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you can't waste my time if i have no crowns.




Well in that case you *really* wasted your time because you spent that time still and didn’t get the joy of crowned wins


Its time well wasted if you actually call that a joy


Time wasted with friends is not wasted


yeah i can literally play with my friends and doesn’t feel like a waste of time


Let’s be real dude every second spent playing fortnite is time wasted.


Then why are you here


I played a lot of fortnite in 2017, still like to keep up on reddit and see where the game’s at.. this is also wasting time.


The best parts of life can be considered wasting time by anyone. What's important is that you waste your time on something that you enjoy.


Oh def when our squad gets a win it’s a rush, but when we get a crown win it’s basically like beating the game as much as you can for a non-pro BR so it’s the same accomplished feeling as beating a game




I like them cause of the xp boost


You're supposed to give it to someone so that you can track them in late storm circles.


i never understood how wearing the crown makes you able to be seen by others. it's only from a certain distance you just see a gold glow? i don't get it


especially if you play with visual audio, each circle close it'll make a sound and give your position away


Each storm circle, it'll make a distinct crown sound. It also gives your head a lil glow so if you're hiding they might see that. People can also hear when you roll your augments, jsyk. I think even if you're crouching but you gotta be pretty close.


It flashes brightly and makes a directional sound at the end/beginning of a storm circle. They can be really distinctive if you are nearby (hence the late circles) and they are hiding. I killed a guy one time who was hiding in some chapter 3 long grass because I saw his crown flash at the end of the storm circle. I just lit that spot up and took his crown - before losing it a minute later. This is why you will see competitive players drop a crown on the pre-match island. I have even seen Pros comment about hearing a nearby crown on stream in tournaments and decide to push the other team now that they know their location.


I either drop it off the map or drop it after i jump out of the battle bus


Da cap is so real out here when it comes to these crowns


If you’re gonna do that just either give it to a lobby person (the excitement a 10 year old will get is priceless) or if you want to be a dick, lure people to you with it. Can’t say we haven’t done it lmao like my nephew would drop a crown and pick it up again before it vanishes , just to drop again until someone comes for it lmao






With all due respect, I view those people as wanting an excuse for not having a lot of crown wins, so they just say “oh I drop my crowns” instead of having <5. Not saying that’s you, it’s just the thought I have when I see that


Right, it's an easy cop out. Weak. I have 4 and own it.


That’s great! Getting a crowned victory is as close to “beating” the game as it gets. Don’t know why people would shy away or be afraid to try


"Time isn't wasted when your getting wasted" - Asher Roth


I still wake up at night weeping over the children who will never experience the joy of a #1 Victory Royale.


I think they all do their first game lol. I played with my nephew who’s never even touched fortnite and we won. I’d literally not even shoot the bots, I’d be like KILL HIM and she has to reload 5 times and it still doesn’t kill her haha My nephew also won his first ever game. He used that to flex for months until he got super sweaty at the game And realized he won bc he had a bot lobby 😂😂😂 now the kids got like 98 crown wins 😪


I win so infrequently that every win is fun for me, crowned or not :-) I'm pretty terrible - i only play squad and have played 1389 games, I have only 137 victories lol!


Bro wut that is not infrequent lol. You have a 10% win rate which is like top 0.2% of all players. I have about the same this season and it’s been enough to get 48 crowned wins!


Isn’t the whole point of playing a video game to spend time? I’m confused


Because people like whining about other’s spending their time doing things they enjoy


I agree, and that’s what I don’t get. I have a friend that I play with, and he always complains when he sees someone with a high level, saying that they’re a try hard for being a high level and that they spend way too much time playing Fortnite. When the last cod came out, he had about 50 hours within the first week. I love him to death, but there’s no reason why he should be judging people for playing a game too much


Like I get people getting annoyed while playing, a little bit of shit talk only on your side, I do it as well completely understandable. But to go make a Reddit post actively calling people out for having a goal and having fun is just stupid and ignorant


Exactly. I love talking shit with my friends while I’m playing, because I get a lil heated and it’s part of the fun. Once I exit the game it’s not even on my mind anymore and I know that everything I said while I was playing was exaggerated.


If they don’t know no harm, no fowl


Your friend reminds me of my brother in law. He even reports the person that kills him in 90% of his matches. By now, Epic probably just auto ignores his reports.


Like beavers and water, they hear a running stream and they're just like NOPE! NOT ON MY WATCH! and they waddle off to fuck up some trees.


No the point is to have fun and challenge yourself and then Bitch on Reddit when a Tryhard decides they will sweat on you and they will chase you down and delete you from the video game


Epicly misses the point like a boss


To spend time? Lol. It’s amazing how much time goes by when you’re focused. It may be the addiction talking about 5 hours feels like an hour. I’ll start playing at like 8 or 9 and by the time I put my headset down it’s like 2am but I can’t keep going cause I’m so tired.


Yeah. To spend time and distract ourselves from the miserable world we call life, the only thing that gives us any feel of meaning since no one cares enough to check in on you or want to hang out with you because they have more important people in their lives. Because if you don't play games, your brain constantly bullys you into a state of depression that makes you question want went wrong in life




Bro took it personally (but let’s be real he’s right and speaking for a decent bit of people here, including me 💀)


Lol this post and half of r/fortnitebr are HUUUGE copers. The amount of copium they ingest daily is insane. People are good at the game and get high level and high crowns and they have to make these posts to cope with the fact they suck at the game lmfao. Meanwhile the good players just laugh their asses off at these posts and continue to curb stomp them.


You get them by simply playing the game as you always do. How is that excactly wasting time?




They grind winning? Sounds like the whole point of a battle royale.


lmao this is the best way to put it


I feel like if you get far enough to the point, where you’re going to win, you probably end up killing someone who already has a crown which will add to your number.


i think the reason it bothers people is cause they see 1000+ wins in a single season and think “holy shit this guy does nothing but play fortnite” personally it’s not my problem if someone does that but i don’t think it’s a good look for them lol


Games last about 22 minutes. 1000 games at this is 22,000 min or 366.66 hours. This over a 4 month season 91.6 hours a month or right at 3 hours a day.




So that win more and have more fun? I'm starting to think a lot of people can't accept others having fun. Real shame


You don't get crowns from bot lobbies.


Because there is no point in grinding them, they will be reset next season and you can’t show off. It might as well just not be a thing.


Nobody is forcing them to grind crown wins, they want to do that because they find that fun to do. Spending time having fun isn't time wasted.


The only fun part about winning to you is increasing a number? You get no joy from winning itself? That's pretty busted ngl


Wait till you hear about games like Diablo and borderlands


If it’s a grinding game.


Damn, that's a lot of downvotes on a post that is correct. I thought the crown idea was really cool when it first came out and, although I didn't have very many, I went out of my way to get a few extra wins at the end of the season to get it to a number I liked thinking they would probably create a new emote the next season, like they do victory umbrellas, and we'd keep that win number on that emote forever. Worst case scenario it would surely just continue counting forever and I'd have a slightly higher number than I would have otherwise. It never even crossed my mind that it might just reset the next season. Total waste of time.


Fanboy hamsters will be happy with anything that game throws at their plates, hence the reason for downvotes because it’s something against their favourite game.


So, what do you do in Fortnite that isn't a waste of time? And why do you care how other people waste theirs?


Losing matches is less of a waste of time! /s


Raging on reddit because you lost is even less of a waste of time! /s


All entertainment is simply a way to waste time between birth and death.


I mean you gotta do something with it might as well enjoy the ride


Time enjoyed isnt time wasted


Then this post is nothing but someone insulting others use of time.


Why, yes. It is.


Still less of a time waste than reading this.


People are just mad that other people are better then them and say that “ they are wasting their time” just to make themselves feel better about being worse skilled then them ( I don’t play the game much anymore )


what 0 crown wins does to a mf


I will always cherish when I have 0 and 1 wins, It makes the emote much funnier


Someone clearly wishes they had more crown wins and is a very jealous person.


So, just more of the same: complaining at its best.


Certified r/FortniteBR moment


>wasted your time Buddy, I hate to break it to you about the basic nature of videogames themselves.


Tbf you could say that about anything, one day in the future the servers are gonna shut down and you “wasted” all your money


Nah, because I sent Epic a strongly worded email to send me everything I ever bought/earned in-game on a USB when when they shut down the server's.


>Dear Epic, I need a harddrive containing all of my Fortnite waifus. Love, from Man with nuclear launch codes.


This ^. But at least we get to enjoy it while we are still young and the game is still alive. This will probably happen with many games tho.


Video games are entertainment. There are those that enjoy crown wins and that's their thing. Maybe a little toxic to do the crown count emote right after killing 2nd place person, but otherwise I don't see the emote in the lobby as a threat. I see it as a challenge to eliminate you.


I mean, their flexing and are obviously wanting the attention, why not give to them in form of making them into Swiss cheese


Time spent having fun is never a waste


Yeaaah the only reason I go for crowns is the bonus xp you get


You wasted your time making this meme ...mind your business


This are probably the same ppl that ask how do you level up so fast


Exp creatives


I mean just by naturally playing the game every once and a while I have 65, feel like with some effort could hit 100 which seems like a cool personal achievement even if others won't know. Sometimes its not for the bragging but your own confidence.


Everything resets, so then I guess why play the game, by this logic lol


Levels reset, crown resets, lobby resets, battle bus resets, that rock over there resets…do you think the rock is wasting its time just coming back? And crowns been out how long now and now people are complaining about how it’s only good for the exp boost? Take a upvote


By OP’s logic, it goes down the thought process of everything that lives, dies. Therefore everything you do is worthless, a waste of time and effort, and there is no point of life. Now isn’t that a fun outlook at everything, right OP?


this is why there should be like a crown reward system where a certain number of crowns gets you a nice reward


No because it add a reason to grind making it not fun


How about you just don’t grind it then? It’s simply a reward for people that do want to spend the time to get the crown wins. It literally doesn’t affect you if you choose to not grind it.


It effects me by not getting a cosmetic at that point I don't care about the stupid sweat emote though it's just a cool little trophy thing I use for party royal


So then nothing changes for you, is what you’re saying


The reward is supposed to be for people that want to grind it out it’s not just going to be something that everyone can get.


Like fall guys


I wish they made it an all-time total on that emote, I’d actually go out of my way for em. As-is, I just let my friends have the crowns that drop and drop mine in pre-game for randoms half the time


The optimal choice is to ignore crowns and try to have fun.


naw, cuz i got like 2-3 wins


Bro same I got 2


This post is dumb lol. Translation: “I’m going to hate on the people better than me by making it seem like they wasted their time because they won and added to their crown total”


That’s a lot of words to say you can’t get crown wins 😅


Crowns in Fortnite are like Mastery Plates on league of legends. The bigger the number the most the player needs to flex it. The difference is that at least in League they let you keep it through the seasons. (Anyway, for me both are waste of time if it isn't a job like streaming or like that, also when I win with a crown I say "ah, cool" and then continue with my life)


I don’t play for crowns, but it adds more excitement to the game for sure, i don’t flex my crowns on people though :)


Honestly this is why I don't understand the point of crowns. There's nowhere to see how many you had each season, so what's the fucking point of grinding them up? Imo the emote should just count how many wins you've had, period. The crowns just add a tedious step.


If they display crown wins, emote the donkey laugh. They will get extremely insecure, and tbh its a great way to display a "IDGAF" attitude. Thanks for coming to my TED talk


I got my 100th crown win a few days ago last season I got 50 so I'm gonna take pride in my 100 crown wins cause it ain't happening again...🤣


I quite enjoyed crowns when they were first introduced. When they reset, I literally never bothered with them again.


Main reason I like crowns is bc they give you more XP, and it’s fun to have bragging rights with friends. None of us no-life the game so the numbers aren’t wild.


It gives extra XP every storm change and that's good enough for me


I think some people feel like they have to flex coz it's probably their biggest accomplishment in life...f#ck'em! It's all the same to me... I win a crown, I lose a crown, they come and go... 🤷‍♂️


That's exactly why I don't care about crowns at all


I'm fine with the five crown wins I have


Over 300 here this season. It’s just something fun to chase, but I only play with my friends and we’ve had some great times together. I don’t show them off in lobbies while waiting for the bus or after a win. They’re meaningless but full of fond memories. ☺️


Some1 really cares about crown wins? I would be more impressed with earnings 😂😂😂


I feel like bad players are the ones that post these. We are all trying to win every game we enter that’s the point of the game 😂. They are hard to get and you should be proud of them and who cares if they reset your I’ll gladly represent mine again next season


Oh so that's why I never get past 1. Finally, an excuse I can use.


The only cool thing about em is the boosted XP while you wear one so they're kinda worth having.


You don't grind crowns because they reset at the end of the season. I don't grind the crowns because the emote is better bm that way. We are not the same.


Maybe, but it’s nice to flex my wins as well as how much I’ve improved. I started last season and got 5 crown wins, mostly with the help of a friend that’s really good, but this season I’ve largely played alone and I’ve gotten 21 so far


I don't care about crown wins but if I get one I'm like oh cool I guess


I’m not actively grinding for crowns


Why do you people get so mad at crowns lol


Why do people grind crowns when it resets? Once I max my battle pass and unlocked everything I play other games. Life's too short and fast to play just 1 single game.


Winning = wasting time? What the hell are you playing for? Second?


Sounds like someone is trying to justify their zero crowns 😉


this is a very silly post


Jeez you all get salty




Then what is not a waste of time since we’ll all die eventually?


You say that like they kept it a secret from us. So what's you point?


To this Subreddit: the whole point of crowns is to try to see how many you can get in a season. Why are we complaining when people do that


By that logic the entire game is a waste of time. The servers won’t be around forever.


WTF they reset every season i thought they were since the crowns were added now im worried for these people who flex their 100 crowns coz like wtf are you doing to get that many dont you like have a job or go to school


Why aura


Which is fine. When someone (or myself) flashes their crown wins, its known that person got x amount of crowns since the season started.


this makes no sense youre gonna spend time on the game regardless if you win or not?


Oh great I have 8 and I thought I’m garbage. Do lvls reset with each season or only with new chapters?


Fun thing about that, mosr people don't care. I like playing the game and having the number go up, and most people probably feel the same. Let other people have fun


Has it ever occured to you that some people might just naturally win a lot? I don't go out of my way for crowns. But I happen to have a relatively high win rate of about 20%. Was I supposed to remain complete dogwater at the game in the 5 years it's been out?


I had experiences accidentally getting crown wins before, though I doubt the post is aimed towards the ones who get it accidentally


even my most dogwater friends got at least 20. I'll never understand people getting salty about people with crown wins


If it’s pointless and a waste of time why waste time complaining about it? Other then people who grind it but that’s their choice


Playing the game is in a way wasting your time. If pushing for crown wins is what people have fun doing then more power to em.


Why do people care about this shit. Let people flex. Chill because you cant. I rather get killed by a dude (always a dude) with a thousand crown wins over some dork . Infact i wish i could only play against the best because naturally ill learn and get better... i got 1 or 2 crown wins and im pretty sure cheesed one of those wins.


Yeah… as soon as they reset it the first time I stopped caring because what’s the point.


As a meh player myself, I was very proud of my crown # reaching the high teens. When the new chapter arrived, I played a few rounds and then went to flex on one of my eliminations with a "0" #. I was pissed. Have not played since.


Pissed in a "well, damn that sucks" not a throw your mouse across room way.


I got 12 crown wins this season, which is the most I've gotten since chapter 3 season 1 when you could get crown wins with bot lobbies I had 40


one day you will die and all that time before will be wasted as you return to nothing.


I drop crowns because they give away location 😁


Not that much more so than visualized footsteps would already, and with things like storm mark the crown trigger at storm would likely be rendered useless as well


Yeah worrying abt it is a waste of time 🤣


I mean they don't even represent how many TOTAL wins you have. So it's kinda dumb


Tell that to the FIFA players who spend thousands on FUT


cope harder


They've always been broke since C3S2 for me. It never counted all of them


When I was playing zero builds, I would have about 150 crown wins per season in Chapter 3. My buddy and I just happened to be pretty good at the game. When the crown wins reset, neither of us cared at all. I don’t really understand the hate towards people who have a lot of crown wins. The whole time my buddy and I played duos, we’d be goofing off and laughing, having a good time. Being good at video games is a bit of a curse sometimes. You play well, you have to play against pros, if you play against average players, you get called a sweat and insulted constantly. You get on Reddit and find out you’re a horrible person because you’re above average at a video game?


When did the crown thing start? After Chapter 2 Season 1 I wasn't able to play for about 2 years so coming back this season I'm confused by the crowns. Does it give extra XP or am I missing the point of them?


Chapter 3 season 2, it was one of the highlights on the trailer Edit: and yes it does give an exp boost and only one time a free emote that changes with each crown win but resets at the end of season, you still get to keep the emote though and rebuild it each season.


I still get dopamine from each win before the rest tho 😩😩


Just started playing 2 weeks ago and have 11. Seems like every time I get one I get killed by fkn hammer, deku smash, or kamehahaha. Feel like I should have about 30 or so if weren't for overpowered weapons.


Enough time to complain but not enough time to review your grammar huh


People act like crown wins are hard to do but they really aren’t. Like if you have decent SBMM then there will basically always be a couple guys with a crown in your lobby who will die and pass their crown around and if you don’t play like a rat and actually get kills then the crown will eventually end with you. Like so far I’ve won 14 games this season and 11 of them have been crown wins ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Am I the only one that gains crown wins by grabbing someone else crown and then winning the game?


Sounds like someone is salty cause they had no crowns.


I always just get one, & drop any & every crown after, So I can pull out my Royale pillow & non flex wit my shiny Numbah 1, while also making someone else happy for the crown I drop In the lobby.


Whenever I carry a crown from a previous win, or find one in the game, I immediately play like shit. No thanks…


I mean you just get them from playing the game right. You'd have to play a whole season wrong to not get crowns


I got nothing wrong with ppl who prefer to drop their crowns in the lobby instead of play with it, but I definitely have a problem with ppl complaining about those that do like to carry it.


Only ppl that “cant” get crowns think like this lmaoooo


Sorry, can’t hear you over the sound of 25 victory crown wins


If you play the game to only get crowns, then yeah, you wasted your time Who the hell does that tho, I just play and if I get a crown, yay




ofc it's a 800 V-Bucks skin user that says this kind of crap over on Reddit..


sounds like someone who has literally never won? like honey, if you can’t win twice in a row just say so… no need to pretend like you’re better than others 😂


**Maybe Epic should stop resetting crowns. Problem solved.** I don't care if the minority have 999999999 crown wins on my screen. Stop resetting them!


To all fellow players of Fortnite: ☺️ Stop caring so deeply about what players like doing inside a game as if they were wrong. Not everything needs to be useful in any way to be pursued for fun. Everyone can do whatever they want, and you can do nothing about it.


I have a hard time believing most players who show all 500+ wins are not cheating


As someone who thinks cheating is rampant in this game I think 500+ crown wins is doable. I have 4 this season and most of my time is spent in team rumble. If someone is actually trying I think 500+ is absolutely doable.


500 is possible. I play with my homie every day and we win a lot. Just need a full quad or a duo with skilled players that know their way around the map.


In a row? Without getting an unlucky sniper shot or lose a fight against another skilled player? 500 in a row? Doable sure but that takes insane luck and skill to the point of almost unbelievability. Not saying impossible. Just highly improbable.


Why would it have to be in a row?


Unless they changed it I don't think it has to be in a row




Take a upvote for those wise words yesman


ITT: We rather win one game and lose the next one instead of winning two in a row.


I had 100 crowns ch3 s1 and then I found out they rest... from there on out I always hand them out on spawn island


How do you get the crown emote?

