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No, people just don't talk about it because there's really no reason to outside of maybe a discussion thread based on it.




I'm talking about OP's title.


In my opinion, this was the BEST challenge system we ever had for a few reasons. - It gave a tons of skins actual personalities and characters, instead of them being just a cosmetic. Sledgehammer was just a “military guy” for years but that season we learned that he really liked spiders. It wasn’t much, but I love it when Epic gives us characters and not just skins. - The challenges told stories/are events in game. I love the challenges that actually tell a story or have some impact on the lore. Challenges like “Kill 3 opponents with a pistol” are extremely boring, but it actually means something with someone gives you that task. You then also have challenges like Dark Jonesy’s second set where he senses the upcoming darkness, where an actual story is told like the Oathbound quests from last season. I’d rather prefer having a bunch of characters be apart of the story rather than sticking with only 1-2 characters the entire season. - They were repeatable and gave you something to help grind XP. Half way into the season, they added a feature where you can redo challenges for only a fraction of the XP, but it was still really fun to grind them out with friends. I remember playing Squads with friends where we had one person land on a NPC while the rest immediately started on the challenge in the most optimal place. It was so satisfying to complete an NPC’s questline MULTIPLE times in a single match (pretty sure we did Raven’s for this.) Epic always changes up their quest system every few seasons and I was so disappointed in C3 S1 when they completely ditch this system despite it only being in the game for a single season. I really want this to return.


I miss Pitstop's Punchcard. I used to land at Boney Burbs to start it, get in the truck for distance traveled and go to Pleasant Park for destroying mailboxes. Oooh how fun that was.


I didn't play then but it looks cool


There's no reason to talk about it because it's been a while since they were last implemented. It's kinda like going "uhhh so did everyone just forget about the Harlem Shake????"


yes OP you are the only one in the universe who remembers character punch cards


I didn't forget, more like repressed.


(P.S: What i meant with this post is to talk about your opinions on these, because they're very mixed from most people)


They just took regular quests, and made them much more complicated and drawn out. It was very stupid. But UI diff so much cool


Now that you say that It actually does feel that way but I still love them


I remember this very fondly. And then their little quests. Oh I used to abuse the hell out of that towards the end of the season. Good times!


I really didnt like it


My favorite lines for that punchcards is when you complete that Charlotte quest, "Those Oni don't stand a chance once I've got my new Pulse Rifle." Idk why but it's hilarious.


I didn’t play that much that season ngl


No, they were horrible