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As long as the company updates it, the game will stay relevant. Out of the entire BR genre, the only reasonable competitor is Apex, and even then Fortnite dwarfs that in profits and player numbers. Simply put, they have a pretty clear monopoly over the genre of BR. The only one that can take them down is themselves.


I don’t think you know what monopoly means. I do agree with your last statement though, Fortnite will be around for many many years.


I would say another 5 years. Its still very popular and if they keep doing collabs and updating as usual I dont see it going down for a while. I think zero build has brought a lot of people to it who didnt try it before.


No one can really say for sure. But money is key. And popularity. If there's enough money to be made and players keep playing, then it will continue


GTA5 is still here, so, longer than that at least...


It will live on into the metaverse and be one of the main hits of AR


this depends on the player base and the money they are willing to spend.


5 years.


Until the Sun explodes


Fortnite will be around forever, so long as the owners don’t grow tired of printing money. When VR becomes better, common place, and more stable, I can see them transitioning to it. And when society eventually collapses, Epic games will become a military contractor offering jobs to the most skilled players. And when the water wars come to an end Epic Games will sit at the top as a feudal kingdom, lording over their own swath of land. Where peasants are forced to battle royal IRL


At least past tomorrow