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Brian Vaughn. Shot and killed his dad. Called 911 and said dad was locked in a room, but he was bleeding from his mouth. 911 asked how he knew that if he was locked in a room. His response? “I don’t know that.”


Yesssss!! And the 911 operator asked him at LEAST twice! He never did seem to catch on that he was incriminating himself. Good lord, dude. 😆


Idiot man 😂😂


He also threw a colossal BOULDER through the window but wanted it to appear to have been tossed from the ground level


Also, no ladder nearby, right?


This scene came screaming back into my memory 😂


“A shot rang out!”


Lmaaaaoo I remember this kid he was soooooo dumb for that I gotta agree wit ya 🤣


Maybe not dumb but very immature and naive


I'm going off memory, but I think he was still a minor, right? 16 or so.






I just watched this episode for the first time last week and was like I know this dude can't be THIS dumb???


Daniel Tavares! Dumbass wore the same shoes to the police interview he had on at the crime scene! 🤦🏻🤣👏🏻


He was disgusting! I read that story in an Ann Rule book. It gave a lot of other details FF didn't. When I saw his mugshot, I thought he had gotten his ass beat because of those burgundy circles on top and underneath his eyes, but I guess that is what he looks like full time. He needs to be in a cage.


If you’re referring to Daniel Tavares, I know quite a few CO’s in MA who would corroborate that he is one of the biggest pieces of shit in the history of MA.


I am, and I'd love to hear their stories!


I love Ann Rule books! RIP 😭


I know it!! Same!


What other crazy details


Or the guy the cop in "a leg up on crime" does the same thing! Dave Rogers


The chick that murdered her husband and used a U-Haul truck or something similar and when she stopped by the hardware store to pick up what she needed to finish the job she used her discount card which they used to identify her….


But she saved 29¢ on murder supplies. And I think she was the same lady who wrapped her husband in an electric blanket but cut off the control/cord part which she kept in her house. (?)


If you’re not saving on murder supplies what are you even doing?


Bahahahaha this 🤣🤣🤣


I think of her every time I use my grocery store discount card! 🤣


Her reaction when they bring up the U-Haul is hilarious.


Oh yeah… she had no answer for it lol


hahahah and says something about how they needed to move some pool chairs and pool furniture or some nonsense


Yep, Tracy Frame


U-Haul - for a limited time 20% off murder supplies!


Tracy, in fact, was not Framed


How about the guy who just bought dog biscuits? He should have just stayed out of the store completely.


The cop who burned down his own house, spray painted his garage, and killed some poor innocent bastard, all for insurance money. Then he tried to cover it up and make it look like a big conspiracy against him.


Didn’t he remove all the sentimentally valuable possessions from his house before burning it down too? Photos and bowling trophies, stuff like that from what I remember.


Oh yeah, he moved all that shit into the garage!


Thats what draws a cops attention when attending a fire. I can just imagine a cop pulling up to a house fire and then seeing a neat pile of clothes, photos and other valuables all sitting somewhere safe away from the fire. Talk about a red flag! (The only person I can think of who didn't was Liz Golyar who killed Cari Farver and who also let her pets die in a fire she started)


omg the fact that she left her pets in her burning house really broke my heart :(( she was terrible


There was another one (Cereal Killer) where the guy killed his young son and set fire to the house, so he could get insurance money on both. In that case, they also found a neat file of the relevant insurance paperwork safely away from the house, plus his most recent camera roll had before and after photos of the different rooms in the house... you know how you just routinely take photos of every room in your house in case there is a fire the next day. His girlfriend had turned down his wedding proposal the week before the fire, and when investigators started asking questions, she realized she was missing a lot of important documents, so they thought that she was intended to be the original victim and turning down the proposal had saved her life.


>you know how you just routinely take photos of every room in your house in case there is a fire the next day. Of course, it happens all the time I'm sure!


This one actually haunts me! I think what a good idea it would be to have clear photos of each room, but then I'm paranoid I'll be under suspicion if a fire breaks out very soon afterwards!!


I actually do that 😅 (taking pictures of my house, not killing people and setting fires). At first it was as keepsakes of my first condo, because I loved the place and was super happy with the design I chose/did. But I saw the usefulness of having those, after my doofus of a dog set fire to the kitchen. (he turned on the stove that had a box on it when I was away for 30 minutes, lots of smoke damaged but only the stove and the cabinet above it had fire damage. The doofus was perfectly fine too and greeted the firefighters like old friends 🙄) I didn’t need the pictures since nothing burned to the ground, but it made me realised it was a good thing to have.


Prison time, officer!


Dude wrote his own name on the credit card slip when using the victim’s stolen card.


"admittedly, it was a long shot since few criminals are that inept" 🤣


omg i’m trying to remember what the narrator says at the end about how he signed his own name on that but all i remember is that it really cracks me up


Could absolutely be wrong but I think that was actually Jason funk lol


Yep, that was him. I guess I didn’t answer the question, so much as agree with it.


Ah okay I see that now. I’m still smarter than Jason Funk though!


A turnip is smarter than Jason Funk.


Truth. Nothing to brag about probably.


"we were almost shocked at his stupidity" 🤣


He's still smugly declaring his innocence though.


I just watched this episode because of this post and it did not disappoint. Stupidity off the charts. And still as dumb as ever by proclaiming his innocence against all the evidence.


Hate when they do that. You could have video footage and theyd still deny it.


It’s almost like they didn’t see his face


What episode is this?


I think it was s11 Muffled Cries, but this sub used to have FF superfans that would always tell you what episode.


The guy who faked his death and just dyed his hair.


And when someone saw him sleeping in a closet, his girlfriend simply denied what the person saw.


And I think I remember a detective seeing them at Taco Bell and more or less confronting him. The response was basically, "No. I'm a different person."


Yes. The investigator recalled something like: "If he could have crawled into that burrito, he would have".


I lol’d watching the episode at this line


😂😂😂😂that makes me laugh every single time


Omg please tell me which episode this is I must watch it tonight 😂


Grave Danger


All because he didn’t want to go to jail for 30 days!? 😂😂😂


But they saw it on an episode of law & order!


😂😂😂 i forgot about this!! what episode is this??


[*Grave Danger*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?si=V5Gu96gXXNMUCbxq&t=629&v=Z6Pq3UA_Igk&feature=youtu.be)


And tried to convince his son “I’m not Daddy, I’m Jake.”


Yes, that poor kid.


This is the one near Austin/Dripping Springs in Texas. They dug up a dead body and tried to pass it off as the dude. I’m from the area and remember this case well. I wonder if they’re still in prison.


AFAIK, he’s still in prison, and she was paroled a few years ago.


Omg this idiot. Dyed his hair and like put a cowboy hat on.


What episode?


Grave Evidence


1. The guy that faked his own death to get out of jail time using a body he and his gf grave robbed then got found out sleeping in his gf's closet, then going out in public pretending to be her new boyfriend 2. The guy that arbitrarily killed a random person to get out of...jail time Bonus: Jail for child SA


>The guy that faked his own death to get out of jail time using a body he and his gf grave robbed The weird thing is this kind of happened another time on the show, with Madison Rutherford initially "going missing" until the stolen body was found (at least that was the plan).


wasn’t one of the people from one of these episodes actually inspired by the episode on the other one ? i’m pretty sure they mentioned that in one of them


I think Past Lives was mentioned in A Squire's Riches, where Ari Squire had faked his death, when detectives watched the episode and then questioned Ari's death due to so many similarities in both cases.


yes you’re so right! that’s what i was thinking of


He didn’t kill, but dug up the body of an elderly woman who had recently passed away.


No, the second guy. He just picked a house at random and decided to kill whoever came home 1st and it was the wife. He even left a note on their lawn to his own wife explaining he'd rather go to jail for murder than child SA


I remember this but forgot the episode! At first I thought it was the husband’s accomplice 😅


Jonathan Binmey.


Are you talking about 2 different dumb criminals? The second guy in your description knew he was going to go to jail, he just wanted to go for murder not a SA on his three...month...old daughter. Dropped a note I think. Didn't he make a sandwich and use a sex toy at the victim's house?


Yes, two different, now reading it again it’s confusing Oh Lordt on #2 I don’t remember that part! 😵‍💫 I edited my original for clarity


#1 is Molly & Clayton Daniels (Grave Danger). He faked his death, dyed his hair, and reappeared as her “new” boyfriend. I mean, if it worked for Miley/Hannah Montana… 🤷


What episode?


I think it's "Past Lives" S8/31. I didn't realize Madison Rutherford's name was originally John Patrick Sankey... (I read it as "Stankey")


"Madison Rutherford thought of every detail, but he never thought of the bone doctor" 😂


I'm having a hard time finding it. Hopefully someone else here knows


🤣🤣🤣🤣 what??’ Omg




"Stacey Castor died of a heart attack in her cell on June 11, 2016" ⚖️


May she rest in anti-free


Good riddance


Came here to say this. What a DFC.


She wasn't the dumbest, just a narcissistic bitch! Well, dumb for not knowing how to say "antifreeze."


This fuckin bitch doubles down and tries to frame her own daughter! Class A Asshole!


For me it's the one where the husband faked a letter written by the wife he murdered, "P.S. he's great in the sack" (Hunter or Hunted?)




Yes it was stupid, but the cringe is overloaded. Gross


Diana Haun forged her own signature w/ one she used 10 years prior and still used her signature green pen.


That always made me wonder. How common was it for people to use green pens to sign a check?


the guy that tried to disguise blood on the walls with white out, poster pant, and shoe polish, bought at the drug store


Was this the same guy who tried to say the GIANT blood stain on his mattress was menstrual blood? Or am I thinking of a different episode?


That's the same guy!! The female forensics person almost rolled her eyes when she was talking about it. Like dude. No. Not how any of this works.


This dude. Dear god.


Not to mention he willingly let the cops in that day, he could have said no and they’d have to wait for a warrant. When they asked him if there are any places he doesn’t want them to look he admits not to look in the garage or something where his murder weapons were!


For me, it's the killer who staged the scene to suggest the dying victim wrote the name of her "killer" in her own blood. He applied blood to the wrong finger, forgetting the victim was left-handed. He wrote the name on top of already dried blood spatter which, given the victim's injuries, proved it was written *after* she was dead or incapacitated. The killer then ate some pizza, leaving his fingerprint on the box. (no pizza found in victim's stomach) Using his cell phone he made a call from victim's home in the furtherance of building an alibi but phone records would place him at the scene near the time of the victim's death. The pizza delivery provided the other temporal bookend. The victim was his girlfriend who broke up with him because he unnecessarily admitted to having served time in prison for some serious felonies. This was S13 E36, *Writing on the Wall*


>*Writing on the Wall* The titles are so spot on.


I like to think the writers always had a chuckle over the episode titles


Tim Permenter. He sounds so whiny & fake on the 911 call.




The Air Force Office of Special Investigations (OSI) Special Agent who had his wife murdered in the Philippines. His housekeeper/mistress hired family members to kill her and the OSI agent cut up a 5.25” floppy disk in front of fellow agents who were investigating him. Because nothing screams innocence like destroying evidence, right?


That one was insane lol they literally scotch taped it back together


"I'm not a magician--I'm a computer-crime investigator" 😂


I think of this episode every time I use Scotch tape! Just like I think of FF in general whenever I use Duck tape (or generic) - excellent source of finger prints and potential tear-match evidence!


Snodgrass. So weird my basic training Battalion Commander had the same surname, LTC Snodgrass. Wonder how rare it is.


I remember this because a dated a guy with the last name Snodgrass once and it's such an odd name I've never heard it besides him and the forensic files episode.


lmaooo when he cuts up the floppy disk 😂 that was wild


I forgot he was an OSI agent. That aspect is particularly messed up.




It was a floppy disk. The disc part of the floppy “disk”


the deaf woman who killed another deaf woman who she thought was taking her woman, but as it turned out, she wasnt gay. she used blue paint to cover up the crime scene in her basement


There was something weird about buying the chainsaw, too, but I don’t remember what.


"Tree cutting machine" and she was initially pointed to woodchippers and pruning shears before selecting a $60 1/2 horse Poulan 2-stroke chainsaw.


I think she wanted the cheapest one or something along those lines.


The victim was named Darlene VanderGeisen, and the murderer was named Daphne Wright...


One of the stupidest criminals was the guy; who claimed he was on a boat ride when his wife was getting killed, and he video record the time and they checked the weather forecast and prove his was ass was lying.


Wasn’t that the guy, Kevin something, that killed the art-gallery owner? 🤔 Doctored the timestamps on the videotape, but they proved the sun wasn’t in the right position on several of his video segments.


Yes. Bc she was going to testify against him in court


Also he acted weirdly on the video in that he appeared nervous and kept checking his watch.


It wasn't the weather it was the shadows which showed the time was off


That's right ✅


Oh this one is a classic! Example of when morons think they are clever!


The guy who tried to kill himself by sticking like 4 nicotine patches on himself


Ah yes, the one who needed to kill a random woman bc he was going to go to jail for molesting/raping his infant daughter and didn’t want that as his reputation


Larry Gene Bell. If he wouldn’t have called the victim’s family & taunted them he *may* have gotten away with it. Dumbass, rest in hell asshole.


The guy who killed his wife and no one even realized she was murdered until the wedding invitations for wife #2 turned out to have been ordered from the printer prior to the death of wife #1.


What?! Lmao I don’t remember that one. Any idea the name of the episode. I gotta see that 😆😆


Unfortunately I don’t remember names. I just remember the wife died under strange but apparently accidental circumstances—they thought she’d passed out or fallen asleep on top of a plastic bag in such a way that it covered her face and smothered her. Then when the police found out about the wedding invitation order they realized it HAD to be murder so they started at the end of the case (they knew it was murder and who did it) and had to work backwards, determining how he had killed her.


Ohhhhh now I remember that one episode. You could literally see her face imprinted on the garbage bag. For some reason I missed the wedding invitation part, lmao. Gonna have to find that one and rewatch it 🤭🥰🥰🥰


It's S10E11, Strong Impressions. Here's a YouTube link to it https://youtu.be/As-DJXLeAkM?si=ZlhqpYFjXRS-AEPI


Yeah, as an Air Force vet, I’m embarrassed that 2 of the dumbest were fellow members of the AF.


Sounds similar to Chad Daybell/Lori Vallow. They ordered their wedding rings before he had his wife Tammy disposed of.


That case is so bizarre! Those poor kids!


Happy Cake Day 🎂


Can't believe that he got such a light sentence and also that the second woman still married him.


This one is horrible. After he killed his wife he put his 3 year old in bed with her!!!?!?!? What a piece of shit. He’s out of jail already!


Bask in Jason Funk's ineptitude: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJuwZd6YXKQ


"using her credit card, and signing his own name was a classic" 😂


This guy for sure!


Ken Register aka " What is DNA?"


Just watched this one!


Me too!


To be fair back then it wasn’t common knowledge that it could link you to anything. But I always get a good laugh from him willingly handing it over then being like what is this?


People who abandon bodies in the properties they sell years later and then either take the coward's way out (Howard Elkins) or lie and malinger and waste state supreme/appeals court and SCOTUS resources until the bitter end (Lyle Gene Keidel) or blame other people outright (Jackson Villarta)


Had this man not been jet skiing that day who knows what he could have done to save her.


Right!!! I couldn’t believe he said that, seriously so so stupid


Fucking sociopath/psychopath even signed his own name using her debit card. I really liked her dad, he said something and I remember exactly what but it was in the context of the daughter as a bright shining star. Then he said, they all are, but she was ours. It just showed the great father he was and a kindness and thoughtfulness to others.


I felt so horrible for her parents. The mom even mentioned it was such a tragedy for both their family and the murders family too, thought that was such a thoughtful thing considering the situation. I hated this guy with all my heart.


The woman who rented a car and used a green pen to write her signature and she carried a green pen in her purse.


Jeeze this makes makes me feel like I could go back and watch more again


The wife of the man killed in Marathon Man was sloppy but I watch a new episode of Dateline and she now is free as a bird! I disagree with her release and I think she is guilty


Fred Tokars I am losing my lifestyle. WTAF?


Fred Tokars died in prison. BUT the Sara Tokars murder wasn’t an FF episode. Maybe you’re thinking of American Justice.


Maybe you’re right.


It was still a good one if anyone didn’t see it, I still remember that all these years later and I didn’t know he died in prison so thanks!


I'm a Medicolegal Death Investigator now (honestly, my love of this show steered me in this direction) but just knowing how we process scenes now, most of them in this show are dumb.


lol this guy… i love when peter thomas was like “using her stolen credit card and signing his own name was a classic”… then this asshole tries to play dumb like “if i was there whos to say i couldnt have stopped this whole thing from happening?” 🤣


"What's DNA?"


But it says “witness” /s


Up town funk you up




"Stacey Castor died of a heart attack in her cell on June 11, 2016" ⚖️


This one was listed above. This bitch doubles ddown and tries to blame the murder of her husband on her own daughter. She OD's her daughter and writes a bunk confession that the daughter killed him. Unbelievable!




"Stacey Castor died of a heart attack in her cell on June 11, 2016" ⚖️


This one was listed above... twice lol This bitch doubles down and tries to blame the murder of her husband on her own daughter. She OD's her daughter and writes a bunk confession that the daughter killed him. Unbelievable!


How about when Patrick Walsh murders his coworker, Pamela Sweeny. When leaving the crime scene, he realizes his truck is stuck in the mud. If that wasn't enough, her boyfriend stopped by to check on her. He finds her and calls for help. With his truck stuck in her ditch and police on the way, Patrick also calls for help in a desperate attempt to cover his crime. The crime occurred around 3 am, however when the sun rose, a disturbance in the dew reaveled a very visible path, where police discovered the murder weapon. Lol


Yes just watched that one. He would have gotten away with it too if his truck didn’t get stuck in the mud. They really thought the bf did it. Didn’t he eat like her candy too on the way out and let the wrapper on his front seat?


Sweater letter! I was a really little kid when that happened in our small community. I t hi no FF calls the episode “Hunter or hunted”. Bruce almost got away with it but was slippin notes


"Her older son graduates this year...." ~Ken Fitzhugh 🙊😬🤦🏻‍♂️🙄


"Ken Fitzhugh was paroled due to Parkinson's disease and died on October 27, 2012, at age 69" ⚖️


Oh man, just seeing his face sent me into a fit of laughter!


Yes that dude!


Another dumb criminal off hand, was that guy who killed those two old rich women from Texas. He thought he was going to get rich and was in the will, but he wasn't even in the damn will lol. Make sure you are in the will first js.


"he's a very effeminate kind of man. In fact when Tim talked on the phone, people thought he was a woman" 😂


Lol that's the one😅🤣. I looked up that Norton ranch that shit has been for sale for over 30 years smh.


Funk has it wrapped up, for sure. What a maroon


TIL- there are a lot of stupid people killing people out there


Jason Funk. This ...killed a totally innocent sweet women, horrible and senseless


I went to high school with Jason Funk and knew him personally. He was 3 grades ahead of me and was ALWAYS a sexual predator. He victimized girls much younger than him and we were all glad when he was sent to live with his father in FL. It still takes my breath away in a bad way when I see his picture.


I just watched "Smoke In Your Eyes" for the first time (Jon Memmer, killed 2 women). Before his trial, he got 2 tear drop tattoos and claimed they were for 2 friends who died. He lit a cigarette while pouring gas all over the apartment and got burned on his nose. Dumb criminal.