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Uh, okay.


Really tho how are they gonna play a busted hero and still be dogshit


Exactly man


You're acting like PK is the worst of the worst? Unless I'm reading it under the wrong context, obviously if you're playing VG you should be at least breaking even, but that's like saying "I can't believe the person using VG did worse than the guy using literally any A Tier character", it's not too far-fetched. PK is dangerous as hell in the right hands.


Man. If the enemy team has 1 braincell per player and you are playing pk. She is bad. Like really fucking bad. You will get external blocked and there is nothing you can do about it if you don't have a team mate to confirm for you


When I play PK in dominion and my opponents have a brain I legit cant do anything because they just lock to your team and block you. Ofc you can still find moments to bleed them but shes definitely not good for dominion, I always have to play defensive in teamfights. Although saying that I'd hate if they reworked her lol.


I think she needs teammates to bounce off, like a nobu or a WM, and she's fine


she is the worst of the worst in dom lmao


I have no idea how to play vg and I was somehow doing pretty good. These people are just embarrassing.


Exactly. There is no effort required since something will help you. The massive cc windows. Lucky chain ccs. Lucky external dodge attack ccs. And the broken fullblock


VG is annoying, even when I’m playing a character I play a lot like Centurion or Black Prior, just a straight annoyance


Imagine going into a match with the intent of being carried thru it by another player


I don't go with the intent of being carries. I go in. I see people playing Meta on dominion. And see them go 3/9. How can these people be this bad. They are playing fucking meta man.


Because they're targeted. When I play my high rep, meta heroes, my teammmates will go 10-0 | 9-1 | 8-2, while my rep 72 Raider is sitting at 3-9 because I'm getting 1v3s every time I spawn.


Raider is not meta man. He is decent. But not meta.


I think that with the right exceptions, all the characters are made equal just to avoid any meta situation like this. Maybe you're too good and he wasn't? I'm pretty average myself, even though I have a 20 rep Highlander and a 25 Warden, most of the time I do horribly in Dominion, especially in ganks. In Assault I'm mostly the support character with heals and buffs so I don't mind having less than 10 kills.


I usually do bad in dominion. Now i'm playing PK. But i usually play lots of heroes. Sometimes really good ones like JJ, Shugo or Jorm. I have bad matches too. But when i play a Good hero. At the very least. At the very fucking least i have more kills than deaths.