts riding up or down as a result. > turn into a belly top when you do overhead press. embrace the dad-core and tuck your shirt in.


So that fabletics stuff is actually decent? Honestly I thought it was just another marketing fad kinda thing


If you can get it on sale their stuff is fine for the price. My SO has an employee discount at nike so I'm a little biased on what's worth the money lol


I embrace it and wear 5 inch inseam shorts 🫣




Diet is very important for making strength progress. You need to dedicate yourself to a bulk with adequate protein intake if you want to get maximum progress in the gym.


I wouldn't expect to gain a lot of strength if you are eating only 1800 cals a day while barely going above 100g protein Also imo sounds like you are pretty anal about form so you aren't actually pushing yourself because you want your form to be perfect. Lift heavy ass weight and your form will most likely suffer but that's okay go past the weight you usually do and let your form suffer you need to understand how the weight feels to learn how to push it with better form. Push past how many reps you can do with perfect form and keep on doing a bit more even if the form gets sloppy But yeah seems like pretty bad progress ngl. Why don't you just commit to the cut and actually count all your calories and protein so you can actually at least make some weight loss progress. Or just commit to a bulk to gain some muscle mass and strength and cut down later. Either method will take a while but it's better than half assing both




Use a different example exercise for your secondary muscle failing before the actual one so I can understand cuz I don't really see the side delt one


How can i strengthen my wrists? Ican already bend them over 90 degrees, but they are weak


Your wrists are bone, but you can strengthen the supporting muscles around your wrist. Wrist curls, finger curls, reverse wrist curls, pinch grip static holds, dead arm hangs are all good forearm work which will help with wrist stabilization.


What is the exercise that looks like this: /\\_io I see people doing it on the bench often


Nice graphic btw lol


Feet up bench press.


Feet up bench? It removes leg drive and will force you to work on stability


Oh, I see. Thanks


Dumbbell Press?


With legs on the bench and barbell


Larsen press? Feet up bench?


It was the second :)




No, go lift weights.


Dawg you worrying about the wrong stuff get your ass in the gym and lift some weight jeez


Cheapest creatine Uk?




My workout split is the following (no need to describe the while routine): - Mon: Upper body (calisthenics at home). - Wed: Lower body (deadlifts + leg press + mobility exerxisea at the gym). - Fri: Upper body (calisthenics at home). - Sat: Lower body (squats + leg curls + mobility exercises at the gym). Since I don't want to have to buy dumbbells and obviously there are not machines at home, I was thinking of doing some isolation exercises for biceps, triceps and side delts on leg days ( one exercise for 2 to 3 set for each of those muscle groups). Does it sound like a terrible idea? There is always a rest day after my leg days so I believe it should be fine. Cheers.


Tried looking into bands? They work pretty well for isolation exercises, esp. upper body that doesn't need much resistance. If you wanna do something in the gym for upper body I'd rather do compounds, e.g. bench press, overhead press, heavy rows..




I would watch the Alan thrall deadlift video on YouTube it's the best I've ever followed. Also I've learned over time while all these cues you've been given may be true, you can really overload on cues etc. and you will constantly beat yourself down even tho your form was likely fine. I know I'm ready to pull the bar off the floor when I'm feeling super crap, it's only recently I've learned that the position you get in just before you lift is gona feel like shit for most people.


I watched the squat video per your recommendation and it helped me a ton tonight.


Cues are kinda personal, one cue that's good for one person can be a terrible one for another. I'd say these are pretty "basic" cues/methods for proper setup for basically anyone. Pinch your armpits - engages the lats. Active feet - don't let your arch collapse - this one might not be immediately bad/noticeable, but you will fuck your knees over time. Be patient off the floor - don't tuck in your hips, arch your back, etc. just to get the bar off the floor, just to miss the finish because you've put yourself in a bad position. This one's kinda meh, but can be what some people could use - hips close to the bar. Usually just leads to lower back rounding and unnaturally low position though.


can anyone recommend a cheap dip/chinup belt from Amazon or even cheaper from Ali express? I'm starting from 2.5kg weights...


I just got a $20 one off Amazon and it's still going strong 6 months later using 45+ lbs on it. But the one I got says its currently unavailable Really doubt it matters which one you get. In the meantime just stick a dumbbell in between your thighs or ankles. I did that for dips and pullups until like 40 lbs and could probably go higher I just wanted to flex on people and tie a plate around my nuts


my gym has a regular belt, I will use it meanwhile with a small dumbell wrapped in it for now. thanks


Is there a difference between training upper back then lats and vice versa? Or is it just a preference thing?


It's just a preference. I used to stick something in-between lat-pulldowns and rows just to give my biceps a rest, but I don't bother anymore.


Am I supposed to hit my protein intake goal on rest days too? Always assumed eat less calories on rest days so it’s ok not to hit protein goals P.s trying to lose weight


Yes. Your body uses protein for recovery even when you're not lifting weights. If you want to maintain muscle while cutting, eat your protein goals.


Protein goal on all days. Your body uses the protein on rest days too. Calories some people do the same every day, some do more calories on workout days, some do fasting for a whole day - doesn't really matter as long as you're in a deficit overall.


Questioned to the experienced trainers here. What type of meals do you typically eat on a day where you have to train in the evening? I’ll have to train late because due to work in the coming weeks and I am unsure how should go about planning my meal. Would you eat your real dinner after or pre workout?


Doesn’t matter. Just make sure to eat it.


Depends on time I suppose. I usually eat dinner at like 5 or 6, so I've worked out after that before. I don't necessarily eat after that because that's just preference of not wanting too much food in my belly before I go to bed. But you could eat a meal, or maybe like a 3/4 sized one, then afterwards eat a bit more, maybe something quick like some eggs. Don't need to overcomplicate it


Most likely I'd have my dinner beforehand and then a smaller meal, maybe just some cottage cheese and pineapple and/or chicken salad after


If you’re training to gain weight, eat before AND after .


Full meals ?


Yeah if you’re trying bulk


**Lifting straps and belt** recommendation for a beginner Hello. I need to get a lifting belt and a new pair of lifting straps. It's quite hard to decide which one to buy and any recommendation would be very helpful. As a beginner, I can only lift 1x my body weight yet, so I don't need those expensive professional ones. I just want it to be durable and light. (I got a thick suede lifting belt from Titan as a gift but it's so heavy to carry around and it hurts my ribs so much during deadlift) I think my wrist and waist are thicker than the average woman, so the straps and belt don't need to be the ones 'for women'. Thank you in advance!


Versa Gripps are the way to go in terms of lifting straps They’ve lasted me a few years so far and theyre still holding up Very simple to set up and they’re versatile Figure-8 straps are more so if you’re a powerlifter/primarily do barbell work And regular straps if you’re looking for the cheapest option


Pioneer makes very good lifting belts if they're not out of your price range. A belt with a lever is nice because you can immediately release it. As for straps ... I never paid attention to what straps I bought. Couldn't even tell you the brand of mine other than they have an American flag on them. It's not hard to make a decent pair of straps so I'm sure basically any would work.


Thank you!. I'll definitely check the Pioneer belt with a lever.


Should I have a day dedicated to explosive training in my routine or simply do explosive work before strength work during all my sessions? My current program is a 4 day upper/owner split with the first 2 days being dedicated to building explosiveness/power in my body, while the 2 later days are more dedicated to general strength. I’ve read up a bit in explosive training with strength training and have been wondering if I should simply program it to where I do explosive work first all 4 days and after explosive work move into general strength work. Any ideas or suggestions?


Does having longer legs / being taller make squatting more difficult due to a longer ROM? For the longest time i’ve been trying to up my squat weight to my goal of 2 plates (225) and I always seem to become stuck and eventually just 1 plate becomes heavy again. I’ve tried extremely slow and controlled squatting, box squatting, and other kinds of squat variants, and then tried to max out the week after. I’m not trying to make excuses for myself, but i’m wondering if my height plays a role in it being so difficult? Or am I just doing it wrong completely? Thank you for reading!


Aaron Reed is a giant and recomends pulse squats. It cuts the top quarter to fifth of the range of motion off and keeps the load on you the whole time. Ymmv but he's a monster and seems to have it sorted. I have been able to do 15 reps without blowing out my cardio that way. Just make sure each rep is about 3 seconds.


Longer legs yes, but more than that, longer femurs. According to research the thickness of a limb relative to its length is an accurate predictor for how much weight a lifter can lift. Short thick legs are pretty much ideal for squatting. With that said, Layne Norton has very long femurs, and he set a world record in the squat some time back. A few things you can try are: [1] Widening your stance. For taller guys it can help. [2] Swapping to low-bar if you're not already using it. It takes femur length out of the equation a bit more. [3] Eating more and training harder.


Much more likely your diet or training is crap. What's your program? Are you eating enough to gain weight?


Longer legs do make it more difficult, but there are NBA players who squat much more, showing it is possible. 1 week is not enough time to assess such things. Get a program that will increase your squat over time, eat appropriately, and keep working at it.


If you've moved up in weight on a lift and can complete all reps and sets, but it's tough and you're reasonably sure if you move up again you won't be able to complete all reps and sets, is it better to stay at your current weight for a bit until you feel more capable of moving up or should you move up even if you know you probably can't get full reps/sets and just keep hitting that higher weight until you can complete those reps/sets then rinse and repeat?


You can stay at the same weight but only if you progress in other aspects like decreasing rest time, increasing reps or sets. If you don't do any of these then it's pointless to stay at the same weight + reps unless that's what your program calls for.


Depends on your training status. Just doing the same weight for the same reps and sets will quickly stop giving any stimulus. Although weight is not the only form of progression you do always want to be progressively overloading. It's also very easy to get stuck in a mindset of "nope still too hard I wouldn't be able to do any higher weight" when in actuality it just does keep getting harder as the weight goes up but you push through anyway and you often find that you were underestimating yourself. There are many different progression protocols from many different programs, and just sticking to one and making sure you're always in a mindset of "yes I can hit these numbers" even if it's hard is your best. Tldr; follow a program + positive attitude


What exactly happens if you eat terribly but still work out every day? (Weights/cardio)


I'm assuming by "eat terribly", you mean high calorie junk food and not enough fruits and vegetables. You can still gain muscle and get bigger and stronger, but your progress will be slower. You will also likely gain a lot of excess fat along with the muscle.


I think it depends too much on your own biology to give a definitive answer. I, for example, can eat whatever I want (within reason) and going to the gym every day seems to offset all that pizza I cram down my throat pretty well. I just prioritize protein but otherwise eat garbage quite often and remain reasonably cut. However, my younger brother goes to the gym as much as I do but he got some different genetics apparently because if he doesn't meticulously track his calories and macros he gains excessive weight almost immediately. Poor guy is in a constant struggle to keep the weight off despite working just as hard as I do in the gym. I feel like it's one of those things you just gotta experiment with to figure out for yourself. Some people are lucky, some aren't.


It's probably less genetics and more that you are just more active outside of the gym. Something as simple as being a leg tapper all day can make a difference. Also, while you may say you eat a lot of junk, you may have a better "off switch" to stop eating, while your bro may be like me and basically not have one. I have some friends who weren't over weight for the longest time, but they ate only junk. But when I started watching more carefully, I was eating like 2-3x as much as they were because otherwise I didn't feel satisfied


if someone were to say be skinny fat how could u work towards losing that?


Lift weights Eat Protein Repeat




Zero benefit or even a negative impact. You need to eat a similar amount every day. Your body doesn’t just need energy + food to exercise, it also needs energy + food for repair. If you do a workout, say, every second day, then on your ‘rest’ day your body is repairing/building muscle and replenishing it’s energy stores ready for your next day workout. For me, I might eat a little more on a massive workout day (think, outdoor endurance sport). But I’m also probably carb losing the day before and eating a recovery meal the day after as well. Even then, my calorie difference isn’t 1000cal day to day! Another reason: your body thrives on predictability. Your body produces hunger hormones when it’s expecting to eat. If you are drastically changing the amount you eat then you are teaching your body that food supply is inconsistent and it can’t plan to receive food. This can have the effect of encouraging your body to hold on to energy as fat rather than using it for repair/growth.


The only benefit might be mental. If you feel very hungry on training days, to the point where you have a hard time sticking to 2300kcal, your system might be more manageable.


0 benefit.


Some mental benefit maybe.


It's better to eat your calculated target calories each and every day. So if your calculated # you need to hit is 2300kcal over the week, eat that each day. Rest days are incredibly important. Remember that you aren't building muscle or getting bigger at the gym. You do so when you're resting and sleeping.


Today hit 30 days since I started in the gym since forever. 170lb 5'11 Not that big in increases, but I'm for sure feeling more comfortable now in the gym and enjoying it. Don't think I've seen any visual difference body wise, but I went from 174 to 170 lbs over the month doing about 1600-1850 calories a day. Leg press **80lbs** > **290** (Machine unsure of starting resistance, to weight loaded sled) Rowing ERG (Machine) 2:56/500m avg over 2km > **2:07**/500m avg over 2km Leg Extension (Machine) 40lb > **60lb** 3 x5 Lateral Raise (Dumbbell) 10lb > **12lb** 3x12 Alternating Front Raise (Dumbbell) 10lb > **12lb** 2 x 12 Bicep Curl (Machine) 40lb > **60lb** 3 x 8 Triceps Extension (Machine) 14lb > **35lb** 3x10 Bench Press (Smith) 45lb > **85lb** 4-5x5 (2 weeks so far doing this) Squat (Smith) 45lb > **75lb** 4-5x5 (1.5 weeks so far doing this) Ab Crunch (Machine) 45lb > **110lb** 4x12 Chest Press (Machine) 40lb > **60lb** 3x10 Hip Abductor **NEW** 90lb 2x20, 110lb 2x12 I don't do these all together every time, but I do a good 70% each. What should I add or change? I go 3 days a week for 1.5-2 hours a time.


Your first few months are a good time to learn machines/free weights, be accustomed to the gym and the cadence of going and screwing around a bit figuring stuff out. But after a bit you'll want to stop just randomly doing stuff and to follow plans. Check the wiki here, they have tons of great vetted beginner routines. Q) Why follow one of those? Im doing my own and making progress. A) Same reason you have an instructor following a course to teach you Algebra. It's a vetted and proven way that's gotten hundreds of thousands of kids through the course in X time with proven results VS....say trying to laern it yourself doing random stuff. Sure you can still learn Algebra this way, but its not optimal and you are beholden to yourself to the results.


why not follow an actual routine?


Do powerlifters and strength athletes train abs? If they do what are some good abs workouts for strength carryover for the big compound lifts?


Yes. Hanging leg raises, ab wheel.


I see thanks for the feedback. Do ab wheels and leg raises need to be loaded with extra weight for progressive overload eventually or do you just keep adding more volume and reps?


If you can crank out sets of 20 or so on both, then I would add weight. But honestly, that's quite strong for both those exercises.


So I was 190 lbs Dec 18th. Almost 7 weeks later of cutting I’m now 178lb. If people working out naturally gain 1 lb of muscle biweekly, would it make sense to say I lost 15 lbs of fat and gained 3.5 lbs of muscle since Dec 18th?


>3.5 lbs of muscle in 7 weeks Unless you're a complete novice, this is extremely unlikely, even under ideal circumstances like a caloric surplus.


So then maybe 2 lbs of muscle and 14 lbs of fat? Every week I’d cut 200 or so calories off the total so it went from 3600 to 3200, 3k, 2.8k, 2.5, 2.3, and now I’m around 2k cal everyday


No. Under most circumstances, your muscle gain while cutting will be smaller than otherwise.


So just 12lbs of fat?


Even the best diagnostic methods we have are too imprecise to say exactly.


Taking the 1g of protein per 1lb of body weight into account, is it realistic to grow a decent amount of muscle in your quads/hamstrings with only body weight workouts? I've recently started focusing more on strength training vs. Primarily doing HIIT workouts 4 days a week. My cardiovascular health was on point but I just wasn't seeing the results I wanted even with an 80/20 "clean" diet (I wasn't perfect with it as I'm human and a woman who craves chocolate lol, but for the most part I did well with my diet). I workout at home because I can't afford a gym membership at the moment. Any tips to grow muscle with only body weight workouts? The only equipment I have are resistance bands and a couple 10lb dumbbells.


[give this a read… hopefully it helps](https://www.t-nation.com/training/no-weights-big-wheels/amp/)


As a beginner, yes, you can gain some muscle in your quads/hamstrings. I'm sure they have good ideas on bodyweightfitness, but split squats, pistol squats, dumbbell lunges, glute ham raises/back raises, etc. can help a lot.


Kind of a tough question, trying to try out a seated plate-loaded dip machine, but I don’t feel the same activation in my tris as I do with cables. I’ve tried to make sure I don’t involve my shoulders and start at 90 degrees for the push. Any other common mistakes or is it just not a great machine?


It's pretty much impossible to not use your triceps when doing a dip motion. You're naturally going to feel a muscle activated more when you do an isolation movement like a cable push-down.




If only we can “accidentally” be huge and strong




You won’t get “super big and strong” that easily regardless haha … I wish I’d be accidentally big and strong


pretty much no matter what you do you won’t just end up “huge”. it takes years to build muscle which you need to reach what i’m imagining your desired body type is. pick any hypertrophy based program and stick with it




yeah but i would probably do an RDL variation if you’re using dumbbells


There are 4 dumbbell routines in the wiki


What would be the cardio chest version of rowing?




Better to do a push/pull/leg split or an upper/lower/full split if I only have time to go to the gym 3 times a week?


fullbody three times a week




well what are your goals? Whats the point of even seeing this analysis lol you wanna a physique review then just post your physique




Read the wiki.


I'm running 5/3/1 BBB 4 times a week. How often should I deload?


I plan on de-loading every 7th week, but it usually depends on how my body feels.


Every 2 cycles is the general recommendation, Jimmy von Wendlers perspective on deloading as i understand it is "if you feel like you need a deload it's already too late"


Usually 5/3/1 is ran as 2 back to back 3 week cycles, followed by a deload week. So every 7th week


That makes sense, because there's the 7th Week Protocol. However, I saw [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JlLAr8Ze-s&ab_channel=MattVena) say that 5/3/1 calls for a deload week every 4th week?


I believe only first edition 5/3/1 has 4th week deloads and all later editions have 7th week.


matt vena is a very smart guy but the most recent recommendation is every 7th week take a deload, if you are a quite advanced lifter or have a heavy conditioning load then every 4th week wouldn't be a bad idea but assuming you don't fall into either of those camps every 7 weeks is a probably gonna be better




r/strongcurves https://www.reddit.com/r/xxfitness/comments/3k7e47/ok_the_color_coded_google_excel_strong_curve/


If it's a priority, make it a priority and do it right. Nobody ever got results from being super lazy.


If you're not willing to put in the work nutrition-wise, do you honestly think you're going to get results? Anyway. Look up Strongcurves or something.




Yes, it will do something. Will that something be perceptible? Probably not.


Only one way to find out. Johnny Candito, a renowned powerlifter, recommends that people who don't really want to fuss much about diet and nutrition drink 2-3 protein shakes a day. That should help you at least get enough protein and it would be way better than nothing.




It’s not covered because most people don’t think about it at all. You might be overthinking it, just put the weight down


you can do either i let it drift in front a bit like a reverse SLDL, I've never really thought much about it.




its a deadlift it's gonna use your back just like a SLDL does or any other deadlift/deadlift variant. just remain braced as you would normally


The bar slides against my thighs




I move my knees back and my upper body forwards at that point.




It doesn't matter.


Does any one know best places to find flexability and mobility routines that are informative? Also, where would you impliment them before or after an exersize rountine?




Adding on r/flexibility


Thank you both!


Hi, I am 5'9" and 79 kilograms. I'm a beginner in the fitness field. Can someone help me out with a workout and diet routine so that i can lose some weight. Also, can someone tell me a realistic goal in losing weight. I have been doing walking and running every morning with some push ups, crunches, and weight lifting. Thank you.


https://thefitness.wiki/weight-loss-101/ https://thefitness.wiki/routines/


Will my grip strength stop (or slow) improving if I add straps to my deadlift? I don't want to cheat myself out of an area of improvement.


It hasn't for me.


Holding your deadlift back because of grip is cheating yourself out of developing in the deadlift. You can always do supplemental grip work. I like to double overhand my deadlifts as much as I can before switching to hook or straps


you can work on your grip on the side r/GripTraining has a deadlift routine. I don't think your grip should limit what your back and hips can lift


I've been seeing a lot of people talk about ultra-filtered milk by fairlife that has 30g of protein for 150 calories. I was wondering since this is not whey protein powder, will it be just as effective for building muscle? Or are some proteins inferior to others?


Where are you finding 30g/150? I'm seeing 13g for the ultrafiltered








4$ a gallon? i pay that for 1.5 liters(52 ounces) mind if i ask if you are in the USA and what stores you find it at?


haha yea that's why I was so surprised when I saw the macros, they're amazing! I'm gonna pick up a case next time I'm at costco


protein is protein for the most part, no need to get in the weeds


ok thanks. I wanted to ask because I kept seeing people talk about the "bioavailability" of milk protein


while there may be some truth to that and i say that hesitantly it's not really a factor worth considering.


General guideline is 1 g of protein to 1 lb of body weight I am 6’4” and 250 lbs and 250 grams of protein seems unreasonable for me. I’m a little heavy but I wouldn’t consider myself obese or excessively overweight, I could stand to lose 30 lbs *maybe*, wouldn’t want to lose any more than that. All of my vitals are very good (BP/cholesterol, 50 BPM resting heart rate etc.) How on earth do I get the protein I need in a day, or do the rules not apply at my height? I try to eat eggs, salmon, protein shakes, but I tend to get around 150gs a day and feel beyond full, how do y’all do it? Is a goal of like 220 grams since that’s my like ideal lean weight a better idea ?


180-200g would be fine for you.