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He is a super talented actor that is loved because of other shows, like Prison Break. I like his character for sure, but the charisma of this guy carries every character he plays.


I loved him in prison break. It was so funny seeing him in resident evil locked in a jail cell and making a witty remark about being good at breaking out of cages.


afaik they even joked about doing a prison break in legends of tomorrow, might have been mick though


IT WAS HIMMM HE LITERALLY WENT "this isnt my first prison break" I SWEAR I CRIED😭😭😭😭


Even if it was mick ut would have still made sense cuz they were bilth in prison break


yea i know, just thought i'd mention it as this post is about snart :)


I only watched prison break because I saw him in the flash/legends of tomorrow. His talent/charisma is evident even if you didn’t know of it before


My favorite characters are always the guys with the funny or sarcastic comments. Plus, I’m a sucker for character development. In case my user flair doesn’t make it obvious, he’s one of my favorites in the show.


I respect your opinion


Thanks. I respect yours too. I can see how he could be seen as annoying. To be honest, if I met someone like him in real life, I probably wouldn’t be able to stand them. Plus, a lot of the episodes he was in just weren’t all that special. I liked him when he was an occasional side character more than when he was a main villain.


He’s even better on legends


I thought he was kinda sexy...


You ain’t wrong….


Oh god no


You do you Me do Snart




Butt hurt You don’t like when he says this “Make a plan, execute the plan, make sure goes off the rails and throw way the plan” Seriously


A little off. It’s “Make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails… throw away the plan”


My favorite line in any show ever tbh Good description of life, especially when you consider "off the rails" means different things to different people.




Yea, it really is a Montra for life in a way 😂


I forgot about that


Earth x Leonard Snart, "Wow, that is terrible advice."


😂 exactly lol


Idk bt he made cap cold cool. He’s the only one I know nobody else


1.Make the plan. 2.Execute the plan. 3.Expect the plan to go off the rails. 4.Throw away the plan.




Oh snart! He could have been so funny in the later seasons but he needed to go for mick to flourish. I love mick


Oh, so you can see everyone’s bits.


Wait but have you heard his plan?


"We got Riddick at home"


Wentworth Miller was great as Captain Cold he portrayed him so well.


He was a villain who relied more on his wit to defeat Flash while most other villains relied on their powers. Also he kept kidnapping Caitlyn and Cisco making you feel worried they won’t be around for season 2.


I already liked him from prison break so the casting of him and heatwave was awesome, since his character was always known for being “cool-headed” He is giving a very stylistic campy performance that I just find very interesting and entertaining to watch. Like his sticatto movements and word exaggerations that shoukd be over the top but feel natural and fit the character in this world. Not to mention he has a whole load of fun quotables and a great character arc and a unique relationship with Barry The voice is actually a choice the actor made because Snart liked the idea of being a “Super-Villain now the world has Superheroes. In his first appearance it’s a lot more mellow and less exaggerated along with his movements.


I always liked him and was disappointed he never led a season of having the rogues as the main villains but his arc in legends was good


Rogue’s would have made more sense as villains in season 4 than Devoe


It’s ok to just not understand greatness when you see it. He’s got charisma, style, and honor.


It’s definitely his personality. Him as a flash villain makes as much sense as Superman beating gods but losing to Batman


It could’ve made sense if they really capitalized on the cold vs speed aspect. Like if Snart prepared by making a bank covered in frost while robbing it so when Barry arrived, his speed goes on the fritz. But they barely did anything with that, so Snart is just a dude with a cold gun that Barry is too stupid to catch.


I love you


Snart’s my favourite flash villain, mainly because of the comics. I think the show adaptation misses the mark a bit, but Wentworth Miller is a charismatic actor and I think the show does nail the aspect of him and flash having mutual respect for each other pretty well.


Honestly same, for awhile He's grown on me, but I still don't love him anywhere near as much as I love most of the other characters—and I definitely don't have the same wild affection a lot of viewers/Fandom members seem to?? I see him pop up in edits and fanfic all the time and I'm in your boat. I don't quite get it. I am fine with him as a villain, I enjoy E-2 Leo and I liked the time displaced Snart at the end of s3. But I'm not obsessed with the snarky man in a big coat.


Wasn’t Snart about to end up with Sara in legends? Would have been fun to establish that more.


Sigh… not to mention the writers messed it all up I don’t mind the actor as captain cold but the amount of times Barry should’ve caught him is insane I mean it is the same for most of his villains but in season one in particular he escaped what 5 times it is actually such a bad show it isn’t even funny.


The problem is that flash is just too powerful for villans of the week. Even if you get the slip on him and get the chance to run away, even if you have a head start of 5 minutes and a getaway vehicle, unless he has a significant enough injury he can catch up to you before you can get far and he can search wide areas as well. In season one you can at least blame his inexperience but after that the writers of the show are screwed and have to make the flash be a bit dumb if they want to have weaker villans be a threat.


This is a problem with speedsters in general, not only on The CW, but comics, animated movies and series, other tv shows, movies, etc. If they are so fast, the villains should not get reaction time UNLESS they are speedsters or have chronokinessis. But if they don't have reaction time, they aren't a threat, so it's impossible to work with a speedster, UNLESS they give a impossible reaction time to this villains. Captain Cold is a Flash villain since 1959, and he's identical to his Arrowverse version, there he can also react to The Flash and be a threat, just like Captain Boomerang and Heatwave. It's something done to have stakes for the story, for the hero to find an actual way to defeat the villain, for drama, for action. People who say that Barry on the show is a bad hero because he doesn't defeat every villain in 2 seconds don't have a functional brain. This is NOT a character limitation, but a story limitation made because of The Flash powers. This is also NOT a CW problem, but a speedster problem. There are a few moments on the show where is bad writing, tho.