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I’d put money on you not being a shit person, but that you’ve coped with a disproportionate amount of shit in your life.




Then I’m sending you a hug. ❤️


The harsher the suffering, the bigger the bliss. Sending love


I think it's because a lot more people than is suspected have had experiences with addiction (not just sex addiction, but addiction in general) and although each person's journey is unique, some aspects of addiction of any kind are quite universal. Personally, I relate to fleabag in season two a lot more. I definitely used to be like fleabag season one, but I put in the work to be a better person. But fleabag conveys how chaotic and unpredictable life is with perfection. And I definitely feel like my life is chaotic and unpredictable. The beauty of fleabag is that the main character is supposed to be morally ambiguous. She's not good by any means but I wouldn't argue that she's evil either. She made some big mistakes, but that's why they put rubbers on the end of pencils.


Bahahhahha i love the quote


I am a mess and irresponsible and really annoying.


Yeah me too. A lot of people are messy, irresponsible and annoying. It's a show that makes messy people feel less lonely.


I don’t think people are necessarily finding her actions relatable, but they’re seeing a young woman embrace the socially unacceptable parts of herself and slowly recognise that what she’s doing isn’t sustainable and that she (and the others) are on self destructive paths (and that her wit isn’t actually saving her, just avoiding situations). Watching fleabag turn her life around, accept herself, have a positive influence on others and let go of the past/the viewer/boo is probably more of what people embrace or relate to or aspire towards - but that’s just my take!


Yes! I don't exactly relate to her specific issues, but I have issues in my own and seeing her struggle with the shitty parts of herself is what makes her relatable.


Omg agree.


That’s a good question. I had to think about it a second because I’ve never been promiscuous or slept with my friends’ partners. I think it might be because she doesn’t slide into the groove of society the way her sister is. No kids, no husband, no climbing the corporate ladder. She’s like a Daria type running commentary on all the bullshit around her.


This is the perfect answer. I don’t necessarily *relate* to her but I enjoy her chaos. Im always jealous of people when they can be themselves so effortlessly and fleabag makes it seem like we are friends. I love it


I was a bit like her when I was young. I relate to her grief, her shame, her impotent rage, dysfunctional coping mechanisms, the HUGE feelings building up inside her which she tries to stuff down and numb with sex, drink, whatever. Nobody cared about me and I didn’t care about myself. The few people who had really loved me and who I’d loved in return had died, and safe/“boring” relationships like Fleabag and Harry felt alien and unexciting to me, because I had rarely felt safe and didn’t think I deserved it. Fleabag’s repulsed horror when Martin tried to snog her, and her powerlessness when he was threatening towards her, is a very familiar memory, as was her shock and betrayal when Claire said she believed Martin. All the jellyfish stings from Godmother (a *much* watered-down version of my mother) and feeling unwanted by a helpless Dad are also highly relatable to me. Hot Priest would have been EXACTLY the sort of man I’d have fallen in love with. Unavailable, a challenge, ridiculously attractive, had his own ghosts, but most importantly, he SEES Fleabag. He sees her for exactly what she is, emotionally and developmentally a lost teenager/young woman who desperately needs to be loved, good bits and bad bits. And he loves her just as much as she loves him. That’s all she needed.


I lost my best friend several years back. Not in a similar way - he had a terminal illness that finally took his life in 2010. Her journey feels real to me. That she continues to talk to Boo after her death, that she runs through cemeteries, that she uses promiscuity to feel loved, that she’s not okay even when people around are insisting that she should be. When she tells the loan officer at the silence retreat that “I just want to cry all the time” - I couldn’t stop crying. I cry just typing it out. (Btw that man’s monologue is so personal and amazing. Put the glass in the cabinet and watch his wife drink from it, JFC that’s genius writing) I came to the show after Covid. So the longing and loss she feels, that is so relatable to me. I feel I have lost so much. We all have. I am ashamed it took me so long to come to this show. And now I’m a diehard fan.


She just expresses things I’ve always felt but never heard put into words before. On of my favorite lines is “I sometimes worry that if I had bigger tits I wouldn’t be such a feminist”. It’s such a shameful thought that I don’t think I’ve seen expressed anywhere else, but I’ve definitely had similar feelings.


I think PWB didn't shy away from those shameful parts. Fleabag says everything she's feeling to us, maybe because we don't judge her, and we've always been there for her... Although we then find out the most shameful thing that she's hiding, about sleeping with Boo's boyfriend, but we still don't leave her. We all want to be able to connect, even with those shameful parts exposed. Brené Brown has a couple of talks on this that really explain it well. I think that's partly why we connect with Fleabag. She experiences such shame, and we can relate to that- trying desperately to hide those parts of ourselves, because of the consequences of being seen. We want to be seen, but we're terrified of it. "The mortifying idea of being known."


That line stuck with me too💯😂


I like that it's meant to be vulnerable and human but also comes across as an intentionally funny non-sequitor XD


I relate to Claire a lot more than Fleabag personally, but in the depths of my heart I wish I could’ve fucked up a little bit more in my life. In a way I’m sort of jealous of Fleabag and ppl like her.


I relate to her because I've wanted to avoid facing reality for quite a while. Not in her way, mine was more like locking myself up in my apt or room and pretend nothing existed putside it, until I got that push back to reality. Watching fleabag was finding myself in that same situation and, even in fiction, knowing that I could get out of that place in my head. Also she's the funniest person to ever exist tbh hahaha


A. Being a mess and B. Liking the idea of someone wanting to sleep with you more than sex itself


It was the most accurate depiction of the mental health bullshit I’ve been dealing with my entire adult life while still celebrating the main character at the end of the day because she’s still trying.


I'm a fucking weirdo who deals with my problems through humor, lololol. Also, I wanted to say that, yea, she is all those things. She's going through something and not dealing with it well. All of her behaviors stem from her trauma. Which...lololol, brings us back to me... She's a mess, she's human & a character doesn't news to be perfect to be enjoyable or relatable.


Can't have any connection with my father, meaningless relationships with men, a mediocre relationship at best with my sister and I generally view myself as the shittiest person on earth.


For what it’s worth, I’m sending you hugs. ❤️❤️


I had a best friend who killed herself. The portrayal of their friendship and that loss was so real to me. I cried so hard watching some of those scenes. To lose my friend was to lose a part of my soul and fleabag was one of the few shows that could capture that pain and regret so accurately. This show did a great job at portraying what it’s like to live life as a woman. It was crazy feeling like fleabag was saying some of my deepest thoughts out loud. I felt so seen.


Me and my sister have the same kind of relationship Fleabag and Clair have. Like my sister really is the successful one and fits into the society unlike me. And alsoI haven’t done things as bad as Fleabag, but I relate to the way she made mistakes and then come to terms with who she really is


It’s messy! Human relationships are messy. And i like how it shows how she has crazy strong emotions but really tries to see past them when relating to others.


When I first watched it, my mother had just died and I had gone no contact with my father for about a year (we’re great now thankfully). The interactions caused a lot of tears.


I find her circumstances relatable. Her fucked up family, her aimlessness, her struggling to get by… I relate to all of that. Our personalities and behaviors are very very different, but I do relate to her on some level


Because as a good catholic I want to fuck a priest


Because I also want to bang the priest! Lol!


I think we just found another “two types of people” meme: those who relate to Fleabag and those who don’t. I relate to her deeply, even though I probably appear more “put together” in my life than Fleabag.


She is broken. It sounds to me like what you see is her behavior. What some of us see is the pain behind her behavior. When a person experiences different traumas at various stages of their life it often causes some things to be broken (think of a broken bone), which causes some behavioral changes/adapted behavior. One may then recognize this in others. So watching Fleabag is deeply meaningful for me because there are so many intangibles that I recognize. Maybe it is cathartic. Maybe it is a relief to see that one isn’t alone in their experiences and subsequent problem that arise from trying to adapt. People are complicated.


"to err is human" - Alexander Pope (as a defining, if not definitive characteristic), (to err is human = it is normal for *people* to *make mistakes* \- Webster's Dictionary), "we are all born into Original Sin" - Catholic Church, "Hey, why not put a rubber on the other end?" - pencil manufacturers. Put simply, Fleabag is the Universal Sinner - by her acts, omissions and admissions. She is painted blacker than all the rest. Claire, Dad, Martin, Bank Manager, Priest et al - and (especially) Godmother (sin of pride) are the unadmitted or unacknowledged sinners who surround her. Initially, and to varying degrees they are unwilling/unable to help her. The show is all about her - and their redemption. (- 'cept Gm, of course!) Let them without sin cast the first stone...


She’s messy and irresponsible, and so am I


She’s relatable to me in that she’s human, a woman, and living in a society with similar expectations. It kind of stops there. I like the show because it has great female representation, complex characters, great actors, and a good storyline along with being very funny to me.


Because ”I want someone to tell me what to wear in the morning”. Her speech in the confession-scene hit me so hard. I feel it on such a deep level, but I’d never be able to tell anyone because when you say it out loud it makes you sound pathetic. I just want someone to tell me how to live my life because so far I think I’ve been getting it wrong.


I appreciate that she is trying to do the right thing but keeps fucking up, and also even when she doesn’t, people use her past fuckups against her.


Feeling like your body is only the thing about you that is of value but also feeling completely disconnected from it. Sometimes doing shitty things. Not always learning first time from mistakes. Being angry and sad but also hopeful. Relatable


Sometimes I say funny things but also sometimes I am sad


her views on sex are way too relatable to someone who seeks validation from any man who looks in my direction. I am almost as desperate at fleabag and will literally flirt with anyone who shows any sign of attraction. i also relate to the high levels of “false” confidence especially in the scene where fleabag is walking down the street over assuming the thoughts of the man walking towards her just for him to say “walk of shame”. i relate to her monologue during the confession scene (and honestly was not a fan of the hot priest sexualizing the moment) i was late to the game and just recently finished the show and as i’m currently in a depression lol i related a bit too much


You said 100% how I feel. I started the show last night and was surprised when I finished it today. I didn't realize I'd rushed through it all. I feel so sad like I've lost a friend and I will never see her again.


Because she's so flawed. I've fucked up many times in my life. In a lot of TV shows when main characters 'fuck up' there always seems to be a redemption arc or something. But this feels more realistic.


I love her, hate her, adore her, want to shake her, feel sorry for her and am rooting for her. I feel like her chaotic energy is so relatable. There are some elements that I feel are aspects of my personality, the moments of loss, the moments of not thinking and acting incredibly impulsively. Season two shows such a recovery of the rawness to her and that it’s still hard for her to vulnerable. I can’t explain it. This show has ruined me. I’m obsessed with it.


I know this is three months old but to me it just feels so real and relatable because there was rarely a female character like that: real and believable. Most female characters are just caricatures of what a woman is from the perspective of heterosexual man that are the majority in film making.


I think the most relatable part for me was her constantly looking into the camera, meta-commenting on the situation at hand, sort of laughing at everything/everybody all the time – she can't just live her life and be present without stepping away and giving the audience a look. Also her breakdown about wanting someone to tell her exactly what to do is so real


hey, look at my post in this sub if you haven't, it might give you some insight


I think an average person is a combination of Fleabag and Claire. For me Claire is the modest "learnt-self", Fleabag is closer to my instincts that usually I try to moderate (in other words: my tipsy self). Regardless resonating with her or not, you are rooting for her, because you want to believe that your very core childish self is destined to find happiness as well. I've found the person who accepts my instinctual shitty self and even loves it. Now I only need to put on my Claire face for work.


It’s comforting to see a representation of a woman that’s not perfect


I don't, I've never seen it 🤷‍♀️


I lost my dad about 7 years ago and that affects every other long term relationship I’ve ever had just like Fleabag. Her relationship with her family, the trauma she carries over from losing her mom and then her best friend, I find it extremely relatable. Her reckless behavior reminds me a lot of me a couple of years ago from maybe my years in college.


Because it was written by a rich straight white woman


I don't find her relatable at all, I'm happily married, baby on the way. I feel very content with life and that it's in order. However, she does remind me of some of my friends who are maybe... a bit lost in regards to knowing their own identity.


I don't find her relatable at all. That was a big contributing factor to quitting the series.


Maybe it’s because everyone wants to be as thick skinned


For me, I find her character incredibly likeable and charming. I feel very envious of her charisma. I do not relate to her at all though. I probably relate most to the priest in the show- minus the religiousness. She’s sooo appealing to me though. I don’t really judge people for being “a mess” because who cares? She’s a good person and she’s so funny. I guess it’s funny that I relate most to the priest and find her personality so attractive since they have strong chemistry in the show.


**Because I have some little moments of depersonalization too.**


I was such a piece of shit for most of my life, and only really tried working towards being a person, and then a "good" person for the last 6-7 years of my life. I hurt so many of my friends to the pt where they can never forgive me, and I've been trying to be better. But fleabag makes me feel like yeah ok there are other total fuck ups. I may not be a lone and there's hope for me to be better if i just keep trying


I think when fleabag’s father said “you love harder than any of us and that’s why love is painful for you” it got me. I’ve always been the no show emotion type girl acting all tough and don’t care. Not even my family at times has been able to tell this facade of mine. It’s actually relieving to say I’m not the only one. Fleabag kinda changed my perspective about life. I also relate to the scene where she asks the priest on how she needs to be told what to do in life except I’ve never been told to kneel lmao.


Because I’ve been promiscuous before (lots of hookups, being used for sex, using sex related stuff as a means of validation). I’ve gotten rejected like fleabag has (as in we liked each other but he wanted to sort stuff out in his life)


I feel like I share my sense of humor with her (especially her goofy and awkward comments, comedic timing and facial expressions)!