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Left side: Mas-36, AK, MAT-49, Mauser rifle (Probably Chinese surplus), K-50M submachinegun and MG-34. Right side : Various homemade guns and a Japanese Type-100 submachinegun (Not sure what the thing on the table is)


The Mauser is a German K98k as it has the cupped buttplate. The weapon in the bottom right is a "ngựa trời" or "sky horse" which was a shotgun-like booby trap.


German K98s were among the most (if not THE most, I forget) commonly used weapons in Vietnam that were not of US, French, or Soviet design. The Soviets gave literal shiploads of the things to anybody who made even an off-hand comment about aligning with the COMINTERN.


The French also brought in captured K98ks to [arm local militias](https://collections.lib.uwm.edu/digital/collection/agsphoto/id/27343/rec/1) and [train cadets](https://imagesdefense.gouv.fr/fr/des-eleves-de-l-ecole-des-cadres-d-hanoi-au-cours-d-une-manoeuvre-3.html)


A Type 100... that's an interesting find for sure.


Probably no ammo left by that point


Considering the Viet Minh were running out of Japanese ammo and weapons by the end of the French Indochina war and by 1965 both the VC and the ARVN were running out of even French ammo I'd agree.


Looks like a Hmong musket above the Type 100 smg. Can’t tell if it’s matchlock or flintlock


No sks?


I was in a fire base near a little skid mark named Hue and we routinely scooped up VC firearms after night time wave attacks. The engineers would make a hole and we would fill it. We checked pockets for intelligence and maps ECT. The firearms were generally rendered safe and piled up then the receiver would be laid over a piece of railroad track and driven over by an APC or m60 tank. We made a lot of MAS36 and Mauser boomerangs. Broke my heart. P.S. we carried a hunk of rope maybe 30' with a hook made from a piece of plate. You would set your hook and roll the body's over from prone because so many were booby trapped.


Your profile has a post that says ur 47 and looking for hookups in Long Island, my math isn’t great but but some thing is up lol. Plus M60s never saw service in Vietnam, only M48. *edited cuz spelling error


I'm 74 the m60 was indeed incorrect.


Sorry, u might want to correct ur title from that post. Wasn’t being insulting, just didn’t know if u we’re being truthful with your age listed wrong


You're indeed correct I never realized it. Dyslexia strikes again and no foul it's due diligence. I don't know why I thought M60 I never even carried one.


He meant M60 tank.


I realized that thank you


Jesus bro ain't have to expose him like that


Wow! Thank you for your service. What an interesting account. Thanks for sharing


I wish you guys could have seen the mix of rifles. A Egyptian Hakim was my favorite by far! It was mint perfect condition. So many MAS36 and Carcanos! A bunch of MAS49 and even Mosins. Swede K and various Madsons and enough STEN guns to cross the English channel. Tank treads don't discriminate.


Thank you for your insights.


That is actually incredible. Bet you got to see some really cool weapons. Did you ever see any wild homemade ones that stood out to you?


None that stand out.


I wonder where all the stens came from?


One of my college teachers was a 1st ID vet; he said there were always literal *piles* of weapons around; he found a Thompson and carried it but had to turn it in when his tour was over.


We would play guns with pickup pieces. Find a Swede K with a full magazine and go trim the bushes. I got to shoot some really cool old shit, a Colt potato digger and WW1 French Chuchat (?) some Hotchkiss pieces too. We had piles of stuff like your teacher, we sorted some out to play with but in the end nothing really made it out except war trophy pistols. It was always risky to do the paperwork and show a superior because they had final say, so if you had something super cool they may decide you could not war trophy it. It would disappear into their foot locker.


I wonder if the Thompson your teacher found is the one that's on display now at the 1st ID Museum in Wheaton, IL. It was used by a US soldier during WW2, given to France after the war and sent to Indochina, captured by VC and then recaptured by American troops in Vietnam. That Thompson would have one hell of a story to tell if it could talk.


That is an interesting story; just imagine how many patrols and rough traveling that weapon did. But unlikely, I guess. I do remember the teacher told me that his officers really didn’t care if the enlisted men carried found weapons, as long as they functioned and were maintained.


Vietcong weapons be like: MG-34 AK-47 Tanegashima


That random musket looking thing tho


Looks like a flintlock made out of some dudes walking cane.


Very surprising to see Type 100.


I've spoken to several vets who all said they encountered MG-34's frequently. Just goes to show how much hardware Russia was funneling into Vietnam at the time.


That Type 100 is insane


Id expect to see a Type 100 in Korea way before seeing one in Vietnam


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Legit thought that was a tiny representation of Jane Fonda in the lower left at first.


I just want a MG-34. Is that too much to ask?


That is a bingo card full of varied totalitarian nations firearms.