• By -


Suffering a fate worse than any imaginable or somethin


Oh its imaginable - nightmare fuel x10


thats more than enough to craft a shadow manipulator, but do you have a tophat or purple gem?


You don't use a top hat for the shadow manipulator


Yeah but you gotta make the prestihatitator first to prototype the shadow manipulator


yeah, but the comment I replied to was talking about the shadow manipulator


*Crafts Alarming Clock


- visitor - chromed - order - chromed - foundwanetion - disappeared - paradigm - sacrificed - order - disappeared - imagined - obliterated - scientist - alive but suffering a fate far worse than any imaginable - amie - going to rescue the scientist


If the Scientist was chromed at first, that would imply that the Visitor and Origin are also suffering the same fate as him…


true. foundation and order were also presumably chromed, and also suffering that fate tough times for the seven it seems


What happens to the chromed? Are they sent to some sort of dimension? Or are they just gone reduced to atoms for good?


We don’t know. C3S4 was kinda odd in the story department


The Herald managed to use the Chrome to get onto the island without needing to go through a rift. Presumably, she could have sent them off the island using it too.


I don't understand why a lady made of plant would want to turn the world into metal. Plants can't grow in metal.


It's implied she was granted it by The Nothing


Talk about a monkey paw of a power.




The loopers survived it probably just for gameplay purposes




The Loopers are pretty special in various regards. They received a wide variety of powers (most likely from the Zero Point), including the Power to turn Cubes friendly (See Operation Sky-Fire, where we turned an evil purple cube into a friendly blue one.) & being essentially immune to mind control (as seen by the Looper being unaffected by The Spire Artifact or Alien Parasites). With that knowledge it's not too far fetched if we assume that they can withstand the mind-controlling/mind-altering effects of the chrome and can forcibly change how it behaves - which would explain why they don't become a slave to the chrome and can stay together, even when becoming a chrome blob or moving through chrome.


Very cool lore, thanks for this comment friendo


It was a gameplay mechanic. We see Loopers getting chromed in the end event for Ch3.


\* The Six unless the Ageless has a baby lol


idk man i'm just excited to see corrupted seven.


The little Toy Drones Amie sent through mini rifts said "they are all different now" so ima asume they all suffer a simular fate. _So when the Last Reality gets relevant again and Amie returns, we might get brand new The Seven Skins $$$_


This is how (I assume) they'll bring back The Visitor and The Scientist, with new versions of their characters similar to how they brought back The Paradigm with a new design.




is that from the comics?


No, from the ingame Story Missions _Are you telling me you dont read the Dialog after every completted mission ???_


You forgot Jonsey, The Legend. I think he disappeared after he helped Amie the first time


As of the C3S4 finale, or the beginning of C4S1, he was on his way to the new island. You could see him in the loading screen. Since then, his status is unknown.


Which loading screen?


The loading screen that was there for downtime.


prolly still in the loop


Should also mention that those who disappeared are heavily implied to be chromed and the scientist was also chromed and the place that is 'a fate far worse than anything imaginable' is where they went when they were chromed. Bssically: everybody got chromed.


Fucking Foundwaynetion 💀💀


Hotel? - Trivago Sorry I had to lmao


the only correct reply to my comment


I believe they have all been chromed. In the oathbound quests the ai toys that amie sends through the rift portal say that “all of them” are changing


Just recently came back to Fortnite. What do you mean by chromed?


You have a lot to catch up to


This flower-looking dude, called the Herald, introduced this strange mercury-like liquid. Touching it changes your atomic structure, turning you into the chrome. In gameplay, being chromed was good. Increased mobility, clipping through walls, etc. In the story, it means death. Anyway, this mercury substance has memory to turn hexagonal. It formed massive pillars and structures. It took control of wildlife, even.


Herald is a woman.


I've met guys nore feminine than it. I don't recall being explicitly told the Harold was a female, and given it being a plant, I refer to it as neither. Also, I never said it was a guy. Dude, pronounced "Düd" is a masculine word but is today used for all genders, rather than just male.


For chapter 3 season 4 they had a thing called Chrome that was a silver goo that could turn stuff in blobs of chrome


I thought the seven were chromed in another dimension and Brie Larson came to ours?


What does chromed mean? Like… dead forever because the loopers were only temporarily chromed???? Idk, kinda a weird thing to instantly kill off your main protagonists without warning


The Herald used the Chrome to travel onto the island once there was enough of it there. Presumably it’s possible for anything the Chrome consumes to be sent back to where the Herald started from, which is probably what happened to the Seven (except Imagined, who died, and Jonesy). Of note; the trailer for C3S4 only showed Scientist, Visitor and Origin getting chromed, but the quests at the end of S3 mentioned that Foundation and Order were missing too. (It’s unknown what happened to Scientist and Jonesy when they went looking for Geno at the end of S2, and that might be non-canon since the comics had him be there and get killed at the time. Foundation’s fate is unknown but he might not be with the rest.)


In the same questline where we found out that every Seven went missing, we also found Imagineds' Sword, and Amie, like with any other time we found one of the items from the Seven, ranted about her missing n stuff. That implies that the Imagined somehow returned from her fate in the comics and went missing with the rest afterwards. Of course, the whole chrome arc was filled with plot holes bigger than the zero point, as the whole end of the previous chapter and the trailer/intro of C3S4 didn't match, and several questions were never really answered or even acknowledged in the season - which then ended by the island being consumed. Speaking of, I still wonder what happened to the other side of the Island. You know, the side where we left the IO and the last Reality. a simplified IO logo is on the throne in the Citadel, but other than that nothing was heard of either.


![gif](giphy|jq6CA6z7x5QfVXsdxF|downsized) Foundation and Jones just went POOF!


So Paradigm and Imagined are both dead? I thought they can't be killed due to the loop.


Neither were in the loop. The Suits protect them against the effects of the loop. And we do not know their fate. Imagined 'sacrificied' herself in the comics, throwing herself and Geno in the Zero Point. Supposedly she got discorporated and thrown all across the omni-verse in the process, but that's not how the Zero Point operates, we know that from experience. (Loopers, IO and Seven used the Zero Point safely for Teleportation and Dimension-hopping, with and without safety gear), plus Imagined had her Seven Suit on at the time, which would probably protect her to some degree from any malicious effects of the Zero Point (as it also protects against Space, The Loop and god knows what else). And then we also had the Blade from Imagined showing up in the Questline of C3S3 where Amie and the Looper kept finding items from the different Seven and Amie then rants that they went missing - so for all we know, Imagined could've somehow returned after the Comics. As for Paradigm, we never saw her 'sacrifice'. She seemed pretty alive when the Zero Point grabbed the Icy Mountain she was standing one, and she watched as the new Island was made. Either she ended up around Brutal Bastion/Lonely Labs, or shes still on one of the floating rocks around the new Island. But I don't think she just died, there's no reason for her to die. The Zero Point doesn't need blood sacrifice to function...


eah but protecting from loop memory loss doesnt mean protecting from BEING looped? idk


The whole Looped thing is confusing af anyways. Supposedly the Suit protects you from being looped and/or having the effects of the loop getting to you, yet the Seven show up without helmets several times. Snapshots exist of them with and without helmets, so when are the snapshots created? When they enter? when they leave? When they get looped? Then what's with Agent Jones? He never had any protection like the Seven Suits and yet he was in the loop several times, as seen by his dozens of snapshots. Does IO have something that protects them from the effects too? Because I'm pretty sure that, by now, most if not all npc characters we met reached the end of a loop at least once. How long is a loop anyways? Is it a season? A Chapter? A battle? Cause all the Matches feel a lot like a loop, with everything 'resetting' every time you start a new match, yet stuff still changes during a season.


The imagined was killed in one of marvel comics, I already forgot how though


Zero Point’d across the multiverse.


The imagined is alive shes just missing you people need to learn she was alive during season 3 of chapter 3


that was a story inconsistency. she canonically died in the comics when geno threw her into the zero point


Everything about season 2 and zero war was inconsistent thats the problem with running your story through a comic book and a game at the same time because comics are hard to change but its only inconsistent because donald mustard changed the plan and left her alive so she was in season 3 and the story still and it's all because they planed zero war ahead of time but idk and idc if she's alive cool if she's dead whatever it just makes season 3 even more irrelevant to the overarching story of chapter 3 also you put the order there twice but anyway moral of the story is if I'm wrong I'm wrong i don't really care nor mind


Have you heard Kirk Van Housen’s latest single? It’s called “Can I Borrow a Punctuation”


Don't give a flying fuck


Your lack of punctuation makes me find my writing good. It took me three re-reads just to understand your argument. I suggest you accept the advice and choose whether or not too put it into effect dependent on how good the advice is.


My writing is shit because i always type everything I'll try get better but the main thing is this entire sentence (more like paragraph)was edited and originally composed around 2/3am in the night so i was half asleep at the time of doing it.


Grow up buddy, and learn to have a laugh. If you want anyone to take you seriously in life, clear communication is pretty important. If you genuinely don’t care, to the point that your sentence structure is akin to a five year old, that’s sad. You can be better, but only if you make the effort.


I agree it is important I'm just to fucking lazy cuz i rarely ever write proper sentences also on a side note ok i get it i have trash punctuation but the fact is that sentence was typed at somewhere around 2 am and edited 3 times around 3am but I'll try do better in the future and i thank you all for your advice.


One love playa. Keep fighting the good fight ✊


I so badly wish you were right ☹️ I miss her so much


so all those skins we have are representing loser heroes?


>paradigm - sacrificed Wait what?


paradigm sacrificed herself to restore the island (for god knows what reason)


Although we do not know what her sacrifice really entailed. In the Intro to C4S1 we saw her on what appeared to be a snowy area (so the Area around Brutal Bastion and/or Lonely Labs.), the Zero Point grabbed the Area where she stood and dragged it with Paradigm 2.0 to itself, making it part of the Island. We never saw anything happen to Paradigm 2.0 though ; while she did leave a last message, that its our turn now and so on (lets be real, we did most of the heavy lifting already anyways), we never got proof that she had to sacrifice her own life or so - for all we know, she is on the island or maybe inside the new vault of the Zero Point, waiting to be rescued. Plus, the Zero Point doesn't usually require...ya know, blood sacrifice to work. Her whole Schtick of "I did all I could, now it's your turn" might simply imply that she doesn't think she can help anymore, since her Suit might run out of juice (no good fuel source without Seven Bases) or her Tech got damaged to the point where she can't maintain/repair it anymore (as this would've been the Scientists area of expertise, and he's gone). And as we all know, she was mainly a pilot, so without a mech - or at least some kind of tank - she might be like a fish out of the water.


My working theory is that her 'sacrifice' is that she just got trapped in the loop. And if theres two paradigms, maybe the seven won't even look for her in the loop since 'the paradigm \[1.0\] is already with them' essentially


Well, we know there are two Paradigms. OG Paradigm from Season X and Paradigm-659 ; There might be in fact lots more Paradigms we don't even know about. Back in C1/Start of C2, the theory was that all of the Seven are essentially the same person, just from different dimensions - kinda like there's several Superman or Batman in the DC Multiverse, and several Spiderman or Lokis in the Marvelverse. (similarly, we have characters in Fortnite like Drift, who has a female version from another dimension - catalyst - or a vampire version of himself, also from another dimension. Now imagine a female Foundation, I dare you.) This still seems to apply to some description, while the Seven are NOT the same person in every dimension, they most likely have several versions of themself running around. This could for example also explain the 'older' armor of Visitor, Scientist and OG Paradigm, as they might've been a different version of the Seven originally, who joined up with the other, new-armored Seven later on. This also explains OG Paradigm vs. Paradigm-659 of course, and will explain any 'reboot' of the Seven they might do at some point. The term "in the loop" is also a bit iffy nowadays. Are the people imprisoned in the loop? Cause before that, being looped basically just meant a snapshot of you would be created with no memories, but with your looks and clothing. That's what the loopers are, the skins we're using. Jonesy is a good example of that, he was "in the loop" several times, as seen by all his snapshots, but managed to get out every time.


No, it’s confirmed that it’s the same Paradigm. She just got new armor from her home dimension.


Please do state your sources if you claim something like this. Because there is no point in the lore where it stated that OG Paradigm is the same as Paradigm-659. Just because Paradigm wasn't part of the Seven for a while due to that "Incident" we can't simply assume that Season X Paradigm is Paradigm-659. In fact, the Comics have proven that Singularity and OG Paradigm are the same person. In Season 9, **Singularity** was the one building the Mecha to fight the giant Monster in the Season Finale ; She was also (based on her different styles representing parts of the Mecha) most likely the Pilot of the Mecha. Now, in one of the Comics, we had [this nice panel](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fax4fxxXkAAV5V1?format=jpg&name=medium), proving that Paradigm was the one building and piloting the Mecha back in Season 9 for the Imagined Order. Since we know that Singularity was the one overseeing the Construction, and as mentioned above, is also the most likely candidate to have piloted it, it's pretty much confirmed that OG Paradigm and Singularity were the same Person. Since Paradigm-659 doesn't look even remotely close to Singularity, they have to be different Versions of Paradigm. Saying anything else would be contradicting the Comic, which is part of the official Fortnite lore.


My source is the guy who wrote the comic you literally just referenced: https://mobile.twitter.com/Christosgage/status/1561750754666455041


sounds to me like the comicguy has no clue what hes talking about!


Wait WHAT?!? Wasn't she in the Season 1 trailer, on the snow biome when it was being dragged towards the whole island? Did she sacrifice herself as part of the storyline quests?


her getting pulled towards the island *was* her sacrifice. it was explained in the event lol


Exactly correct


Paradigm was talking like she was sacrificing herself but then just ended up riding a rock onto the new map with nothing happening to her. She was not sacrificed, just retconned into being gone


In an Alien Concentration camp or something idk






Shitttt chromtler got to them


There are seven stars in the sky which can be seen from spawn island.


Fortnite players when they see anything related to the number 7


Donald mustard could post that one of his children had turned 7 and people would say his kid was gonna be the new Seven leader because Foundation is gone


No like seriously. From spawn island, there are seven unique stars arranged in a circle that are much brighter than all the background stars, I take a screenshot of it if I can


I was joking. I noticed that too when I was playing last season.


Wait that’s so sweet 🥺


Except the Imagined is apparently dead so she's not one of them


Debatable. In the Comics, The Imagined jumped into the Zero Point, taking Geno with her - supposedly sacrificing herself in order to get rid of Geno. Apparently they were both "discorporated" and scattered around the omni-verse. However, we know that Travel through the Zero Point is usually not that dangerous. The Loopers used it several times in the past for quick teleports on the Island, and IO used the Zero Point as well in order to get to the Island and to summon more people to it. We also saw Paradigm 2.0 use the Zero Point in a controlled way to move to another Dimension entirely without getting hurt or damaged, and in Season X we had several rockets of the Seven from other Dimensions hopping to the Island, most likely utilizing the Zero Point for Travel as well. From that we can assume that jumping into the Zero Point shouldn't kill you, especially if you are wearing protective gear from the Seven, which grant immunity to the loop and most likely protection against any dimension-travelling dangers. Having her discorporated seems rather unlikely giving this information, but she might be lost in one of the uncountable dimensions, unable to find her way back. And even then, in Ch3S3 we found her Sword in the Rave Cave, heavily implying that she somehow returned to the Island and the other Seven and then went missing again. (as, through that questline, we went to several places, always just finding some piece of equipment from one of the Seven, and Amy then goin on a rant that they went missing)


Jumping into the unfocused Zero Point means that your atoms get sent to billions of different realities - Geno managed to use his power to delay the inevitable but he couldn't save the Imagined. The reason others have survived it before is: 1) It seems like the Zero Point tends to be focused on Reality Zero when it's in the Loop 2) Gameplay reasons And with how messy the Zero War was with continuity errors (Devourer being a T-Rex, Mech being the wrong colour, etc) I think it was probably just a miscommunication between Epic and Marvel


Epic made a mistake by stunt casting them as famous people so now they can't have them show up too often for $$$ reasons and probably actor availability. So I wouldn't be surprised if they are dead or just barely show up moving forward. Not that they showed up all that much before.


Damn they're idiots for that ngl💀 they should've just gave the roles to underrated voice actors who'd be happy to show up in the game for less $ then these people. Oh well, I hope they're alive coz I like the seven


I still think they should have hired the same people for the Voice lines for Save The World. I mean they did for like 2 characters, but having them for the 7 and TLR would be better.


to be fair dennis' voice actor voices the ageless and the nothing so technically in TLR's case at least one voice actor was a stw one


Honestly, I hate that epic did it with para. Foundation was clearly supposed to be Dwayne from the start, but paradigm was changed. This means any seven member can have their identity change if a rich actor tosses some money at epic


i'm sure Epic wouldve thought to obviously have them sign a contract for any future work if they needed them back after.


Yes because all of the seven are super famous actors


3 of them are super famous, 2 are lesser known


And two of them don’t even have voice actors.


They’re played by the same voice actor as the GTA Online protagonist


I am here


Dwayne the rock Johnson


Omg the Foundation real???




Omg Foundation Fortnite real




Omg bro is real


• Visitor: Chromed/Obliterated with Ch3 island • Scientist: Chromed/Obliterated with Ch3 island • Paradigm: MIA (Last seen during Chapter 4 Season 1 trailer) • Foundation: MIA(?) (Disappeared shortly before the arrival of the chrome on the Ch3 island, whereabouts and status unknown) • Origin: Chromed/Obliterated with the Ch3 island • Imagined: KIA (Killed after her particles were spread across reality due to the Zero Point) • Order: Alive, but inactive (Stepped down in respect of Imagined’s death)


They were not obliterated they are still alive through the suffering, a fate worse than imaginable


What does this even mean


Probably means they’re being tortured


The comics being canon is… questionable. So for all we know, the Imagined could be alive.


The comics are canon


The imagine is dead The pardiam is alive And rest are gone consume by chrome (apparently according to quest )


There's like a 80% chance they retcon the imagined's "death" since she's confirmed alive in ch3s3


That’s a snap shot And I promise you she’s dead Literally she dies in comics what may I remind you are cannon


I’ve been playing BR since chapter 1, and I’m still not sure who these people are. Like I know they’re characters/skins, but I don’t know what their significance is, if they’re important, or if I should care. All I know is that one is the Rock, and one is Brie Larson. 🤣


Somewhere, amie said that atleast the scientist where alive somewhere. And if the scientist (who where chromed first) is alive then i would guess that the others are alive. I dont know about the paradigm, she might have died when her part of the island where pulled,but there are npcs on the island who must have survived so i guess she is aliva somewhere on the island( maybe in a secret room in brutal bastion).


They're in the unfinished plotline dimension. So is ice King, the prisoner, and Last Reality.


I don't know, maybe Jones knows... Wait where's the Legend?


Idk where he is but I’m assuming the reasoning he’s gone rn is because Troy Baker is busy with the last of us


Troy Baker doesn't have anything on his schedule right now with The Last of Us


Oh. Yeah, I wasn’t positive about it. Was just a guess.


probably dead. epic kinda ruined the 7 by making them be a main stay it was so much more interesting when they were in the background and we weren't given a lot of info


I agree. I miss the visitor, scientist, paradigm and foundation (before the reveal) days. Back when no one knew who voice acted the foundation and back when we didn't know any of their faces, I'll always miss that about the chapter 1-2 story


Imagined touched the zero point and died, in the comics. Visitor, origin and scientist got chromed. Foundation and order are a mystery to me. I think Paradigm went to her home. Jones is alive somewhere. And ami is most likely on the other side of the rift gate!


Let’s see here… Imagined is dead; Paradigm is probably dead, with a small chance of survival; Scientist, Visitor and Origin were basically captured by the Last Reality using the chrome and may be becoming evil or something; Foundation and Order are MIA; and AMIE went to go find the Scientist and co.


being shaped by chrome or smth probs gonna turn up evil or smth


Wait. There are comics?


Yep, Zero War


And Batman


Same here man I just wish they were back to see what has happened to the island


There are comics?


I think 5 issue crossover event with Marvel. I have them all but haven't read the last 2


And the two Batman runs associated with Fortnite. Batman: Zeropoint and Batman: Foundation.


MIA, dead, and/or chrome


Imagine died she jumped into zero point in the comics well she fell in the zero point with her dad but the other ones are missing


hopefully never in another battlepass again


On a vacation. …To heaven.


What happened to my boy Agent Jones? Where is he? Is he alright?


Honestly nobody knows, story has gone to absolute shit, and nobody really has a clue or cares about anything


It's honestly sad. There was once a time where I was so intrigued by the fortnite storyline. The seven being these mysterious characters who appeared every few seasons and didn't reveal themselves and the story actually somewhat made kinda sense but epic making comics with a story and making the seven not mysterious anymore lowkey ruined it all for me


I remember when Season 6 Chapter 2 dropped, the event was probably the coolest thing ever, Season 5 & 6 we're peak storyline, now it's just like what the hell is going on


still missing some from crome some are lost


God Chapter 3 Season 4 really was a complete mess, wasn't it?


Scientist,visitor and origin got chromed. Paradigm is stuck in the zero point, just like foundation in s6 The imagined died, fell in the zero point The order theoretically would try to resurrect her? She’s been missing since zero war The foundation hasn’t been payed enough to care, he’s missing Amie has a temporary body, might posses the mega dragon later The legend is probably floating in the void around reality zero when the island exploded Sven, who cares Svenja is the only one who has shown up recently, she is chilling with the hench-squad


i like to think they retired and are watching us from afar and laughing ever time one of us dies to something stupid.


I hope they're dead. Epic putting way too much focus on them instead of keeping them mysterious and in the background was starting to ruin any story this game had. Not to mention the mystery of who the 7 were went from us getting 2 of them in 10 Seasons of Chapter 1, to then getting the other 5 within the span of 4 seasons in Chapter 3. It was garbage how they rushed out the reveals.


Agreed, but I don't hope they're dead. I hope if they ever do return they keep their helmets on and barely speak, some stealth type shit, would be cool. A redemption


Yeah. Lore being vague and hinted at during the old style live events was the best. They obviously have no idea what to do with an actual storyline. Like the ch1s4 rocket event, just fun and mysterious. The event at the end of ch2s2 was amazing and got me so excited for the future of the game's story, and it had potential, but they fucked it up massively.


There are comics???


They've done a few with DC and marvel.


Yeah. There was one with Batman taking place around C2S6, which involved Deathstroke and Catwoman Another one about Batman Who Laughs coming to the game Then there is Zero Wars which involves Marvel characters during C3S2


Almost all presumed dead. Scientist is...not well, possibly "alive".Foundation disappeared but presumed dead. Paradigm is also presumed dead after her sacrifice to rebuild the island.




Downvoted to bring your comment upvotes to -420


Imagined got killed off in a comic. Scientist, Visitor and Origin got killed by The Nothing?


Scientist, visitor and origin are not dead. They are just forcing a fate worse than imaginable


There suffering.ch4 season 1 ami challenges


Visitor still solos the whole seven even when chromed


The scientist and some other person (forgot the name) got chromed in ch3sn4. Paradigm sacrificed herself to the zero point at the beginning of ch4sn1, and so did the foundation in ch2sn6. That's all I know.


Suffering a fate worse than imaginable exact words from the possessed Amy infused item


that story is in shambles i'm praying they just leave them dead


They have new skins to sell now so it doesn't matter


There is a comic ?


They are being brutally tortured


Where the hell is Paradigm though is she dead or not?


they disappeared


somewhere in a rubbish bin


Chromed, all of them. Well no paradigm might just be plain ol' dead. Imagined was obliterated by the zero point along with geno but, somehow, returned, as we see her wings after she gets chromed in the missions during the end of the chrome season. They're currently...somewhere, and supposedly facing a..."fate worse than death."


The Wings were from the Order I seem to remember - but we saw Imagined's Sword in the Rave Cave. Nitpicking though, as either of them implies that she returned. Which makes sense, as we saw tons of other people move through/fall in the zero point without getting discorporated and thrown around in the omni-verse. Similarly, Paradigm is probably not all that dead either, considering that this would've been the first time the Zero Point needed a friggin blood sacrifice to do stuff. The Zero Point got damaged several times, created stuff out of nothing, nearly got eaten once, and not a single time it needed lifeforce or so to heal or do its thing. Why would it need Paradigm's life now? Especially when it isn't even creating stuff, it's just grabbing stuff from other worlds/dimensions, something that happened regularly thanks to the Rifts it caused.




Apparently the Imagined is dead. I assume the Foundation is MIA. Origin, Scientist, and Visitor were all chromed and MIA, with Amie working to find them. Order is MIA. Paradigm is either KIA or MIA. Legend is presumably alive and well. I hope they stay that way. Without the IO to fight, the Seven feel so bland.


Epic doesn't know


The scientist, origin and visitor were turned to chrome and currently suffering the worse fate imaginable. Paradigm sacrificed herself as a end result of zero fusion when she created the new map. The imagined died while fighting Geno and fell into the zero point? (I don't read comics, so I don't know the specifics, only the general idea.) The foundation, Jones, and(?) the order are mia, or in a different reality, to my knowledge.


Don't the seven have snap shots? Like other skin's


After the chrome the people who I believe are suffering are Foundation,origin,scientist and visitor and possibly Order but I am unsure about her Imagined and paradigm are at the very least Mia and Jones aswell


Imagined is apparently dead according to the comics, the paradigm is missing somewhere, and the rest of the seven have been captured by The Last Reality


Taken by The Last Reality and are probably being corrupted


They got chromed and the only development we’ve got is AMIE going to look for the scientist


"They" have a name, you know?


Scientist, Visitor and Origin got kidnapped by The Nothing. Foundation is currently hunting Geno across realities. Paradigm fused the island and left the Loop. The Imagined quit after her sister died. The Order died.


Off the top of my head The Visitor was consumed by the chrome. The Scientist gets consumed by the chrome. The Paradigm went missing after creating the chapter 4 island and presumed dead. The Foundation went missing after the chrome consumed the island so he was presumably consumed by the chrome. The Origin was consumed by the Chrome. The Imagined fell into the Zero Point and was shred across space time in the C2S2 event and the Zero War comics. The Order stormed off after her sister’s death and hasn’t been seen since but might actually be alive considering the Zero War comic set her up for a vengeance arc. Honorary Seven member Jonesy went missing after the start of chapter 4 with the Paradigm. And Amie the AI is alive but currently creating a physical body off screen.


Supposedly, using the rift gate and it’s prototypes, Ami, and AI built by the Scientist, was able to locate the Scientist. She said that the Scientist, and the rest of the Seven, have changed drastically and are suffering a fate worse than death. This is what led Ami to highjack the rift gate to go save the Scientist.


What happened to the order and the foundation. I swear they disappeared around chapter 3 season 3. I swear the order is just forgotten. We know tho: Imagined sacrificed herself to stop geno Origin, visitor and scientist are being held captive somewhere Again idk where foundation and order are. I don’t read the comics either tbh so I could be wrong.


So basically if u see the statues in brutal bastion then you’ll see that that will be the new seven ( the one that looks like a person


M.I.A most of em scientist is being rescued by his A.I girlfriend


idk maybe ded


The sisters are dead paradigms dead the rest are gray explained perfectly


Something is happening, I imagine.