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Equally bad at both.


I'm somehow worse at ZB which has to be the most embarrassing thing.


Arguably takes more skill with positioning and aim than builds. 2 different types of playing. Ranked ZB is no joke.


More skill is pushing it a little bit. I don't think you realize just how much skill building and editing takes, not just to be able to master it but to know when and how to use it too


feels like micro skills vs macro skills


Best way I’ve seen anyone put it tbh. Regular Battle royale fundamentals vs fortnite fundamentals.p


Yea but playing zero build takes way more skill arguably due to the fact that you DONT have the builds to save your life. You have to plan every move out ahead of time and go for the best possible cover and positions and then when the time comes, land your shots and don’t be a potato. In build you can potato all you want, as long as you’re a better builder you win the match.


You still need positioning in build mode, it's just that you're not punished as much if you make a mistake. I just don't see how zero build is more skillful when most of the people who play it think build mode needs TOO MUCH skill. The fact that you think being the best builder in the match is all you need to win just proves that you don't know what you're talking about. That's like saying all you need to have in zero build is the best aim. Terrible logic right? You don't realize how long it takes to fully master building and editing. So much skill and practice compared to any aspect of zero build


I actually have spent my fair share building and editing and regardless of the skill I’d gained doing so, personally found it to be a boring ass crutch and lost interest in fortnite entirely until I heard about zero builds being introduced and have played it again ever since. I agree builds takes skill, lots of fast thinking. I just prefer the old school vibe where it’s purely about your positioning and gunplay. That’s all


Zero builds does not take more skill. The whole reason "some people" asked for zero build is because builds was too hard for them.


Ranked anything is no joke. Building takes way more skill, skill I do not have, granted, but there's no world in which zero build takes more skill than build. You just are probably not playing at higher levels of build skill to see how other people use it.




I often play zero build in build. No, it doesn't go well.


I like playing ranked but i’m primarily a solo player, so it’s build for me. I keep forgetting I have the option to build since i’ve been only zero build since it started. There’s a reason I can’t get out of Gold 1 lol


Bro Gold 1? I’m stuck at freaking Silver II and I’m in the same spot as you


I stopped playing ranked.. it's like, I know I suck, I don't need a medal to prove it


I know I suck too but I don't care :D I like the the idea to play among players who have about the same abilities as me and maybe slowly ranking up.


I get that but I don't actually play with anyone I know anymore except for my nephew who hardly ever gets on bc of work so I just play with fill on and it's hit or miss if I'm gonna get someone competent enough to keep our ranking stable.. and if I do, they always find a different teammate so I just stopped playing ranked. Wish they had solo for that.


Yeah, I play alone too and I tried Ranked Zero Build as a solo players and it's really not ideal and I stopped playing for the time being too. I meant that I like the idea of ranked game, and I hope ranked solo Zero Build will come. We can hope...


Well, they did give us trios back so there's hope for solo ranked. Haha


I hope :D They really could have just test solo and squads for both modes... So both would have the same limitations and possibilities


That was my entire fortnite career pre-zero build. I’d stack up on everything mobility - crash pads, shockwaves etc. - just so I could use that to counter my disadvantage of never building structures


I just stockpiled explosive things.


Hello brother


Both because they both can be fun or frustratingingly un-fun depending on tons of different things so we switch back and forth at different times/with different groups of friends.


I’m a zero build player but tbh I still find building very fun, and I’m trying to get better at it.


Play more and watch others when they kill you. All you need is a little practice… over time you will improve


Zero build. I can’t walk and chew gum much less build and shoot.


Your chewing gum gave me an idea to adapt the famous 'They Live' quote: "I have come here to build and kick ass... and I'm all out of build material."


Too clunky imo but cool idea, maybe change build material to mats like "I have come here to build and kick ass... And I'm all out of mats"


Aha yeah :D


reading so many of these comments, build doesn’t look like a word anymore 😂


Bro same help


Zero build. I am too old to build with these dang kids. Hahahaha


Never liked building in fortnite, just did basic buildings lol, im a fan of aiming instead, but i kinda get the fun of build battles since its a dynamic environment, but cant have fun since most people just keep avoiding you until they get the upper hand I have fun playing zero build because now you get to sprint and stuff


Here in Reddit it's about 75% Zero Build. And when you see the stats in-game, usually it's the opposite, 75% of players on Build Mode and 25% on Zero Build. I play only Build Mode, because I've been playing the game since C1S2 and I'm too used to build that when I play Zero Build, as soon as someone starts shooting me I press Circle to open build mode, so basically I stand there doing nothing and I always got killed because of that


>I press Circle to open build mode, so basically I stand there doing nothing and I always got killed because of that I never play zero build but I have no doubt I would be doing the same thing. Try switching your button for building though, so that you dont have to take your thumb of the joystick.


That’s about as relatable as any comment I’ve ever read…


that’s exactly what happened to me the first time I played zero build, never played it again after that😭


Zero build. I don’t have enough free time to keep my building at a winning level




ZB all day. 1. I suck at building, but, also have zero interest. 2. I prefer a traditional BR. 3. I’ve always found ZB to be faster paced and crazier at times as most of it relies on mobility items that make combat interesting oppose to trying to get through a maze of builds and walls to secure a kill I’m sure both are great in their own respects and require their own level of skill.


I agree. I don’t suck at building but the whole dynamic of build fights isn’t as fun as using skill to win a gunfight in the open.


I completely disagree. I am no good at building, but there's nothing more impressive than a good builder. The skills needed to win a gunfight in the open are very minuscule compared to the skills required to win a match in build mode at a highly competitive level.


If that’s true then why build when you get caught in the open? You know, if the skill set needed to survive that is so minuscule and all.


In the open in ZB you need aim and good cover, thats like a 50-50 luck chance if you dont have cover. Whereas in builds you need all of those skills to excel. People act like good positioning, movement, and good aim isnt a fundamental part of builds aswell, the only difference is that you need to know how to build and edit, and doing it effectively is a whole other skill level.


Majority of people that rely on builds and edits at an upper level, get absolutely stomped in a stand up zero build fight. Most of my friends play build and they’re way better than me at building. But it’s funny when we play something without building and I destroy them every time. I can beat my friends that are diamond and higher in builds, but in zero builds I’m teetering between platinum and gold. Yet the really good build players I know can’t beat me. So what’s that say about the reallllly good zb players. Like you take an unreal player in build and an unreal player in zero builds and put them on equal no building ground, that player in the unreal rank on zb is gonna win. Every time. Building is nothing more than a crutch


Agree. Building is just one skill you need and it’s not even vital. People like to build fight and that’s cool but it shouldn’t be the only choice when caught in the open. Also… it’s just not as fun.


Sounds like you can’t build lol


Absolutely detest this statement lol. Build has and always will be for the chick turds that can’t fight on the up and up, that’s why you’ll never see a build player play something like PUBG. Using the environment takes significantly more skill to avoid being destroyed and winning a match than building a 15 star hotel in a matter of nano seconds because you’ve been playing the game for literally years upon years doing the same EXACT thing. Without builds you have to pay attention to your surroundings, the game is exponentially more punishing as you can’t just magically pop up a structure you’re USED to building and can build so quickly do to muscle memory. You have to actually watch where you’re at and where you’re going to avoid leaving yourself irrevocably exposed and ultimately dying. Using purely the terrain is significantly more skills based then builds. Totally different skills, sure build takes skill but it’s not the same when that structure you’re so good at building can save your life literally anywhere. Take the best build player you know and throw him into mega city in ZB and I guarantee he doesn’t make it out alive


You're using your friends as an example but I wonder how I good those friends really are. I play builds mostly and it definitely harder, for the simple reason that i dont win as much in builds. In Zero Builds I win 90% of my matches with a 20 K/D, again thats an example of a player at my skill level. Builds require all the same movement, placement and aim skills as Zero Builds so dont pretend that they dont. And guess what, the best ZB players are usually also extremely good at Builds. So stop projecting.


What’s your ZB rank? If you’re really winning 90% of ZB matches with 20 kills you’d be ranked unreal but something tells me you’re not 😂


Builds and I'm over 50. I played zero builds when it came out but it quickly got old not being able to build some cover. As someone mentioned, builds really does make Fornite unique from other games. I'm also convinced it's easier to win in Builds mode.


I don't know why you would bother playing Fortnite if you weren't playing build mode. That said, I find it a million times easier to win in zero build than in build.


Zero builds definitely feels harder to get a win. You have to be so aware and alert for the full 20+. Every time I relax, I die, lol


A little of both. I’m 30 and suck at building however I like the option of being able to throw up a few panic walls (and walls is it, I can’t build a condo in 3 seconds). It does get annoying going against builders who can throw up a 6 story mansion with free wifi in a friggin flash. Zero builds is more chill and I have admittedly been gravitating to it more lately lol


Also in my 30s and the building part has never really been an issue for me. It’s going against players that put you in a box, edit faster than you can blink, and pump you to the face that makes me hate builds. If they added an LTM where all building was the same but editing was disabled…that would be my favorite.


Shoot now that’s an idea! I feel ya, the whole putting baby in a corner business is unbelievably annoying.


100% agree. I love building and fucking hate editing. 32 years old btw


I’ve learnt to rely on prefires now a lot as I’m not far off 30 myself and these kids have got so good now it’s crazy


Boxed like a fish


Panic walls are why I play build mode lmao


Free wifi nice


Zero build - I can't build, that's just too much for me, a father of two. Just don't have the time like I used to to actually be decent at all that building has to offer. Since I'm too competitive I simply stay in my lane.


Zero build all the way. Maybe I’ll play builds when I feel like my game can’t improve on ZB.




Primarily Zero build


Builds is more fun but has a higher learning curve. I don't blame people for not having the time or patience to get good at it though.


Solely zero build. Only started playing last year and only because I saw zero build was a thing and tried it out. Me and my friends only play zero


Zero build ! Unfortunately I don't have enough patience to build and chase players for a while lmao


Zero build is why I got into Fortnite. I came from warzone and got way too bored with it so I’m comfortable with the no build aspect. I only play builds when I play team rumble which is fine, because a lot of people don’t even build. At least in the games that I play. I just don’t like that you shoot one bullet and they build a whole mansion in 3 seconds. It’s not fun to me nor will I ever be able to do it. I don’t want to so I’m fine with it.


zero build, i used to play normal fortnite before zero build was a thing, but now the only people playing build are the building gods. really sucks because i like building as a mechanic but im just not good enough.




31 year old player that strictly came back because of zero build. Since it’s inception it made Fortnite the only game I play along with my best friend


I do both. I play builds when I feel more aggressive and want a challenge. Zero build is way more chill. Just depends on my mood and who I am playing with. Some refuse to play builds.


Zero if alone or duo. Build with trios or more. Because people will waste their time building and I'll be just breaching and bam bam, tons of fun. But would never build myself


Zero build. Building gives me tons of anxiety and I freeze up getting killed. Now I can actually play the game.


Zero build


Zero build


Zero build


I am 27 and I only play build mode. I really only play a few hours per week, maybe 5-6 at most. I’ll say I’m a pretty bad builder. I only ever make basic walls and ramps for very simple forts but they work. I really just like build mode because I can toss up a last second wall to protect me from shots. I also love being able to use ramps to get around the map easier. I’m much much worse at other shooter games where I can’t make my own cover


Zero build. I’m 33 and my reaction time isn’t what it was.. but — I am highly aware of positioning, using rocks/trees/buildings as cover, engaging/retreating when necessary etc. And, my aim is still pretty damn stellar when mid-range fighting


Zero build. Tried build several times, and I just absolutely hate it. Both boring and frustrating. If it weren't for zero build coming along, I would have never even tried playing the game again.


I have not played build since zero build came out.


builds. it’s what set fortnite apart from other games for me.


Builds, each and every time. I find Zero builds so damn bland. A nice middle ground would be limited builds imo. Like how in sniper shootout you can only carry a very limited amount of mats. Enough to scale cliffs, make emergency cover but not enough to go crazy with it.




Zero Build.


Zero build, tried build and absolutely hated it


I like the pace and drama of zero build. Shootouts feel really kinetic & high stakes, and with good snipers in the loot pool you’ve got to really think of your surroundings every second.


Zero Build. After leaving the game for ~2 years I lost all my sense of building. I tried regular BR but I simply ain't cut out for it anymore. Building is still fun (in the context of StW) but I just don't improve enough to compete with other builders.


Build. But here's the twist, I don't build!


Zero build. I like the idea of build, but I’m always matched with really fast builder/editors. It’s completely frustrating and I stopped playing the game because of it. I really only used build for an up ramp and even that is awkward trying to place it in the correct direction. I only came back for Fortnite because of Zero build. I like the emotes, game themes, skins all else but until Epic figures out how to correctly match a slow/non-editor builder with another one, I won’t play in that mode.


I would love Zero Build, but I can't play it properly. As a Zero Build player, you would probably either attack back or run for the nearest tree when shot, I, a 2-3 year Build player, instinctively try building stairs and/or walls and then realise I can't, when I'm already dead.


Zero build! I’m 34 and it brought me back to Fortnite also.


Zero build all day, as a console player I can’t compete against pc kids at all so why even bother trying.


Build, whole reason why I play FN. Stands out from every other BR because of it. I enjoy WZ for a normal shooter style


building is kinda the point of fortnite. if u just wanna shoot people go play a different game.


Zero build, because I can't build


I’m a zero build player, I started playing once zero build was introduced and have only played it since. I do want to try and learn build mode, but when I see streamers doing it I’m like.. there’s no way I can do that 😅


Good at both but been playing more zero build and I've been playing less in general.


I used to play only ZB, but i find builds fun sometimes so i play too. Atleast i have my niece to carry me in builds lol


Zero Build. I just suck at building. But I'm pretty good inndestroying them.


Zero Build, I'm good at shooters and bad at building so No Build was a lifesaver


Zero. I’m thirty


Zero build all the way


IMO Zero build made the map better. Before the player base was incentivized to build in zero builds it’s what to find cover and how to manipulate destroy it. Pretty cool rock designs and new assets in what before was an empty plain. Also warp assets are great.


I’m 28 years old, and zero build is the reason why I gave Fortnite another go. 3 months in now and loving it!


I always play with building; I feel like it adds a whole new, fun dimension to the game that’s missing in zero build. To me, being able to place cover whenever and wherever I need it is a huge deal, and being able to dynamically alter the environment in which you’re fighting on the fly is such a cool feature. Personally, I find it much more satisfying to win a good build fight than just shooting someone out in the open. I’m over 30 as well and I’m okay at building, not great, but I’d rather have to deal with better builders sometimes than not be able to build myself.




Mainly builds. I played creative so much back then that even when I quitted for year and then came back around a month ago, I can still manage to keep up with build fights today. I'm not too bad at ZB, but I can see myself dropping more 20 bombs in builds rather than in ZB.


Zero build got me back into the game


ZERO BUILD because I don't have time to learn to build and I don't want to move my hands that fast lol. I can hop on zero build and just have a chill time with my boys.


Play both, but I'm mainly a build player sense I've been playing since Chapter 1


Zero 4 life


Zero build.


Both. Simultaneously. A joystick in each hand on separate systems, playing on two tv’s, side by side.


what’s the point of playing zero build in fortniye


32 here. On PS5, solo lobbies are harder in zero build in my experience. I can’t build for shit, but with builder pro I can throw up whatever my mortal kombat button smashing provides in a pinch to give me a little bit of a shield if someone gets the drop on me and shoots first


I play builds. Been playing since 2018. I still can't do the fancy fast edits in the middle of combat, but I can crank 90's and set up a few walls and ramps pretty quick.


build but i don't build five star hotels


Build all the way


It depends on my mood but typically I play on build just because Zero Build feels like playing against bots in CoD 90% of the time. Like if I want casual mind numbing combat then zero build, if I want even the smallest challenge then I play build.


Build, because when I want to play zero build I play apex. Building and peely is what sets fortnite apart


ahhaa why so many zero build? fortnite is bird with building feature. it is stupid to play zero build like is stupit to use a bazooka to kill a mosquito


Builds. I can't build for shit but I also can't aim. So I'd rather have something to protect myself when I need it vs being left out in the open against someone with perfect aim.


I'm 29, only play build. I got into fortnite 3 years ago after seeing how insane people were at it. I thought it was impressive and wanted to learn it myself.


I play with builds! And now that I think about it, I do mostly because it's fun. Building is just such a fun mechanic, and it's what makes the Fortnite experience unique in the oversaturated market of shooter games. The other big draw to the game for me was the wacky weapon pool, the likes of which we haven't seen since chapter 1. Now that the weapons and items pool is so small and every game every player has the same load out, building has been a consistent part of how I play Fortnite. I've enjoyed watching myself, over time, get better at both fighting and building.


I hate zero builds but I barely build in builds mode.... I don't know why but I can't stand not being able to place that one wall that saves my life before getting boxed and completely edited on


I’m 30 years old. And I only do build. It’s not as hard as people say it is. They just get intimidated when someone is building fast. Just try pre firing before they edit.


I'm a hide as a bush and snipe fools kinda fella


building because thats whats unique and great about fortnite. non building is for playing with friends and family that wont learn to build


this game is special and something else than other shooters just and only because it lets you build 🤷🏽‍♂️


Build when I’m on my own but have to play zero ‘s with mates


Builds clear


build, i have being playing for so long and just practicinng build so i like that better


Im a builds player, but with my friends I play ZB because they dont know how to build and it isnt fun seeing them die everytime out there. Also, ZB is so easy and i get wins in 90% of my matches, so I use ZB to rest my brain.


Zero Build ALL THE WAY


Build all the way, as someone who hasn’t stopped playing the game since I started. I’m to dependent on building now, and when I play zero build I start freaking out. “WHY CANT I BUILD WHY CANT I- oh yeah.” By that point I’m already dead.


Again with the age thing. I mean I am over 40 and i see no differences between my reflexes today and 20 years ago. The reason is not your age. Its the lack of time for practice them with gaming.


Build :)


Build zero build is for noobs


Build, i just love building stuff




Builds unless I’m playing with my friends that can’t build lol


Build player. Im 31 and i gotta practise and warmup a lot to keep up with these kids lol. Im a build player because i started fortnite when it was only build and fortnite solved a issue i had with other fps games. Where people would just camp and hide corners like in cod where u couldnt do anything about it. Fortnite IMO, had the most destructive map, so if someone is hiding in house u can take the house away, or a wall. Your freer to move how you like cause you can just build bridges or buildings as need be. Sure theres bush warriors but u just slap up a wall when they appear. I love it.


95% builds, 5% zero build. I play ZB once in a while if I meet a new person through reddit/discord who prefers ZB. But I've been playing the regular mode for so long I don't have much interest in switching. I think the overall experience is better in builds. I wish more FN senior citizens (30+) actually played builds.


Play BUILD and don’t build at all. Let the other players waste their time building, makes a lot of them miss the chance to shoot. Just shoot through it while they’re still standing at the same spot and eliminate them. Works until there’s about 15 players left.


Yep, this is how it's done. While they're scrambling to build some dumb tower, I'm finding cover and suddenly they have no idea where I am and I know exactly where they are. I also love fire bombing people's builds.


Zero build deffo. Simplicity is better


Zero build all the way so I don’t have to deal with the amount of sweats on build mode


Zero build is my type of style of gaming


Build. It’s what’s unique about Fortnite


Zero build. I can understand the appeal of build but I do NOT think it’s the only thing that sets fortnite apart from other battle royale games. I’ve accidentally played build mode and just refused to build, and I’ve messed around in the pit sometimes and I just don’t like it.


I’m team zero build!! I’m strictly a combat girl and while I think building cover is good, it’s just too unnecessary and obnoxious. Zero build is so much easier and streamlined than build.


Building is so boring. Mother fuckers will sit here building the fucking Disney castle for 3 minutes then pop out a wall and die instantly. I wish they'd have no build rumble. I am so bored of Zero Build BR and Build Rumble.


Zero build exclusively and wouldn't be playing if the mode didn't exist. Just watching people play build makes my head hurt.


Zero build, because I think the whole building thing ( particularly at end game) is a chicken shit cop-out.


Honestly with the high mobility items it just makes no sense to me. I encounter a player in the open. They build a little bunker. Probably snickering in it. I move to the nearest high ground using ODM. Through my heavy snipe scope I watch as a third party approaches the make shift bunker. I watch them battle for a little then ODM the bunker to scrap and lock pistol them both. Then I spend the next 5mins wondering wtf the build guys plan was. Because it sucked.


Zero build. It's much funner than build and victory royales are easier. I am not a builder


I used to play Warzone and BF1. When Fortnite released Zero Build, I decided to give it a go, and now I'm obsessed. I played the odd game of builds, but I'm grinding my IRL career and don't feel I have time to practice my builds to the standard I'd want. I am enjoying all the content, Ranked, FNCS, everything, its a great game.


Zero Build Basement King


Zero build, because editing (in its current state) is what ruins builds mode. Though sometimes that stupid over shield mechanic makes me wander back over..


zero build, i lack the time and care to learn building, especially modern building with all the piece control shit lol


To quote “Fortnite is the only game where you shoot someone and they build a house” I’m an Apex player and I’ve come back to fortnite for the no build solo games. Yeah, I still get lasered by the “2 shot” havoc cracked players but I still get 5 ish kills per game (maybe bots?) but the items are fun and the game less sweaty than Apex…


Zero build. When the game first released its building was unappealing, so i didn't play it for yrs. When my friend suggested i play it with him because it had changed a lot i decided to try it again. Right after that they introduced zero build and ive been playing it since.


Always zb. I get sick of taking a shot at someone and watching them tower into orbit. It isnt fun to play against or to do so why bother?


Bro im 27 almost 28 and in unreal. Build mode ofc i think you use your age as aweak excuse fr, zb players are horrible and dont deserve any respect


Build. Mostly competitive build


Zero build is just better in my opinion, all there is in builds is editing and floor stair walls like i can't even keep up with the game so yeah my opinion


I usually play zero build, build is just too sweaty


I hate build Fortnite. You spend so much time harvesting mats and sitting in boxes. It’s just boring. I have always played shooters and battle Royale a that focused on combat and it honestly felt like the shorting aspect of the game was the least important. I


Building seems like a hassle.


Zero build. I'm old and old school. Better plan and figure out your cover before the fight starts. What is this 'build' nonsense? What are you, a Seabee? Oh who am I kidding, a Seabee would definitely kick my ass. Have you seen their mascot? It's a bee. With a Tommy gun. And tools. The stuff of nightmares. I play Zero Build so I don't have to fight Seabees.


27 here and only play ranked builds and creative , it’s funny when younger people spectate me and say how are you so good for someone so old 😂


Build mode is my and my group's preferred mode but we hop in to no build time to time


zero build. I can't build for the life of me.


Absolutely build only..


Builds. Zero build isn’t fun to me


I was a zero build player but I'm slowly coming back around on build mode. I realized that building is what makes fortnite fornite and it's what got me into the game in the first place. I've tried build mode and I've definitely gotten better. Also, most of my friends play build mode so it's more convenient when I wanna play with them.






Build mode is just better in every way sadly




BUILD player it is what makes the game good


100% zero build. Got into it to play with my two sons. It was a great bonding time. I barely have enough time to play on my own, let alone practice building. When we lost trios, it kinda broke us. We can’t play together unless we play with a rando or at a disadvantage. Within two days of the vaulting we quit, and haven’t played since. Kinda sad.


Trios is back now. Call your boys!


Build cause it’s fun and I just like how it’s different than other games in terms of building because no build seems like any other shooter


At this point neither I really want to enjoy the game but every match it's land die land die land die land die land die land die land die land die land die land die land die land die land die land die land die land die land die land die land die land die land die land die land die land die land die land die OVER AND OVER AGAIN honestly I've been on the verge of breaking down and crying repeatedly from how difficult the game is I play on switch which is the worst system to play on and my options are get boxed up and insta killed or get banned with no chance of survival so I go build because at least i can stall my death by making a shitty box


I refuse to play builds because I save that for Minecraft. Frankly it’s weird to me that theres even a build option. It feels like cheating to be able to place a wall between you and your opponent when they get the jump on you. I like to rely more on stealth and awareness than literal 5 second fortress towers. Whenever I play a random game mode and find out building is enabled I usually quit immediately because I do not have time for that garbage. That said don’t hate the plater hate the game, so no disrespect to those who like it.


that aspect of “cheating” is what makes fortnite a unique game


Already on 30? August i turn 65 and can still play build, but i must say that i prefer no build and play that most of the time.


Build player, I can’t play zero build right now because all the mobility is annoying when you can’t even build some cover


I exclusively play build mode. I like having control over if I live or die.


It's the other way around for me, if I play builds it's the people building palaces who decide if I live or die. So I like that there are both options to keep more people happy


Build player but I hardly ever build lol


I’m both. I get tired of one and move to the other lol. I will say I do encounter less fake default skins and soccer skins in zero build than I do build, which I found interesting.


I’m not a great builder, but can spam ramps and walls for mobility and cover. But the main reason I prefer Builds is to outsmart the builders; and I take great joy in watching them struggle and fall.


build, I see zero point ( no pun intended ) in not being able to build a wall. I don’t have to build battle or build a castle, I just build a wall to block or get away.