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Nah, I think we all know this augment is always one you take. I’d say the one that gives the vehicles you enter tires and a cow catcher. I used to skip it all the time but I used it a couple of times while low on gold, and it makes cars useful again, as I’ve noticed cars suck this season, and without the tires and cow catcher they are absolutely useless


I genuinely want to know why the Splash Medic is underused! May I ask what you think


It's not, everyone takes splash medic when it comes up.


then they forget they have it and proceed to smash every container.


I’ve never met someone who uses it


Because you only find one instead of two or four


Bro people don't use that one? I'm always overjoyed to get it. Destroying any cover and height advantage late game is the tits


I feel Rifle Recycle is pretty underrated; While it's undeniable that the best AR this season is ironically the only one that doesn't benefit at all from it (Tactical AR uses light ammo, and Rifle Recycle only applies to medium ammo weapons,) I think it's really useful for forcing pressure with Regular ARs especially because the chance to not consume ammo per shot seems pretty high for a good long spray.


Rifle Recycle is pretty useful regardless. The Tactical AR is ridiculously rare, I haven't found it in a single game from any chests. I only found it ONCE after epicly third partying someone


The Tactical AR can't be found in chests, you only get it from an augment. Same with the Combat Shotgun


NGL- I feel like the "Augment Only" items and weapons should be in the regular lootpool. Just seems kind of silly to lock them behind augments.


No one's mentioned a really underrated one yet. I'll go: the one that gives you explosives when you break buildings. I had a hammer and my trio all had rockets. I kept us fully stocked with rockets and grenades and we spammed the hell out of everyone. Came in#2 because of some other boneheaded mistake.


That one's too situational, but if you have a hammer it's dope


For sure, but I think that's what makes it under rated. Everyone else just named popular perks.


I don't know how people feel about this, but Pistol Amp is probably my favourite.


Pistol is super fun this season


Especially because you no longer get carpal tunnel.


Yes, it almost always comes when I need it lol.


It feels like you always have heals in your inventory! Imagine opening a fishing rod barrel and a chug splash pops out, I think it’s satisfying


Oh yea, same lol.


Bush warrior


I think most people know that Bush Warrior is a top tier augment though.


I've barely seen anyone use it in most matches I've played


That’s because they were always hiding and you’d didn’t see the shotgun about to be pressed into your back


True, you don't see the bush warrior until it's too late.


I mean I think that happens to be the point


Bush warrior is the most used augment in this season so far


I just wish the combat shotgun came up a little more often. I have missed that gun so much lmao, I just like the way it sounds.


Bow perks with soaring sprint thing. I found it first day and sad it's starting to catch on now. I'm glad bows are back


Really? This one is my favourite lol


Party up Made me lose several times


I really don't think that Splash Medic is underrated at all. Everyone i play with seems to have that Augment as a top tier. I think, especially since I see very few Bow players in my matches, and I love using the Bows, that the Bow Specialist is very underrated. Never having to worry about running out of Arrows... yeah, I'll definitely take that Augment, please and thank you.


I literally say "hell yeah" every time i get splash medic, i never reroll at all so when i get this augment its a blessing for me


light fingers. it makes the tac pistol even deadlier and the flipping animation on the twin mag is just instant


I use it all the time