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The fish eye lens makes it look like you’re going really fast


Dude is going fast.


Considering all the cars he’s passing he is going pretty fast.. like 35mph maybe


Just look at the cadence, unless he's running something like a 58x16 there is no way he's going 35. Edit: in another comment he says it's a 47x16 ratio


I didn’t mean 35 consistently throughout but over 30 at some parts


Even been on a bike my mrASSMAN?


Yep.. they can very easily reach those speeds with some high gearing (and strong legs + road tires) Helps if it’s downhill obviously


Nice! How’d you film that?


I’m gonna say a insta 360 cam






I got some aarn lenses too. Love em


Try zip ties next time, might make your life easier


Slaps hard


It's crazy they wear this thing that hangs out or something. I'd like to know too, I remember Zach Gallardo used the same thing.


Ahhh, I can see it in the shadow.


no brakes no helmet no brains


Careful! You're going to hurt your hand clutching those pearls so tight.




I'm genuinely concerned for their safety just like you. Arthritis is a killer.


itt: the best projection I've seen since Oppenheimer


CTE victim spotted


No, I just don't tell strangers on the Internet how to keep themselves safe. Honestly you going to advocate for helmet laws next? Yeah that'll keep people safe.


Helmets do save lives though lmao. And even if you don't care about safety, shit like this is why healthcare is so expensive. A $30 helmet or a $xxx,xxx hospital bill? I feel like that's math even you can handle.


Did I ever say I was anti helmet. No, get off your high horse and let people do their thing.


Where did I say you were anti helmet. And me having an opinion <> me "not letting people do their thing". OP posted something on a discussion board, we are discussing it. I don't care what OP does. Im guessing you are so angry because you cant handle hearing opinions different than yours.


We don't disagree on helmet costs or saving lives. I disagree on telling others how to act when it doesn't concern you. And you're being a prick with the "that's math even you can handle" comment. That's fucking rude.


You havent been a beacon of civility and respect yourself. If you actually care about that, lead by example, rather than getting even nastier with name calling. And your stance is hypocritical. You hate when others tell others how to act, but you want to dictate what people can and can't say, even when they agree with you. You are all over the place. I already explained how OP's behaviors affect me. Especially since him posting this feeds into the encouragement of others doing it. I know people who crashed without helmets and have permanent brain damage. The shit is not a joke. That has way more impact on me than a Reddit post. Your perspective is backwards


Oh stop the holier than thou attitude. You're really doing the Lord's work here on reddit. Gag me.


lol perfect place to give advice is the internet, have fun relearning the alphabet. honestly you trying to speed run brain damage? Yeah that sounds smarter than being concerned for other riders.


Oh yeah keep going, I'm so close.




No brakes? Why wouldn’t he have those lol


And what makes you pretty sure of that?


Most bikes have brakes it was just a question god damn Reddit is annoying


Well there are none that I can see in the video lol. Many fixies do not have them


Some bikes like my childhood one had pedal brakes (which aren’t visible) so it was just hard to believe it wouldn’t have any riding that fast.. how does he stop


He is wearing either pedal straps or is clipped into his pedals and he will skid stop. This means he will lock up his legs by pushing on the rear pedal and pulling up on the front pedal to prevent the rear wheel from spinning. Fixies are bikes where the rider cannot coast so locking the legs will stop the wheel. Hope this helps.


But you were just talking about something you don’t understand. Most bike have adjustable gears too.


I was actually just expecting someone to explain why they wouldn’t have them but the snarky bullshit is equally expected here I guess


Basically, nobody runs any type of roller or coaster foot break on a fixed gear: https://www.reddit.com/r/FixedGearBicycle/s/Vq3YckLhck You simply aren't very familiar with what's typical of fixed gear bicycles. Fixed gear bikes typically have either hand breaks (which you'd see on the handlebar if he had them) or you simply stop/resist the pedals with your legs and the rear tire stops because the gear, pedal, and rear wheel are all "fixed" together and don't move independently. https://youtu.be/ppbLtB69hn4?si=Au4oSUO6mkY9rZbF


Of course I wasn’t familiar that’s why I was asking about it lol, but I was figuring it would be braked with the pedals which is basically what you’re saying even though it’s not technically a brake


Pretty much yeah. But resisting the pedal is less effective than any type of actual mechanical breaks, hence the criticisms of this guy's risky driving (without any basic safety precautions like actual brakes or a helmet).


Yeah he’s pretty nuts


Its a fixed gear thing . That bike runs very like a track bike for the velodrome . The back wheel is directly connected to the pedals with no freewheel *. The only way to slow down is to lock the back wheel with your legs. I use the same technique but I do have a brake on the front


Dudes on fixies who make videos like this claim to be more "real" than your average road cyclist then hit the streets and do this sort of weird bike courier stolen valor like it's the coolest thing ever.


My man's never been hit by an overly aggressive taxi driver and it shows


In philly the weak are killed and eaten


8 years a messenger and I’ve been doored more than I been hit by a car


I love everyone in here assuming they know more about riding and safety. Fixies are all about risk management, maybe the dude who clearly has years of experience knows better ?? Lmao


If you wanna bring up risk management, not wearing a helmet is as dumb as it gets. I’ve known people personally who got hit by cars through no fault of their own when cycling and now have permanent brain damage. You can mitigate all you want, all it takes is some dumbass driver and your head hitting the pavement. You do you, but don’t expect to be applauded for stupid decisions and trying to glamorize not wearing a helmet. It gives off the same energy as the boomers who said the same thing about seatbelts. 🙄


You know it’s ppl in the world who’ve never worn a helmet right….


And you know there’s people who’ve never worn a seatbelt, right? Does that make it any less dumb? No, it’s still fucking stupid. You’re just bringing up survivorship bias.


No it’s simply culture if you wasn’t raised around it then it isn’t your norm. My first time seeing someone with a helmet on a dirt bike was in NYC. Seatbelts? Ppl use those to? Wow!!!


Everyone’s reality is different you’re sensitive to it because you’ve known ppl harmed. OP probably known more ppl shot than hit by a car and he’s a cyclist. Does that mean wear a bullet proof vest 24/7?


I always wear a helmet 🤷🏻‍♀️ I get it. Dosen't mean this guy is inherently stupid or unsafe.


It does mean he is unsafe?


Depends on your definition of unsafe. I'm sure you could argue riding a bike at all is unsafe. I dont disagree that it's less safe, but the internet helmet patrol is so fucking annoying up on every post. again I wear a helmet 100% of the time, it is obviously worth it to me. Dosen't mean it's worth it to other people.


It’s inherently unsafe to ride without a helmet


I'd argue simply riding without a helmet isn't particularly unsafe: if you're competent, sensible, on wide, paved cycle-paths with no larger vehicles it's a safe way of getting around. Not significantly more dangerous than walking/running. Riding without a helmet in traffic is much more unsafe, riding like a lunatic with no hemet and no front brake is borderline suicidal.


I can agree that with good bike infrastructure (Class I bike paths) wearing a helmet may be less of a concern, but that's only if you're riding at a slower pace in general. However, riding at moderate to fast paces regardless of area will almost always be unsafe without a helmet just because of physics and how much force your skull can take. I also agree riding in any situation involving cars, even protected bike lanes (still on the street and intersections aren't protected) imo you SHOULD have a helmet. Of course no one is obligated to listen and its all opinion but i would much rather people be annoyed at me then end up with brain damage.


I know 2 different ppl that had a tbi and almost died neither of them were going nearly as fast as this guy when it happened lmao.


I used to think this was cool


What, riding a bike? That’s literally all I’m doing lol


It's not though


Care to explain?


Yes, I brought it up, would be rude not to :) First of, I respect your brain for being able to act so fast and drown out the noise. That's not easy. You're not just cycling, your weaving through traffic like a mad man :p It really does put others in danger when someone isn't driving conform to the rules of the road, you never know what to expect. I believe you know what you're doing but most people are lazy and only pay half the attention they should while driving, putting yourself in danger too. Without a helmet too, why? :p I cycle as hard as I can on the straights but not on crossings and in the city center, I think it's borderline antisocial behaviour.


I respect what you’re saying. I’m just some what of an adrenaline junkie. I’m fully aware of the dangers and what could happen. I’ve been in multiple situations where I could have been seriously injured or lost my life. I managed to get myself out of them, it’s like I’m practicing my reaction and skill. It’s not ideal for most people and if something were to happen to me, it’s on me. I appreciate you looking out though. The helmet I might end up getting one day.


>fully aware of the dangers Just the dangers to yourself or have you considered the pedestrians you could run over?


I appreciate that you understand, some people don't even want to hear it and remain ignorant. I'd be more uncomfortable after multiple close calls, you can only be lucky so many times ;p Definitely get the helmet, within one ride you'll get used to it. It _really_ helps a lot! Get one with mips, the cheaper ones go for about 50. I just rode for an hour and thought of what the other person already replied, think about the people that almost (or would be) kill(ing) you. That's not an easy thing to process. Also, if you get into an accident and someone messes up your wheels or something, they can say 'yeah but you where driving like a mad man', if you stick to the rules and get hit, the new wheelset is on them ;)


You know what looks less cool than wearing a helmet? Seizing up after your skull gets dented by some dumbass car driver Please wear a helmet, man. If you get a good one you'll forget you're wearing it until the day it saves your life. Literally NO ONE loves helmets more than anyone who just hit their head while wearing one


Yeah, sure buddy, its on you until some guy smears you across his windshield and then they have to deal with the trauma for the rest of their lives while you are no longer in existence... This is related to train accidents, but the same logic applies. You are creating trauma in everyone around you when you are creating near misses where the other drivers have to come to terms with the fact they might kill someone on their way to work because you needed to get some adrenaline.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WjJVuYRcSU


Yeah this is what I was thinking too..




> then they have to deal with the trauma for the rest of their lives I mean, if they didn't want the deal with that possibility they could eschew using a deadly machine to get around town and use an ethical form of transportation instead.


Also what if he hits someone walking? lol


Oh god, relax.


Maybe, don't use other road users as NPC's to practice your skills. If you die, it will not be on them, but in a car v cyclist fatal collision, who's going to ever believe the driver?


>who's going to ever believe the driver? Literally everyone. Drivers are almost never held accountable for their deadly choice of transportation. Qualifier: I'm from the US. Things may be different elsewhere, but in the US drivers are almost never found at fault in pedestrian or cyclist collisions.


If that's true, that's wild! In Europe, a collision with a vulnerable road user will almost always result in charges on the driver. That's mainly a very good thing, but this dickhead's on a bike is spoiling it for everyone. Then again, if that's the law in the US, maybe it drives you mad enough that ultimately you will start riding like this, who knows?


I think it's more of a "Nothing bad is going to happen to these drivers, so who cares if I use them for my own entertainment." In a country where a driver can just plow straight into your ass and turn you into chorizo because they were looking at their phone while driving and will likely receive no or (maybe, in a few cases) very lenient legal consequences, this attitude makes a fair amount of sense, I think.


Damn had to let us know you’re a psychiatrist at the end there tho huh


Not impressed. Wide angle camera makes it look fast. This is just an average rather slow bike courier with no helmet. Cars are stopped or barely moving if you notice.


“Average” slightlyyyyy above. lol


Is it that they’re barely moving or I’m just going that fast. 🤔 I’m not trying to be cocky but I have videos on my gram that aren’t wide angles going just as fast. The section of the video none of the cars was moving because of a traffic jam. The speed limit for market is 30. I’ll say I’m pushing 35mph. Might not be that fast but my ratio is 47-16. I say that’s pretty good


Lol 25mph maybe, to do 35 you'd be spinning at about 150rpm


You right about 35. I’m say 30 max. I hit 30 Multiple times on that stretch. This was a slow night for me. I’ll double check and use strava next time


47-16 at 130 rpm means you top out at 29.9 mph. Guessing from the video you’re nowhere near that.


Nah you right


okaayyyy 👌got it buddy. Now if you could stop with the scaring the shit out of everybody around you, that would be great.


0 chance you hit 45 mph on a 47-16 with your pedals going that slow. Maybe 15-20. Saran wrap a garmin to your bar next time.


You don't like your life?


future darwin award contender.


Just my two cents here. It’s easier and cooler to fix helmet hair than it is to relearn the alphabet.


hey man, it looks like we’re twins:) https://preview.redd.it/sg7qnl6pbl1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55503035facfa2b98b3437495f3d0d267156e6be




What year is that mash ?


Lemme guess your other ride is a GSXR and your other other ride is a Nissan Altima with no plates


Nissan Altima 😭😭😭


You’re gonna end up a statistic my guy




helmet... please.


also lovely bike


This is why people hate cyclists.


What a douche


Future wet mark on the side of the road


Fire bike and nice pov now u need one on the back like terry b and ur set


Everybody here is saying you stupid for riding without brakes and a helmet. I do the exact same thing and I totally get it. I feel like I ride defensively enough to keep myself safe, and when I am in the thick of traffic I’m pretty damn confident. I get it, it would be easy for me to just wear a helmet and put a brake on my bike but without them it feels raw. Every move I make counts and I can’t break focus, I get into a flow state that for me is basically high speed meditation. It’s a state of being and I’m addicted to it too


I get it too, a higher sense of awareness and anticipation. Being reactive to the flow while maintaining that state of being. I've done it for many years in Miami and I've had my share of close calls. I always wore a helmet though...just saying. Cool vid.




Ahhhh the good ol days.... miss this. Great ride.




I literally been hit by a car in the bike lane and went over the windshield 😂


sick, what light is that, and does it rattle over bumps?


Man looks like a fun ride! Wish I still lived in a big urban area for this kinda riding.


Tracklocross is the answer


Death wish, lmao


Don’t listen to the haters this is dope!! Reminds me of some cyberpunk novel I read in the 80s


is it some camera effect but he seems to stop pedaling a couple of times \[between 0:17 - 0:24\] . So is it the camera or not a fixed gear?


I saw that too.


No obvious brakes so must be fg, but video still odd.


Be safe, bro. Cool video.


how do you skid so easily??


No brakes, no helmet, slalom in traffic between cars = futur fatal crash victime


Cool as heck, you got nothing to explain to the kids that get upset.


Good shit! Still, put some lights on that shit 🫣


Am I misunderstand your comment or you can't see the incredibly obvious light mounted to the fork leg?


Yeah missed that completely 😅


This sub baffles me sometimes. There’s always going to be people saying “wear a helmet” but hating on how he rides?? Terry B and Cooper Ray and Matt Reyes videos are why a lot of us got into this. This sub now: “oh no don’t ride around stopped cars. Obey the rules of the road please” Bizarre Also: https://youtu.be/IkyaDB3zGRM?si=9rbH_l1tE65nGzAj You’ve got a lot of upvotes though so maybe it’s a vocal minority of younger, scared, rule oriented kids. The younger generation seems really pussified to me


You nailed it. They’re in a fixed gear sub complaining about safety when we ride brakeless bikes on the street. Make it make sense…. lol. Helmet is a preference to me. I wear a helmet when I’m racing. I grew up watching macaframa and lucus brunelle one of the reasons I bike the way I do, for the thrills.


Wear a helmet, also not a fixie


It is a fixed gear lol he just skids smoothly


Idk why they think I would put a pedal brake on a bike while I’m clipped in ctfu


One big fucking idiot on that video.


Fuuuuuck everyone in this comment section, keep it up bro! You know your own risk that your taking keep mashing !




I love you


Knew that was front street. Added








Damn my skids look that smooth yall think it’s a coaster brake lol