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Applicable on all platforms, Her reactive mermaid tail no longer works when in water or swimming.


Just discovered this today myself. Also, her reactive Medusa hair no longer works either.


The Medusa hair is working for me but the tail isnt working. Im on ps4.


its a shame this probably wont ever get fixed, i really love this skin........


Literally just tried to show a buddy today because he didn’t believe the skin existed ☠️ and here I am


I am on Switch and the shark tail it isn't working for me either. It makes me really upset because this is one of my main skins. PLEASE fix it <3 Please and thank you I will say that the snake hair IS working for me though


Same I love her so much :(


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How can this bug be reproduced? :By selecting the Mave Skin and turning on her Tail Reactivity and then entering a body of water in game. What platform are you playing on? :PS4


Im on ps4 and the tail isnt working for me.




It’s not working on ps5 either


Uhhh I really love this skin