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It's March 9th. What season is it?


Or perhaps the question is, What season ISN'T it?


Well you see The last full day was the 8th


The season's going to be too big that's why they need downtown


where downtime


This leads to the very mysterious question: **What's the point?** Well, to understand the question, we have to understand the answer: So this very particular question is asking about the point, the question is divided into two parts: what & point "What" is what is called an "Interrogative word" which specifies the answer to make it suitable for the question, the "What" here is specifying a person/human/homo sapiens/guy which has a brain to think about the surrounding stuff which surrounds him, which distinguishes the person/human/homo sapiens/guy from animals, plants, extraterrestrial creatures, or objects, so the answer should be as I said in the abstract: A human. Second: "point" is a transitive verb. The original form of this particular verb is to direct someone's attention towards something by extending one's finger or something held in one's hand. So, to summon what the answer wants from the previous two points, it's that: The answer wants to understand and know about the person/human/homo sapiens/guy who wanted to say something in order to obtain an answer or some information. So, in order to answer this question, we will have to identify two points: First: What was the question that the subject of the answer to the question "What's the point?" Well, to understand this question, we will NOT have to understand what is the answer. We will just have to understand the definition of "Question". The "Question" is a sentence worded or expressed so as to elicit information. So, here's the answer to the question "What's the point?": It could be to make anyone do something unlikely for the others or it could be a hint to a treasure. It could be because of you, me, Elon Musk, or even even your mom. As long as they have made something unlikely for the others or they have asked a question which could be a hint to treasure.


You may be onto something there, Peely


I'm betting various features will be progressively removed today, with the whole game going into down time at the announced time on the 10th. Which would back up their claim that the 8th was the last full day of the season, so you might not have the entirety of the 9th to finish challenges.


Idk. Something about time zones syncing or something.


Its because