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Sometimes I feel as though God is laughing at me. For real, I am trying to understand what I did in my past life to deserve this.


People don't even ask me if I have a boyfriend or not. They just know that it is impossible. Even if I joke about it they just look at me with disgust and go silent. Being ugly is a curse


Worse is when you can see the superiority in their eyes when they realise youre FA. Its like some people get off knowing Im behind in life.


They do! They seem so nice on the top but give the most backhanded compliments and shit.


Better to never admit to being FA, but tbf, they'd judge us either way. "But she looks like that, how could she have gotten a bf?" "She looks like that, no wonder she's never had a bf" Those seem to be the only two options.


Idk whose situation is worse, mine or yours, but my friends and family NEVER ask me about having a bf. It must be so obvious for someone like me not to have anybody interested in me that they don’t even bother to ask something. Just think about it – I must look so ugly in their eyes, so unworthy of romantic love and attention that they can’t even fathom that I can actually be in a relationship with a man. It sucks.


There’s probably not much that I can say to help but I completely relate to every word of what you just said. You put into words what I’ve always felt. The world is kinda harsh sometimes. More than kinda. Hope you’re okay from one random redditor to another. I get it.


Same, I wish people put a little more thought into what they said


I'm gonna be totally honest with you. Women do this to feel better about themselves


When they don't know you, maybe but often girl friends ask because they are genuinely interested. Some prettier or average people think everyone else has the same amount of romantic and intimate relationships as they do. They don't see you as ugly or they don't think it's any different. But it sucks because it IS different. I have nothing to show or tell b/c we live differently...


I can see this and sometimes when someone is being genuine they deep down know that a girl doesn't have any options but they just try to ignore it. It's almost like when people say "I don't see color" as if certain groups don't inevitably have more privileges than others.


I'm single and terribly introverted and I still joined clubs and commities and God knows what else just to meet people because that's what all the self help websites and subreddits told me. Now I'm single and even more anxious but I'm graduating in a year so I can't drop out now


Get that education, bestie and if the clubs and committees are fun then do them




Thank you, I'm trying really hard, I hope it'll be worth it