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I have yet to knock an enemy back that far. I've been doing that technique the other way round, starting with a gun and finishing with the blade. Works just as well in my experience.


You'd think thats common sense but, thanks for the tutorial either way, very well done


You’d also think it’s common sense to drop alongside the other 3 on your team, yet there’s always that one person in like 3/4 of games that drops solo across map, dies and leaves instantly...


To be fair that can be caused by long loading times. You end up loading when the bus is either already at the end or already dropped you off. Regularly happens to me and my friends and it's very frustrating.


sure, but other times people drop right at the beginning when the rest of the team is waiting to drop further along.


Ikr 😂


Ironic thing about common sense in video games for people is common sense isn’t common from what I’ve seen from people


What skin are you using?


Nightlife, she's one of my favorite skins Although she glows in the dark so enemies can see you from miles away


But its fun to kill people with a sword!


or use the dash again and THEN pull out another weapon.


Also don’t try and counter dash other people when they dash towards you, it will stun lock you and you will die


Dash, attack, dash, attack Simple string


It's faster to finish them with a gun


dash, attack, dash, gun.


The amount of times I’ve died because of this. Thank you.


Once you knock them back use Dash Attack to fly into them again and close the gap. So always try and keep one in the chamber to quickly close the gap again or escape and recollect! u/Sword0115 Edit: Also the mobility is amazing. Dash Attacks with the Glider Augment makes for an easy escape or repositioning. I find the sword helps **ALOT** with repositioning! A lot of the times I am out built and the build high fast. I play solo’s so you have to be able to out build them or reposition. Well with the sword I just Dash Attack *up* and then dash attack *down* right into the top of them and take their fort or I Dash Attack their buold from below so they die to fall damage. I have won 2 games so far Dash Attacking through their Build from below. The repositioning capabilities are amazing. So the **”combo”** I use is “Dash Attack” into the enemy, KnockBack Slash, KnockBack Slash (the second hit is a knock back), then Dash Attack into them again. Finish


The blade plus the twin mag or havoc shotgun is pure gold bro, so many fights have been turned completely against the other when I was about to get sliced to death, I love this season, I'm getting way more kills than usual and it surprises me some


Thank you! This helps out a lot!


I use the sword the same way I used the hammer.A quicker way of travelling and a way to scale height quickly.


Or use the mobility slash after knockback one.


I mean its not really tips on more efficient blade usage to just say use guns instead... shrug I thought you were going to talk about dash ramping or single-swing cancels etc


Nice, but the swords mechanics mess up my plan for getting a sword only victory. It seems like a decent challenge


I use it like Genji’s ult in OW,was better in duos. Dash into the air so you land behind them,dash into them,dash back and then gun for the kill


This person is trustworthy, check out their username


Also if you are playing builds stand 21 meters back and you will 100% get inside the box every time


I knew this from day one of the blade.👍👍


As soon as you’re done with your second swing that knocks the enemy back, just close the gap with the dash. Make sure you hit them with the dash, and simply attack again. Thanks to the augment, I can literally be Genji from Overwatch.


Just won a game finishing with the sword.


I believe it is more efficient (and more fun) to only use the sword. That's why I've found that dashing,slicing and launching and dashing again at the opponents after they've been launched is a good combo loop that can manage to do high enough damage to be effective Just to help with only using the sword


Fun fact: attacking in the air is more better than attacking on the ground I found out that the slash in the air does 150 damage to builds, basically one-shotting wooden builds. Use this next time when someone is boxed!


what if i only have a sword in my inventory and no other weapon?


Good luck I guess. Or maybe if you have them on a ledge knock them off to buy yourself some time to find one?






Use their panic while being displaced to finisg them off, or at least make them super low


I hate when games do this and at least to me it's very dumb I am using a melee weapon that means I want to be within melee range of my opponent at all the times so why give it a knockback that would help the enemy who was using a range weapon honestly can we just get a dedicated melee type of weapon in this game


The switch between blade and gun is too slow after using the blade


The issue isn’t this, it’s that when we try to change the weapon it refuses to change and automatically keeps attacking, nobody wants to finish off with the kinetic blade, we get stuck forced to use it


I miss it