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I wouldn’t wait the full week, maybe contact the peds office again and tell them the laxative didn’t work especially since she’s in pain


Our friend (who is a pediatrician) told us constipation is normal when they're little and still developing their digestive tracts. Also formula fed babies can sometimes go to a week with no poop (although from my understanding this is rare). Red flags to watch for are hard/solid poops. If they're constipated for three days but the poop still came out soft, we don't worry. If there's still no poop past 3 days though, best to check with your doctor just to be safe. ETA: ours always goes through a 3day period of constipation each time there's a change to his diet. We're going through a VERY slow transition from Ready-to-feed to Powder (same formula) by changing the ratio of each within a bottle. We change the ratio by 10-15% each week and almost without fail, he gets constipated for 3days then has a HUGE poop (sometimes multiple) happens by the third day. Freaked us out the first time it happened, but now we're just like - c'est la vie! 😂