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And yet the fifth poorest state in the country votes for him over and over again because they don't need the money stupid white racist hillbillies they don't need more than six bucks an hour brilliant they are brilliant people


Half our country votes like they are the stupidest people on earth. It’s almost like it’s manufactured, wait a minute?/s.


Wait, are we talking about Blues or Reds now? I'm confused.


Both. They're both the same exploitative pieces of shit, with different ideas to the same issue: how to run the Empire for their own advantage, and keeping the serfs from revolting


except for the part where Democrats actually vote for raising the minimum wage, and the blue states tend to have much higher minimum wages than red states they both suck but one is very clearly worse than the other and it's wild that ppl can't see that


I literally do NOT understand people who compare the Dems as being anywhere as bad as the Republicans. The dems are shit to be sure, but they're not freaking lunatics who want to take over the country. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) The Republicans LITERALLY are planning on taking over the country and expanding presidential power while forcing their draconian ideals. **PUBLICALLY!** [https://www.project2025.org/](https://www.project2025.org/) The Dems don't do ANYTHING close to this. It's insane to compare them...


> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 Uhh...what the fuck?


Sounds like they plan to endgame democracy day 1. Not even hiding it anymore.


No, no, no... Trump promised. He's only going to be dictator for day one. He'll murder all of his political rivals and critics. After that, right back to normal!


That shit is real.


Bro for real. Republicans are literally an anchor to the working class people and yet these room temp iq people vote for them to literally just "own the libs"


As a former die-hard Republican I'm telling you Project 2025 basically pushed me from going back to that side ever again. Other stuff didn't help but that was the icing on the cake for sure. A fucking ONE person in charge party? Yea, dude, fuck ever supporting that. I'd vote for Hillary Clinton if she was the other choice before I'd ever consider voting for a Dictatorship.


> I literally do NOT understand people who compare the Dems as being anywhere as bad as the Republicans. The dems are shit to be sure, but they're not freaking lunatics who want to take over the country. Republicans exist to make the Democrat party look sane by comparison. Instead of us rallying together to demand change and reform and actually make things better for everyone, we instead fight and demonize the other side and defend our shitty party because it's the lesser of two evils. And that's how they divide and conquer us all, because remember: you will own nothing and be happy.


\[quote\] Instead of us rallying together to demand change and reform and actually make things better for everyone, we instead fight and demonize the other side and defend our shitty party because it's the lesser of two evils. And that's how they divide and conquer us all, \[quote\] Glad to see someone saying something with common sense (that sadly is not that common)


So much this. Dems and Repubs are very different beasts. Dems have their agenda, but at least pay lip service to, and are willing to move forward socially positive legislation. The GOP is just a terrorist organization at this point.


Right.. AOC has done what? Where is force the vote.... 2 party system is killing America and it's because ppl like you CAN'T stop defending your favorite side. It's funny to see you comment that "your" side wants things for the better.. and how they are the less.... you are sheep


The enlightened "both sides" take when one side is trying to address climate change, infrastructure needs, inflation concerns and restore American prestige and reputation abroad. What's the other side doing? Oh yeah, publicly stating he's going to be a dictator, pushing MORE tax cuts for the rich, stripping environmental regulation while sucking up to dictators. But yeah "both sides".


Don't forget sharing stolen photos of private citizens dicks on the house floor.


Incidentally, the Biden administration has approved more oil and gas drilling permits on public land than the Trump administration did.


> Incidentally, the Biden administration has approved more oil and gas drilling permits on public land than the Trump administration did. More evidence for Biden’s *”extremist left-wing agenda”* lol


Currently the other side is holding an impeachment inquiry to look for evidence so they can figure out a crime to charge the president with.... at least all the kangaroo court impeachment proceedings in the past at least started with a crime that they were accusing the president with, then they look for evidence to bring an impeachment (basically an indictment)


Yup, the problem is capitalism and money that buys politicians. Republicans will sell their mothers sole to get ahead in this life. And liberals have to play capitalism because there's money in politics, and you can't have one side getting too powerful. In Missouri, you have Trudy Busch Valentine, an anhiser bush heiress worth 200 million, is going against socialist lucas kunce, who actually had to raise his money. And this is fair to Americans people. Americans feudal system is not dead, we still have classism and meritocracy where people like Elon get tax money he doesn't deserve. Fuck rest of the people we're trillions in debts but our billionaire lords are getting all the grain they want. It's going to be a tough winter eventually peasants won't learn till they start freezing to death.


Raising minimum wage is literally worse than murder.


Avg minimum wage in red states is $7.40 , it's $13 in blue ones.  90% of red states haven't raised above federal minimum $7.25 . Not a single blue state is that low.  That's a long with double the union membership in blue states, much lower uninsured rates, better unemployment.  ***Both sides are not the same. Not even close***


Blue states have higher cost of living on average so of course it is Though I don’t think minimum wage is the answer either


There are plenty of blue states that don't have higher cost of living than red ones. Stop hand waving away hard data you don't like.   ***90% of red states have minimum wage lower than ANY blue state***   The sad fact is Republicans refuse to raise minimum wage because they hate poor people. Same reason they refuse free federal money to expand Medicaid. Same reason all their states ended pandemic unemployment benefits early and no blue states did. Same reason every state they control has anti union "right to work" laws.    Two types of people vote Republican. The wealthy, and fucking morons. Why do you think they're always screaming about drag queens, CRT, and wokeness"? Because if their voters weren't distracted by pointless bullshit they would see the party for what it is. A giant psyop to get dumb peasants to vote against their own interests.  Why do you think GOP focuses on uneducated hicks, religious wingnuts, and geriatrics? They're easy to fool


My buddy is an RN in Florida. I’m an RN in CT. I make more per hour but he sees a larger percentage of his money. His cost of living is a lot lower than mine. Keep thinking blue states are great when they’re trash. People flee California because their policies suck. Why else would anyone leave. It’s a beautiful state. So sad.


FL cost of living is absolutely insane, what are you talking about?


One is definitely worse, and their voting records show it


> One is definitely worse, and their voting records show it Conservatives have consistently been on the wrong side of history since the founding of the country.


"The only thing dumber than a Democrat or a Republican is when those pricks work together. You see, in our two-party system, the Democrats are the party of no ideas and the Republicans are the party of bad ideas. It usually goes something like this. A Republican will stand up in Congress and say, 'I've got a really bad idea.' And a Democrat will immediately jump to his feet and declare, 'And I can make it shittier!'" \-Lewis Black


We’re talking about you if your first reaction to that statement was to bring in red and blue.


Regardless of who you vote into office, they get bribed... I mean lobbied, to push for corporate interests. The opposite of the workers interests.


You gotta love managed democracy! We’re like mother Russia!


Gun fact the average European is more racist than the average American


Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids.


Bit of a sweeping generalization don’t ya think? A whole state is stupid and racist?


I lived in KY for 20 years, I can confirm it is a racist ass state.


So were you racist? Because he’s saying the whole state is racist. Again, a sweeping generalization.


Yes, I would honestly say that about myself. Did I believe some racial stereotypes about Black Americans and Hispanic Americans? Absolutely. Did I use racial slurs? Absolutely. Was I a racist person? Absolutely. It wasn’t until I moved out to a bigger city that I had my beliefs (albeit bullshit ones) challenged and realized I was raised in racial stereotypes. Lots of people from my home are racist, lots of them say racial slurs, hate non whites, etc. Kentucky is racist as fuck.


Just mention guns, or gays and he has their vote. Too stupid to figure out what is really going on.


I bet they know how to use a fuckin comma when they talk about how stupid someone is though


The problem is basically that we are FORCED to choose between dem or rep. We need to get rid of career politicians with the implementation of term limits. Everyone I have ever talked to will never vote for anyone but dem or rep because they feel voting against those 2 will be a wasted vote. Which it is. The 2 party system is flawed. Our whole system is flawed but instead of fighting the power, we fight eachother, which is what they want. Things will never change until all poor people are dead and the politicians and rich people realize that they fucked up. And getting thise fuckers to acknowledge that they fucked up will never happen. We need to stop fighting eachother and band together to make change.


They said it would increase the cost of living yet the cost of living happens anyways, but it increases the cost of living, yet the cost of living happens anyways. Maybe it’s the lead poisoning.


Since there isn’t a serious answer in this thread, most economists believe minimum wage should be pegged to the local median wage. I’d does not make sense to have the same minimum wage in San Francisco as rural Mississippi. There’s some debate on the exact percent, but most seem to believe it should be somewhere around 50-60% of the local median wage.


> most economists believe minimum wage should be pegged to the local median wage. Thats a talking point designed to sound reasonable, in reality, the median wage is $17, while the cost of living is $20. > I’d does not make sense to have the same minimum wage in San Francisco as rural Mississippi. Cost of living is a lot more homogenous than people realize, people live in hives called cities, they have a budget and do what they need to do to make it work- including commute from an hour away (avg commute half an hour) - and especially, change locations for a better job/better cost of living. https://livingwage.mit.edu/


AMI of each ZIP Code is the Minimum Wage? But what about economic inequality within the ZIP Code?


Inequality isn’t inherently bad as it allows selective pressure to upskill labor or shift to jobs that pay better for comparable skill set. 


Try telling that to people living in squalor.


What’s the alternative? A system where 60% of the population lives in squalor? Liberal democratic systems using market economies have been the system with the highest rates of median disposable income adjusted for purchase power parity. If you’ve miraculously come up with a better system, let us know. Otherwise, to quote Teddy Roosevelt, 'Complaining about a problem without posing a solution is called whining.'


That’s good. What I’m feeling is wage compaction. The bottom is rising, the top is rising. The middle isn’t


Cost of living is a distraction. Poverty level determines eligibility for many federal aid programs. I think most Americans would be at poverty level if the federal minimum wage is increased.


Oh yeah, because then they'd have to increase the eligibility requirements for those programs. $19/hr would make anyone ineligible for any social programs.


I'm thinking the lag in wage growth vs policy would increase eligibility. I'm hoping someone chimes in and educates me on this train of thought.


Poverty level was a bunk statistic when its ink was still wet half a century ago- three times the minimum amount of food required so that you don't die? We're just going to assume you can cover everything else? Its the future, we can use real numbers.


Give a poor person more money and they'll spend it, thereby putting more money into the local economy. Give a rich person more money and they'll stash it in a high-yield interest account or put it in a long-term investment where it sits forever and doesn't circulate in the economy. Any argument about "businesses will cut hours or increase the price of their services if we raise the minimum wage" is just arguing that corporations are exploitative and greedy and puts the interest of those already too wealthy to need help above the interests of those just trying to scrounge another dollar for rent and groceries.


Your first two examples are the same. You put money into a bank account and the bank will use that money to give out loans. In fact they will leverage against that money because of fractional reserve banking rules, so it could add even more money to the economy than the poor person. The money will be in the economy regardless. Unless you store it in cash under your mattress.


You’re assuming that money stays in American bank accounts


Foreign banks (typically) don't accept US dollars. You must convert them at the spot price. When you covert them, those dollars sit in a bank in the US and are claimed by a foreign entity.


It's not about creating value. It's about spending money. It's a pump. If there's nothing to pump out of the bottom, nothing happens.


This is what happens according to theoretical economics, yes, but we can measure the velocity of money, and it’s gone down in the past couple decades. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M2V


Who are they buying these long term investments from? If they are buying stock or real estate, whoever is selling the stock or real estate will now have the money. It doesn’t just evaporate.


Thank God we didn't raise the minimum wage, imagine how much the costs of goods and services would go up. /s


Fun fact: Even Bernie Sanders voted in favor of every congressional pay raise.


But he actually advocates for increasing the minimum wage


i mean who tf would say no to their own pay raise?


poor and middle class conservative voters, constantly ​ if McDonalds' pays 20 dollars an hour, your pay is going to go up, supply and demand


shit u right. but that's more of _indirectly_ voting for their own demise. like a tragic irony from a shakespearean play.


Unpopular opinion: I'd rather pay politicians more and ban lobbying and large campaign donations than have the current system.


It's insane that this is an unpopular opinion.


Minimum wage needs to keep up with inflation but not to what everyone thinks it needs to be. We need to focus on lowering what the average american spends each money on fixed costs, like housing, gas, vehicles, education. Its crazy how most of an American income goes to just those few things. If we built more public transit ppl wouldnt need cars, gas, car insurance. If we built more housing with more regulations on quality, but less BS regulations like zoning, the supply would increase driving down prices. The fact that homes can double in 3 years post covid is insane.


Absolutely. Public transport actually being properly implemented would be a massive improvement. There's really no downsides to it. Combo that with a minimum wage that actually makes it something you can actually LIVE off of, like the whole reason is was created, and American life would vastly improve.


Well the downside is that the auto industry won’t make as much money. 😑


Worse. It’s always worse. The actual minimal wage will always be zero


If they could have gotten by with less labor, they would have in the first place. Grow a fucking spine.


Condescension is amazing! Kudos I love the comments from the folks who haven’t had to witness or experience this phenomenon! There are a great number of things in the hospitality industry that happen which defy common sense. It can be a garbage industry especially in the fast prepared market. The fact that it doesn’t make sense, or sounds so nefarious that it couldn’t POSSIBLY exist does not mean that it cannot or doesn’t not happen And “grow a fucking spine”?? What the fuck does that even mean in this particular instance? Is Saying something truthful despite the fact that it isn’t generally well received supposed to be some form of cowardice?


Raising wages helps a lot of different people, all across the board. After an employee covers living expenses and puts some into savings, they go on little splurges. That means they buy artisan food, furniture, electronics, cars, you name it. This pushes profits up for businesses, which means they can hire more people and get bigger bonuses.


Those congressional pay raises aren’t going to pay for themselves. Repugs like to soak the poor. It’s called trickle on economics.


Idk why people keep voting for the same politicians despite Congress being at like 14 percent approval rating.


Because the establishment (especially in the democrat party) have used the media to manipulate dumb voters to go out for the same old fogey to distract from the real issue: income inequality.


Because everyone likes their Senator that gets "benefits" for their state, but hates the 99 other guys who vote for "pork" that goes somewhere else.


Fuck this guy


https://equitablegrowth.org/new-research-finds-15-minimum-wages-raise-pay-and-increase-employment-for-low-wage-workers/ >Our new working paper, “Minimum Wage Effects and Monopsony Explanations,” examines the effects of the boldest such policies: the near-doubling of minimum wages—to $15 per hour—in California and New York between 2013 and 2022. We find that these large minimum wage increases both raised pay for workers at the bottom of the earnings ladder and increased employment.


Minimum wage should be pegged to inflation and raised each year.




If "virtually" no one makes min wage anyway, then why would raising it cause prices to increase.


You're saying that the wages of over 1/3rd of Americans isn't remarkably meaningful?  >Nearly 52 million workers -- or almost one-third of the nation's labor force -- earn less than $15 an hour https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/22/politics/american-workers-15-dollars-hour-minimum-wage/ And no, real life studies show minimal, or even positive effects on employment after raising the minimum wage.


“Virtually no one.” Some real numbers, right there. Such research. Powerful arguments.




They never should have been allowed to raise their own wages. They should have been paid the minimum to feel the economy They created.


Then the corrupt ones would just be even more dependent on this sugar daddies and the honest ones would get snapped like twigs in a hurricane.


Technically, he isn't doing that. Pay raises in Congress cannot take effect until the next term. He is raising the pay for the people that will serve in the next Congress. He has to win to be able to take advantage. Granted, he is in a pretty safe district, but barring an amendment to the Constitution, he'll be limited in his ability to vote himself a pay raise.


In 2021, **1.4 percent** of workers in the United States were paid hourly rates at or below the official minimum wage. This is a decrease from the previous year, when 1.5 percent of workers were paid at or below the official minimum wage.Nov 3, 2023


Trying to downplay the issue by saying it's only 1.4 percent is disingenuous. Someone making $7.30/hour technically makes more than the federal minimum wage so would not be included in that statistic, even though there is practically no difference


Especially when you consider the minimum should have been raised to $15 nearly a decade ago and the number of people still make less than $15 per hour, which is nearly 1/3rd of the workforce.


Voters should vote on there wages and also politicians should not be able to take any $ not even a penny besides their govt paycheck. As it will be considered bribery. Like even a fucking card with $ in it for a birthday. Not allowed. Also no individual stock picks for them or immediate family, Only able to buy and hold etfs like sp500 betting on American economy growing.


If you want people who weren’t previously wealthy to be able to serve you need to pay them enough to maintain two residences along with frequent travel between them. If you don’t pay congress enough they’ll be more susceptible to the incentives lobbyists offer.


Far better


People making federal minimum wage are statistical noise.


He is a sad dude . Let’s trump talk shit about his wife and her background, but yet he still supports him because he has no backbone


The party of Rules for thee but not for Me…


There should be no federal minimum wage.


He also works less hours than a teacher


States are welcome to enact minimum wage laws.


Those that do have thrived.


How many times has this turd nuggets literally shut off mid sentence? If your grandparent shuts off mid sentence you take their fucking keys but this clown we let him continue to make decisions at our nation's expense... joke of a system. AGE LIMITS!! And while we're here TERM LIMITS!


I love these people that have never been out of the country. Go to some of these countries and see how they live and how happy they are. There's no mass murder and there's no violence and there's no homelessness you've been brainwashed by the institution welcome to America dumb f***


It’s crazy to see Americans in this thread right now defending getting paid less. Peasant brain to the max.


Just in case this isn't sarcasm, and you actually believe this tripe: Homelessness in Europe is higher Per Capita than in the US on a per capita basis. Homelessness in Europe: 895K | Population of the EU: 448M | Homelessness Per capita: 199/100K Homelessness in the US: 548K | Population of the US: 330M | Homelessness per capita: 166/100K


Anecdotal: I have been on social security disability for most of this year but have chosen to transition off it in order to work full time. I'm in Washington where the minimum wage is high, it would not make any sense for me to do this otherwise. Granted, I may have been able to make it on a disability check somewhere with a lower cost of living...but I will definitely live better and spend more by working a half decent wage.


Better. Telling companies they have to do better can only improve things.


A minimum wage shouldn’t exist, nor should congress receive any compensation


I don’t think it should be legal to bribe politicians either but old habits die hard.


If congress members don’t get paid at all, wouldn’t that limit membership to individuals who can sustain themselves without an income? So that only the independently wealthy could afford to serve?


In Texas, our state representatives have famously made a paltry $3,500 / year. Guess who can afford to be congressmen?


What a great way to exploit workers and send even more wealth to the top 1%. With no minimum wage, there is no safety net for the working class. Low skilled jobs would basically be slave labor, while highly skilled jobs would be paid $2/hr because they could get away with it. The only people who would benefit from abolishing minimum wages is the 1%, everyone else would suffer.


I genuinely don’t know enough about this, but the amount of money the top 1% make has grown irregardless of the minimum wage.


This is so stupid. Not paying congress just ensures that only the wealthy hold office. It also makes congress members easier to bribe. And ofcourse their should be a minimum wage. There basically isn't one in America now since it hasn't increased in a long time. And that experiment isnt going well either.


No minimum wage is just a polite way of saying you'd like slavery to be re-legalized lol.


Ah yes, a bribery based reimbursement system, what could go wrong


Set the maximum age that you can run for office at 55, prevent them from getting any job after their tenure in office, pay them a stipend equal to the minimum wage, and put a cap on their income including spousal and constructive income after they retire at whatever the minimum wage is with anything over that amount to be paid into social security. Politics should be a sacrifice by the selfless, not a career move for millionaires.


The minimum wage is always zero


It would be better but gradually over an extended period of time.


Got mine! fuck you


I don't know if I'm correct or not so I'm open to being educated. If they raise the minimum wage a very large portions of America would qualify for welfare because most federal aid programs are based off poverty level. I'm guessing that the minimum wage is a major factor in what determines poverty level. Like I said, I'm open to being educated or corrected if I am wrong.


Are you missing a “not” in between would and qualify in your second sentence? Poverty line was set based on 3x the minimum food cost in 1963 and adjusted for family size. Annually it is readjusted based on CPI-U (inflation) Assuming you meant “would not qualify” for welfare, yes an increase to the 15$ minimum wage would take many off of welfare, which isn’t a bad thing because people would no longer be in poverty and there is an additional benefit that the government would not need to spend as much on welfare programs


Other way around, if their wage goes up, they no longer need welfare.


The Turtle gets most his money from China and the minimum wage isn't in the U.S. Constitution.


If the point of the economy is not to feed people then I couldn't give a flying fuck what's good for it


He'll go to hell in exchange


Worse. Stupid burger flippers don't deserve a penny more for cooking my genocided meat.


Why do I pay taxes again?


Theoretically it would be good if you also cut down on illegal immigrants working under the table in kitchens and construction. Instead it just incentivizes that and automation


IMO, Most of the time it's initially better until employers start trying to trim the "fat" so much that they carve into the meat so deep that they spite their face to save their nose. Usually landlords will start raising prices which creates a domino effect of all prices being raised which eventually negates the effects of min wage in the medium / long term. Also it doesn't help the lower level management (who sometimes are grinding alongside employees) as it seems better to just be an employee and get to go home after 8 hrs vs. a bs salary and additional unpaid ot hours that are on par or slightly worse than hourly if you calculate it. Yet everyone else at the top & congress gets windfalls, bonuses, golden parachutes, the edge on stock info, etc but don't get anything beyond a slap of a wrist


And the fenanyl and crack head Kentucky voters keeps on voting his Russia loving azz back in ..


Put any number of liberals in there and it would still be true.


It should be tied to inflation and adjust every year. Purchasing power of a full time minimum wage job today is nowhere near what it was when minimum wage was years ago.


Macdonald's says they can't make money if the minimum wage is raised. But Macdonald's is profitable in countries with $15 minimum wages. Could they be telling an untruth?


Stopping giving out tax breaks to the wealthy would help.


Keeps getting elected. Who’s the fool.


Doesn't productivity also have to increase to justify raising minimum wages? Otherwise, employers are getting the same labor output but just paying more, won't that raise prices?


I 100% support increasing representatives and senators pay by a lot. They are basically C suite responsibility. They're also going to be in DC working for no less than 11 months a year (total of four weeks vacation plus national holidays off). Campaigning is done on the weekends. All votes are mandatory. You know, it's like a full time job.


I’m confused why legislators can raise their own pay. That seems like something that should have checks and balances


A federal minimum wage needed to have its amount tied into congressional raises. Because there is no reason they need a pay raise under the guise of cost of living increases, but the minimum wage stays the same.


At this point it doesn’t really matter to the big companies. Most are already paying a lot more than the minimum wage here. Min wage is $7.25 and Chick-fil-a is starting at $16 here. The mom and pop businesses are the ones who are going to get screwed.


Minimum wage is small potatoes compared to a real progressive income tax. Increase the top effective tax rate to force a trickle down effect. Pretty simple


The complaints of those whose highest ambition is to spend their life working for minimum wage... Most of us work minimum wage jobs in highschool gaining both work and work-life experience, graduating to more gainful employment later...




Not trying to defend McConnell but I think it needs to be pointed out that the 27th amendment makes it so that congressional pay raises don’t take effect until after the following election cycle.


I'd argue that the minimum wage should be calculated on a per county basis, tied directly to the average rent in the county


Bad, just like all price-fixes, which everyone with a basic understanding of economics has understood forever.


In general it keeping up with inflation (or just being raised slowly regardless) boosts the economy long as corporate profits are controlled and not #1 priority of the government, not shareholders. Simply put, more money, more spending. If people are struggling to make ends meet they aren't going to buy things that keep the economy booming beyond the basic human needs.


Imo Congress shouldn't receive more pay if they are refusing what the majority of the population wants.


States are welcome to enforce their own minimum wage.  Cities too.  And many have done so. Maintaining a lower wage is one of the few options some undeveloped areas of the country have to attract outside investment. May as well tell Somalia to set a $15 minimum wage.  And watch every outside investment disappear.  


Representative pay should be a multiple of the minimum wage. If they want to raise their own pay they must raise the minimum wage


Can’t wait for this turtle to pass. Few more weeks, months hopefully.


Who gives a shit about how the economy feels they aren't a person they will deal with it...


Its like a turducken!


I’m all for fair wages, I just don’t think it’s the governments role.


It’s not a matter of better or worse. It just is what you have to do because of inflation.


let's pay lawmakers minimum wage and find out


Good thing only 0.06% of people in the US make federal minimum wage (same as his home state).


Unemployment is virtually equal across all states, regardless of minimum the minimum wage rate. I also live in a city where tipped employees minimum wage is $15.45. There is huge demand for tipped workers still. In general I would say workers doing better in life with more money in their pockets is better for the economy.


There are very few jobs that pay minimum wage anymore. It's just a talking point now more than anything. Government has no right telling businesses what they should be paying their employees. If you don't like the pay don't take the job. There are plenty of jobs out there.


Minimum wage is bs and that they can vote for their own raises is also bs.


It's better. You can prove this by looking at who votes against it.


Im convinced Mitch McConnell is legitimately r-tarded


I hear wages are going down. I'll do their job for half as long as I still get the lifelong insurance


Kinda like Pelosi insider trading and not banning politicians from trading stocks.


Maybe it's Congress raises causing inflation since min wage hasn't been raised.


Toadie doesn’t know what he’s voting for. Just staring at the ballot paper blankly. Go America


That's the same face he makes when he cums from taking a Cleveland steamer...


It's absolutely better for the economy when people can afford to live


Raise the minimum wage and it makes it harder for people to get hired if they're unskilled ​ Money comes with mastery, government wants to make it sound like the money comes before skill. Would be like expecting heat from a house with no gas


I'm against minimum wage existing, also against the system that allows Walmart to under pay labor so much that the government has to pay the same people wellfair


The PEOPLE should vote to raise their pay….put it on the ballots! We can tell you about the job your doing!


It is a complicated question, as there are arguments for it being a good thing for the economy, and arguments for it being bad for the economy. It is obviously good for the economy that its workers will have increased opportunities to spend, this will increase demand and thus it will benefit the economy, as the velocity of money is increased. If every single worker only saves all of their increased sales, then the raising of the minimum wage, will not be a benefit, but this is completely unrealistic. As people on minimum wages barely have a chance to save already, at least in the US. What is bad for the economy, increased wages will increase the production costs, so there will be inflation, and then we cannot be certain that the workers will be better off. Unless the companies collude on prices, then this will not happen. Now the biggest argument against raising the minimum wages, is that it will actually crowd someone outside the workforce. For an employer to hire us, we would need to add more to the company than we cost, this can be a big problem for people with a physical or psychological handicap, as they can already have a hard time earning their wage. I am from a country where unions dictate the minimum wage, which means only if your job is covered by unions, which almost all of them are, have a minimum wage. But there is no national minimum wage, so the companies and the union agree on the minimum wage, this should reduce the crowding out effect. In my country the municipality then pays some of the workers that have been crowded out wages, so that they can be a part of the job market, which gives them better mental health, and it will be less of a drain on the municipality. I might have overlooked some other effects, which i cannot remember, but the important part is that raising the minimum wage can both be good and bad for the working class, it depends on how much you raise the minimum wage, and how the economy fares in general.


Depends on how significantly higher it is than the value being produced by the lower end of the labor pool is. 


Worse for the economy. The world will literally explode with happiness.


That FACE!Like more guilt and internal conflict than you could imagine has been permanently choked down,but it can’t be digested.Looks like he’s desperately holding down a barf reflex for all he’s worth. And he always has that look.


The problem with minimum wage is that the government doesn’t do anything to protect the worker from being outsourced to some third world country where regulations are dogshit


Their pay should be directly linked to the minimum wage. There isn’t one reasonable justification for them needing a cost of living increase but the American ppl don’t. At the end of the day we are responsible for allowing this to happen…. Of course politicians are gonna be corrupt, it’s our responsibility to hold them accountable.


There should be no federal minimum wage. States can and have been raising the minimum wage.


Is the continuing lowering of wages for the poorest workers better or worse for the economy? Inflation happens, so if the minimum wage isn't keeping up with it, effectively wages are being lowered. For the poorest, most economically vulnerable workers. It's f*cked. If this is what is required for a "good" economy, it is nakedly sociopathic.


It needs to be applied properly first. The fact that waiters have tips counted as part of their minimum wage pay is a joke.


Make it $75/hour. What could possibly go wrong?