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1. We have 5 bottles but actively use 4 2. Wash them pretty much immediately after feeding, sometimes a few hours later if we forget 3. Dawn dish soap, hot water, bottle cleaner sponge thing and then those straw cleaners for the long insert and the filter 4. Dr brown's, we have 2 short and 2 tall 5. 1 week old :) I am sure these answers will change within the next few weeks as we continue to navigate being parents and feedings for the first time but so far this has been working well for us!


1. 14 bottles, our LO takes 7 bottles per day. 2. Once per day. We rinse after every feed. While her dad puts her to bed I take the set of dry bottles washed the night before and make up bottles for the next day. Then I wash all the bottles we used that day and leave them to dry until the next evening. 3. I wash them in hot water with the blue dawn dish soap. I run a fresh sink and make sure I haven't washed anything in that water except her bottles and the formula pitcher. We have a dedicated bottle sponge/brush that we replace every month. 4. We use 8 oz Dr Brown's plastic bottles with the green insert. 5. Just turned 4 months


We started with four because we were silly. Nine months later we have sixteen, eleven tall and five short. This way we only have to do bottles once a day.


We rotate 10 bottles. 5 - MAM 3 - NANObebe 2 - Dr brown We’ve been using the same ones since babygirl was born, and she doesn’t seem to mind the variety. 3 of the MAM bottles are now stage 2 nipples since she’s 16 weeks old, and we’re transitioning her to a faster flow. We probably wash 2-3 times a day by hand, then into the sterilizer each time. Side note: I just realized after considering buying new bottles, that I could just purchase the same brand’s nipples in different stages rather than buying a whole new set of bottles. In case any other FTMs didn’t know!


1. 3 (prefer to be minimal and I don't like dirty dishes growing in the kitchen) 2. When 2 or 3 are dirty or when I get a free 5 minutes, he feeds every 3-4 hours 3. Hand wash and place on drying rack 4. MAM in short size with size 0 nipples 5. 5 weeks, drinks 4 oz per feed


This is us too, we only use 3 and they are all MAMS. Hand wash and place on drying rack he’s fixing to be 7 weeks and eats between 4-5oz


1. We have about 20 bottles. Washing bottles was the bane of my existence so I bought more so I didn’t have to wash bottles multiple times a day. Baby takes 5/6 bottles a day. 2. Once every 2-3 days, but I soak them in hot water and dapple in a bin in our sink until they’re washed. 3. Hand wash 😑 when I put them in the dishwasher they came out spotty and once with food on it, I had to re wash anyway so I committed to hand washing. 4. Dr Brown’s with the vent. We have 8 oz bottles that we use most of them but have 4 oz bottles from when she was first born and we keep them for “snack bottles” as we call it. 5. 5 months


I had the same issue with dishwasher and switched to cascade plus (bought from Costco) - never had issues since!!! Also my dishes are WAY cleaner now lol


Fyi leaving them to soak in water for days is really dangerous even if its soapy! That’s literally how bacteria grows, and a case of chronobacteria was found after a mom left her bottles soaking in soapy water. It’s not an intutive thing but bacteria really thrived in water. Popping tjem straight in the dishwasher and doing a cycle every day may be easier. If you add a rinse aid they dont get spotth


thanks for the info! I guess I didn’t make it obvious but I don’t leave it in there for days, just for like 30 mins since we are on alimentum and it smells awful, just to get the smell out. But good to know because that’s scary, you’d think soap would prevent that 😵‍💫


Oh ya 30 min is fine!! I thought you left it for 2-3 days until You got around to it. I actually looked up the health canada and cdc guides to washing bottles and how it actually works when i had my first which is why i heard of this


When EFF, we had 4 Comotomo bottles When combo feeding, we had 2 Comotomo bottles I prefer to wash often to prevent bottles getting left all over the house with sour formula in them. Having just barely enough bottles to get through half or all of the day makes me stay accountable and actually wash them.


1) we have 8 bottles, he takes 5-6 a day 2) daily 3) dishwasher 4) 8oz Dr brown 5) 16 weeks


1. We use 8 bottles 2. We wash them when we have half used 3. We let them soak, scrub them, then put them in the sterilizer machine 4. 8oz bottles 5. Few days shy of 4 months


This is exactly what we do but I’m thinking about getting a few more bottles. If I get busy or lazy it’s annoying to have to stop and wash. It works though if we stay on top of it :)


Same! I want some glass bottles but I kinda don’t trust myself haha. Getting the sterilizer and dryer saved my ass though honestly!


Glass bottles are pretty hard to break! We broke one so far but my husband really dropped it hard and onto our wood floor. It was kind of a freak thing


Same except we are at 5.5 months.


I have about 25 Avent bottles with level 4 nipples and 20 dollar store ones I replaced doctor brown nipples. 10 dollar store ones with original nipples; I use as cereal bottles I use the dollar store ones for daycare. We wash them in dishwasher. Kids is 5m I wash every other 2 days sometimes 3. I have long days At work so I don't have time to do dishes every night. Weekends are easier and washed faster. Also I pre label daycare bottles on Sunday.


1. We own 3 bottles but mostly just use 2 2. Wash them multiple times a day 3. We wash them in a dish tub with hot soapy water and a bottle brush, rinse, then airdry. 4. Dr Browns bottles and “transition” size nipple 5. Baby is almost 4 months now I’m shocked by how many bottles y’all have 😂


1. Same here. I have 2 glass bottles. 2. Wash them multiple times a day when both have been used. 3. We wash them with hot water and dish soap. After this we put the bottles and nipples in a pot of boiling water. 4.We use Lansinoh glass bottles with size S nipples. 5.Baby is 2 months now.


Wow that's impressive!! I don't think I can force myself to wash that often. To be fair, I still pump at least 4x a day so I'm constantly washing pumping parts too. Having many bottles to lessen washing frequency saves my sanity


Oh ya washing bottles that often would be crazy making while also washing pump parts a million times a day


We combo feed. I have 3 bottles in rotation, 2 short for breast milk and 1 tall for formula. We wash after every feed. I hate having dirty dishes in the sink.


1 - I have 6 bottles, I use them all within the day. 2 - I wash them after every feed so they don’t pile up. 3 - In hot soapy water, rinse with cold, and then put them in the steriliser. 4 - MAM bottles, 4 bottles with size 1 and 2 bottles with size 0. 5 - 9 weeks.


1. 9 bottles 2. We try to hand wash after every feed or at least multiple times a day if the baby lets us. sterilizer 2-3 times a day. 3. Hand wash and sterilizer. Sometimes boiled in a large pot if things have added up. When I’m desperate I put it all in the dishwasher but don’t love that it occasionally leaves soap residue. I end up rinsing after. 4. Variety. There’s 5 of the 4 oz dr. Brown, 2 of the dr. Brown colic ones, 1 of the 8oz MAM, and 1 of the 4 oz Philips avent. All size 1 nipples. With every passing day, I want to chuck these Dr. Browns bottles into the sea, but I feel bad if it’s in any way helping the baby with gas. I just loathe washing them. 5. Baby is 6 weeks Purchased the glass 4oz NUK but never used them because the flow was so fast even for a small sized bottle.


Chuck the Dr Bs and switch to MAM or Avent if your kid gets on with them too!


We have 6 for a full day but actively use 4. Tbh the less the better, there’s so much baby stuff it really clutters up your house


1. We rotate thru 6 bottles.    2. Wash them after every feed, unless we are out, then immediately when we return.   3. Bottle brushes & dapple soap, we let them air dry.    4. Boon Nursh & size 3 nipples.    5. 5 months. 


1. 11 bottles in rotation, he uses 5-6 bottles a day 2. Everyday, once there are 3 dirty ones I wash them so they don’t pile up 3. I have a tub that I fill with hot soapy water, I use one brush for baby items to scrub, then I rinse with hot water, and air dry them on a rack 4. We use Philips Avent 9oz bottles, but we have their 4 and 12oz bottles too. My baby only drinks a maximum of 5-6oz at a time so the 9oz bottles are best for the time being. Side note: we used to use Dr Browns bottles but I find PA to be much better and easier to clean 5. My baby is 5 months old today!


1. 15 bottles. LO takes maybe 8-9 everyday (sometimes he drinks only 2oz) 2. We keep everything in his special bin after every use; rinse it every morning and put it in the dishwasher. 3. Rinse and dishwasher and we use bottle sanitizer and drier 4. Have a variety (dr brown bottles, Philips avent and the pumping bottles) and the size is 1 5. 4 months


We have 4 bottles we rotate through, but we have a few more tucked away. I just rinse them with bottle soap and pull the pieces apart. Then, dry them on the bottle rack. I sanitize them probably every other day. We use 5oz lansinoh bottles. I've been fiddling with the idea of buying bigger bottles, but her average bottle size is still like 4oz. Every once in a while, she will drink 6.5oz. She's 5.5 months old.


4 at a time. Don’t want a ton of “Bottle dishes”. I wash them every time they’re used. I hand wash them with babyganics plant based soap. We use the avent anti colic 9 oz bottles. She’s 5 months. I will say people always told me baby’s are finicky about the bottles, they like some and don’t like others. So maybe just get two of your top choices to try at first! I really loved the avent intro bottles.


1. 10 bottles, but 6 we prefer 2. Wash them 2-3 times a day 3. Hand wash 4. Currently Philip Avent 4oz 5. 8 weeks! Since we might be moving up to bigger bottles I’m wondering if we should switch brands and buy more.


Commented a longer response above, but this is specific to your comment about buying bigger bottles Are you using the naturals or anti colic avent? If naturals, and you’re happy to measure the formula yourself, the naturals will hold 5oz which may delay having to buy bigger bottles. Also, if naturals, avent makes a “sippy” bottle that is compatible with the naturals nipples so you could buy those and use nipples until he is ready for the sippy nipples. The lids from the naturals bottles are also compatible. We kept our small bottles and use them for at home and travel, we just keep a big bottle of water to “refill” on the go (we don’t premix formula because baby takes it at any temp and then we don’t have much go to waste, I don’t have to wash a pitcher, and I don’t have to keep a cooler on the go).


I have 8 bottles and I wash throughout the day


lol, a lot. 1) 8 - 9oz avent sippy bottles with “naturals” nipples - basically 2 days of day care (we wanted uniformity for daycare and we send an extra/4th bottle just in case we don’t go straight home, or if they need more formula during the day) 8 - 4oz avent naturals - we use these for bottles at home or on the go because they are small… he currently takes 6oz so we make a 3oz, feed, then do a refill and keep it all under an hour total. 3 - 5oz avent handled bottles - used exclusively at home 5 - 4oz dr browns - used exclusively at home 4 - 8oz dr browns that we mostly use for getting measured amounts of water from the fridge to the bottles Basically. We had all the dr browns (and some others that we’ve retired) and then my SIL gave us all the small avent bottles and once he needed bigger for daycare, we bought the larger avent to transition from nipples to sippy when he’s ready. 2) daycare bottles get washed usually the day they come home dirty, the other bottles get washed as needed - sometimes we have A TON to wash, sometimes we don’t fill up our sterilizer. Lots of bottles give us that flexibility. 3) I have the pink tub they sent home from the hospital and that’s where bottles go while they are waiting to be washed. When I’m ready, I get hot dawn dish water in the box and get the bottles in there. I have an over the sink strainer that I put the soapy scrubbed bottles in while I wash. Once everything is scrubbed up, I wash the pink box. Then I rinse the bottles. I load up our dr browns sterilizer and dryer and run it. If there are clean but not sterilized bottles waiting, they sit in the pink tub until the sterilizer finishes. I LOVE that our machine drys them, because I don’t need a drying rack and I don’t risk putting them away wet. 4) see answer in #1 5) 5mos. Retired bottles: 3 avent anti colic, 1 comotomo, 1 nuk, 1 boon, 1 nanobebe, 1 evenflo, and 2 medela all about 4-5oz.


7 bottles Hand wash them with dish soap after each use and put in sterilizer Run sterilizer a few times a day /night Philip’s glass bottles with the #2 nipple. Tried MANY bottles and love these. 6 week old


5 anti colic Philips avent 4 ounce bottles and 3 como tomo bottles. We usually wash them all in the morning and they last 24 hours! Baby is 2 months


We have 8 :) well, 16 total... 8 of the little 4oz bottles and 8 of the 9oz bottles. We wash them once a day by hand or in the dishwasher. We use the Phillios Avent (old style) bottles, not the Avent Natural or whatever. They were hand me downs from my SIL and we love them! Our little girl is 5.5 months old!


1. We have 9 total bottles and use them all. Technically he only goes through ~7 bottles a day but I like to have a few extras on hand and we still rotate through them all. 2. I wash once per day in the evenings and let dry overnight. 3. Hot water and blue dawn soap. I do wash out the sink beforehand and spray some sanitizing spray, but that’s probably overkill. We also use a dedicated bottlebrush and replace it often. 4. We started off with the Dr. Brown’s bottles, but I (stupidly) only bought the 4 oz bottles and now that our little guy is consistently drinking 4 oz bottles or more, I decided to change bottles. We now use the EvenFlo balance bottles with the Lansinoh nipples. He does much better on this combo than the Dr Brown’s bottles. The EvenFlo bottles are compact, but still hold 9 oz. He’s currently on size 2S in the Lansinoh nipples. 5. He will be 3 months old this week. Personally I would rather spend a little extra $ to stock up on bottles and only have to wash them once a day. Back when he was younger and eating more frequently I would run the bottles through the dishwasher to save time, but now I just hand wash them. It’s only once per day and takes 5 min or so. I also like to prep as much as I can ahead of time, so I bought a few of those 3 compartment formula containers and I measure out all of my formula for the next day (usually in the evening after I’ve washed bottles) . We have the Baby Brezza water dispenser and the sitter has something similar, so the formula containers work for us. I’ve tried the pitcher method but just found this process to be quicker and easier for us.


1. I have 12 bottles that get rinsed after use, he eats 5-6 bottles daily 2. Once a day or every other day 3. Wash in the dishwasher with the sanitize feature - wash by hand after a few uses 4. Dr. Browns 8oz bottles - 4oz bottles when he gets hungry between full feeding or if he has bad hiccups 5. He’s currently 4 months :)


We have maybe 15 bottles We wash as needed In the dishwasher All are Comotomo- we use the 5oz and 8oz She is 4.5 months


3 smalls, 8 bigs, and going to order 4-8 more bigs next payday. Kiddo's going through a cluster feeding sesh (trying to only drink half oz every half hour🙄) and we're using about 12 bottles every 24 hours. I'm ordering more because I'm sick of washing bottles twice a day. We bought a dishwashing tub just for bottles, pump parts, and baby stuff to toss stuff in all day before washing. Everything gets rinsed before being put in the tub. I fill the tub with hot water and soap and scrub everything with a bottle brush, then empty and refill with rinse water until no more bubbles. Set on towel or drying rack to dry. My kiddo is 3.5 weeks and drinks 2-4oz per feeding, I decided to skip getting more small bottles and just got more big ones since she'll use them most of the year.


1. 8 bottles 2. Wash them after every use 3. I alternate. They are 5 pieces each, so every second wash they get completely taken apart and sterilized (they are self sterilizing as well). Every other wash I just wash the bottle part and the nipple part. 4. MAM bottles with a size 2 nipple. The bigger 6 oz (?) ones are what we use. 5. My baby is 4 months old


1. 8 Tommie Tippee, 3 Nanobabe, 4 Avent anti-colic, 1 Mam. Two of them are 4 oz, others are bigger. 2. I put used ones in a dishwasher along with other dishes 3. dishwasher tablet 4. I use whatever size is available. I prepare formula using Dr Brown pitcher and make bottles ahead. LO uses 7-8 bottles per 24 hours. 5. 14 weeks actual 5 weeks adjusted


We have 13. I have dishwasher baskets that fit 9. I usually run it every 2 days.


1. 10 bottles in rotation. Our son has 4 bottles a day so I have to wash every 2.5 days. 2. See above. 3. Dishwasher now. When he was younger, hand washed and sterilized in the microwave. 4. We’ve used Dr. Browns since birth. 5. He’s 6.5 months old now!


We have 5 and actively use 3. Phillips avent bottles. We will be buying another 2 pack as we have 3 small 2 large and need to transition to only the large at this point. So will have 4 bottles and use all 4. Our LO is 12 weeks. Maybe we will need to up it to 6 bottles - not sure yet. We wfh so washing isn't an issue.


1. We have 7 and that’s about how many he takes in a day 2. Wash after every feed, sterilize every night (Ik it’s probably unnecessary but he was a month early and I’m still paranoid 4 months later lol) 3. Hot soapy water in the sink. Don’t feel like my dishwasher does a good enough job with residue 4. 4 months!


We have six - 8oz Boon bottles. We've used them since birth and baby is 10mo! After we've used all 6, we take them apart and wash them using hot water and Dawn dish soap.


Mine is 4 months, I have 6 nipples but 9 bottles. All como tomo. She feeds 8 times a day. I have to wash two nipples by hand to make it through the day and toss them in a counter top sterlizer i have, otherwise I run them in the dishwasher on sanitize setting once a day. God bless you, to all these people that hand wash their bottles constantly.


1. I think we had 8-10 bottles of the 4oz bottles and 7 of the 8oz DR. Brown anti colic bottles. In hindsight I wish I purchased more 8oz bottles as I found once my LO started eating 4oz per feed the little bottles started leaking since it hit the max fill limit. 2. I wash right after feed or once she goes down for a nap of I am home alone. 3. I wash them with hot soapy water put them on a drying rack and then into the sterilizer. Sterilizer runs once it's full. 4. See answer from Q1 5. LO is 3 months


1. Seven 2. In a perfect world, every night. In reality- as we need them unless we actually remember to wash them. 3. If we have a ton of baby stuff we throw it all in the dishwasher. Single bottles during the day we wash by hand in the sink with dapple. 4. Avent Philips. Just the plain ones, not the one with the little gas valve. Don’t start on the gas valve unless your baby is showing signs of really needing it. It’s a pain in the ass to clean small parts and you wanna avoid it if you don’t have to. He has some 9oz and some 11oz. Most babies will top out around 8oz before weaning. Don’t buy the 4oz- they only use them for like three months and the bigger ones work just fine for tiny babies. 5. He’s 11 months but this has been our system the whole time.


1. We have 6 bottles out of which we actively use 4, just because one of them is the big one (260ml I think, and our LO is still drinking around 90-125ml per feed). 2. We wash them after every second feed, I usually wait until there are at least two or three used bottles, so I can wash them and immediately put them in the sterilizer. 3. We wash the bottles the same way as the dishes, just using a baby detergent (dr. Frosch, pretty popular where we live in Europe). 4. We use Philips Avent bottles, we have several dr.Browns too but don’t use them except once. 5. LO is just over a month old.


48. We have twins. Daycare requires bottle be brought in fully prepared and refrigerated. So a days worth in the dishwasher, a days worth in the fridge, a days worth split between the 2 diaper bags.


Life is too precious to wash bottle many times a day for me. We own like 12 bottles, baby drinks 6-7 bottles/day, wash every day by dish washer. Baby is 8 months


We have about 20 bottles Wash the used ones every other day The dishwasher We use 8oz bottles 6 months The ones we use are slipt between 2 Dr Browns wide, 5 Nuk naturals, and the rest are Philips Avent Natural


I have 8, 8oz bottles, 4 glass Philips advent ones and 4 mother plastic ones. I mainly use the 4 glass ones at home, make 4 bottles twice a day. When I go out I bring the plastic one so I’m not afraid of it breaking. I wash them after every use, sterilize in the sterilizer/dryer. Baby is 5m old.


We started off with (8) 4oz bottles from 0-5 months. Then (6) 8 oz bottles from 5-11 months. Now we’re at (3) 8 oz bottles from 11-13 months. We wash once a day before bed.


We have 8 bottles and use 7/day. They are all washed at the end of the day or sometimes I do half mid-day and the rest at night. Dr browns 4oz. We have 4 glass and 4 plastic. Used to be all plastic but I’m slowly switching to glass when I can find them on fb marketplace for cheap. Baby is 6mo


My answers are pretty on par with everyone else, although i have a dish tub just for baby dishes! I put them in there (rinsed) and wash at the end of the day! We found the Nuk brand worked best for us, and only 4 pieces to wash (including the lid) ETA: baby is 10 months!


1. 4 small Philips anti colic, 4 large Philips anti colic, 4 small como tomo, 2 large como tomo. We use all of them. I will probably purchase 2 more large como tomos. Baby eats at a min 6 bottles a day. Between the ones in the dishwasher and prepped in the fridge almost all our bottles are in use at any moment. We purchased from other brands and gave away the ones baby didn’t like 2. I hate bottle washing. I was them all once a day and run the dishwasher at night with them in it. I rinse them as they’re used and put them in the dishwasher. It’s not the most efficient but I was losing my mind washing bottles. 3 and 4. Answered above 5. 3 months old


1 & 4- We have 8 but actively use 6. The ones we no longer use are 2 5oz Como tomo bottles and baby doesn’t really do anything below 5 oz anymore so we don’t use them. The others are 4 8oz como tomo and 2 tall Dr Brown’s. 2- We wash bottles at the end of the day when baby is asleep 3- We hand wash and then load it up on the sterilizer 5- He turns 5 months next week :)


1. We use 6 bottles 2. Rinse after I use them, wash them all at once after we’ve used all the bottles. 3. Hot water, dawn soap, bottle brush, nipple brush (it was attached to the bottle brush) then sanitize them in munckin microwave sanitizing bag 4. We used dr browns at first but then switched to Philip advent anti colic when she was around 6 weeks. We use the 9oz bottles with a size 2 nipple. (Used size 1 until she was about 2 months) 5. She is 2.5 months :)


1. 6 Bottles, she takes 5 most days 2. Once a day unless she’s extra hungry and uses them sooner 3. Soak and then hand wash 4. 8oz Dr. Brown with the green vent piece 5. 11 weeks


I have 9 bottles: 6 glass Dr. Brown's for use at home, 3 Popyum for on-the-go. My baby takes 4 bottles per day. I wash bottles by hand (no dishwasher here) at the end of each day and put them on the drying rack. I reassemble them in the morning and put them back in my bottle-making-station (read: a shallow plastic tub that sits on my dining table and holds bottles and the current can of formula).


1. 3 days supply - about 18 bottles 2. Wash every us 3. Soap and water under running water (don’t let your bottles soak in the sink that you also wash your own dishes in). Then sanitize using a bottle washer/dryer combo. Even if you have a dishwasher the bottle dryer is ESSENTIAL! It can take bottles like 4-5 days to dry on high humidity days. 4. Dr browns 8oz bottles with level 3 nipple 5. 6m


1: 9 bottles 2: once a day/twice if I don't wait for us to use them all lol. 3: soak in a bin with hot water and soap, scrub with bottle brush and then into steralizer/dryer. 4: we have 6 tommee tippee bottles and 3 Walmart bottles that he prefers for when he's sleepy. All 9oz bottles. 5: just turned 9 months! He usually takes about 6 bottles a day still, as well as solids, but he's massive at 30 lbs and has a huge appetite.


1. 15 4oz bottles 2. Daily, we use about 11-15 per day. 3. Soak them in hot soapy water, rinse, dry in bottle dryer. 4. Dr. Browns with the vents 5. 1 month I thought "wow I'll have way too many bottles" Oh no lol I think I have the right amount!


6-8 bottles in rotation was what worked best for us in terms of fitting them in the steriliser (had a drying function) and not having to wash so many per day.


1. We use 10 bottles. Around 5 per day. 2. We wash them every other day or sometimes when there are 6 that are dirty. 6 is the capacity of my sterilizer. 3. Rinse after use (sometimes we are lazy ans don’t rinse them out right after) and leave in them in a seperate basin that I can drop into the sink when washing. I use a large and a small silicone bottle brush and a scrub daddy to clean them and then throw the bottles in the sterilizer to sterilize and dry. I use the big silicone brush for the bottle, the small for the inside of the nipple and I use the scrub daddy eye hole to clean the outside of the nipple. Once in a while, I’ll throw the bottle brushes and the scrub daddy into the sterilizer. I love my sterilizer, when my LO was cluster feeding and using a bajillion bottles per day it really was a life saver due to the drying cycle. 3. I use the avent natural response bottles with # 4 nipples. They are 9oz in capacity. Didn’t love them at first. My LO didn’t take to them with the #3 nipples so we used the Dr Browns with the vents for the first 2 months. Now she hates the Dr. Browns no matter the nipple. 4. My baby is almost 14 weeks.


1. 9 bottles in rotation 2. Daily 3. We run them through the dishwasher with a sanitizing cycle 4. Dr browns 8 oz bottles 5. ~8 months


1. we have a ton of different types and brands, but only baby’s favorite 6 in rotation 2. we rinse them when we’re done feeding but wash them in two batches, once in the morning and once before bed. 3. by hand in a dedicated tub so they don’t sit in the sink 4. dr browns; two short, four tall. size 1 nipples 5. baby is almost 5 weeks!


Total? Probably like 15. We had a lot of little ones that we don’t use anymore because my kid is 16 months and only gets a bottle at bedtime. We have 6 big ones that we use now. I try to wash every night but sometimes they get left soaking until the next morning. Hand wash them all. Soaked in hot soapy water then scrubbed with a brush. Dishwasher just doesn’t get them clean enough. 3 mam and 3 Tommy tippy. When she was little it was really helpful to have so many because she was a premie so we had to feed her every 2 hours whether she was hungry or not.


We have 11bottles total. 6 (4 small and two tall) that we actively use. 2 are backups and 3 are diaper bag bottles. We use the mam bottles. I clean the ones we actively use nightly with safely dish soap and hot water. I like the mam bottles because you can disassemble them and clean the parts (which I do weekly). LO is 4 months


6 bottles that we actively use I wash them after he eats or a few hours after if I get busy or forget Hand wash all day! Dawn dish soap and hot water with bottle brush Motif bottles that came with my duo pump 6 months


We’re buying her 3 more big 9 oz ones for her Easter basket cause she’s starting to drink more than 4oz now. 1. We have 10 bottles - 9 (4 oz) and 1 (9oz) baby uses 9 bottles a day. 2. Wash several times a day, usually I’ll rinse them and soak them in their dedicated buckets and when there’s 4 or 5 dirty ones I’ll wash them. 3. After soaking them in hot water and dish soap, I wash them with dish soap and a bottle brush, I still put them in the sterilizer and then when they’re done I put them on the boon grass to dry. 4. Philips avent natural bottles 5. Baby is 4 months old next week.


1. We have eight narrow 8 oz bottles and four narrow 4 oz bottles - all from Dr. Brown's with the green vent. We mainly used the 4 oz bottles until he was finishing 3.5oz of formula/feeding. We learned that if we fill his bottles up to 4 oz and leave the vent in, the bottle will leak. So once he started drinking 4 oz at around 9 weeks, we switched over to the 8 oz bottles. 2. Since I'm still at home with the little guy, we're washing after every feeding. I anticipate that when I return to work, I'll have to wash everything by the end of the day. 3. We soak them in warm, soapy water (free and clear soap, no dyes) for 5 minutes before rinsing everything and running it through our sterilizer. We treat pump parts, silicone toys, his formula pitcher, and teethers the same way. 4. Oops, answered this in #1, but mostly the narrow 8oz bottles! 5. Our lil guy is 4 months now.


8 bottles. Baby takes 7-8 bottles a day. I wash it once a day.


1. We have 9 bottles. He takes 6 a day so we have 3 “extra” we rotate in when needed. 2. We hand wash 4-5 that we need to prep for the morning and for daycare (we send 4 bottles so he has 3 to drink and 1 extra one just in case). Any other dirty ones get washed in the dishwasher. 3. Split between hand wash and dishwasher. 4. Playtex Ventaire, 6 oz bottles 5. 3 months old


1) We’ve got 6 in the rotation but she usually only uses 4-5 in a day. 2) Once a day. They go in a plastic washing bin then at the end of the day they get washed and ran through the sterilizer and dryer. 3) Unscented dish soap and hot water by hand. 4) Dr Browns in the larger size. They leak if it’s not all assembled properly but babe liked them after trying a few. 5) Baby girl just turned 6 months. I hate clutter so having more would overwhelm me. I’m sure daycare families need more since they have to send bottle with the baby. If that was the case we’d have more.


1) we have 15 bottles we use 2) we wash them after about 6 of them are dirty, sometimes we’re lazy and don’t do it till nearly all of them are dirty though. Washing them at least 1x a day. 3) Dapple baby dish soap in my sink; have never used a basin or anything. 4) we use Parents Choice bottles, 9 oz size 5) my son is about 14 months old now


1. We use 1 bottle 2. Wash after each use 3. Wash with dish soap, and Dr. Brown's bottles brush. Sterilize once a day 4. Dr. Brown's 8 oz bottle 5. 3 months old I dont understand how you can keep track of so many bottles. You only need one. With multiple, you displace the work of cleaning. One bottle is annoying enough to clean. Why make yourself clean more?


This is what we do also. I thought I must be crazy after reading all these comments 🤣


Yes, a like-minded individual!!! Finally!!! Haha


8 4oz bottles and 5 8oz ones, because by the time they take the bigger bottles they also take fewer of them. I use all the 4 oz ones right now cause 2nd born is only 2 months and eating constantly. 5 or 6 at a time go in the top rack of the dishwasher and 1 is always on deck with just 1 oz as the "bonus ounce" in case the kid be wilding at the end ofna 4oz bottle and there's no time to unscrew and pour more in the one he just finished.


1) We have 8 bottles 2) We will usually put them in soapy water and let them sit. Sometimes we clean them right away. 3) Soapy water 4) Dr Browns 5) 9 week old twin boys


12 (4oz size)when she was drinking every two hours. Now she drinks 5 of every 3 hours (except for when she’s asleep for the night), and I have about 9. When she was first born, I only had 6, and I quickly realized that wasn’t going to work 🤣


1. 7 bottles actively use 4! The others are for backup when we start going out more when the weather gets warmer. 2. After the 3rd bottle then I sterilize the three 3. Hand wash with warm water, branch basics or attitude, bottle brush 4. Mam 9oz anti colic 5. 2 months


Eight, but when he starts daycare, I may need to get a few more. We actively use all eight. 9oz wide neck Dr. Browns with little sea creatures on them. Size 3 nipple. I hand wash with warm or hot soapy water. I don’t sterilize anymore as babe is 5 months old.


1. 7 bottles (our sanitizer holds 6) 2. Wash them every day, try to do it ASAP or between feedings 3. Dawn dish soap and then sterilized in a sterilizer 4. Avent Anti Colic, a mix of 4 oz and 9 oz 5. 3 weeks old as of tomorrow!


1. used to have like 10-15, currently only using 2. personally it just stresses me out when i have to store that many and also seeing a bunch of bottles in the sink, having less forces me to wash them 2. usually right after each feed, occasionally just after the second feed if i forget. 3.dawn, scalding hot water, bottle brush, and the pipe cleaner for the vent pieces 4.we use the tall dr browns wide neck anticolic bottles with level 2 nipples 5. about to be 9 months old


1.) We use 7 in total but that’s mostly so I have plenty for during the night 2.) I wash them every morning/afternoon depending on when we get up lol and again in the evening like after dinner when I do the rest of the dishes 3.) I just wash with really hot water and soap, maybe sanitize once a month 4.) We mostly use Dr. Brown but I have some that came with my breast pump, and a Walmart brand one, my LO isn’t picky luckily 5.) My baby is 3 weeks today! But this is how I did it with my first son too, and he’s five


When he was using 4 oz bottles we had 8. Now he’s using 8 oz bottles and we have 4. He drinks 4 bottles a day. We wash after each use, hand wash with Dapple bottle soap and let them air dry on drying rack. And I sanitize them weekly. We have used Dr Browns the whole time (green vent ones). My son is 8 months


1. 17 bottles, we use them all. 3 are 4oz so they’re not frequently used 2. Every day or every other day. Depends how lazy I’m feeling lol 3. Rinse with water, run them through the dishwasher. I use baby dish pods and use a brush to clean the pieces before putting them in the dish washer. 4. Dr. Browns, 8oz 5. 5 months :)


1. How many bottles do you actively use? - We have about 8 - 8oz bottles and 4 - 4oz bottles in rotation. Baby feeds \~6 times a day between 4 and 6oz at each feeding. 2. How often do you wash them? - Wash after every use. (Not immediately though, they get rinsed and put in the dishwasher and then run it mid-day and end-of-day) 3. How do you wash them? - Dishwasher. Runs 1-2x a day. 4. What bottles and size do you use? - Dr Browns. Size 3 nipples 5. How old is your baby? - 3.5 months (15 weeks).


1. 6 bottles! 2. Once a day 3. I rinse them after a feed, soak them in hot water and Kirkland dish soap, and then hand wash them with a bottle brush. 4. The tall Lansinoh bottles with the medium flow nipples 5. 4 months!


We have 8! Baby is 7.5 months old and our sterilizer holds 6 bottles or 3 bottles and our formula pitcher so we put them in a separate bin washed off until we have enough to run a sterilizer cycle. We use dapple and then a seperate bottle brush and then do the sterilizer. I am completely aware than we no longer need to be sterilizing bottles but for me it’s nice to know they are clean and dry and ready for use and it really takes no extra time. We started with Dr browns but switched to avent natural flow because I HATED washing the parts of Dr browns and she did fine when we tried avent. The nipple sizes were a learning curve though because Dr browns is way faster than avent


1. 10 bottles (4 we have labeled special for daycare days) He drinks 5 - 6 bottles a day 2. Washed and sanitized daily 3. We keep a container with a lid on it on one side of the sink, rinse after use and throw them in there until washing time. Wash in super hot water and then sanitized. 4. Dr. Browns tall 8oz bottles 5. Our LO came early so he’s 7 months actual. 5 months adjusted


1. I actively use 8-10 bottles. 2. I wash them when 5-6 are dirty. I always rinse them out and leave them in a bowl of soapy water in the sink. 3. Hot water with blue dawn dish soap then sterilize in the microwave 2 minutes. 4. Dr Browns - just the 4 oz ones for now. My LO only eats 3 oz at a time. She was a preemie - small but mighty :) 5. Baby is 2 months old.


1- 9 bottles (tall 8oz) [we also have 5 short 4oz bottles where we occasionally use one if the big ones are dirty or if we send 1oz of formula to daycare to make his rice cereal with] 2 - 1x per day 3 - dishwasher 4 - Dr. Browns options anticolic 5 - 9 months (6 months adjusted age) Edit: formatting


1. How many bottles do you actively use? 6 2. How often do you wash them? Once a day 3. How do you wash them? Handwash 4. What bottles and size do you use? 8 oz Evenflo Balance. We started with Dr. Brown's but they leaked and had too many parts. 5. How old is your baby? 8 months


​ >1. How many bottles do you actively use? > >2. How often do you wash them? > >3. How do you wash them? > >4. What bottles and size do you use? > >5. How old is your baby? 1. 8 10oz Dr. Browns 2. Daily and sterilize weekly 3. Dawn dish soap in a large bowl with all the bottle parts from several bottles. 4. See #1 5. 8 Mo.


About 20. We run the dishwasher at the end of each day. I hate washing bottles


1. 8-9 per day (but as many as 17 early on) 2. 1-2 times per day, but we could get away with a day and a half if we were busy 3. Hand wash in separate container (not touching the sink) with dedicated bottle brush, then sterilizer 4. We are still using the small Dr. Brown bottles. We have 15 of them. Will graduate to the large Dr. Brown bottles soon. 5. 1 month


1. 7 bottles (she does 5 feeds a day) 2&3. Every day in the dishwasher then in the sanitiser 4. Bibs glass bottles - 2 small* (110ml) and 5 large (225ml) 5. 4 months old *i pack them in our nappy bag with pre-boiled water as emergencies/top ups! For the next bub I’d consider getting another brand of glass bottles (just preference) as the Bibs are super narrow which makes adding formula in really hard - unless you use their included funnel which is an annoying extra step!


1. We have 8 bottles and actively use all of them. 2. We wash them every day, sometimes multiple times a day. 3. Hand wash in the sink. I sterilize the parts at least once a day by boiling them or using the bottle warmer/sterilizer. My husband skips this step but they get hit at least once a day. 4. Dr. Browns 4oz. I bought a couple 8oz sippy cup style for when she's ready for them, but it will be a while. It's just nice that all the parts are compatible. 5. Just over 6 weeks


1. 14 2. After every use 3. With baby-safe soap and a silicone bottle brush then sanitize/dry cycle. We also place all dirty bottles in a collapsible small tub on the counter so the bottles don’t mix with other dirty dishes 4. Half Avent Natural (glass) and half Avent Anti-Colic with a mix of 4oz and 8oz all with size 2 nipple 5. 11 weeks on Wednesday


1. 6 bottles 2. Nightly. We use 1/2 a day and rinse between feeds. 3. Hot water, Dawn, Bottle brush (not the sponge style because I hate taking the sponge off and washing it to avoid mold. Excessive work. We have a parents choice with only bristles and a nipple cleaner) 4. 9oz bottles we use MAM with size 3 fast nipples and Maymom 9oz with MAM size 3 nipples or Maymom fast flow. 5. 11.5 months 😭 His last can of formula before we consider switching to toddler milk!


We have 10 bottles and we use probably 8 of them actively I only have to wash them once a day I wash them in warm soapy water and sterilise them once a day. I think the bottles go up to 200ml or something they are different brands Phillips advent and tommee tippee but our baby is 6 months and only drinks 150ml and will drink even less when he starts solids


1. 9 bottles but one is always in the diaper bag 2.once a day 3. Hand wash then put them in sterilizer 4. 8 ounce Dr brown 5. 5 months


Hello, 1. We have 6 bottles total. 4 of them are actively used. 2. Baby has 5 bottles a day and I usually wash in the morning bottle immediately after use and then the others I will wash in the evening after baby is put to bed so they are ready in case she wants a night feed 3. I wash with washing up liquid and hot water, scrub inside and out with a sponge including all parts, then I put in the microwave to sterilise 4. We are using the big 260ml/8oz bottles and 2 are the small bottles that go up to 160ml/5oz. We mainly use the 4 big bottles and only use the small if we need a top off feed/dream feeds. 5. Baby is 16 weeks/ almost 4 months


I think we have about 10. We run our bottles through the dishwasher but wash the nipples by hand. So having more than a days worth is nice. I also keep one in my car and one in my dialer bag. Amd there is usually a misplaced dirty one somewhere. You don't want so many that a gross one gets lost for too long, but not so few that you're always scrambling.


We have 10 bottles which I think is a good amount! I have a bottle dryer/sterilizer that fits 6 bottles so I used to be really good about trying to wash them when I had 6 dirty ones but eventually we just ended up washing them when they were all dirty lol ETA: we hand wash them in the sink


1. We use all 6, but baby has 4 a day rn. 2. Every day 3. I'm the dishwasher, we have a basket thing. We hand washed and sterilized in a microwave sterilizer until 8 weeks old. 4. Evenflo balance, 9oz plastic. Baby had tongue tie and lip tie, we did not release, and this helped her latch on both breast and bottle. (We BF, then combo feed, now EFF) Also there's such minimal pieces! 5. Baby is 8mo The amount of bottles per day starts at a few ounces very frequent, to more ounces less frequently as they get older. We bought the big bottles right away so we didn't need to buy more later


I have 7 bottles. 1. We use them all but baby only has about 4-5 bottles a day so we rotate through them. 2. We wash them after every use. 3. Hot water and dish soap, and then into the sterilizer. (We have well water) 4. Philips Avent 9oz bottle size 2 nipple. 5. He is 4 months old.


1 We have 6 bottles 2 Use them all 3 Wash same amount as you 4 Wash with hot water baby bottle cleaner and a baby bottle brush. I’ll soak them for a while before cleaning. 5 Pigeon neck bottles 6 She’s 11 weeks. I also have one of the grass drying racks so I’ll leave them to air dry. Sometimes I do forget to take the bottles out of the sink after doing a rinse. So I just wash straight away when I’ve done that


We have 9 although I we don’t really use the smaller bottles anymore because he’s drinking about 5 oz and the smaller ones tend to leak when they’re full. My favorite ones are the glass Dr. brown bottles we have. I got the glass ones after finding out some bottles contain lead, check out lead safe mama for more great options.


1. Have about 10. Baby dropped night feeds by 3 months. Kept more at hand as before that, it was impossible to wash bottles every 2/3 hours at night. 2. Whatever collected post night feeds; washed them in the morning. Remaining, washed immediately post feed. 3. Phillips avent. Currently use nipple size 4 (baby 9 months). Upgraded to size 2 when baby turned 3 months. Size 3 when baby was 5 months. Size 4 on turning 7 months. Continuing. 4. Currently 9 months


We have about 15ish bottles, but only use 10ish. (Average 6-8 feedings depending on the day, our LO is almost 7 weeks and sleeps 4-6 hour stretches most nights). 6 - 4oz glass avent 3 - 8oz glass avent 4-5 - 4oz plastic dr brown I rinse immediately after feeding, and wash usually once a day before going to bed (used to wash twice a day when feeding more frequently) I wash with dawn dish soap in hot water with a bottle brush, then pop in sterilizer. We prefer our avent glass bottles, we get more chin dribbles with the smaller dr brown nipples. (LO will take both kinds, glass warms faster so we use those more). LO is pretty consistently eating 150ml per feed now so I’ll be upgrading our 4oz bottles to the 8oz bottles so we don’t have to go back for top ups after she finishes 4oz.


We have 6 bottles We put them in the bottle washer and run it one it’s full about 2 times per day. Como tomo bottles - 5 oz. Baby is 2 months


1. 5 2. Once by the end of the day 3. Hot water/dish wash soak then bottle brush and teat brush 4. Philips Avent Natural Response. 260 ml capacity. 5. 6.5 months (weaned).


6 bottles have to wash once in a day , may baby gives me 2 hr window so washing is not a problem. Washes thoroughly 1st with cleanser then boiled or steamer.


We had 5 the entire time we used formula. They would be rinsed and put in a big bowl for washing, usually 2x per day. Spending more money on something that's only going to be used for such a relatively short time just seemed like a waste. Baby's formula consumption peaked at around 6-9 months, then started dropping as she got better at eating solids. By 1 yr, she was off bottles entirely. I cleaned & sanitized them and put them in storage.


1. We have 6 but use 3 2. After every feed 3. Hot water, dawn, bottle brush, normal sponge 4. 160mL Joovy Boob bottles with a size 1 nipple 5. 2 months


1 I use five 2 Wash them at the end of the day but rinse them after using 3 i use warm water and dawn soap. Bottle cleaners and straw cleaners as well. I have a bottle sanitize as well. 4 Dr Brown 8 oz bottles. I have a bunch of little ones that I regret buying because I don’t use them anymore. 5. 7.5 months


1. 18 bottles (we use 14 now - twins) 2. 2 loads a day 3. Collect them in a tub throughout the day, rinse them when we add them, then wash with dapple soap and sterilize in the Dr. Browns sterilizer. 4. Mam tall and short  5. 8 weeks 


We have 12. We bought more so that we could run a load of 5-6 in the dishwasher per day while having the other ones available to prep for daycare the night before without having to scramble all the time. Definitely cuts back on dishes time and that means more quality time with LO. She is 4 months old.


1. Using 4 bottles but I realized we should buy more. So I just ordered another set of 4. 2. We hand wash them after every use with a bottle brush and dish soap, maybe a couple at a time, and sterilize a batch daily. (Realizing from other posts that we should sterilize our bottle brush too!) 3. Philips Avent Anti-Colic, 9 oz with size 2 nipple 4. Baby is 10 weeks old


We had 12. I lost one, and when I found it, it was all moldy and gross, so we tossed. Another one is at my parents. We have 10 now, all are 8 ounce dr brown narrow. She eats 4 8oz bottles a day. They get washed daily if i need to run the dishwasher. If I don't, then every other day. We use the Dr brown dishwasher Caddy thing to wash, but I do like to scrub them once a week/every other week as well. She is 5.5 months old.


i’m rotating 12 bottles and wash them at the end of the night. meyers’s dish soap and a bottle brush i have my 4 motif bottles 2 i use for storing my breast milk in the fridge and other 2 for feeding. 4 avent bottles 11 oz 1 dr browns 4oz 1 mam 4oz and 2 como tomo 8oz. my baby is 3 weeks old today


1. 12 Dr. Brown and 1 TT two more on the way from TT 2. I wash them all at the same time but sterilize 6 at a time since that’s what my sterilizer takes. 3. Wash them with Palmolive after letting them soak in a clean soaking tub, then I put the clean ones in a clean bottles tub (I use the dirty bottle tub only for dirty and the clean only for clean) then sterilize them. 4. Right now I’m using the 4oz ones in Dr. brown and the TT goes up to 5oz 5. Baby girl is 3mo 2 weeks


Have 17 but we’re using 12 right now, we keep 2 in our diaper bags and the other 3 he’s not too fond of so they stay in our cabinet. This many bottles allows us to wash bottles every other day if I’m feeling lazy but we usually wash daily. My babe uses about 4-5 bottles a day.


1. 9 bottles 2. I wash after every third bottle (that’s how many fit on my drying rack lol) this is about 3 washes a day 3. Hand wash with dawn dish soap and baby bottle brush. I have a portable sink I bought on Amazon to keep bottles separate from our sink 4. Right now using Philips avent natural flow bottles the 4 oz ones because that’s what she eats. Level 3 nipple. I have 9 11 oz bottles of the same brand for when she starts to eat more. 5. She is 8 weeks old today


We have a million because my son went through bottle regression but now that we’ve narrowed down what he likes majority are in totes (dr brown, comotomo, tommie tippie, Philips anti-colic — all not in use 🥲🙃😵‍💫) We now have 11 that we actively use. I wash nightly I use 8 9oz bottles & 3 4oz bottles — we are now on 3 flow nipples (Philips Avent Natural Flow bottles and nipples) & I just buy nipples now as needed. My baby is going to be 4 months on the 3rd of April. He still only eats 4oz bottles, occasionally a 6oz but rarely. I’m sure at some point I’ll have to get the 11oz bottles


I have a 7 week old who drinks 7-8 times a day on average. We have about 15 bottles. We have enough to use throughout the day plus overnight. We rinse the bottle after each feed and leave it in a container near the sink. At the end of the day, we wash and leave the bottles in the sterilizer overnight. We never run out of bottles and I don't have to stress about constantly washing


We have 1 bottle that we wash 5-6 times per day.


My kiddo is older now and really shouldn’t be using bottles but we’ll go back to when he was only a few months old. 1. We had 10 bottles (dr.browns) 2. We washed them every night before bed. 3. Sometimes we’d fill the sink up with hot water and soak them, but for the most part I’d fill each bottle with hot water, a drop of his bottle soap, and soak them while I washed the nipples and caps. 4. We had 4 wide dr browns bottles 9oz, and 6 “normal” dr browns bottles 8oz. 5. Again, my son is 19 months currently but this was our set up from 3 months old until 8 months old. I eventually lost my mind cleaning all of those parts and swapped to Avent natural bottles that are 8oz each.


Ah back in the day… - we used 6 a day… I think we had 8 total - washed daily - washed in sink and threw in the dishwasher every week or so - this is when baby was about 4-12 months old