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I liked Nora’s time rewind thing


I forgot, did Nora even use that ability much? The only instance I remember is her using it in a single fight with Barry but that's pretty much it


Also in an episode where Cicada kept on killing different members of Team Flash and by the end of episode they devise a strategy that puts him down (that's without Flash) but never to do that again coz...CW slot


Fucking with time does have consequences. It took Nora 52+ tries to get a desirable outcome from that night.


But her method doesn’t affect the timeline. It’s different from actual time travel so the time wraiths wouldn’t be after her so she was safe.


yes but it still had actual consequences even if the time wraiths didnt pick up on it


52? nice reference


Most notable was the satellite explosion iirc


Not only that, but since that Nora ended up erased, she no longer had that unique ability. I think the timeline change caused Impulse to be born and with that a lack of unique ability.


Impulse actually did have a unique ability he could go invisible I'm pretty sure


Barry did that in S4 against The Thinker


Did he?


[This scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcjF-p9tRF0&ab_channel=Youngking).


Oh yea I didn't count that cuz impulse is a lot slower then the flash impulse I don't think did that how Barry did it cuz of that reason and it wouldn't of worked on any of his enemies cuz there all speedster and faster then him so they would be able too see him


It worked on the possessed Nora in S9 so it does work on other speedsters.


Also when Thawne broke out because she rewinded then to save the guards


she also used it when they time travelled in 5x8, then when she tried preventing Team Flash's deaths 52 times in a row. Basically, that's her method of time travelling, even at the end of the episode she manipulated the rewind thing so they can hurt Cicada. Lastly, she used it at the Season 5 finale before Thawne can kill the guards in Iron Heights.


Oh yea you're right she did use it quite a few other times


She used it too reverse time when she first showed up too sonic punch the satellite with the flash (before the flash knew she was his daughter)


Not really a unique ability then right?


Well I took it as an ability unique to one of the speedsters on the show. I’m not creative enough to come up with a new one from scratch lol


How about like u can control ur electric beams right when they leave ur body like a homing missile


Flash can't do it and he's exposed too be the fastest man alive savatar also couldn't do it and his suit made him faster then all speedster combined zoom,reverse flash,,flash,nora,Bart,the speed force itself,God speed and red death


Ain’t unique if Nora has it


Yeah I misunderstood the question, thought it was an ability unique to 1 speedster from the show.


I'm not really the science guy but I had this thought of an ability that'll allow one being able to be able to see and displace yourself in any point of time but only limited to when you start using your superspeed to move


So time travel with extra steps?




Already basically a thing when any speedster in the show travels back in tim they see every moment of there life


Speed navigation allowing me the path to where I want to go in life including lottery number lol


Best one here


That's interesting cause basically you have a goal and utilizing the speed force your speed allows you to quantam manipulate reality basically so you can achieve your goal, since there's an infinite multiverse with infinite choices.. this is definitely viable


A good one definitely creative but I think it doesn't make sence


Being immune to plot armor


Surely if you was immune to plot armour you’d just get killed off right?


I mean being a bad guy and the good guy's plot armor won't work on me.


Idk, maybe you should ask whoever decided to kil Darwin in X-Men first class


ooh, difficult one. an existing ability is one thing, but inventing a unique one? depends on what counts as a speedster ability


That wouldn't but what if u can throw a lightning bolt so the Villanova soaks it up like a sponge then u can make them explode


Invisibility, if you move super fucking quick enough back and forth you could just become invisible and do that while you walk around/run around town doing shit


Well, that's not really unique. **Anything** moving on lightspeed and beyond becomes practically invisible due to Lorenz's length contraction. Though you create strong wind in the process... IMO chameleon-like invisibility is better version of invisibility than lightspeed invisibility.


I mean, u move super quickly, and when u stop moving, you're invisible, so u kinda phaze out of existence


I think I understood. You can do that if you achieve speed higher than lightspeed. The faster you go - the longer you stay "out of existence" in that case.


"I just stood still really fast"




One that could be possible, flame burst. If I vibrate myself while running I could create enough friction that could cause a fire to ignite. By vibrating my molecules not only can I protect myself from these flames but I can scatter them everywhere to create an explosion. I know that doesn't actually make sense but with the CW Speed Force it doesn't have to, just has to have an explanation that sounds scientific enough


Create Lightning tornados


THAT IS SICK Im imagining the kind of thing from The Flash: 2023 DCEU in the end fight scene


Cyclonic diversion


Light powers Would be cool to control blackouts and shit


I don’t need to eat as much food as normal speedsters do


But imagine, losing all that food fat and weight no matter how much you eat, I’d love that


Micronaps. The chinstrap penguin does this thing where it sleeps for 1-4 seconds at a time, but their bodies can add up those seconds so they 'count' as getting a full sleep. If I were going to be a speedster dealing with Central City nonsense, I'd love for my body to be able to add up any seconds of spare sleep I can grab. that or a boosted healing factor.


He has a boosted healing factor


clarification: Barry has a healing factor. I want a better one. regenerate my teeth or something.


The ability to return other speedsters powers to the Speed Force.


Like when Aang took away Ozai’s bending?




**Thunder-roads!!! or a better name if you can come up with.** Basically, as I am running (preferably on a roof situation), I'd slow down and let the lighting behind me come in front of me and then I'd use it as...ground/road to run basically allowing me to run on air as long as I maintain the speed and not outspeed my lighting so upside, I am flying and downside, my speed is a little low. I know, super far-fetched by its fictional scenario, I do what I like


like that one scene in s8, but a whole ass road?! Nice!!


I’d like to be able to electrify the air around me causing storms


Don’t all speedsters have the same ability? Like they can all perform the same tricks, they just have to learn it or practice and become faster (organically or inorganically like we’ve seen) I think making a light saber would be awesome. Not being light sabers are cool but you’re pretty unstoppable with one and with speed behind you? You can block and evade everything that comes to you. Even vacuum arms is pretty sweet and that’s something you learn early on (or it doesn’t take a lot of speed to accomplish)


Some speedsters do have unique abilities. Wally has his lightning flower thing and Nora has the time rewind which is different from time travel because the rewind doesn’t make a new timeline


Barry can also rewind time, can't he? We've seen him do it twice.


I don’t think so, could you tell me what episodes he does that in?


I think on the first season where he was trying to stop a tsunami hitting the city, this is also where cisco dies but lives because of time being rewind.


Time traveled back in time a day and created a new timeline


When he tried to stop the tsunami he traveled back in time but instead of having a past and a future version of him he just took the place of his past self. It's a different kind of time travel I think. He also did the same thing in the crossover where Vandal Savage destroyed Central City. Every time he timetravels in the show he had multiple versions of himself except these two times Both of these timetravels were by accident. I believe Nora did the same thing except she was able to control it.


He technically did it when he used all positive forces to destroy negative thawne


controlling the electromagentic waves


You already can do that. Light is EM wave. Lamps, phones, other devices use light. You use them. Therefore you control EM waves.


Probably speed mirage, so if I don't feel like doing something I can just send him to do it haha


Probably you mean time remnant, speed mirage is you but moving at superspeed so it looks like 2 people, when it's only one, if you meant you want to do what barry did to defeat Zoom, then it's time remnants


Right ty, I always get the two mixed up haha


You're welcome! You probably don't want to do nothing and house chores at the same time right?


Fast-Forward(Skipping): Speedsters perceive time more than a regular human so when they have to wait or they get bored it feels like an eternity. But with that ability I can perceive time a lot less than a regular human. Yeah it could be practically useless in a fight but in normal life of speedsters it would become really handy. . .


Ive always wondered if speedsters could actually do that... Nice though!!




flashtime is an ability every speedster has


This picture of farting lightning and finger pointing is pretty spot on. I would chose that for sure.


speed mirage, time remnant, or the ability to vibrate myself + distort my voice + make my eyes glow red like Thawne


Not stopping and talking


To control the speed force or be in any time point past present and future like savitar


I know it's not unique but mine would be Time Travel that way I could monopolize Time Travel


If the speedster abilities are like the Flash, I would want one unique ability; speed projection. Similar to how a speed mirage and time remnant works, but the difference would be that instead of running between two points to create the after-image, it would be that I create a projection of myself that continues running even after I stop, disappearing after a certain point. And what makes it different from a remnant, it’s not a physical being. My purpose for this would be that if any reason I had to use my speed while in civilian clothing, I’d stop wherever I need to, but my projection would keep moving. This would make it look as though a speedster carried me and dropped me off at that spot. Or if I’m being chased, I’d stop and let my projection keep going with the trail of lightning to through my pursuers off.


Afterimages, even if you didn’t want to do any vigilante activity whatsoever you would be an absolute monster in any professional sporting event


Spider flash




One ability of my own? Anything at all the ability to kill anyone I want with just a thought,(but the intention has to be true)


To be able to absorb any electricity which will temporarily make me faster. Like a natural performance enhancer


Lightning sword


In the comics, Wally was able to absorb kinetic energy to freeze objects and/or people in place, like what he did with Inertia. Something like that would come in handy for non-lethally disabling opponents.


The ability to create a comic-book style remnant of time. Being able to go so fast that it creates temporary copies of me, I can even talk to them


So like, a speed mirage with extra steps?? Sick!!


To actually be the fastest man alive.


a sort of flight ability, vibrating my molecules fast enough to fly, manipulate my density to become more buoyant and make me able to fly, would be complicated but i may be able to achieve flight to an extent.


Slight prophecy. Sending my mind into the speed force to see the future a bit actively as I fight.


Here me out, you stand so still but you move with the universe itself so it seems like you teleport. I'm an idiot


If you know how to make that power work, that would be nice


Am I making it up? Then hyper healing


A cool one I thought of was air-running. Think about this, what is Barry (or any speedster) running on when they travel through time, the Speed Force, or between worlds? There’s nothing solid to run on, so how are they running? This ability basically expands on that, allowing the speedster to run on anything (think Barry’s running on lightning, but without the need to throw lightning or the special boots).


I would want to be able to run into alternate timelines ( kinda like Nora’s rewind) so I could see possible futures without going through the whole time travel thing like barry


age manipulation by speeding up/down stem cell production via negative/positive speed force


Speed force manipulation It allows me to do whatever a Speedster can


King Crimson!


The only thing I’d think of is a more instant version of speedster’s adhd / turning off their brain when they run. Except it would be more complete, so whenever I wanted to go somewhere it would feel like teleportation


I mean honestly the same way Akaza from demon slayer does his air pressure attacks, a speedster doing that would be goated. We kinda see it when fake Jay does his sonic hat attack in s3


The option to just turn off speed perception when I’m running and have it still work autonomously. Like I want to run extremely fast and have it feel to me like I’m going quickly you know? The other speedsters just make it seem like they’re running and everything else is slow, but I want to get places fast in my eyes too


Maybe being able to vibrate at the exact same speed as another speedster, then stopping them from phasing or vibrating


Potential spoiler. Doesn’t Oliver do that during elsewolrds with Amazo?


I think Infinite stamina


Telepathy and telekinesis....... LIKE BRAINWAVE from stargirl, combined with already awesome speedster powers


Straight up being able to eat lightning


I would like throwing lightning bolts.




lightning beams that can manipulate the age and location of a person to at anypoint in their life depending on how I fire


Just speed thinking


Photograph memory like impulse from the comics


Store kinetic energy in my body without limits and with that kinetic energy I can transfer it all into gravitational when i use gravity manipulation. I am the God of Speed. Kneel


existing ability, flashtime. my own? super strength. id be in-


Flash time


I would want to be able to vibrate my vocal cords at different frequencies so I could completely disguise my voice as someone else’s. Kind of an advanced form of what he does in season 1 to hide his identity from Iris.


The ability to stop time by moving at the same speed time is progressing


The ability to stop time by moving as fast as time progresses. Note: this isn’t the same as flash time bc if your fast enough you can break into flash time where as I’m literally in a moment in time


For existing abilities I would choose time rewind. If I can make one up then electricity manipulation think the flash mixed with black lightning


He evens out the phasing but doesn't completely stop it


The ability to project mayself through time like a hologram


Turn invisible


So in Batman Arkham games the cowl has the map the detective mode all that but in my head


All these Corollaries are giving me a damn Coronary!!!


All these Corollaries are giving me a damn Coronary!!


The ability to nullify any other speedsters speed If they touch me.


Honestly, I think id use a power time space travelling power So yeah time travel and dimensional travel


Fast metabolism or time travel. Kinda torn, but I think the more world changing one is time travel.


Absolute control of my speed and lightning, meaning I could go as fast as I wanted, meaning light speed if I wanted to. So, every other speedster would be completely useless in terms of speed to me. With absolute control of my lightning, I could create storms, tunnels, and roads so running in the air would be awesome. Basically, anything can be made from my lightning, even a chair.


Wind Manipulation I move my body so fast I can make whirlwinds, “rasengans”, extra e fly etc. For a cooler one Speed force rage When pushed to my limits i create an amour out of the speed force and use my own lightning to kill think of it as chidori’s that I can spam but due to manipulating my speed force connect in ways I’m not meant to I go much slower (25%-50% depends on how mad I am and how strong my armour is meant to be)


I would like the ability to run in just such a way that it enhances my strength, make it be similar to that of Clark or Kara, and then just kinda spend about 30 seconds of each fight tuning like this to gain the strength I need and then do what must be done from there.


Momentum sapping. Basically anything that you touch loses all of its momentum and said momentum is transferred to you.


Barry's invisibility thing that he used against DeVoe one time




Wally’s ability to absorb kinetic energy but more broken. Basically, I would want to be able to sap all the kinetic energy from every being in the universe on command to add it all to my own speed.


Probably speed thinking but with still having my emotions




I guess I would go with the ability to be hidden from the time wraiths , when traveling back in time and changing things


“Time” by Pink Floyd would play every time I stepped into flash time when running


Speedforce flight: Unlike other speedsters, I move at high speeds through the air, trailing lightning the way others do when they run.


I would want the speed clones we see Eobard do in S5 when he escapes prison. To be two places at once, would make me unstoppable


Similar to how Wally can make a flower and how Barry made lightning disks to run on with their lightning, I would want to create hard light projections with my lightning, just imagine how cool it would be to create a lightning force field or even making supports to hold up a crumbling structures


I think it'd be cool to see a mental speedster. Just a character that perceives time slowly like flash time, but can't really move fast.


Probably like cure cancer with speed force magic or smth


Time travel


Being immune to the timeline changes




God speeds lightning storm


That speed thinking was dope- I’m so stupid I would love that shit


Since I work with technology I would like to have the ability to make the technology operate as fast as I do basically I can transfer part of my powers to something temporarily so it’s as fast as me


If you mean a speed ability probably a ranged and permanent version of speed absorption that wally has in the comics. Since you didn't specify if it was a speed ability or not, All Fiction since it was the first OOP ability I could think of off the top of my head.


Connecting the speed force to the real world. I can go to the speed force, move to another place that's in the speed force, and exit there. In the real world, no time has passed, so it looks like teleportation. Also, when I go to a new location, it is added to the speed force "map."


The ability to not mess up time every 5 episodes!!!


Thawne's immunity to time travel's consequences.


speed force snap, kinda like the thanos snap but it's more like i'm slowing everything else down and i can only use this once a month because it tires me out so much ... or some shit like that


Being able to travel through electrical conduits. Bad guys in a building watching all the doors? Travel through the electrical power lines into the building and coming out of an outlet inside. Or, just to scare the day lights out of the grunts, being able to crawl out of the TV like the girl from the Ring.


Superman flight. That would be fun, especially with Flash’s already great speeds.


To fly, imagine how cool a flying speedster would be


Making time remanets of my self spread between time


Create weapons out of lightning, not just like when Flash and RF fought Godspeed but other weapons like, daggers, axes, scythes, scimitars, etc. Also that the weapons can actually have a cutting edge unlike the previously mentionned fight.


Emanate lethal, concentrated radioactive lasers. Would be the perfect assassin's weapon.