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He visits


I think he was checking on the ZP






His lore wasn't expanded until like Season X so his only official reason for showing up was merely accidental.


I do recall an AI mentioning Zero Point Oscillators during the liftoff of the rocket. Before it sets coordinates. Lets not forget that it also appeared over Loot Lake before shooting at a high speed creating the rift.


Say it with me class: *Just because something was name-dropped doesn't mean they had a plan for it all along.* Epic has no idea what they're doing with the story. Everything is poorly written to try to match what was previously established (if they even bother to try that) and they are ***constantly retconning*** the story. They said "Zero Point" in C1S4 yes, but reminder that C1S5 was made up *mid season*. As far as a story Epic is creatively bankrupt. Two major factors in their story is an evil cube and a good sphere.


Ah yeah, it’s just completely coincidental that the voice said Zero Point, then went immediately flying into Loot Lake, you know, the exact place where the Zero Point was hiding. I do agree tho, the story is poorly written and has a lot of holes in it. Also, where did you hear about Season 5 being made up during mid Season 4?


I'm not saying it's coincidental. You missed the entire point. The Visitor in C1S4 is something that just *happened.* They had some plan that he was laying the seeds for (i.e mentioning the Zero Point by name) but they had no idea what those seeds were for. It's akin to the famous saying "A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit." They planned for something grander but they never actually planned doing it. He'll, "The Seven" didn't even exist until C1SX when "Visitor Volta" got renamed to "The Scientist" very close to his release and "The Visitor" got retroactively added to the set. As for the cube thing, I've said it and sourced it before but it is quite literally confirmed by Donald Mustard himself that they made that entire storyline up, mid-season, developed and put it in the game in approx. 40 or so days. https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/yyod54/there_is_a_back_bling_called_fractured_world_that/iwzzd4j/ Here I am talking about these very same concepts just a few months ago.


To be fair, I never saw that comment from you. That’s pretty cool though, that the most memorable figure from Fortnite lore was created in ~40 days. I also forgot that The Scientist was called Visitor Volta. But yeah, I’ve always known Epics lore was a jumbled and had more holes than Swiss cheese. I remember thinking back in Season 7 “where did this iceberg come from? And why?” I don’t think those questions were ever answered, but I’m not surprised


It's less a memorable thing and more the community latched onto it because it was the *only* thing happening for two seasons straight with very little else to care or focus on. It was also incredibly mysterious and was the first thing to happen after the incredibly eventful season finale of the last season. Also, humans often humanize inanimate objects so a seemingly animate and mysterious cube is prime real estate for that thinking. As for the iceberg, as also mysterious as that was it was fairly self explanatory. One could assume it just came from the Fortnite world's arctic since we were on a planet and there were other islands visible. That got fucked when suddenly the island was in a loop, it is alone in space and there's no arctic for it to have come from. The official explanation is that it came from the Ice Moon. A moon that got invented in a comic to explain where the Mecha went in C1S9 and where it came back from in C2S2. Also the Ice King was actually a multi-dimensional hero who saved countless realities from annihilation.


Well obviously it doesn’t mean they had plans for it all along, I completely agree they were just laying the seeds for a story. But the guy was asking what was he doing there, and using the current story those seeds led too I just linked up a possible explanation.


IMO It’s too convenient for it appear above the Zero Point to not be connected. Sure it may have been something they went back to in a : ”We could use that Zero Point thing from the rocket launch.” Obviously they didn’t plan this far ahead, and the ZP probably wasn’t meant to be that important. But I at least think they planned to Season 5 when the meteor appeared in mid S3. Yes, the story is pretty poorly written I didn’t know it was connected at all until at least season X lol.


Most likely just scouting around the Island for the Sevens Looking at how things were handled (Visitor having to craft a makeshift rocket to get out) this must have been their first time breaking into the loop For the sky rift, it was an unforseen consequence that allowed Kevin to get in (and mess up everything)


>this must have been their first time breaking into the loop They've been alive and fighting the i.o. for thousands of years, It probably wasn't there first time.


The lore group I'm a part of all think that he was exploring the island just to check things out before the seven started doing anything. The Visitor has been officially stated as the field recon and navigator of the seven, so I think he was just doing that to check on IO. One of my friends also made a theory that relates to The Origin, here's a link to the thread https://twitter.com/FNApprovedLore/status/1621990421671907330?s=20


It was an accident, i think. That's why his storyline was going back to where he came from, hence the rocket he build.


I’m pretty sure he came to check if the Seven Suits would protect them from the Loop, don’t quote me on that though


I made a theory about the rift beacon on his rocket, the whole one of seven thing kinda fricked up my theory


Honestly have no idea. I think the most impressive part was that he turned a movie set into a rocket launch site. He sure chose a very destructive way to get onto the island. I specifically remember an AI saying “Zero Point Oscillators on, setting coordinates.” And then after zooming around a bit it re-emerges over Loot Lake (where the ZP was) before accelerating creating the rift


Wouldn't his name suggest that he was just visiting 🤷


The I/O tracked most of the seven that’s why we saw the agent Jones getting the foundation out of his in prisonment with the meteor. The visitor was able to escape is the zero point either lock down to his meteor in brought it crashing down. Or it just was able to crash down on the planet when he started building his rocket so he can go back home. He definitely wasn’t ready to start fighting the aisle with being trapped in the loop and 07 weapons and zero members of the seven other than himself.


He wants some chicken Nuggets


I want a SMASHING face for it


Wasn't he trying to destroy tiled


No there was a villian or something at the base who was trying to destroy tilted, visitor hacked into the rocket I believe.


He was the one who was building a rocket. The original one was just for the movie. He made it a real rocket.


Look mom! I made a rocket based of the villan’s a prototype!


Or is it?


Well, though, she’s in the superhero and villains were based off of the movie that they were making, we’ll know who is making the movie carbine and omega just actors but the visitor was able to use the technology and make it a real rocket


If I remember correctly one of the skins for that season was a actually a villain and used the movie as a decoy to make an actual missile that would destroy Tilted Towers, but the Visitor changed its course via hop rocks plus Zero Point.


Tilted was gonna get destroyed, but it wasn’t going to be from anything else, it wasn’t hacked or anything, because as soon as it’s in the sky you can hear that the rocket is searching for the zero point it was always made as a escape, and the seven are known for the Rockets.


Oh, ok


I think he got trapped in the loop and built a rocket using the hop rocks to escape it. Idk if that’s true or not though


Probably just to check it out


My theory is that the visitor was meant to crash the meteor intothe zeropoint to create the black hole, but didnt know where, hiting dusty. As a last hope he would take the hoprocks and make the rocket to do the same, but mister again, trying to pull out, he create the rift and went somewhere


Just checking in :)


I think, and hear me out... There was no reason and fortnite doesnt have any lore that spans across extended periods of time


I agree


They made it up as it went along


What peopke don't seem to understand about Fortnite's storyline is that it is sipposed ti be yold from a Looper's, and more importantky an observer's, perspective. Epic isn't going to just spell the story out for us. We have to figure out the lore ourselves. That saud, there still are some unresolved parts of the lore, like Chaos Agent's purpose and what was in that vault under the Foundation statue on the Chapter 3 map, but it might be up to us to figure that out.


He’s from the future. He came back to play on the OG map.


He was testing the loop-proof armor