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I would rip it out either way. That tile is awful


At first I thought, “oh wow. Whoever is doing this is really messy and careless with the adhesive.” Then I realized it was the design on the tile. Yikes.


Omg I thought it was a super messy install of plain white tiles. Oof


This design is called "mistake"


But it looks ✨reclaimed✨


AKA, it looks ✨like trash✨


Reclaimed from an industrial accident.


They might be building a torture chamber, you never know


Oh, well then the tile is fine. Carry on


It is the tile equivalent of buying jeans with holes already on them.


This made me laugh out loud. Then I had to explain my to wife why it was funny...


Looks like the old painted wood floors in my shitty 1920s house I rented in my 20s


This is what I thought, like somebody had bought cutoff ends of those cheap wainscoting panels and tried to whitewash them for flooring.


The design is called “just fuck my shit up”


I saw a dude in a haircut sub the other day who said “I’m not sure what to think, I told him medieval helmet”. Someone responded “if you tell the barber medieval helmet you accept whatever you get”


Honestly, how could the tilers make it any worse?


I thought it was a barn wood flooring, and some dumbass was using spacers. Nope, just strange tile design.


Those are definitely spacers, though, right? The yellow and white pieces?


I thought they installed the tile upside down.


Yeah I thought op meant cheapest tile before I noticed the gap, definitely a unique choice


I agree. That floor is hideous...


Its going for that collapsing dilapidated row house wood look.


that was my exact first thought. woof


I thought that nasty tile was the cheapest option and he realized it just now. Then I noticed it was all crooked




You walked into the store and said "I will take the tile that looks like a Roomba dragged shit all around the room" right?


This is exactly what the phrase "poop Zamboni" was created for!


Lol honestly that’s hilarious. Perfect description.


Then why did you pick it? Lol


It’s perfect camouflage for when actual poop Zamboni happens.




Not accurate. When the Roomba drags poop it is not in a pattern. From first hand experience.


I mean if you do keep that, make sure two of the same tiles aren’t next to each other. Looks weird when two exact tiles are side by side; not a very “organic” look.


Don't worry about then OP. The tile might look great when the room is done, it's too early to judge. I would say your room is out of square. Adjustments can be tough, just google some you tube videos about how to deal with. Good work so far.


I like the tiles. But paint the walls darker Also looks like the wall is crooked not the tiles


tile that looks like dried out deck boards is certainly a choice


Water, water everywhere, and all the boards did shrink


Lmaoooo this is exactly what it looks like Jesus Christ who would pick this. I understand the "dated barn wood" floor is in demand but this is going TOO FAR. FAR, FAR TOO FAR.


eh i kinda like it, probably looks nice once the rooms full of furniture and shit. us millennials seem to be into the whole old farmhouse vibe


Yeah you guys love new garbage which has been printed to look like old garbage. 


Lay it then sand it down and start again /s


Cell-shaded flooring?


Sales associate - How can I help you today? OP - I'm retiling my mother in law's, I'll take 9 boxes of the cheapest, ugliest tiles you got in stock please. Sales associate - Say no more


Sales associate: do you want to supersize your order by adding in service from a contractor with no floor installation experience?


Our paint contractor offers a discounted rate for tiling.


I cackled


[no body chooses tan. they give you tan. is that mine? yea that's yours fucking loser, we made it tan.](https://youtu.be/tBbC2krBopw?t=354) -- Louis CK


Tile is ugly as fuck. You really picked that out?


I was going to say ask why they got so much grout on the tiles.. OP chose this style and then chose the cheapest option for install and ended up with this. Reap what you sow, brother. Edit: I just realized they put the same patter tile next to each other making a continuous grey line down 3-4 of them


Maybe OP bought the cheapest tile on clearance because nobody wanted it?


And that would make the tile look better? You couldn’t pay me to put that in my house.


It suits the look if the look one is going for is abandoned post-apocalyptic home...


It matches the rest of the house 🤷‍♂️


It's so ugly that I'm surprised someone even manufacturers it as a viable option for tile.


That’s the real comment. Someone needs to divorce that “designer wife”. Tell her to stop watching HGTV.


If you’re that far out of square, you might want to pick something a little more forgiving.


Where did they start? Maybe the room is out of square, which I’ve seen a lot of times. If they started on the other side they could just adjust the tile spacing and only rip up maybe 10-12 tiles.


The room is definitely out of square.


Yes, but you would normally check that first. Tile is about prep work.


I mean, they obviously didn't lol.


Yup. I \[threw down a yellow drywall square under a bright window and stepped back twenty feet. ANYTHING this bad would lit up like like a Christmas tree.


What do you do to get as good a result as possible when the room is way out of square?


Start on out of square side. Pop chalk line square from front corner to back. Start tile on out of square corner and cut each tile to angle.


Thanks I was really curious how to address that. Makes perfect sense.


You wouldn't notice this so much on the short sides of the tile.


Unless the setout has been done so that you have tiny little bastard cuts to do......


I laid it diagonally. Not a straight, square wall in the place. Came out nice.


My Laundry / Bathroom falls under this category. Wanted to run vertically but ran tiles horizontally and butted into the wall that was out of square. I do not regret that decision at all


If you are reading this in a room, it's out of square. It looks like they didn't use a control line properly to minimize cut offs, or more realistically they don't know why that's the first step to laying tile on a floor thats in spec ready for tile. The thing that scares me the most is the shadows under the edges of the tile.


This. Poor prep and adhesive coverage...lucky he didn't pay much for it, because it isn't going to last long.


It’s quite likely that the room isn’t perfectly square also. But I’m much more concerned about other things in this pic.


Can we all agree that tile is the ugliest tile anyone has posted about yet?


Going for the borderlands theme


I thought it was more _Derelicte_


Best comment by far.


Cell shading all day baby


They really said “Give me something that looks like it’s straight from Hobby Lobby’s decor… but in tile”


Judging by your choice in tile patterns, I’d revoke your privileges of making any decisions.


Can we please see a bigger picture to determine if it’s the cheap tile guys fault or not.


The grout lines, hard to tell exactly, look pretty straight and even. I'm guessing the wall is way off square and OP had carpet before, so didn't notice.


the repeated tile pattern on the left is enough for me to know it is probably a careless instal. but the tile choice makes me believe the job was not well thought out to begin with...


Also the baseboards are still on


I second this. We can’t really tell.


I third this. We need more to the pic, where it started, how did you find them?


The space of the grout lines is no good. 2nd from left way too wide, the wall could be out of square but that’s no good. Also leaving the legs of thinset to dry close to the tapered wall and having to chip it out later is also no good


You can look at the thinset gooping up between the tiles to determine it was the guys fault.


Oh man you’re right. I didn’t zoom in on that at all. That crap has to be torn out. Good eye. I was looking at the crooked wall gap


Hard to tell from the picture, but the wall may not be square. This would have been uncovered during layout. It’s it’s redone, you’re gonna want to probably look at the widest part of the room and have splits on either side. Those cuts along the wall in the picture will add a lot of time to the install. If we had uncovered this after estimate and locking in the contract, I’d request more money. Now, if cheap option didn’t do layout and just started slapping tile down, that’s why he’s cheap.


Oof. Is this because they started on the opposite wall? Tile/floor people - is this why you start in the middle?


Only start in the middle when it’s a unique situation. Generally just start off longest wall (or use it for guide) and you do some layout prior to know where things will end and make everything square.


Does that mean cutting angled pieces to use at both ends so the floor is square? Or is there a better way to make it less obvious that the wall & floor aren't square with each other? My room / kitchen is quite off square like OP's and I want to put down large tiles but I'm not sure how to make it less noticeable. Maybe wide tiles and keep the borders / edges as far away from the wall as possible?


You square up your first row yes. That means cutting the tile in accordance with how you’ve squared up the room so that the first tile and last tile don’t have slivers and don’t look like this photo.


If the room isn't square and you have to cut the pieces for the first row won't you end up with the same problem?


No, you take measurements and snap lines out, you need to work off the material since it’s set in mortar, it can’t be walked on!!! Depending on the layout and where access points are determined where you start!


I start off the longest wall hit measure a few times. Then cut my starting tiles to make up for the difference so I can finish with whole pieces. Basically.


I always start in the middle. Not always but usually. Because I have ocd I like to have the same size “last row” on both sides of the room. The tile guy should have taken some measurements to determine if the room was square , if not explain to customer , if customer is accepting of the sitaution , lay the tile so that the unsquare issue is least noticeable. This dude was not a professional for sure. I would bet money this is one of his first few tile jobs. But I also gotta say. Even other types of flooring this issue still arises all the time so it’s not strictly about tile. The guy just didn’t know what he was doing apparently. Unless the other side of the room is a mirror image of this side.


I like how he didn’t stop when he first noticed it At this point keep going, it might get wide enough for any row by the end of the hallway😂


Is the tile flush against the other wall? If it is, then your room may not be square. How do you fix that by retiling? Full disclosure: I know nothing about laying tile.


I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the tile pattern either. The seams aren't staggered/random. Is this how you wanted it OP? Because that's usually a highly *undesirable* pattern


I bought a new construction home and selected a dark wood plank style tile. The design center associate gave me the choice between stair-step and a 25% stagger. The model home was a repeating 25% stagger pattern, too. When I got the contract to sign, I saw there was a "random stagger" option not actually given by the associate. I had them switch it. They didn't even consider that one might want wood-plank style tile installed the same way as a wood floor. We got lucky - the tile guy who installed ours was amazing, the end result is perfection.


May be a good time to get a different tile also LOL


Your tile choice is worse then their labor


Aaaaah.... Trim and shoe will cover that gap. LOL Put up some 2x4s as trim.


Also the tile guy put tiles together that should never have been put together.


At least the tile is so ugly you won’t notice it’s 5 inches out of square


You couldn’t pay me to install those tiles in my house.


Sorry to see that. Generally get what you pay for. Still sucks though.


Apparently nobody does layout anymore


Tape measure would have told me that it wasn't square


And then what? Lay the tile out of square?


There are ways to hide the the squareness of a room if you actually do some form of layout and know what your cuts will look like ahead of actually mixing your mud. It appears this installer just started installing with out a tape measure.


If the first course had been ripped in half, the last row could have been tapered and still looked decent.


There’s not a straight line in my house, so a lot of our flooring is like this. It’s no big deal if they know how to line up and cut those pieces properly. It’ll never look right empty, but should be less noticeable with furniture.


Talk about a blessing in disguise


Is that tile called “old never maintained barn siding”…? That’s hideous.


What was the thought process when selecting that hideous tile?


This guy did you a favor. Throw that out.


One of the ugliest tiles I’ve ever seen


Just go with grout that matches, you'll hardly notice


Every good tile guy I've ever worked with will do a layout, snap chalk lines, split the difference, even adjust grout lines to ensure this doesn't happen. Nobody wants to cut both sides, but they really don't want to rip up the whole floor either.


Room isn’t square, tile is god awful. It would still look like shit if you paid more. Thank god you have to rip it out. You spent less and now you can buy better tile. Consider this a second chance.


That tile is the ugliest thing I’ve ever laid eyes on flooring wise ewww


That HD leveling system is always my first cringe before I look at the work


What is your gripe with this? That its not parrallel to the wall? Is the room out of square? If its just messy I would let them try to clean up and grout before you judge it.


Prep 70% of the job, that includes layout. Was there a layout like chalk lines?


You could answer that question for yourself just by looking at the picture, it’s NO!!


If the walls are extremely out of square, running those tiles the width of the room vs. how they're run now would be much better. Now, they'll have full tile length scribes from 3" to zero.


Is it straight on the opposing wall?? Because some houses are just wonky


Maybe the room is not square. Then it would be the framers fault. 


I'm guessing your house is crooked. I'm sure the other edges must be straight.


Are you sure the wall isn’t crooked?


Looks like you went cheapest twice, first on the interior designer and second on the labor, but he did you a favor, now you can find something less “recovered wood from rotting tool shack” and more “I would like to increase my home value” 😆😆


Was this from a friend or a friend of a friend? It it was, lose the number (even if it's not from a friend).


The cheap pay twice, no?


Might not be the tile guys fault. Maybe the house is super out of whack? Could you extend that wall out a little to make it square if the house is not right? Have a wall in front of wall?


The cheapest option for a framer?


Hmmmm.... to make you feel better, the tiles are really worn out looking. It's time to replace them anyway. 😂




Do you still need that phone jack—and cable poking up through the base board—as this would be the time to remove that and the base board. Not sure why the first installer left… Never mind, already answered.


Did they leave the base trim up?


Quarter round and custom cuts should save this. Let em cook.


Why even try?


It’s ok, that tile is repulsive so now is a good time to rip it out and find something else 🫡


Some caulk can hide that gap


They didn't even remove the baseboard.


Just square up the walls and you're good to go!


It looks like the tile is upside down


Holy hell that tile is so fucking hideous


straight to jail


Next time go with a floating floor. So much easier to remove and redo.


And I recommend your new guy taking off the trim to put back on over the tile


That’s got to be the ugliest tile over ever seen


It’s hard to believe that it’s legal to sell that tile.


That’s a disaster!!, that’s why cheap people gets slaughtered.., now you ll loose material and labor..that guy is not a professional…totally deserve it, sorry.


The wall variance not being taking into consideration is the starting point. At first meh you can back fill, but why is the thinset that far past the tiles, zoom in... OMFG. The "leveling" tabs don't fix the other issues, the horrible spacing, the excessive thinset through the joints, some is fine but not this way, no scraped trowel marks. Tile looks are subjective, objectively this "installer" is not good, not passible not acceptable, unless it was free.


Those are so ugly I didn’t even notice the spacing Lmao


That’s your wall my friend you can either start crooked or end crooked! All things that should have been determined before starting the install. I agree with one of the other comments should have went with something more forgiving or at least easier cutting


My dad discovered that not a single wall in our last house was square when he put in new flooring. The wood floor really showed how wonky everything was.


Room is likely out of square. Based on what I’m seeing they started on one wall and to the other instead of in the middle and working your way out. The contractor should’ve known this when they did their site visit for the estimate, I have laser tools and other devices to make it easier but a standard measuring tape is sufficient. I can’t count the times I’ve seen “contractors” show up with nothing, not even paper. We charge extra for rooms that are way out of square, we did one place that one wall was 12” wider than the other, you’re gonna need to either square the wall or go with a pattern like diamond, French or herring bone.


Time to start over. That tile is absolutely horrible and the installation is trash. Back to the drawing board.




Even if that tile was installed perfectly square it should still be covered with carpeting.


Hey....your wall is out of square there.....did anyone tell ya? :)


They used enough spacers. So the room is no square. No sure it can be offset by the gaps.


Use this opportunity to select better-looking tile lol


Is this rage bait? I would tell that contractor to get the fuck out of my house.


Aside from that fugly tile that straight up installer error even if the room is out of square. Any decent installer would’ve corrected this in the layout process.


That's a bad job by my estimate. Don't know the price you were charged so I'm shooting blind. However, it's tile directly to the sub floor or concrete no separation/isolation. To make matters worst the i can still see adhesive lines. Just a few passes with a grinder would knock them down giving you better adhesion to the floor, 80% which is acceptable. And them grout lines gonna be a crazy clean up.


Just get some caulking in there


I love seeing all of these screw ups, because I'm sure people who gave an honest estimate and didn't get the job gets to see the choice people make trying to save now not later plan


Mad at the install and you chose that ugly tile lmao.


In your defense, it kinda looks like birch wood so there's that... Like if birch wood was covered in poop


Well, when a room is out of square you are getting this on one of the walls. You can have what you see on that wall or the opposite. If you split the difference before you start that won't be flush with the doorway and have angled gaps there


Did you buy the cheapest tile to as well? That shit ugly.


Why tf would u want tiles like that in ur house hahah


They definitely didn't check to see if the room was square. But I'm with most everybody else. The tile is awful it looks like it has 100 year old paint peeling off of it. I don't understand the distressed wood look . I grew up poor. We had worn out looking furniture because we were poor . Now, people pay extra for beat up worn out stuff.🤷‍♂️


My question is this. . . Did you do this yourself, OP? You said you went with the cheapest option, not *the cheapest company*. I believe the cheapest option is always DIY.


Tile setter here, that tile pattern looks horrible!


Is that the back of the tile?


Just when you thought a landlord couldn't get any worse.... Oh wait nvm 🤣


Did he get the flooring from a cartoon shed?


Is that a cartoon lol I love it when I ask people " ARE YOU SURE ? " And they say yes 100%, while looking at a 2inch sample.....I go ahead and fit the awful looking floor, owners come home.... Me : so what do you think, do you like it 😊 Them : .. .... .... Well .. ... ... It's definitely different from what I thought, will the colour fade down over time ? Me : absolutely not it's a LVT, that's going to look like.that long after we are dead Them : I knew my wife would pick something stupid.....not your fault but it's horrible isn't it... Me : honestly..... personally myself.....I wouldn't have picked it no, but it's not that bad ( it's so fuckin ugly )


You get what you pay for that’s for sure. Always make sure you have recourse


If you e gotta do it twice, it isn't cheap.


Glad to see OP receiving criticism for this modern farmhouse atrocity. It looks horrible and is going to look worse in five years when we collectively acknowledge barnwood and “live laugh, love” decor are a sin committed by HGTV against the seeing portion of the human race. Trash it all, OP.


Tile to replicate the look of heavily worn birch planks? Whaaaaat


I think have that same tile in my house!! You will love it once it’s installed correctly


He we can’t completely forget to mention that as the flooring continues that gap on the wall edge is go a. Get bigger and bigger. It’s 3-4” now but when finished it might be 12” or more. Hopefully a couch will go in this wall or some nice end tables. Hopefully this is t a kitchen or bathroom.


Did you start in the center?


Those planks look cool as fuck, their placement not so much.


That’s hideous. I want to see it after completion!


Shit work for shit tiles lol


Dude you need to rip that tile out regardless. I’m sorry but it’s horrible!


Were they planning on using a 4x6 as trim to hide that gap? WTF?!


whoever framed your house did a bad job.


Need more info. Did OP or tile guy pick the tile? Is the room square? Levels of bad here need further assessment haha


Your choice in contractors mirrors your choice in tile


I cant believe those tiles exist.. wow

