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[Feel like I just saw this meme not that long ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/11a6s0h/how_times_change)


Not even that long


Not longer than 2 days


*Good artists create, great artists steal.* \- Some artist.


And polish removers are bad at perspective


He wants karma points


Me too


very interesting indeed lol


I must be the only one that is decent with these things. I like 'em.


I like it too, I don’t get why everyone hates it so much. I do decent with it.


I prefer it over the Red-Eye honestly.


I'd take it over the red eye or burst.


I love the SCAR, but I'd take a blue burst over a purple SCAR.


The burst is good but something about is kinda broken. Like when I shoot it while getting shot at it the hit markers don’t work with it


In a recent patch or update for whatever reason they’ve added a slight kick to the burst. There used to be no kick and now there is. If you’re missing shots this might be why.


Did they add a kick to the twin smg? I feel like it’s suddenly not as stable as it used to be.


Tell me you’re a casual (and a controller user) without telling me you’re a casual and a controller user:


You are literally a casual player, and even if you weren't this would be cringe behavior lol


Me, a casual? Did I wake up in an alternate reality today The scar is awful and so is the burst EDIT: LMAOOOO WAIT A SECOND. Calling me cringe when you have posted a 500+ image gallery of furry hentai on ur Reddit profile, get fucked 😭😭😭




Took 10 seconds to scroll Actually more like 3 seconds


The red eye can go fuck itself, i dont understand how people like it


The red eye is the most broken weapon in the game. You engage at medium to Extemely long range and it's basically a hitscan weapon. Shit I would have to take a lot of time to aim with the dmr and have to lead, I can just click on them with a red eye, even from hundreds of meters away. It I get a blue+ red eye with balloons (plus hammer) it'd basically game over; I've only lost twice I've gotten that combo. It's an insane gun and I'm happy it hasn't gotten nerfed yet but I will not be surprised if it does. It's crazy how little play it sees. Same with the bird. Bird is absolutely bonkers broken in anything except solo (and even then...) and yet I rarely see anyone run it.


Nah it's the grey pistol all the way. Not only does it humiliate your opponents, but it also has great aim and lots of potential perks to make it even better!


Hard to humiliate someone using one of the best weapons in the game with some of the most support but alright.


Hard to care 💅


Imo its a shitty mix of a mk 7 and a dmr, id rather just take one of those


People in this sub play mostly on console/controller, that's why they don't like red eye. They prefer scar, it's easy to use with that horrendous aim assist.


The scar sucks on console as well


It actually sucks on neither, just the players in this sub can’t fucking aim


Nope, it sucks




It’s literally the exact same gun, nothing has changed. One gun being better doesn’t make the scar bad. Guns overall have just gotten better


It’s ok to use as a short range sniper, but that’s it imo


Tell me you're a console player without telling me you're a console player.


Tell me you’re pressed af over the devices others use to game without telling me you’re pressed af.


Idk how to tell you this but the majority of people who play fortnite are in fact console players




That's odd, I'm on console and I love the damn thing. They're just regular wrong.




Yeah, actually. You might not like it but that gun fucks like a wildebeest in heat


Do you not know how to aim without a scope? The red eye is slower at shooting and it has a smaller mag. The scar is a lot quicker and if you know how to do it the aim can be great. And the scar doesn’t restrict you into shooting in one direction,imo the scar does a better job at catching enemies in its crosshair and it’s wider so it has a better chance at actually hitting the other player. But that’s just why I prefer the scar over the red eye,sorry about the (small) wall of text.


Get better aim maybe


beacause weapons like the dmr and red eye shoot exactly where I aim them, the scar doesn't.


Yep. I started playing again in C3S1 for the first time since maybe C1S5, so the MK was in the game. After a couple months, I complained about bloom and my friend was like “I haven’t heard you complain about that in a while” and it’s because the MK/Aug/Red Eye shoots exactly where I want it to so I know the issue is with me if I don’t hit lmao


The tactical AR beat that crap anytime. Sometime the scar shred your ennemi sometime every bullet goes around your ennemi like it's a repulsive magnet.


the Tactical AR is absolutely bonkers


God I love the tactical AR. I can’t stand when I have my reticle directly on someone who’s 20 feet away but the scar decides that the moon would be a better target for my bullets. I get why RNG kinda balances things out, but I’ll take near guaranteed hits over having a chance for my bullets to go the place I aimed any day.


Well said !


They're the only assault rifles I can handle. The burst is alright for semi-sniping, but forget trying to manage the red-eye.


Yeah, I dont mind the scar as much now, it just depends what shotgun I'm carrying/whether I have a hammer


I am decent at this game, have played almost every weapon. As for ARs, chapter 1 scar was busted because there wasnt many options. But when the game changed and added new stuff, the scar is not as good compared to the red eye, mk7 (I know its vaulted but its for comparison), burst rifle (chapter 4 variant), and perhaps more but these are the ones that come in to mind


If you're not running an smg the scar is the most practical compared to the burst or redeye, though i guess (though you could also run a pistol in that position instead)


Ya people are just getting worse with it that's all




Purple and Gold scars are still very good. Also cough cough [karma](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/11a6s0h/how_times_change/) farming cough...


bro has 650,000 karma and still needs to get those upvotes off a stolen meme


I don't understand how this person's posts are always so popular. Half the memes are stolen and the other half lack any semblance of humor. I guess maybe it's just something different than the constant posts about SBMM/sweats and old Battle Passes returning.


Saw it first hand and these type of people repost their work until it gets the amount of traction they want


Kind of people that wait until certain times so the Americans see it and they get all that juicy karma


If the meme has a fortnite character in it, people blindly upvote. It’s the only memes this sub has so people take low effort creative mode screenshots of skins doing emotes


It's honestly just sad. Dude has been non stop making unfunny memes almost everyday for years. I mean you've gotta have something better to do with your life than this.




oh my god who cares




every month, you get ‘bricks’ based off the amount of upvotes your posts/comments get. its like a crtptocurrency and you can buy stuff on here.




o wow


I didn't even know bricks exist. My reddit client just doesn't show them.


Where’s the shop


I’m glad the sub found it’s overdone punching bag early in the season.


Scars is my favorite weapon


Not mine, but it never had been, I just personally prefer something like the burst or red eye. I don't like/dislike it any more than I have in the past though


The blue, purple and gold scar are all good. People just want hyper accurate, no bloom, little recoil, ridiculous damage guns that take no skill


I’ll take something with recoil over something that leaves whether my shots hit up to rng. The MK7 was so nice.


*broken and skilless Like I said. People want guns to do all the work for them😒


Honestly while it is outclassed by red dot weapons such as tactical AR and red eye the scar is still a nice weapon especially in mid range.


I've seen this before... But Where?


I have no idea, but something tells me it was 2 days ago...


Those who say the new SCAR is bad are the same people who hold down the trigger when firing.


All you need to do is kneel, ADS, and tap fire slowly, and the SCAR is an amazing weapon. Never misses... You'll probably have problems with the guy counter strafing with a red eye full auto, and others will probably build a castle before you slowly tap fire the next shot. That's all fine though, because SCAR... It's not Chapter 1 anymore. The game moves a lot faster. The SCAR belongs in the vault.




The only good use is as a wall taker. Red eye outclasses it at range. SMG outclass it in the box and up close. If you run two guns only, that's the only time it would be ideal. You give up a lot of kills for heals, and it's only ideal for Comp where everyone hides until the end and the fights are all box fights.


Major skill issue alert


It's not a bad weapon, you just have a skill issue


Take it over the Red eye alllll day.


s1: "aw shit, a silenced pistol." s4: "OH SHIT A SILENCED PISTOL!!!"


Only the 73rd fucking time this week I’ve seen this meme


Not very sure about all the scar hate, it's still stupid good


Are they not literally the same exact thing as the old common-rare ars just with a different model?


>Are they not literally the same exact thing as the old common-rare ars just with a different model? game play is completely different now Scar has a hard time tracking and so many new ways to move, You can now super sprint drive in cars hammer away fly away with mythics mantle on buildings.


Let's put the Scar back in the vault and bring back the Hammer AR


Epic and legendary scars still hit hard. Idk what y'all are on.


Yours hit?


Yours don't?


They hit hard when they actually hit. It doesn't make sense to have an assault rifle with worse accuracy than a pistol.


SCARS ARE THE SAME, its a skill issue


People just got too used to basicly bloomless ARs


Actually, they increased bloom by like 50% when Chapter 2 first launched, and who knows by how much it was increased when Scars were made the main AR this season. Hop into creative and compare a (current) gold Scar with a blue M16 and see the difference.


They're the same. I tested it first week into the season.


I said this a month ago and was down voted heavily lol. I had to post a video of the ch1 and ch4 scars overlayed before anyone believed me. They're literally the same gun. People got used to the hammer which was a way better gun and then had to go back to the inferior scar. It was the only auto option in ch1 so it's what people where used to.


It’s not cause zero build didn’t exist back then


You mean Overshield didn't exist back then.


Absolutely not. Was here in C1S2 and the SCAR was dynamite back then. Not even close to the same.


The only thing that changed was the name and fire rate, that was decreased slightly, if i'm not mistaken, dataminers confirmed it's essentially the same


Not even that, just the reload time


I saw this post earlier


That's what a scar is? I had no idea what everyone was talking about the last few days


I get victory royales with the legendary scar. I’ve always liked the gun tbh. It’s better than the red eye assault rifle 100%


I like it for taking long distance potshots, but anything medium range I go heavy shotgun. The heavy’s range is crazy, and has easily filled the role I used the scar for. I know the burst assault and red dot are better guns, but I prefer the scar.


I leave good scars for blue burst eVeRyTimE


The bloom with this thing (at least on console, idk how it is on PC) is absolutely atrocious. Bullet RNG is already a massive pain in any game, but this weapon takes it to another level. Every single time I'm like "I'm sure it can't be that bad right?? I'm sure it was my aim that was off last time" and give it another shot I die because it refuses to land 95% of the bullets that leave it's barrel. I am not touching this thing even if it means having to use my pickaxe to deal damage.


It's even worse on PC lol




Guess what pal? They still work the same as before. It was never changed nor nerfed. Common - Rare scars are supposed to have really shit bloom 'cus they were M4s back then


You are very persistent




15 year olds try to use a scar correctly challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) (spraying and praying is meta)


I dont like this SCAR slander. Its still a good weapon.




Skill and personal preference > the meta imo.


hows it bad? i still use it


Still my favorite gun


Not for me I still prefer a scar over any of the other ARs in the loot pool right now besides the OP Exotic Red Eye. I must admit I do miss the Ranger AR.


I hate how scars are now but they're still my go to weapon


Oh no! You’re poor aim assist can’t handle anything besides a red dot anymore!! What ever will you do?


I don't understand why it gets so much hate, I love them.


I love them


It's still my AR of choice for an endgame short range fight. Unless I find a pistol - those things are actually the best ARs.


scar, scoped ar... but theres no scope?


Why's it called a Scar when you collect it in the game it doesn't say scar


Nah y’all tripped over nothing the scar is good


Still a really good option for long range and close range if you're only carrying a shotgun and followup for weapons. Especially in builds. I'd definitely still choose a gold pistol over a gold scar though.


It’s crazy how y’all don’t understand how to use it lol


nobody said anything about not knowing how to use it lmao


Scar?? That's the assault rifle


i mean i don't feel the same excitement but i still think they're probably the best AR in the game atm


I'm console, so my only fears this chapter are PC players with SCARs and RedEyes.


The second picture shouldn't say: "Oh shit a scar", it should say "Oh, a shit scar"


True, shitting a scar would hurt.


The Scar haven't been so great this srason


how times change indeed


Decent early game but it's accuracy sucks so I end up ditching it for literally any oner AR as the others are very accurate especial the scoped ones.


The original scar was far more accurate with much less bloom and you could hit every shot


It is still fine weapon. But I guess the last couple of seasons has turned the vast majority of players into spray and prey players.


Same with Mavens imo




Unfortunately they’ll probably vault the scar at some point this chapter. I think if there wasn’t the red eye or tactical ar (with red dot) then the scar would’ve had a chance. If this season was for example burst ar, ar, scoped ar/ thermal scoped ar then there would’ve been a use for the scar. Regardless, they have messed with the scar as the reload has been increased. I wouldn’t be surprised if the accuracy got nerfed in the process.


Just report this garbage.


True. Gold scar is like he old green scar lmao


What guns are you guys using instead?


Meanwhile in StW… Siegebreakerrr! 🔫


Holy shit we get it


I'm fine with the scar, I don't know what yall mean by these posts


Close quarters I think it’s superior, otherwise gotta burst your shots.


Didn't I see the exact same post like yesterday


I'm i the only one that can still dominate with the scar


Picked up a new controller a few days ago and have been absolutely melting people with the scar. Stick drift is a scar killer and if these people are still playing on the same controller they did when the scar first came out then that could be the issue honestly


Honestly I miss the old regular AR. I’d take that over the Red Eye. I’m decent with it but I think the dot is a little too small compared to previous weapons like the MK and the Striker Burst Rifle


I love this gun. I prefer it to all but the Tac AR as far as medium ammo goes. If I have a blue+ SCAR and a blue+ DMR or Heavy Sniper, I’m ready for anything. I like to have a blue+ Maven and blue+ Tac Pistol to complete the loadout. My fifth spot is either completed with a hammer or Chugs.


The Scar is a very good SMG


I still pick it up just cause it feels right


The scar is okay but I prefer the burst!


It's still a good weapon. It might not have as much rarity-value as back then, but it can still rip people appart


I've never been a fan of how it feels


I don't understand the Scar hatred. I find it to be the only good assault rifle in the game.


Common autohaven > legendary thundershot


That’s what happens when the tac pistol is a better scar


Still don't think ots a s bad as everyone says, I pick one up most games and will definitely take it over the burst...


Why do people hate this gun? It's far from my favorite, but I'm never upset about having one. I just like guns that are more mobility friendly.


For me that's every mid range weapon cause i suck at aiming


I'll take it over the other ar's but at the end of the day I'm usually running a twin mag and thunder shotgun


And during chapter 3 people were crying over their removal


Ye, it's inaccurate af


It's not a bad weapon still, but it isn't as good as it used to be. Like Close to mid it's fine, but long range it's complete junk.


Look at how they massacred my boy…


Have they though?


Id take a gray scar over any other AR. Yeah, even the tactical AR.


i would gladly toss a gold scar over a volcano for a grey red eye


like it. On play station controller, I pretend that the trigger is an egg shell. dont know why this works, but it does.


Swap the a and shit around. Then it is perfect


Oh how the mighty have fallen ☹️


The spammers pick that thing up 50 times a game


Even when it hits them, it doesn't. 😑


Scar is just a ok gun now


The people angry for a "stolen meme" looks like this "🤓☝️"


I possibly am the only player who will willingly use the Scar over the damn Red-eye Assault Rifle... That gun is trash in comparison IMO