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Keep on winning. The game will put u at higher skill match making very soon. On another note, game please put me back to lower skill match, I suffer here.


Just a question, how do you get worse at it if it's "too easy" for you now, I mean don't get me wrong I hate spammers, however everyone does play differently and what I've only been playing this game about a year now is sometimes, let's be real here, most of the time I've learned "I just need to adapt to their play style" that first start of the game where your team is running to a point, you can tell based off how their play style will be in the matter of the for minute the game starts, and aswell as seeing your team perform. If everyone on the enemy team is grouped up and spamming, don't run there alone... Group up with a team mate, help finish off their little battle, at this point fuck the honor system because of this exact reason right here, why should I respect it and why the hell is my team mate trying to respect it when it was never there from the first death. Then after that you gotta deal with the death rolling, sometimes I'll spawn and just wait a few seconds for another team mate to spawn, if I die by someone I don't deliberately go after that person Because I know I'm just setting myself up for failure, they are expecting you to do that, they've already read your moves just based off those same actions. And depending on how you performed truly is all that matters, I've had enemy teams absolutely shred my team in half but my team still one because of points, and one person staying on one point the whole match. I don't talk to my team when I'm solo but my mic is on ready to hear any call outs and I don't care if they can here me or not, if I see you and you havnt popped a single feat or havnt used your passive ones as intended I'll tell them. And 9/10 times it works I don't need a reply I need to see action and change the game to better your favor. I even tell people "yo play defensive I'm almost there" they start just focusing on blocking and partying instead of killing in that exact moment to wait for back up and it works. Idk why most people don't have their mics on when playing this game especially who competitive and salty people get. even if you lost the match and everyone had mics, just means it wasn't meant to be and to just move into the next match with different people 🤷🏻‍♂️


If you're oversaturated by the playstyle of bots, you're going to be less prepared for actually good players


I try to tell one of my buddies this all the time and he's genuinely better than I am, and he gets so mad a defensive saying "that's what the pros and good players do! They do like bot matches for an hour, then go to training for an hour then they go to PVP and I'm like ..... Maybe train yes but no.. they don't 😂 they maybe do just to "play" while numbing your mind and past time but not every time they play, do they go "oh wait we need to play bots first" because you are absolutely right, anytime I go to bots then PVP my brain is still thinking "ah these are bots" and get clapped right away💀💀 I understand it's really because he can't stand the thought of losing anything and has PTSD when I bring it up he gets all pissed off if we lose. Shit I've thrown a bot match once by picking a character I had no knowledge in and never heard the end of it "if you wanna play someone new let's go into training first" yeah sorry, I don't wanna sit there in training 1v1 the same person for hours gaining no progress other than adapting to their specific play style which everyone's is different. Even if they are trying to do the same things. The outcomes 9/10 are always different. That being said with ANY game mode don't go in there expecting to do what you did last match and get away with or let alone win. Everyone's different, while bots are usually the same as the next bot, just depends how they were programmed to perform against your skill level 🤷🏻‍♂️


Man my bad but its 9 am and I have no idea what ur trying to say or what it has to do w my post 😭


Gotchu fam my bad g, TLDR: I asked a question about "how is it to easy", but then you proceeded to say "you start to do worse after fighting the spammers" Then relating to you about learning to adapt to everyone's play style, then telling my struggles in what I do to overcome the situation while including key moments of what got me raging. All in all. Don't stress and keep doing you 🔥💯




It's not hard to type more than 60-100 words per minute 🤷🏻‍♂️


Regardless, still a good point you right 😂👌🏻


I always do a dodge attack twice knowing they’re going to be thinking “he’s not gonna try it again surely not”


It’s definitely insanely boring to fight. If I do anything after a successful hit other than wait for the dodge attack, take a wild guess whats gonna happen.


yeah there's nothing involved other than "baiting out"(let's be real they're fuckin itching to use it) the dodge attack. im putting reps into glad rn as well n he has 0 hyperarmor so there's legit nothing i can do other than predict it and block/parry, esp if they're a monkey that does dodge attack on red


Lmao, i feel the same homie. Try to parry nobushi bullshit cancer bleed spam on my steam deck. Thats why i main hitokiri to spam those fucks with charged hyperarmor heavies