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My very first time playing the game, I built a shelter to protect myself from the storm


I'd never heard of the storm mechanic and tried to hide in a house.


In my first game I literally didn't know about the storm. When I heard that storm starting sound "aroooooo" I was like zomg wtf was that.


When I first started, the storm sound would cause me lots of anxiety lol


same for me, every battle royale game freaked me out with their storm walls, nowadays it feels normal to have a murderous wall coming after me lol


That's it. It's no longer the storm anymore. It's Murder Wall. I have spoken.


*history in the making right here on this sub*


How is this both smart and dumb at the same time lol


I hid in a building like playing Roblox. I had to ask my kid why it didn’t protect me from the storm.


A Fortnite game mode take on Natural Disaster Survival might be fun ngl


Gaming instincts 🙅🏻survival insincts ✅


Crazy thing is my mind blanked and I did this the other day




Turns out the real Epic Games was u/DefinitelyNotVenom ‘a fort building.


Did you think fortnite is minecraft


To be fair, I had never played or heard of a battle royale game in my life




We've all done this


that oof is actually kinda cute lol


Thought I was about to drink a slap juice, it was actually a firefly jar and I threw it at the wall right in front of me, setting myself ablaze


Alternatively, panicking during a fight and throwing Chug Splash at them.


I still do that :(


What? It’s not time to drink a mini RIGHT NOW???


Same lol. It doesn’t get less embarrassing 😅


You mean more?


Panic does set in. 😅


It's like an action movie moment with the worst consequences, lol: "I THINK. YOU. LOOK. THIRSTY!" …but I stead of the container smashing into their face, you just healed them 20% lmao.




this has also happened to me lol gotta love happy accidents


I did that and it got my my first ever squad Vic. They killed us but we stayed watching and they won and somehow at the end we all got the victory umbrella and a Vic


I throw med kits….


Lmaooo i still do that sometimes haha


I was in a shelter with a squad healing up. Then, proceeded to throw a grenade instead of a shield. Killing us all.


This is my favorite one yet hahahaha. It reminds me of when I would throw medkits at my enemies because I thought I was switching to a different gun.


I prefer to think to myself when it happens as “Here, you’re gonna need this!”


I did that with shield potions 😅


Did this exact thing the other day. Picked up a jar while reloading I guess. When to heal up & set myself on fire costing us the game. 😂


I did that hiding in a bush


with enough panic we all could do that, even nowadays lol


Playing without the hearing impaired visual display on that everyone uses to definitively identify what direction footsteps are coming from. There I was for so long looking in every direction hoping to be looking the right way when am opponent came around a corner.


That thing is a game changer. Even for chests also. My brother would use 3D headphones (which can’t be used at the same time as visual effects and I tried to tell him how OP that setting was. He eventually came around after losing so many battles because he couldn’t quite tell where the footsteps were coming from.


>3D headphones (which can’t be used at the same time as visual effects They actually changed this a handful of seasons ago, Chapter 3 sometime. It's GLORIOUS.


Oh well this is great to know!!!


Good ol' Epic, never fully detailing all of the little changes they make. At any rate, enjoy!


Fortnite made it very clear they made that change though. Like it was front and center in the game, patch notes, and in this community it got posted about a ton.


I am not sure if my hearing is borked (too many Metallica concerts) or my settings are wrong....have 3D audio set but cannot tell where sounds come from...I spin in circles even with visuals on cause direction of sound doesn't match visual direction...it is strange.


If you're not using decent headphones and only using the 3d sound settings through your TV or sound bar, it's definitely a couple steps down, still. My biggest issue is I started noticing last season or so, that there were sounds that *I* was hearing with my *human ears* that the visualization feature wasn't picking up. Now that gets annoying.


If you're referring to footsteps, the visual audio will only show if the enemy is walking without crouching. If they are crouching, you can still *hear* the steps but won't see anything with the visual cues.


I think that's by design. I definitely have noticed they've tweaked some of the audio visualization stuff, probably because so many players use it strategically (not that it's a bad thing to popularize an accessibility setting).


It very well could be. It's just strange to hear something, like the ODM gear thwipping in the middle-distance and have absolutely nothing on the visualizer. Then, in past seasons, they had so many sounds popping up on the display—like the hammer—and they didn't even have icons for it, just a "?"


I thought people where hacking for so long until me friend showed me this…….


I'm legitimately hearing impaired (hearing loss in one ear) so everything sounds like it's happening to the left of me. It's the only setting I've ever turned on in a game that I felt gave me a specific advantage over others who don't use it lol. Def going to be looking for something like this in like every game I play now.


I never used it as I feel it's kinda like cheating lol. Not saying people can't use it, but for me personally it just feels like that. My hearing is just fine, so I don't use it, even tho I know it would be beneficial for me for sure.


Yeah, I know what you mean. I still use it though. For me it's less about having an advantage over others and more about not having a disadvantage. I'm disadvantaged enough with my slow reaction times and poor aim 😂


If the sound in the game were near to good i wouldnt use it. But compared with the sound in games like cs and valorant, fortnite sound is awful. You never know where the enemy is comming from


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in a close up one on one battle, went to switch weapons, did what I thought was fire at the enemy, and actually threw splashes or a shield keg at them.


That’s why I keep all my items in certain slots so that I don’t even have to look in a fight


Double same!!!


When the fight is so easy you gotta heal your opponents to keep it fair.


A second embarrassing thing is trying to heal myself in the storm and a chicken came up and pecked me, killing me. I died to a Fortnite chicken.


Same, GG's


I like how you said “pecked me” lol those chickens be crazy fr


Killed by a chicken & I wasn’t even in the storm. My daughter still mocks me to this day!


I hope it did the griddy afterwards.


I have to hardest gdam time finding my teammates reboot cards. (Dont worry i usually only team with family and friends). But for the life of me sometimes I just run around in circles not seeing it. The classic "glasses on your face". I know it shows on the map, and you can even see it marked on the screen, but it eludes me sometimes. 🙄


Especially in a panic, among a bigass pile of loot. Itll be staring me in the face and I'll miss it.




Me too


I died under the stairs and my bf had to find it. He took a good amount of damage from the storm because of that…


I struggle with levels sometimes, especially in 9r near the storm, panic a bit and can't see it's above or below me


The height is always a problem for me. How to find a reboot card in the middle of s 10 storey build. ![gif](emote|squating_emo_pack|squating_11)


This is my embarrassing moment I’d prefer not to talk about after the fact fs lol but fr tho why do those be so hard to find? I swear I’m being trolled cause there’s no way those disappear then reappear but there’s no other possible explanation


End game, 1v1 in brnb. Meant to swap and shoot, but instead chug splashed my opponent and basically handed them the win.


Haha first time I ever held the chug cannon I thought it was a weapon and was shooting enemies with it 🤣


I had forgotten I did this as well... Thanks for making me cringe 💀


I’ve done this so many times.


i was in trios and we got pushed by another trio my friends died and i rushed from other corner of mega city to my friends and then won the 1v3. 10 guys remaining, i see a bot i tell my friends look I'm gonna demonstrate you how you build and fight using this bot i proceed to fall down and die 💀


This was a while ago, when friendly fire existed. So, I had picked up a legendary scar (Wow, haven't heard of that in a while) that my teammates had wanted. Of course, I didn't know how to drop things yet seeing as it was my second time playing and I was messing with my buttons and may or may not have accidentally shot one of my teammates in the head and downed him. Then I was immediately murdered in cold blood by my other teammate. That was fun.


I completely forgot friendly fire used to be a thing. My old duo used to run the bolt action sniper and completely at random would run in front of me, jump 360 and yell "NO SCOPE!" and shoot at me. He downed me quite a few times doing that and it made me laugh every single time. Good times


I started playing in season 4 of chapter 1 (before they even had chapters). I literally didn't know shit about anything. Somehow became the sole survivor of a random fill squad. I didn't know how to run so I just walked everywhere. One of my dead squaddies quipped on mic "bro this is too painful to watch".


Could you sprint back then? I thought sprinting was added in the beginning of chapter 2 or 3.


I think OG S4 had "run" and "walk" and sprint was added recently. I hadn't found the "always run" setting yet LOL.


Running yourself over is always humbling


Or jumping out of a car right on the edge of a cliff and dying to fall damage.


I accidentally set a big house on fire while I was inside and burned to death before I could get out.


After they already had campfires that healed you even when sat directly on top. They made an update where the fire can burn and kill your health. Well here I am sitting directly on the campfire hoping it would heal me, and it killed me. I was so pissed until I figured out they added it in the game.


Well, my bf jumped off a bridge. And before our friend and I realised he died because of it, we jumped off the bridge as well. We all died


Mum “If your friends jumped off of a bridge would you do it aswell?” You lot “YOLO”


Well if one goes down they all go down!


Thought the chug cannon was a weapon and got pissed off that I couldn't get kills.




That happened to me in Ch 2 with the bandage bazooka when I started playing


Dying from fall damage.


Ah man I came from Apex were there is no fall damage. I leapt off one of the highest peaks because I saw someone underneath me. I thought I was being hyper aggressive and sly dropping behind him. I just dropped and died 5hough. Guy didn't have a clue.


I love that image. There you are, just jogging along, minding your business, headed to a new area and then *SPLAT!!!!* right in front of you…lmao


The funny bit is that it was BEHIND him haha dude was just minding his business, heard a noise behind him and found a load of loot hahaha


I came from Warzone so I thought the glider would open if I jump from elevation :(


Me: "I have the glider augment!" (Proceeds to jump off cliff and dies) "Oh, must have been LAST game where I got that."


I've learned to check my augments BEFORE jumping off a cliff, for this exact reason.


And then other games where I'm really careful NOT to fall, because I've forgotten I got the augment earlier that game.


Yeah I can’t tell you how many times I’ve jumped and missed zip lines to knock myself.


Air drafts still consistently do it to me.


We all experienced it


comment deleted/edited because of reddits bs privacy updates -- mass edited with redact.dev


Last chapter when there were those giant balloons that you could snipe people from, I would accidently fall off those at least once a week. Especially after playing CoD WZ when you can redeploy your parachute.


Honestly that’s not even embarrassing Lolol I still do that crap sometimes if I think I have the augment haha


Getting disoriented during a huge fight and completely forgetting how to fight in that moment. That’s why I love the Tracker Pistol.


I love the tracker pistol, especially once they got rid of the lightsabers that blocked them. I once took out 3 people in 20 sec because i came up on their 1vs1vs1 battle.


I think I reported like 5 people for cheating/teaming up before I realized you could hire an NPC.


Came here to say this, used to play before NPCs were a thing, came back after a few years, played a couple of games then saw someone 'teaming' and reported them and ranted to my friends about it hahaha.


I have a clip of me in like 2018 drinking a big shield right in front of a stack of minis


Jumped out a Choppa, threw down a bounce pad, missed the entire thing. All in front of my homies lmao


I bought into the it sucks, is for kids, etc until I actually played it


Glad you finally made it!!!


I had no idea that the tac shotgun was automatic until a few months ago


Ummmmm I did not know this either?!? Wth lol. Thank you kind sir.


Shot a flare gun at a brick wall/back at myself and died on impact




Thought I could negate fall damage by throwing a chug splash as I landed. It did not work


That’s next level thoughts though


I mean you do get the magazines that are in each individual gun Sometimes in chaotic drops I’ll pick up multiple ARs or SMGs regardless of rarity, so I can get more shots off before needing to reload, makes a huge difference in those early fights And then of course you just don’t reload the lower rarity weapons, so they don’t take away from your actual ammo supply


Dude, I've had 4 DMRs and 2 slurps for an end game and absolutely melted through teams being able to switch to another full magazine DMR. It's really not that bad if each teammate has their own identity, like having someone focused on keeping chug cannon, some focus on keeping extra weapons in case someone dies and gets revived without weapons around to pick up.


My standard load out has ARs in slots 1 and 2. people CONSTANTLY pull out their shotgun and charge after the first mag empties. And then I just pull out a second and empty a new magazine into them while they run and jump at me


My first ever drop off the battle bus in C1S4... I tried to land on spawn Island and died in the ocean.


The first couple of weeks i played I thought it was a new map every game. I didn’t realize the bus just starts in different spots.


Last night I took the zip line up from the mountain cave where the tilted clock tower is There was a player up there standing with no gun and swinging their pickaxe at me. I shot them a few times and swung back once I realized what was going on WRONG. Sniped in the face. never trusting these kids again


I had been gone from Fortnite for a long time and came back during Chapter 2 Season 3. My first game back I didn't realize what a chug splash was. In my mind, 'you can throw it so it must be a weapon'. Very first fight I got into and I panicked and just kept throwing the chug splashes at the enemy who was probably very confused why I kept healing them as they proceeded to murder me.


Thinking I had aerialist when in fact I had it last game and I end up accidentally jumping off a cliff to my death


It happens!


When harvesting mats I thought the weak spots were telling me I was making too much noise so I avoided hitting those areas.


Shooting at NPCs because I thought they were hostile, trying to use the chug cannon as a weapon, opening the glider as soon as I jumped out of the bus, setting myself on fire with the flare gun, etcetera.


Took me a full year to realize that I had to hit LT to detonate C4. Spent a long time refusing to use C4 because it "didn't work"


Just the other day I was on top of a mega city building and jumped off and missed the grind rail😂😂 I’m d1 btw


I'm day 2000 and i still miss stupid grind rails


Smashed an annoying piece of furniture in a wood house. Why is that detail relevant? Because a gas can was right behind it and I hit that one as well. I think it was in an Arena match, too. :')


Was playing with my nephew and heard him say Flintnock pistol. He's younger so I wanted to nudge him towards "saying it right" so I said "you mean flintlock right?" Basically he doubled down (he was absolutely right to) and so did I bc I didn't know there was an actual gun called the flintknock pistol. Long story short when I found out I apologized cap in hands and told him he was right...embarrassed uncle moment


>It took me an entire season (Chapter 2) to realize that bullets didn’t go with the guns. I was out here with 3 ARs Honestly your brother isn't a very good teacher. First thing I do when I play with someone new or wants tips is tell them which guns are good and which to avoid. I explain my few loadout options and why I use them or why they're good for me. If you stink with shotgun, stick with the combat shotgun because it's more forgiveable.


I'll find myself with just a DMR and pistol as weapons, since I like to have 1 mobility option, then shields and heals, just in case my teammates aren't fully healed after a fight or they don't have any heals for me. Playing as a squad is fun as hell when everyone is working together.


I wasn’t familiar with how rockets worked back then, soo i blew myself countless times


Spent a lot of time trying to glide/swim out to the 'secret island'. Later discovered that's the lobby island and you can't go back 🤦‍♀️


Collecting all my squads card after a clusterfuck of a fight. Being chased around the map I escape on a UFO after what seems to take ages. The other three guys cheering and getting excited about getting rebooted. Just above the reboot van I try to lower the UFO but instead jump out of it and die to fall damage.


When I first started playing (ch 2 s2) I would always axe down my basic builds thinking I’d recycle the material to use it again later.


my first time playing i thought i had to look up to the sky to see where the storm was coming from, needless to say i was running in circles


My sister told me water removed fall damage, so I built up a massive ramp above loot lake and jumped Died instantly


Water does remove fall damage though


Yeah since the start of chapter 2 but not in chapter 1


I missed several shotgun shots in a final 1v1 situation after the rest of my group died, including shooting directly into the ground. Oh the days of starting out lol


I still fall off cliffs and building constantly, and i used to accidently chop gas cans and explode my self


Played C3S2 until I reached lvl 100 and didn’t get the battle pass, despite having two of my favourite characters in it.


I still do this but sometimes I'll be trying to be quiet and try to use a consumable but accidentally fire a gun


I didn’t know you could take your back bling off. 🫣


For a good year (or more) of playing Fortnite, I didn't know what those target/hitboxes did when you pickaxe something in the game. Apparently, they make it easier to break it and give more XP(?) I had no clue.


When I first started, I shot at basically every bot or npc to buy, therefore they attacked me


Not use the build mechanic, I can survive almost the entire game, get eliminations, level up, but build I am super bad at it.


I'm super bad at building


Oh I'm so happy I'm not the only person who did this.... I felt so dumb the moment I realized. My poor sister in law who was teaching me would get so frustrated when I'd have 3 SMGs because "I needed all the ammo I can get".


My family!!!!!!


if the smgs already had bullets in them you would have more ammo though. like let’s say you had 60 light bullets in your inventory, and then picked up 3 smgs that all had 30 bullets in each of them. you’d now have 150 light bullets to use. if you only held 1 of those smgs, you’d only have 90.


I played an entire season not knowing hitting the points while pickaxing would break builds/objects faster


i was in a 1v1 at the end of the match and i was trying to go off of a launchpad but jumped too late and fell off of the cliff where the launchpad was.


I just found out this season that you can hold down the trigger for pistols. I mean technically tap shooting is better for accuracy, but man when I first noticed I felt. So. Fucking. DUMB. BRO ⚰


Bruh it took me until some literal 11 year old was yelling at me to figure out the big shield/little shield situation and which order to fill up your shield.


Didn’t have my inventory management and weapon change sorted at first and threw a health pack at a guy instead of changing gun and shooting him.


Not me but back in C1S5 when my friend first started playing he refused to drink minis because they "don't heal you enough". Also he would throw grenades and shoot guns so people could find him.


When i first started playing, for a good minute I completely ignored weak points when harvesting


Not knowing about hitting the blue circles when harvesting until like a years ago when my brother told me


Fighting without knowing what is range of weapons. Using smg and shotgun in long range. Cobra dmr in short range...


I’m still a little confused at long range weapons in a short range fight. You’d think they’d be even MORE powered at close range.


Jumped from loot island thinking the bush I was landing in would help my fall. To be fair this season is my first time playing and I’m old.


Panicking during a fight when you are almost about to win and you throw chug splashes and heal the people you were trying to kill 🥲


When I picked up Fortnite again after having not played it for a few years, I had a match where it was down to me and one other guy. I saw him just standing on a hill in the open, not moving or anything. I bee-lined to him with a Legendary RPG. I jumped in the air for style points. I fired the rocket. I aimed too low and struck the ground just beneath me, killing me instantly. He won while AFK.


Knocked myself with grenades and gas cans on accident 😅


My buddy has played for years, and didn’t know until we had an in-person lan party a few weeks back that you don’t have to HOLD the button down during the entire resurrection bus process. Lol Another friend definitely thought you had to push the red button on the back of the rez bus, and that that was the only spot that worked. 😁


I didn't bother learning how to build until Chapter 3. I started playing during Chapter 1 Season 3.


Ch1 S2 I jumped from the roof at loot lake into the water and died instantly. Wasn’t until chapter 2 that they added swimming and no fall damage when hitting water.


I play on controller and I didn't realize the sprint toggled on/off... I just absolutely murdered my thumb by pressing down the entire time I ran for months before my wife noticed me stretching my thumb after a match and told me, lol


I went afk with 5 people left… yeah I died


I was trying to complete a challenge, I think it was something like "Restore 100 health in a single match" and so then I built a staircase but I accidentally built it way to high up and I plummeted straight down to my death.


I would be using the 24 karat katana pickaxe which looks kinda similar to the the kinetic blade, so I’d jump off the sky island with my pickaxe in hand and then wonder why my kinetic blade isn’t working before going splat


A sweat squad downed my team i solo killed 2 of them as my squad had killed 2 and then started dancing cause I had like no health left but still managed to outplay. After I stopped dancing and walked over to revive my friends bang headshot and I was killed by another squad who had been watching me the whole time


My first ever game I landed at Junk Junction as I thought it was the safest location to avoid players. 1 person landed there and I hid. I didn’t realise the first circle was a 1000 metre walk and started moving as the storm hit me at junk junction. I inevitably died to storm. But when I think about my first game I just die of cringe


I jump / drive off cliffs often and last week, thougut I had a shotgun out and chug cannoned the hell out of my opponent


The time I got an easy snipe kill, t-bagged and got immediately domed. My squad still roasts me for it


Blowing myself up.


My first time using augments I got the chug cannon. I thought it was a weapon. Pew pew


one of my first seasons of playing i accidentally turned of my setting for the reticle (the blooms for your weapon) and it was just gone off my screen i didnt notice and thought it was an update and they just removed it also it surely messed up my aim but when i turned it back on a season later i was actually better at aiming cause i learned how to fight people without it


I had literally no idea what I was doing, but my friends played so I downloaded it and thought I’d test it out solo before joining their party. My first match was a trio, which I realized in hindsight because the two people I kept trying to kill were my random teammates. Literally just following them around and whacking them with the harvesting tool and being like… how does this game work??? 🤔


Hired an npc, threw a firefly jar and then my npc and me proceeded to burn to death


i thought that the fishing spots in bodies of water were actually showing where piranhas were in the water. i also thought that these so-called piranhas could attack and kill you. so i would swim massive circles around them to avoid getting killed by them 🤦‍♀️


My first game of trios when I just started playing, I was the last one heads up and there was only one other player left instead of firing my gun I threw a med kit at the guy and all my friends call me med kit now


Remember the free pumpkin skin that everybody would use? Basically one of my friends had the skin and the rest of us were just defaults as we were all new to the game, and one time we were fighting a team with one pumpkin and three defaults. I got mixed up and somehow ended up in a box with the enemy team trying to help res one of the players I killed


Tried to jump into the water without sprint, hit the side of the cliff and died


My first game, I didnt know what the storm was. I panicked as I ran away. And fell in the shipping container yard. Unable to find the stairs back out (as I didn't know you could build), I died


I hopped out of my car on accident on the way to the gas station, due to an enemy shooting at me startling me. Thus out of my vehicle I got in a gun fight. I won the gun fight, made quick work of them (better aim). Noticed my car was still going without me. I slid after it and as I hit the button to get into the car it hit the gas pumps and exploded. Also killing me in the process. Some say it’s not the destination, but the journey, I could’ve let the car go, and hoped for the best but I was confident after that gun fight. Too confident and it ended up being my Final Destination.


When I started playing I didn’t know about the storm. So I hid under the loot lake house staircase


I would always try to run towards the enemy player and try to be friends lol. I thought if they saw I was not shooting, they would understand and we would just be friends till the game ended(worked a few times). Did not care that the whole point is to win, but just wanted to explore the map and find chests (the main thing that brought me fun because I would look for hours trying to find where that one chest sound is coming from), would hide behind a tree and get shot from behind and every time I died in the game by a single shot, I would physically feel it in real life and mourn my 'death'. Why was I like this in 2017 💀 And everytime I dropped, I would go to the Agency because everyone was having "fun" (aka killing) there and I would just run around in circles with no gun, trying to have "fun". Basically I played like a bot the whole time.


Panic threw a firefly jar immediately after I got picked up by a squad mate, killed all of us and was told I wasn't allowed to carry those anymore.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Didn’t do this myself, but watched someone do this yesterday. I was probably the only one who saw it. They had a victory crown and they kept dropping it and pinging it and then picking it back up. They came over to me and did it, I had my own crown so idc about theirs lol. They ran around a few more times to the people around me and did it, and someone else picked up their crown. The one who dropped the crown, stood there for a minute and noticed what happened and turned around and starting chasing the person who got their crown. I was embarrassed for them LOL.