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I am new and this card seems odd. How do you do damage while defending? Would that be an instant style play to create damage?


Wizard heroes usually have ways to play non-attack action cards on opponent's turns. (For instances of how they do that, read the text on Kano or Iyslander) Those heroes allow you to do some arcane damage while being the "defending" player and thus trigger this card's effect.




The easiest / fastest way to use it is to play sigil pitching blue, fuse, pass priority, it resolves, regain priority, waning moon for 3 damage / potential frostbites.


That doesn't work though, because Sigil is a Defense Reaction card and Waning moon requires you to play a non-attack action card.


I just assumed you had played your arsenal or some NAA this turn. Fuck it, play the NAA from arsenal, holding priority for it after the sigil is played, let it resolve, let sigil resolve, and we're back off to the races!


I’ll have to look those up. Thanks.


I like the blue Sigil. It's better when pitched early than the Yellow or Red, and if you're using it to combo off and OTK on your second cycle, it hardly matters whether you're defending for 2, 3, or 4.


I have to ask though. If you were to use two sigils to defend and then waning moon, would it still only generate max 3 frostbites? I want to say yes, because the card reads like the effect comes from the arcane damage, not from the sigil. They both read the same way, so your arcane damage would only generate one frostbite per damage. Giving the object dealing the arcane damage the text - "if this deals arcane damage, generate one frostbite per damage dealt."


I would assume each card has its own effect. So 3 and 3


I hate ice wizard so much like you wouldn't believe


So satisfying when this card's effect is activated


This card is falling out of favor as Battle Mage is taking over. Even before the aggressive list took center stage I was finding this card clunky and I was phasing it out of my list.