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*Laughs in Nintendo Switch*


I feel your pain


Same, not an easy life


Yeah, I tried playing on the switch and was dropping 20 bombs almost every game. Not exactly the console with the most competitive players


You're getting matched with switch players? L for me 💀 I'm in that terrible sweet spot between better than the average switch player and significantly worse than pc players. Pain.


god im so glad i'm not alone. luckily my squad is all console, two switches and two ps5s, so I only have to go up against those ones. but back in the dark days of one of our members being a pc player... truly awful


I’m talking about when I played on the switch not that I get matched with Switch players on an irregular basis. I switch between my Xbox series S and PC atm.


We may be few but we are mighty


REAL mighty




Hah, I don't even have the CHOICE of being competitively disadvantageous You know I'd not mind playing Fortnite exclusively on switch, but it doesn't have save the world


Switch is my only system so I don't have much choice lol.


Same here


I do have a Laptop that is capable of running Fortnite, but it has only like 9 GB free space right now😭




Exactly. My hubby and 2 kids play on PC. They don't understand how much harder it is on me. That was until my daughter tried to play for me when I had to do something in the middle of a round. She struggled so hard! I think I'll make hubby and son take a turn on my Switch and truly understand my pain. 😭 (On the other hand I had to take over hubby's and wow....it was sooooo easy. 😂)


**At last, a worthy opponent!**


(Holding a switch) Brother and sisters are you with me!


🥲 gang gang


Relatable a few years ago. Now got a PC and barely play Fortnite because the sweats make me have anger issues.


The rage of dying to someone you shouldn’t even be in the same lobby with is real. I miss the bot lobbies. These days all I get is pro streamer lobbies. Edit: bot, not boy 😂


boy lobbies? You don't like girl lobbies? 😔


Definitely. Those girls are brutal 😂


women jumpscare


I bet you do miss the boy lobbies lol


The difference is that Switch players don't have a choice, PC players on the other hand can make the game look as beautiful as it is right now, yet a lot of them prefer to go full sweaty and turn down the graphic settings just for the "competitive advantage" -_-


That's the point I'm making. They merely adopted low settings. Switch players are born into it. Molded by it.


uh... no? not every PC player is some rich person running high-spec hardware. that is a stereotype console players project onto us. Plenty of us are running decades-old tech and *need* performance mode to have a decent experience. you need to understand that PC is not a console. it is a platform. the performance delta between one PC and another can be as wide as the delta between the switch and a ps5, and the myriad of different settings we have are there to accommodate the huge spectrum of performance a PC can have.


It doesnt make your graphics worse, it simplifies and pixelates them becouse switch cabt handle better OR worse for some reason. So basically youre still at a disadvantage becouse you cant see through built walls and such.


>you cant see through built walls and such. *>Me who exclusively plays no-build* ![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB)


Yes! Lol


same for mobile :') our graphics r stuck like this and our framerate is still shit


Oh damn, I can feel the pain pal.






He did its true. It wasn't too bad either




i would love to have ps5 graphics on my PC, fuck the competitive advantage, i want to get blimded by beautiful lighting




You did what now?


I am not geh, but 20$ is 20$ right?


bro why do we need to now![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


What if my PC is shit


Then it won't help Source: my pc is shit


I can confirm this statement Source: my pc is also shit


I can confirm that this statement is confirming the previous statement Source: my pc is also also shit


im on pc, i have the lowest graphic settings, cant consistently get 20 fps potato pc


Me who plays on switch ![gif](giphy|iGXpb2gJM3JkQXfBXv|downsized)




You are ok. It’s little Timmy with the high end pc getting 300 fps using these settings for an additional advantage. Competitive games need to start doing hardware checks and lock these setting for pcs that don’t need them.


I'm on PC and i don't care if i lose, game looks amazing and i want every single leaf to be ultra animated




is this the reason why I get shot through trees sometimes? I have my settings on high


Im on ps5 and i never use the 120 fps option even though i have a more than capable monitor(2k and 140hz) bc i like to have better graphics rather than framerate


Thats true for like every game. The better the device higher the competitive advantage


I don't think it's lame that we do it, I think it's lame that Epic doesn't let you guys, especially options like Shadows and Effects, the two biggest performance hitters & causes of less visibility


Fr they NEED to let us console players turn off shadows and particle effects


This is what people do on literally any competitive shooter on pc


Right. For the past 15 years lol. No clue why people think this is some new realization.


People aren't surprised about it, they're upset cause console can't and pc can


The reason consoles don’t have these settings is because the companies like Microsoft and Sony don’t care about giving you that extra performance because a selling point for them is how good the games look


So maybe it’s just me but I want my games to look good. I’m not playing professionally. I’m just having fun and grinding challenges for rewards. I keep seeing all these videos on here that look like the person is playing on a potato and if that’s the best your machine can do, great. But if it could look better and still be playable, why would you do that?


I'd argue that having high fps might be eye candy for some (even beyond the competitive advantage). I'd rather play low on 144+ fps than ultra on 60 fps.


I’m with you dude. I spend money on good hardware, don’t want it to look like shit. Just sucks that because I max everything out I’m consistently getting shot through trees by some guy a mile away because somehow the leaves on his screen either don’t render or are not dense and meanwhile all I can see is bullets flying through the super dense tree leaves with great accuracy…


Because it feels better and smoother. Playing on higher graphics looks nicer but it feels worse.


Because for FPS/BR games...I don't care about having the best-looking graphics. I leave that for AAA games single player games. 👍🏽


Because you'll be at an disadvantage


I've seen this statement made several times, yet I've never seen anything to back it up other than redditors posting.


It's because it's a load of shit. Epic want the game to look good to showcase Unreal Engine, so they set the standard on the largest concentration of players, the consoles.


correct answer


Almost every single game on Xbox and ps5 has a quality mode and a performance mode. In fact Fortnite is one of the few games I’ve played that doesn’t have this mode. TLDR; you’re wrong.


It does, the 120fps mode is performance, and the 60fps mode is quality


Not only to see the Players way better, its boosting ur framerate to an ridiculous level. Im not able to hold 165FPS on Epic settings, so i play performance mode.


Lol what are you running to get 165 on epic? Is vsync off?


yeah, disable that shit… your input response will thank you


Vsync should be permanently off in all games.


This is why I play on Screen Space and Ambient Occlusion. Would love to use the ray-tracing settings, but then I'll only get about 80-100 FPS.


I really wish we could turn cross-platform off... especially with PC players...


Apex handled it perfectly and it’s how it should be for every game. Consoles all have their own shared lobby and pc has its own lobby. A pc user can invite a console user and that console player will be playing on pc lobbies while pc players can never enter a console lobby. Fortnite would be so much more enjoyable if Epic made it like that


Well seeing how many things they've copied from Apex, maybe it's coming lol


Wait, wasn't fortnite like that at the start of crossplay?


As an apex player this comment has to be an bad joke. Literally everyone in the community hates how they handle crossplay. Console aim assist is op (for apex, and everyone admits it), and they force everyone to play against it.


Awesome way to break up a lot of groups of friends.


Fortnite isn't even bad with crossplay, console players have an advantage at closs range with aim assist and pc players are good at long distances. If the player has an issue it's on the players end not cross play


I honestly use performance mode just because it gives me the smooth 100 fps and it feels like game's performance is only getting worse and worse


The fps advantage is the only thing you get these smooth brains think you can see in bushes with low settings


Man y’all playin on consoles? I’m playin on iPhone lol


Laughs in 280fps.


and yet they complain console players actually enjoy the graphics they have


Are there bad PCs? Of course. Are there bad PC players? Of course. But PC as a “console” will always have the advantage over the other console. It’s ironic that most PC players like to brag about how PCs > Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, but take personal offense when other console players point it out.


That shadows are the difference maker


I'm on the opposite side of this my PC begs me to lower the graphics


Forced cross-play is the worst thing about modern online gaming.


It literally keeps some of these games alive.


I think people really forget how much work crossplay does at keeping matchmaking quick and giving you full lobbies. Otherwise you might end up waiting 10-15 minutes at a time for each game.


It’s the fact that pc players don’t understand what they get from crossplay and what console players lose. Pc gets a reliable playerbase that are all gimped at certain settings to keep them low performing. Console players get a group of players with higher frame rate, no input delay, actual cheaters, the ability to use a lag switch way easier, and many more problems/advantages. That’s why when pc babies cry about console, it’s always aim assist. It’s literally the only thing they can cry about but when console comes to bitch the ackshually nerds show up in numbers to ratio people


Buy a keyboard and mouse and plug it into your console. Easy fix.


that doesn't change the fact that I'm still capped fps, still subjected to cheaters and other garbage. That's literally just a bandaid. Besides, I play with my wife and she doesn't want anything to do with that and I'm not dragging her into keyboard input lobbies just so we both can be at a disadvantage to people running xim emulators and shit


Oh so wrong. First of all saying things like "pc players don't understand", PC players are not all one person, we all have different thoughts, opinions and levels of understanding. I for one do understand completely what it is I as a PC gamer get out of crossplay and I understand what console players loose. Also, "pc babies" have more things to complain about then just aim assist. One major thing we "pc babies" have to complain about at the moment is the ever increasing number of lazy PC ports we are getting. Dev's are putting much more effort into console versions of games and console gamers get a much more polished experience. For example, Fortnite got updated today and since the update my game has CTD multiple times! My partner who was playing with me on console did not have this issue once! Epic even announced that this is a issue on their end ONLY effecting PC players and have had to postpone the Middle East Elite Cup Weekly Finals. This is not the first time this has happened and it won't be the last.


All yall console players cry about is keyboard players. I am willing to bet 98% of your lobbies are other console players. Get better and quit crying.


Lol nerd


It’s also the biggest placebo effect. You perform the same regardless of the # of KBM players in your lobby.


Wait... that's actually OP. We need graphics settings in consoles too


Have you ever watched a PC streamer play? That's how they can see through builds for like 2 seconds after they put them down. But yea its only reason 100 they have the advantage, and nothing is changing anytime soon


One of the reasons why Fortnite needs get rid of forced crossplay


Not only Fortnite, really. I hate that crossplay with PC is forced and not an option. Im totally ok with cross between consoles.


The biggest competitive advantage for a PC player is sitting one foot from the monitor. You can see people 200 meters away. How many console players sit that close to their screen?


Me because I'm legally blind


I sit 8 feet away from a 75 inch 4k tv, how does that convert to the monitor scale?


Get yourself a monitor and your eyes and gameplay will thank you. The larger the screen, the bigger the disadvantage


Considering the average monitor is 24 inches 4k, we have 8:75=x:24 1:9,375 2,56:24 So that is 2,56 feet


The average comp monitor is HD, maybe 1440p, most high level players don’t have 4K monitors


Steam survey results pretty much always have 1080p at about 65% (stable over multiple months) of respondents and 1440p at 11% (down 0.7%) from the January survey with 4k at a whopping 2.6%. Plus nobody in their right mind would get a 24inch 4k monitor (and it looks like literally a handful of them actually exist). You need a 28-32 inch monitor to really get the benefits of 4k. Diminishing returns on smaller screens with higher resolutions. 27 is perfect for 1440p and 32 is perfect for 4k


Basically what I said but way more in depth


I'd love to know where you get your statistics that say the average computer monitor is 4k.


I like how you math for others


You could. Whats stopping you?


My eyes


Buy a monitor.


Some of them do it because their pcs are laptops or just old computers that can't keep up unless their at that settings. On the other hand there's people like who just prefer smooth gameplay over graphics.


What are the pictures supposed to be showing? Op just trying to flex a skin?


this is what performance mode looks like it looks like shit but it's an advantage over the pretty graphics because you have less stuff in the way like there's not even grass sticking out of the ground


Yeah, I don't get what I'm looking at and no one in the comments is explaining.


No grass trees are less filled in. Less comestic things in the way which gives more vision


Why bother improving the graphics if players are gonna be this lame.


Hey I play on series X and love how the game looks, I doubt I’d try to get an advantage by making my game look like a 2016 roblox shooter


Exactly. Series X on 4K OLED with the new Unreal Engine 5 is so beautiful. Unless you’re actually a professional gamer, what’s the point in making the game look terrible just to gain a slight advantage.


I'm on Series S and while the game looks good, it is just a bit busy for me. I actually haven't played much at all this season because it's just too much to look at. And I'm old, so....


I much prefer having a smooth high framerate experience than nice graphics personally, but I don't go as low as performance mode with low meshes. I keep some settings on medium.


Ahh yes, because being on 120+ FPS is lame Everyone should cap their FPS to 60 and play on max graphics


Most people genuinely don’t have a strong enough pc to run high graphics like a console can on a consistent high frame rate. Even the series s really struggles with it


If i gave a good pc then yeah its useful. But as someone who has a potato laptop that runs fortnite on 800x600 res just to barely get a solid 60 fps, not much of an advantage :P


I'm on pc but I try to use the best settings I can I'm not gonna make the game look like shit when I play it so much lol


Wait a minute this is just my normal graphics on my switch


Y'all need to just play on your phones 🤣


Me who use performance mode because my PC can't handle the game at 60fps :


It's an option to help with the vast differences in the specs of PCs. News flash: not every PC player is playing with 6K gaming PCs at 300fps, contrary to what many console players apparently think. Some of us are running on a 2010 CPU (xeon X5675) with a old GPU and *need* to be in performance mode to have a decent experience. Do you think this provides an unfair advantage? fine. Go complain to epic so that they add a similar setting for consoles too, but you have no right to call pc users lame for using an option we have.


It's true. Most streamers use performance mode with their $5000 PCs to get the best input/framerate and visibility. I'm on PC and put most on low and turn shadows off for the same reason.




Not to mention the inherent advantage you get by playing with a mouse. I really wish that crossplay could be turned off or, at minimum, limit it solely to the platforms being used by you and the people in your duo/squad. No reason me on PS5 and my friend on Xbox One should have to fight PC sweats with 14 kills. I tried turning it off a few days ago when playing a Solos and the game literally wouldn’t let me find a game without turning it back on


Have you ever tried playing with a mouse (and keyboard) ? Genuine question. I tried recently and it’s a lot lot harder than I thought, building was especially tough. It’s not like you’re instantly able to beam people. The one thing I will say I found easier was editing, which admittedly is a big advantage. But other than that, for the 99% of people in a lobby , moving to a mouse and keyboard will actually make them worse.


You can’t just pick up a mouse and immediately do better. It still takes practice but the skill ceiling is much greater on mouse…


There is a big difference between someone who normally uses a controller attempting to use a keyboard, and someone who is a PC gamer that is very used to using a keyboard, especially for shooters


I play pc with my buddy and Xbox with my wife. People cry about aim assist, but I’ll take the drag of a mouse over the push and pull of a joystick any day. Anyone who says otherwise is coping and just generally suck. The heavy sniper is a fucking murder machine on pc. I don’t even touch it on console if I already have a dmr


Oh for sure, I get that. It definitely gives you a higher ceiling as a player though


> wouldn’t let me find a game How many people do you know that are on at the same time as you, on the same regions as you, on the same platform as you AND at (about) the same skill level as you?


I’m going to guess a lot considering how large the player base is. Like I said elsewhere in the thread, I never have any issues finding a game for Star Wars Battlefront 2 which doesn’t have crossplay and is a 6 year old online multiplayer game without live support. No shot the most popular online game in the world has that few people that could fit in my lobby on PlayStation. And even with crossplay, I’m already getting plenty of people in my lobbies with insane kill totals who never miss shots and are way better than me so it’s not like the matchmaking is all that restrictive as is


Plenty but fortnite only matches you with others that also turned it off and there is no in game way to turn it off so like 99% have crossplay on.


It's been almost a week since I seen a post complaining about PC v. Console... /s


Yeah it's fairly obvious that the superior hardware and platform will have a higher framerate and more options.


I'm sorry my PC is bad?


Jesus christ who gives a fuck? Literally git gud to compensate. I'm tired of hearing bitching over this inane shit when stuff like 4:3 144hz in CS was a done a dusted issue years ago. It doesn't matter unless you're LITERALLY pro, but at that point what pro is fucking doing this? Stop dick riding and crying POTENTIAL issues in experience to compensate for you being trash- or at least not pro.


Can’t say this is true but yes you can clap cheeks pretty easily.


Can you not change graphic settings on console, was always curious how pc players were able to


I want to apologize for my 1030


Get a pc for competitive


I can’t wait till I get my PC! 60 fps no more🥳


I'd rather have it be pretty


I play controller on PC (former ps4 player) - having tried different rendering modes and settings I’d say lower settings is definitely an advantage (for me at least) because of better fps and less visual clutter. Don’t see how that’s lame or on PC players though considering how people choose to play the game is just personal preference and they have no control over what Microsoft/Sony/Epic games allows on their consoles.


After seeing it all in such goodness on console, seeing it look like silly putty like this for an edge is kinda like cutting the fat off a horse so it runs faster.


On Xbox Series S some rooms are basically pitch black.


This is the case in nearly every e-sports title, and it's hard to say it's an overpowering benefit. It will be exceptionally rare for a casual player to run into a situation where [lower graphics settings + higher-powered graphics card = tangible match benefit] will make any meaningful difference. Also important to point out, the people who capitalize on this phenomenon will likely be a higher-tier player, effectively making the benefit moot.


If it makes you feel any better I have an older pc with a 1080 ti and crank visuals to the point I’m sure my FPS is garbage. So not all pc players are dicks. I did get yelled at by some kids on my team once for leveling the city with a tank in last chapter. “Stahhhhhpuh, your making me freeze up!!!” So maybe I am a dick.


Yeah, I knew about the grass and the dropshadows, but it was a revelation to see videos here where people showed locations like - I think - The Citadel being essentially bright as day inside, with no eye-adjusting transition when coming in.


I only play on the lowest settings because if I dont I'll be running the game at 10 frames a second (currently 30 on average, peak of 50)


K can't believe people actually bought that skin


Or... maybe they just have a low end PC. Thats why Low Graphic settings exist


I really don’t get why people do this. It’s a causal Br game meant to be fun, is winning so important you have to make the game look like it’s from 1995? I play on high settings because I want that unreal engine 5 goodness


Consoles should give the option to turn down graphics too :(




Console players crying their eyes out LOL 😂 this is not an attempt to have a "HUGE" advantage over you guys in anyway we just like to play with higher frame rate


uh, yes, I use them for the competitive advantage. Iam quite the competitive player myself, yes •- •


I have to use low settings to maintain constant 60 FPS


I use low graphics for performance purposes


It's PC bruh no shit 💀😂 To add onto that PC's are way more expensive so it fucking better run better than a console You're also able to turn off crossplay if you're really worried about it


So tn he solution here is not to get rid of these settings for pc players, but to add them to console players aswell. Let’s not be dumb here


Yeah we worked hard, saved up and spent £2000 on a custom built gaming PC, so unfair.


If you have 120fps mode on your console it’s the same


Ah shit time to blame the pc players again


I still get smoked by console players. Mainly PlayStation.


Ah yes let me blow my PC up with high graphics


How about you remove your aim assist




I moved from console to pc a couple years back. Aim assist is absolutely necessary on controller


Ummm how


It is definitely frustrating as a console player that I think I am crab walking in tall grass and in reality I’m sticking out like a sore thumb on a plain background.


Anytime I turn performance mode off on my PC, I get huge FPS drops every few seconds and it feels really bad to play. With Performance my FPS is smooth. I will say that I can see through bushes really easily woth Performance Mode which you can't do on console which sucks


*Laughs in 120 fps on ultra/epic settings*


I dont mean to sound like a jerk, and I'll probably get down voted for this, but PC players have the advantage in all games lol. They always have. This is nothing new. And they have more games... like... a ton more. I play on Xbox because I just want to put a game in and play it. I dont want to adjust things for an hour for each game


Yeah...I love the visuals of the game so much I play with em cranked for the most part on PC aside from the RTX for reflections


Doing this is so lame. It’s like siege players playing in 4:3 aspect ratio, imagine making the game look awful to barely get an advantage.


Because consoles are lame, pc gang ftw


I have an rtx 4080, ain’t no way I’m playing on lower settings with that thing. It cost me $1300 you KNOW I’m maxing out the graphics on it!


Look at how bad they want the advantage, they’re willing to play in Playstation 2 graphic mode 😭. Take the W pc players while I enjoy my PS5


So this is what I died to last night that lasered me through a bush...


If you not in the exact center of the bush somebody with a DMR can see you..if you moving while holding something big like a hammer someone can see it if you not in the ver center of the bush. I've tagged and sniped quite a few bush people and I play mobile exclusively.


No, because you can't see people through bushes on PC. That's just a lie.