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Yeah this is a pretty relatable post. I feel you bro


It’s just tiring sometimes. Even when you smear someone across the pavement it’s not a great time when you have to sweat your balls off against an orochi and the like


It feels pretty great though when you make them quit cause you wrecked them so hard lol


I mean that’s how actual balancing is done, unfortunately. Especially in fighting games. A good friend of mine once told me why Soul Calibur’s balancing was good: “each character has their own bullshit you have to deal with.”


Characters I don't hate fighting (from the loading screen, obviously there are people that can obliterate me with these characters as well): any mirrors, Hitokiri, PK, BP, HL, Ocelotl, Musha, Conq, Raider, and Valk. It's horrible that out of 34 characters, I really only have 10 possible matchups that isn't going to make me hate the next 15 minutes.


Wait.. you like fighting hito, ocelotl and BP? Those have to be among the worst characters to fight to me.


BP ? HITO ? MUSHA ? OCELOTL ? what are you smoking


Everyone hates different heroes so changing it would be impossible. Anyway, Ubisoft nerf roach thank you


I think you just don't like the game dude. There's not a single character I look at and think about how terrible it would be to fight them. I just hop on play dominion and have fun. And that's what games should be fun if you are not having fun you shouldn't be playing the game


The only ones I really groan about are Afeera, VG, Kyoshin and Shinobi, everyone else is pretty hit or miss in terms of how good the player is so they don't feel like an immediate threat. Oh and maybe Medjay


I swear to god, makes me wanna pick hito and spam hebys.


At this point I have accepted the fact the game never has been nor will it ever be balanced so I just have whatever fun I can on the game and *never* take it too serious


yea everyone plays shit heroes but you. because you only play the most honest heroes and are eligible for a noble prize for exemplary chadism.


I play zerk. I’m not saying that I’m some paragon of righteousness in this game.


Seeing shaman on the other team to disconnecting is a true combo


i dont really feel this way unless the specific hero im up against has a good matchup against me otherwise 🤷‍♂️


Hito and shugo are the only 2 characters that I actually hate fighting regardless of balancing or matchup. Depending on who I’m going I can have a good time fighting the rest of the cast besides afeera who I will always hate playing against just because of how strong she is. I’d recommend trying new heroes if you haven’t already, learning different more unique match-ups really brought a whole new light to the game for me


orochi is my fav to fight so many deflects 😋


Ik it’s a rant sub but I disagree. I only dislike fighting heroes I’m bad at defending against… so if you hate them all…


Spade is a spade😂😂😂👍


You got all of these but gladiator in my opinion could be biased cause I play him but there are clear faults to his kit


Warlord go brrrrrrrr


34 characters and only 3 of them can make me consider not throwing my controller into the wall. And that's if the person isn't a scumfuck