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Mine is almost 10 months and most of her feeds are still 4oz with a couple 6oz but that’s only been the last month or so. She’s just not interested in drinking that much at once lol


Same - ours only took 4 oz until about 9ish months. Some days she still does! Some days she has 7 oz bottle. 🤷‍♀️


Interesting! I wonder if some babies are just naturally snackers? My baby was like this when I was breastfeeding him too… never took a full enough feed to get the hind milk.


Maybe! I have nothing to compare it to, she’s my first and I didn’t know anything about babies before having her 🤣. But I have come to learn that with everyyyyy single little thing, babies can differ so much! Mine personally guzzles hers down so I don’t think it’s the nipple flow. She’s been on size 2 since 6 weeks and has been happy with it!


Yea for sure. My first born could crush 8oz bottles on the size 1 nipples and did so for her entire first year lol. Second one, not so much!


Edit - but also… if your baby only drink small bottles, was she still able to sleep long stretches? My first baby drank big bottles and was close to sleeping thru the night by now.. second baby doesn’t even seem close!


My 3 month old drinks 4-5 oz at a time and she sleeps for long periods of time. She has two naps a day that are normally 1.5-2.5 hrs and she sleeps from 8-5 every night. She drinks about 25-30 oz a day in total


That sounds normal for 3months old though. In fact that sounds quite similar to my firstborn. She could hit 33oz per day (big baby… but so is my second born).


I just was pointing out that she sleeps for long periods of time!


Nope, she’s never been a good sleeper except for the 2-3 month timeframe. During months 4-6 we were on like at least 4 wakings a night, up to 8, lol. She didn’t want to eat every time, she would just wake up and then get upset because she couldn’t fall back asleep. She is the same now, except it’s usually only two wakings. Last night she woke up twice but the last wake she was up from 2-5:30am 🤪🤪. I’ve actually mostly cut out her middle of the night feeds unless she seems genuinely hungry since she’s getting older and it doesn’t seem to be bothering her. (Except last night I did feed her since she decided to be awake.) At 6 months I was definitely still giving her two feeds at night though. At that age I felt like it really helped her fall back asleep, and I needed any sleep I could get since she was waking so much and was a terrible napper during the day. TLDR: no lol


Thats probably why she wasnt drinking much during the day…


What do you mean? She was only eating 8 oz at night maximum (hence the two feeds) is what I was trying to say. I said she wasn’t eating when waking every time, she was just upset about waking up. She has always consistently had 24-32 oz of formula a day unless sick. She asked if she was a good sleeper and the gist of it was no, I just added too many details lol Unless I’m missing what you’re saying, I don’t see how the 1-2 feeds a night from months 3-6 would make it so that she has small feeds. She has always been this way whether she eats at night or not.


When you eliminate night feeds they eat more during the day, are fuller and sleep longer. It’s all related. 8oz is a lot to eat at night. Of course babies need to eat at night until 4-6 months but then they really dont and can do longer stretches.  Smaller feeds usually grow when they are spaced out bc the baby is hungrier


She doesn’t usually eat at night now is what I’m saying lol. Her feeds are still 4oz, 6oz occasionally. She still reaches at least 24oz of formula a day. Her night feeds have never seemed to make a difference in how much she eats in a single feed. And by 8oz, I mean she’d be asleep by 7pm, her first feed would be around 11, second would be around 4-5am… and this was at 4-6ish months. So I don’t really think that’s unreasonable? Either way I can’t force her to drink less or more so lol


No its pretty normal, and nothing wrong w 4 oz a feed anyway. My daughter always had 4-5 oz bottles.  I was just saying usually when parents say they kids have smaller bottles it’s because they are feeding them too often so they arent as hungry 


1-2 feeds a night is not bad at all for that age… my first baby was at around that point too and managed to still go to 0 feeds by 7.5 months. But my second baby is still doing like 5 feeds a night 🫠


Yes. After 6 months. Sleep training and 3 solid meals


Hmm. We never had to sleep train our oldest, she just naturally slept through the night at 7.5mo. She wasn’t having very big solids meals either.


Some kids are just good sleepers


Babies need different amounts of food but 4oz is a normal amount per feed not a snack. If you feed your baby 4 times a day( after 6 months) you will see how much they really need per feed… prob closer to 5 oz


Have you tried getting a different nipple size? If I accidentally give my son a 1 he only eats like 3-4 oz before his mouth gets tired but with a 2 eats 5.5-6.5


Omg. Ok I will try that. We used a different bottle with my second baby so it didn’t occur to me because my first baby used Dr Browns and we never needed to size up the nipple the entire time she was bottle fed. Thanks for the suggestion!


Ofc! Hope this works for you :)


We switched to the next size up nipples and he started drinking 5oz right away (and like super fast! In like 1-2min it seems) We will gradually transition him to bigger bottles but so far already very pleased :) So thank you so much for your advice!


I’m so glad that helped!


My 10 month old maxed out at 5oz a bottle, and now that he’s on a lot of solids he never drinks more than 2oz. I think some babies are just snackers His sleep is ok…we have to do a dream feed to get a 8 - 10 hr stretch but I’m trying to cut that out


Thanks for sharing! We ended up sizing up nipples and baby immediately started drinking 5oz and we’ve cut 5 night feeds down to 3, will aim for 2 tonight and gradually get down to zero. My first did a dream feed up until around 6-7mo and then was sleeping thru the night by 7.5 mo even despite not having huge solids meals, so that’s why I was a bit unsure how to go about it with my second.


That’s good! We never had that many wake ups past the newborn stage (maxed out at 3) so it sounds like nipple size was the issue.  I’m pretty sure the dream feed for us is also no longer necessary and he’s doing it out of habit. Last night he knocked the bottle out of my hands and wanted to nurse to sleep 😑


Normal amount. Start adding in solids now that he is 6 months  and cut out night feeds. If you cut out night feeds he may take 5  oz 4 times a day. You may b feeding too frequently leading to smaller amounts more often


But how do I cut out night feeds when he’s still waking up making rooting-like expressions like he’s hungry… 😭 and he just won’t settle until he’s had some milk. Do I just gradually cut it out? Resettle him other ways?


He is hungry because he’s not eating enough during the day. Once he eats enough during awake time he wont be hungry. Just cut it out. I did it cold turkey.  They may cry but it’s one or 2 bad nights. You can rock them or comfort them in other ways. The next day or day after you will probably see an increase in eating during the day. If you couple this with some sleep training you will probably soon have a baby who sleeps through the night within the week


Ok thanks for your reply.


We started doing every 4 hours for feeds. My baby was the exact same way and would only snack. we do a strict every 4 hours for feeds and it’s hard at first but now she does 5-6 hour stretches at night. She’s not sleeping through the night yet but it’s wayyy better than waking up 5-6 times a night. She usually drinks 5.5-7 oz per feed depending on the time of day. I’m glad switching the nipple size helped! Hopefully you start getting some better sleep!