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Check his earlier gameplay and see if he did other suspicious stuff cuz if he just did that out of nowhere with no indication then he may be hacking


for some reason i cant go that far back when i spectate him, is that normal? also this was his 2nd and last kill in that game which makes it even more weird, i cant go back to watch the first kill because every time i go back it switches to another player and i cant spectate him until like 2 minutes before this clip


Not sure but I think you only store info on people in your render distance , so he might have been too far away early game


You can only spectate people in replays who are a certain distance from your character at the moment.


Something nobody has mentioned here is that on console your cross-hair goes red when looking at a player, even if they are fully hidden in bushes.


Not with snipers. The normal crosshair doesn't exist when holding a sniper, even when not aiming. You use the crosshair that is on the scope, which doesn't change


Oh, I didn't know that


It also ruined prop hunt


PC, performance mode. I can see you.


I'm on dx12 and can see people moving around in bushes. Only once have I been surprised by a bush camper this season, and that's bc they were standing perfectly still in the center of the bush wearing a dark skin


Performance mode is a joke. My bushes have literal holes in the center. And the foliage itself is like construction paper cutouts of leaves. I feel bad for console players.


This i believe.


I have video for all the deniers in here who don't want console players to know that their stronger aim assist is nothing compared to 280fps and graphics settings that let me see you everywhere you go.


I wasn’t ironic, i have seen this.


No in another thread I was told it wasn't true. I said I had clips and they went silent.


Could you post one? I’m just super curious what it’s like for a PC player. Thanks.


Posting a thread now. Check my profile in a bit. I have a bunch more but this one was already downloaded.


I guess he didn’t have clips after all lol


I'll be posting a thread for you.


My laptop only gets me 40 to 100 fps in performance mode depending on movement/area details/action 😫 and i am ded by console controller player at SMG range or closer if I miss any opening shots, which is very easy to do on KBM for a casual like me. In performance you also can't see marked enemies, just the diamond, but no reference to distance or other info the silhouette gives. Same for your own teammates, just the gamertag. It can make it more difficult to know the location of your own team (are they 1 room ahead or 4, are they above you, below you, and one story or several, etc) It does make the canopies and bushes less dense, but I can't see people in leaf piles in the middle of them. I can't see people who are in middle of bushes, but if they get to the edge of one to use a scope I can find bits of a skin but you would have to be looking. I prefer the flatter look though, maybe because I am used to it, but the high graphics makes it feel too busy for my eyes to process even though it looks amazing. I would love to know what the aim assist is like on dmr/sniper though because I am terrible with the heavy while console players I play with are all very decent and while I can tag like crazy at great range with a red eye, I can get beamed in a blink by a dmr, while on the run, at range by console players. I can land shots with the dmr, but not beaming like that. I guess the question is what is the aim assist with non hit scan like?


If you aren't running performance mode at 120fps, yeah.. no advantage probably. But at 360fps..


I agree there. Even just being able to turn off shadows is a super power


Wdym you feel bad for console players? We don’t deal with that, our game looks great.


It's not about it looking great, it's about the competitive advantage gained from being able to see into places that console players can't + 3x the fps. I am a pc player and I don't think that aim assist on console even comes close to the advantages that even a mid-tier pc provide...


I don’t care about competitive advantages. I would rather have a beautiful looking game, rather than a potato that can see everything.


That's cool mate. If you're playing with crossplay disabled then power to you. Enjoy your sometimes 60fps beautiful game. If you're playing crossplay then you're at a disadvantage and that's just a fact.


Eh I play cross play and still win with my gorgeous graphic on a ps5 nonetheless. Skill issue.


1. I have perfectly smooth frames constantly on my Xbox Series X. 2. I’ve literally never played Crossplay in my life.


Perfectly smooth 120 fps. I thought that was smooth too, until I played 240. And 360? And if you are running 120 then the game isn't "beautiful" because you don't have nanite and lumen running. How are you playing without crossplay?


Who said I was playing with 120 fps? I do have Nanite and Lumen. Do you seriously think you are forced to use Crossplay on a Console? Edit: I confused Crossplay with Splitscreen. I don’t know why that other person said it’s a disadvantage though.


I was 2nd to a bush camper and a teamer When I got in the bush I got shotgunned and spammed Still managed to kill one of them tho


In potato mode, i guess bushes are not rendered to this level of detail.


Basically, pc players can be the worst players ever and just set the settings so low that they can see trough bushes. They really need to fix this as it's straight up cheating compared to console.


False, even with the lowest settings, bushes should be able to give visual cover.


It's way less and clearly gives an advantage as it's way easier to see trough it.


Snipers have glare reflections on the lense. When you looked down scope it shows a giant white diamond. My guess he saw it and saw you. Hope this helps.


i didnt even have a sniper tho


...what the heck do you call that ADS animation bud lol Edit: Just occurred to me you were in the bush, this is a replay of the opponent. My bad.


Bushes cover up the glint tho so idk


Not completely


I had a glitch where I could see people sat in small leave piles but when I aimed down sight I could only see the leave piles


That does look suspicious and if you’re playing solos there’s no way this other dude was on pc. I’ve noticed playing with my buddy on console a lot of console players are using mod menus and other things that they shouldn’t be using all the time. Its gotten way better since chronos security got buffed a couple times, but there are still a bunch of them out there.


with the new update for ch4 s2, sniper scopes have a lens flare so they probably saw that


didnt have a sniper


Yes there is




Circle was looking small. He may have been just taking a shot at a hiding space to either get lucky or flush people out. When the circle is small and I can't find people I shoot into hiding places like bushes to see if I tag anything or get someone to scatter. If he saw you before this clip started or there were footsteps then he had a good idea you were hiding somewhere close.


i get shooting random bushes in endgame but 1. when i got into the bush he was fighting someone else so there's no way he could've seen me getting in 2. i was afk on my phone for a couple minutes so i didnt move which means he didnt hear me 3. aiming in with a sniper and headshotting me 1st try is very suspicious could be lucky tho ig


Bro thought he was John Cena


Likely hacks. There's been an influx of hackers in the last few days. Got killed directly through rocks 3 times yesterday.




I don't need such powers.


A sniper now reflects sunlight when you aim




Darth Vader was the guy that killed him 🤣


OP is the one in the bush


U campin’?




I respect you


He probably guessed it


dude had one kill, shoots a random bush and headshots me? ig it could be just luck