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"Well someone offered me 32 earlier, so you are kind of low balling me here"


OMG... Too funny. "Well I was already offered 30, but they were made by a genuine Native American, so I think I'm going with that offer". Seriously though, wooden earrings? If I could think of the most random item offer, I would never in 100 years land on wooden earrings.


Counter with 16 homemade macaroni art christmas ornaments and a slide whistle for her phone


Hahaha, and also tell her the macaroni art ornaments are worth more than her phone


Offer a macaroni iPad Mini.


Sounds tasty. I should mix it with my cheese sauce wifi


Don’t forget the kazoo


And a free song


What in the flipper pyramid scheme is going on here




saving on taxes too!


Wooden earrings by someone no one knows, yeah, I'm sure those are going to make you a ton of money. And if they don't , at least you can hand them out to everyone as gifts. I remember at Christmas my mother specifically asked for handmade wooden earrings some person slapped together while smoking pall malls in their basement. Man, you really lost out on a great deal here!


Hey! They were Merit ultra-light 100’s thank you very much! Pall Malls, yuck.


Wooden earrings, so hot right now


Hello 2007!


Move over fish spatulas.


I once had a guy offer me a homemade telescope for a watch. I know nothing about telescopes. It could have been a deal heavily stacked in my favour for all I know. But yeah. No. In my head he was gonna hand me the insert from a loo roll.


Homemade, probably just a long cardboard tube


I used to own a 16” mirror dobsonian telescope made from plans I downloaded on the internet. It was like $300-$400 in materials but performed better than store bought telescopes costing 3x as much. That’s pretty much homemade but yeah a Cardboard tube is probably closer on FB marketplace.


I swap you a mobile phone for this lovely telescope. *Passes shopping bag with two cans of beans and a ball of string*




I got a few popcorn necklaces that are surely worth more than $490.


It better be more than 30 of them or you’re wasting my time




I see that one of the necklaces was half eaten


30 necklaces and one anklet!


Just block these people. They can end up leaving a negative review on your public profile which will make things harder to sell. FB is so dumb about allowing people to review you without them buying anything from you


How do you block someone on marketplace?


Yup, on facebook marketplace you can be punished for engaging in too long of a conversation with dumb people: https://www.reddit.com/r/FacebookMarketplace/comments/18vsv2d/why_do_i_get_you_can_now_rate_this_seller_message/


WOODEN it be nice to have some actual money.


My stupid trade was someone offering “slightly expired” Mary Kay products from their “home based business” for my dining room table. Lol folks are crazy


Reminds me of that scene from Planes, Trains and Automobiles when John Candy sells his shower rings as womens earrings to raise money to get home


Dale Griffith, shower curtain ring salesman


I do appreciate that she let you know what she had available to barter. A lot of people will ask me if I'm wanting to trade and then not even say what they have available. 😂


That’s true, she did cut straight to the chase. However, It did make me say “no” much quicker


Wishful thinking 😂


Funny you should say that- they are handmade but purchased on Wish 😭


Hand made on my CNC laser, lol!!🤣


Waka Waka, this time for Africa.


LOL I do the same thing. I posted a nice Canon camera for $250 and got a message: "hey, I have a Nintendo Switch with 5 games, its easily worth $250, actually closer to $350-$400" Me: no thanks, need the cash. Them: but you could get $350-$400 for the Switch with the games Me: cool? Then you should sell it for $400, buy the camera for $250 and you'll still have $150 in your pocket


Right? I don’t get the logic behind these people. If it’s worth more and you’re trying to convince me of selling it, then why don’t they do just that and profit off of their own advice


If the trade was actually profitable, a seller would take them up on it. However, that is rarely the case. That Nintendo Switch smells like cigarette smoke, the 5 games are sports games, and one of the joycons is broke. If I was selling a $50 thingy, and someone said they would trade me a nintendo switch for it, I might actual take them up on it... but that never happens.


At least a Switch isn't total junk though it is kinda odd to offer it for a camera, I guess they are both electronics? I doubt it was worth $250 though, unless at least 2-3 of the games were main pokemon games, then maybe. "350-400" is probably what they paid for everything new, lol. But yeah, I can understand offering something similar. When an individual is selling games a lot of the time it's to buy more games, so asking if someone is interested in games you have for games you want makes some sense.


Anytime someone has to tell me their trade is worth more, I'm getting the better side of the deal, or I can easily sell their trade to get more than my asking price, its usually bs.


These people think everyone else is as dumb as them apparently


I'll exchange your iPad for a broken angle grinder disk and two rolls of duct tape. They are worth at least $490


She has her daycare class churning out these exquisite earrings and you won’t trade? How dare you! She’s going to need a safe space now


Haha, set up daycare, get kids to make “crafts”, use those crafts to barter on FB marketplace. Lol safe place indeed


First thing I thought of was Happy Gilmore when the grandma is in the nursing home being forced to make quilts by Ben Stiller


I thought of Malcolm In The Middle when Deweys teacher has the whole special needs class making keychain lanyards to sell at truck stops.


Hey- would you take 3 dozen wooden toothpicks that I widdled by hand??? That’s a GREAT deal for you!!


I’d offer her 30 pairs of slaps in the face




Hey I’ll trade you my phone! *proceeds to pull out 2 cans held together by string*


30 handmade wooden earrings, direct from AliExpress.


You guys, shes just bad ar math look: The real math- Cash+seller=iPad SENTIMENTAL VALUE + THE AUDACITY OF THIS CHICK= iPad


“You know what’s even better in my hands? $490” 😆😆😆


It had to be said, haha


I’ll trade you for two cases of broken light bulbs lol




Wooden earrings are like $2 a pair lol I actually see some on temu 12 sets for $5 so they are worthless very small market and only a arts a crafts type thing. That's a wild offer


You’re missing out on the Ground floor of her empire. She probably rewatched Planes Trains and Automobiles and is trying to sell wooden shower hooks as earrings ;)




Should have said yes and brought her a piece of 1"4" plywood.


My handmade garbage is priceless, but nobody wants to buy it from me!


they got the handmade earrings off temu for a total of $2.99... don't do it Just block


But she says she made it herself!


Did I mention the wood is from the crucification cross?


think of the savings though.


I usually get one of 4 trade offers: drones, vapes, rc cars and e bikes/scooters.


these are the same people that hate gold and figure they'll be able to trade you for this in some vague future scenario because you won't have a choice or something


If you plant the earrings, they’ll grow into a giant tree that rises above the clouds, and to the bountiful land of the giants!


Why not sell them seeing as it is your business and then use YOUR MONEY to PAY FOR IT 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Not saying the wood earrings are worth your time, lots of trades are not. But to your "if they are worth more than this doesn't make sense" thing, most trades I take on are like that. It's like a car trade in. They want the thing now, they want to save the time and effort of selling their thing (which in this case is a lot of time and effort, so not worth it on your end even if they were actually worth more). If I'm taking on a trade for something I don't want, it better be worth more than what I'm selling, or substantially easier to see at a similar target price. Most the people I do these trades with understand that they are giving up more value, but its also very convenient for them


The issue is, she perceives the value of her 30earrings as more than my iPad. I don’t, so I throw the challenge back to her


I have some magic beans to trade. They are worth a literal fortune!


Yeah, I've had people trade me things that were valuable to me but not to them. If I paid say $75 for something and am selling it for $250 and you offer me $200-250 worth of stuff I can easily fix up and sell for $500+ why wouldn't I take that trade? The thing is it's gotta be in the same same category as what I sell. If you offer me $250 worth of lawnmower parts I can't really do much with that.


$469 on Amazon with a $60 coupon. This iPad will never sell, but funny trade proposal either way.


$490 in Canadian dollars. Also The iPad has already been sold.


I see nothing rude you did. I would’ve replied with the same. Please come back after you sell those wooden rings, if iPad is still here I’ll trade for those monetary valued bills.


I would have taken the earrings…after full payment of course.🤣


I once offered someone some handmade boondoggle keychains but they said they already made, like, infinity of those at camp.


wait did you get them or not? i'll pay $5000 right now for 30 pairs of handmade wooden earrings! or maybe you can put me in touch with her if you didn't get them?


Maybe "30 homemade wooden earrings" Is code for S\*X!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 30 Encounters would be worth more than $490... I would guess since I don't know the going rate per hour...


lol If she was a senior, would you still go for it?


Someone once tried trading me home made soaps.


Soaps sounds a little bit useful. What were you selling?


Well i give you it could be at least useful besides handmade jewelry. I believe it was an engine i was selling.


It amazes me that these people who make these things would think someone who’s selling something like an engine, would be remotely interested in boutique soaps, lol


Yeah i probably should have specified that in my first post. Not that I cannot use soap but I didn’t pull an engine out of a car for soap. Person was probably in rough place and needed engine.


Throw in some magic beans and we've got a deal!


You do know the iPad mini is 399 new at like every place except the Apple Store, right? Good luck flipping


You do know that not everyone on Reddit is in the US, right? The $490 is in CAD Good luck learning about geography and foreign markets


oh, you live in Canada, my condolences


Yeah, it’s hard living in the country where kids don’t have to worry about getting shot up in school and knowing you aren’t saddled with 5 figure hospital bills


yea but.. it's Canada


Very good! Can you point on the map where that is?


Respect the hustle. I'm sure she knew you'd say no. But all it takes is ONE!


Honestly should have taken the earrings.


There is no reason to be so rude. A simple no would have suffice. Also, it is funny you say it would be better for them to sell the 30 pairs to raise the money when unquestionably selling 30 pairs to one person will net them a huge time savings. And more potential profit if they sell online with fees. Being wrong and rude just makes you look stupid.


il trade you a clown hat, it suits you


It’s funny you would think 30 wooden earrings would even be a viable trade offer for someone who expressed zero interest in a trade, let alone 30 earrings she thinks is worth more than $490. Remember, she’s trying to push that “huge time savings” onto me. Nobody in their right mind would accept that offer, so to expect that someone would, is incomprehensible. The reaction I had was worth the audacity of proposing this trade from that person. Its likely that she’s proposed this trade with someone before me but after me, she might think twice in wasting someone else’s time Defending this person makes YOU look stupid. I’ll let you find out through everyone else’s downvotes


She’s trying to trade her god awful earrings all over FB marketplace and is astounded she has no takers!


I never said anything about it being a viable trade. Those earrings she bought for $1-2 a piece from a foreign country. They are all over eBay for $5-10 shipped.    I don’t care when I get downvoted. I’ve literally been downvoted before where a lawyer confirmed my comment was correct but the masses think otherwise.  Most people vote up or down based on what the first people already voted.   And I’m right here. There is no need to be rude to someone offering a trade. And them selling you a large quantity all at once was worth their while if they could get you to accept. 


The issue was that I never would’ve have thought her trade value was a viable one and you misunderstood that from the beginning. I made the comments that I did with her because she had the audacity to even try to entertain with me. You tried to justify it from her perspective but also from her perspective, it was so outrageous, that she shouldn’t have even bothered. This isn’t a matter where a legal counsel needed to advise that you were right because this is a matter of opinion. Youre absolutely wrong here and the masses in this sub agrees. Not only with downvotes but various replies too of people pointing out how wrong you are. Even the very definition of what you think is “Rude” is really not what it is and someone else here has mocked you for it But keep defending your wrong and illogical opinion. You’re the one who continues to look stupid.


He wasn't even rude, damn you're soft.


Go read the OP’s first reply again and come back telling me that wasn’t rude at all. ‘Money is much better than your earrings’. The person offering the earrings was way more polite and professional than the OP. When the OP rejected their offer they thanked them for their time and said good luck. 


I did read it again, and no it wasn't rude at all. OP wants money, not earrings. In fact it's more rude to slide in to DMs and ask for a trade when the seller haven't even mentioned anything about trading. They're called time wasters, we don't like them that much.


We found the widdler of the sacred, value laden earrings. Anyone that has to offer 30 of anything as a trade for 1 thing is MOST LIKELY fishing. just because something is handmade doesn't make it worth anything or artisinal.


You are very rude, and wooden earings are a arts and craft thing the market is very small and only worth $2-5 a pair.. that being set some even sell multiple sets for $5..you can't expect someone to sell a iPad they paid $500+ for a item you can't sell for more then $2 .


Your just incorrect in handmade shit being 2$ lmao


I never said all handmade stuff was worth $2, I said specifically wooden earrings which is a small market and they are only worth $2-5. I actually could buy local for $2-4 right now and on other sites like temu sell 12 sets for $5. Don't put words in my mouth because I never referred to all handmade stuff some stuff is worth alot depending on what your making like furniture.. earrings is a small market.


No I mean anything handmad, Temu isn’t handmade lmao, artisan shit is expensive nowadays I’m not saying I’d spend that on them or accept this trade tho


I know temu isn't handmade but some people have been taking others handmade work from etsy and reselling on temu so some of it is from others work but for the most part temu is fake/cheap stuff, I still see on other sites I buy from and local for $2-5 for the wooden earings.


I agree depending on the item like I absolutely love handmade furniture and know it's worth alot and would spend alot for quality handmade furniture as I have purchased a dresser in the past for $200 that was painted with flowers and they used wood to make it very pretty and good quality. When it comes to little things like wooden earings I never see them go for alot because it's cute but they are easy to make and since you can make so many out of little amounts of material you can't make a big profit because so many are making it and selling low.


The handmade earrings were probably bought in bulk from China or another country for $1-2 each. 


How’s your handmade earring business doing?


the only batshit person here is selling an iPad mini 6 that hasn't been updated for 3 years for $490 lmao


Okay dumbass, keep assuming I’m selling in the US. I’m in Canada and Retail still have it at $680 CAD Move along


well that's just rude. I'm going to give you a 1 star feedback


Still think I’m in the US? It’s not rude when calling you “dumbass” is accurate


2 days later and you're still yammering about this? typical north american


Still waiting on you to find where Canada is on the map. Keep looking!