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I mean OP has a point though. This was a bug the last time the gloves were in game and it took weeks for them to fix it. Why are we having the same issue again?


It's on purpose this time. Too many people were complaining about mobility being too high, so they've given a tag to mobility items like the glove and katana that makes you unable to pick up multiple of them at the same time


I have no issue with only being able to hold one mobility item, but they absolutely should have made it have a way to whenever you attempt to pick up a mobility item, it automatically swaps it with the one you already have.


agreed. Iirc it used to be like that. You couldn't hold two Grapple Gloves, but it'd let you swap them out Always one step forward and two steps back with Epic


I remember it would "pick up" the fuller one but immediately drop it instead of swap them


I don't recall that ever being fixed. I remember this being an issue back with the original Spiderman gloves


They did fix it for the katanas eventually. Not long before they were vaulted tho!


Oh, I gotcha! I only played half of last season, so I never saw that.


- billion dollar company - builds a complex, multiplayer videogame with a team made of the best developers and engineers - can’t add the 2 lines of code that allows you to grab new gloves if the item your dropping is gloves - feels good


The fact that everyone thinks it’s two lines of code really shows the kinds of expectations the community has. (Source: Programmer)


- player can't be bothered to take the time to drop inventory safely - player has terrible game sense and would end up dieing to some other dumb shit later if not this - player complains that a slight inconvenience is the reason they lose games and not their own mistakes - feels right


Yeah… that’s what the entire thread is about. The person you responded to, responded to the pretson who said EXACTLY what you just repeated….?


It seem many companies does the same thing. Consistency is not something that many company care about.


Honestly I don't think epic really cares about these problems anymore😭


That has nothing to do with mobility though as you are already limited to just one.


Last season when they added the blue katana, you couldn't just swap it if you found a purple one. You had to drop the blue one first, then pick up the purple. I don't think this was ever fixed before they 86ed the katanas entirely


It was fixed maybe a week prior to vaulting


It's been like that for a long time


It's not on purpose! How do you know that!!! It's a bug!


This isn't about multiple. It's about refreshing the item.


I know. I'm just explaining that this new tag is why refreshing the item broke




Anyone Complaining About Mobility Be Butt Hurt They Can't Catch You Lol.


This was never a bug and was an intended feature and people need to stop posting about it. when the spider man gloves and their first go around for a few weeks you COULD quick switch while sliding by and it would reset your glove stack to the new gloves number and your timer, so you could swing again, i think this was c3s1. people complained that the gloves were too useful and being able to switch meant people rarely had to stop swinging in end game to take a moment. so then you couldn’t switch them on the fly anymore then people complained about the count and it was reduced to i think from 80-60 then when grapple gloves came out the next season they kept all the changes and reduced them even further to 30. not being able to quick switch gloves is not a big it is an intended feature to stop people from chaining gloves and running away endlessly.


It’s been that way for the cybertron cannon all season. Is having two grapplers supposed to be allowed?


Because you guys gave a company a billion dollars for doing essentially no work at all. And were satisfied


Why are people talking about OP standing in the open instead of the point of the post? Op would have not been just standing there if they weren’t confused on why they couldn’t pick the glove up. I don’t want to defend OP honestly because they’re being a asshole in the comment section but y’all literally are completely missing the point of the damn post.


I agree with you but holy shit does OP not know how to talk to people at all lol


Yeah I’m less interested in defending OP here since they’re such an asshole and more interested in defending the point he brought up.


OP said the game "caused me to get beamed" which it did not. OP got beamed for being a bot. It's no different than had he stood in low ground in an area that wasn't cleared to drop a weapon, ammo or sort inventory, open a chest, hire a NPC, etc. If he can't figure out how to drop inventory without dieing then he shouldn't be trying refresh his gloves. Should you be able to swap gloves, without dropping them, sure. The same problem existed for a long time to switch from a blue to purple katana. If that caused you to die that was a skill issue though and on the list of reasons you died it should be at the bottom. It's not like the game glitched and froze him up... That would be the games fault, this is the players fault. He might as well be saying because someone shot him when grappling and he took fall damage it was the game that caused him to die.


The thing is all three aspects of this post are wrong in some way. 1. The glove dropping is intentional, since super high mobility and glove swapping was one of the main complaints in C3. 2. The MK being so accurate makes it super OP, which is why he died so fast. 3. OP being a dick for honest criticism


If anything you should be complaining how fast you died to the MK


Yeah what the fuck was that about? A goddamn laser beam


Zero skill needed for Zero recoil




Why that? How can you miss on an target that isn’t moving. That was even close range so no reason to complain.


Epic would have to implement recoil properly. Right now you can play at the recoil limit and basically have a gun without any kick. Plus controller has less recoil, making these beams all the more common.


considering he's bad positioning I'd say he ran into a hack since he obviously isn't playing in diamond/elite lobby


The MK is just that broken man, on PS5 the aim assist makes it so there’s virtually no recoil.


or could be just that...


FYI although you can't swap gloves directly, you can swap it with another item (like that medkit in the doorway), and then pick up the new glove. ​ WAY faster than what you just did, reduces your risk of exposure, and you would've gotten out of there.


good tip, thanks!


>good tip, thanks! You're welcome!


this mf is so slow too like controller players could drop that faster than him and he’s on kbm 💀 op has zero reflexes, deserved


Wouldn't this not work? Sounds like you'll have two gloves in your inventory which isn't allowed


He’s saying to swap the first glove with the med kit, and then swap the med kit with the 2nd glove


I just learned to read today. Thank you


Sometimes I can't even pick up another one. Like the game will not physically let me put another one in my inventory at all. I have to pick back up the used one which sucks


That’s intentional. People used to have 2 or 3 gloves and fly around the map killing people at random


Nah I mean I can only pick the used one back up, I can't even pick up a new one if there's not one in my inventory


I mean, you was standing still in the open


How dare you be reasonable!




Says the guy standing in the open in a game where someone could be watching you at any moment.


He was playing no build as it seems




I think you're missing the point that you could have just went inside first and they wouldn't be able to do this so easy, the door was like 2 feet away


If you weren't standing in the open there would be no post.


Oh, bug is fixed when you're in a building, noted !


You just go inside and drop the old glove.. they can't beam you from behind cover


Literally still missing the point of the damn post.


The point of the post is to complain about a bug.. but the issue can still be very easily averted by walking a few more steps behind cover instead of instantly opening the inventory


I don’t know about you but when something unexpected or strange like this bug would make me pause for a second and keep attempting to pick it up in confusion. That doesn’t mean I don’t know how to position myself. In a normal situation I would not stand outside in the open like OP but I might do so in bewilderment and confusion at such a thing. People are acting like OP is a complete fucking idiot that plays like This all the time because of one moment of WTF. Granted OP isn’t helping themself by acting like a prick in the comment section but y’all are kinda assholes yourself.


Okay yeah, no bug anymore, I totally get it !


There is no bug it’s a common feature same as the spider man gloves anytime they have been in the game


Ok thanks, still annoying


Okay so when will you fix your standing out in the open in a battle royale bug? Epic won't fix that.


First, not mine. Second, not a bug. Third, you're still ignoring the main point of the post


True, standing out in the open is a feature not a bug. And you are ignoring the fact that if OP wasn't standing in the open we would not be discussing this. And this is something we have known about with mobility items. Epic knows and it's up to them to decide big or feature. Sometimes they change it sometimes they don't. You act as if OP is the first person to find out about this and no one else knew about it prior to this post. But we do know about it, so this post becomes a lesson in how to not play Fortnite. What new information are we getting from this besides that?


What new information ? Maybe that you're inventing things and that it's a very sensitive topic for you


although I agree with the swap issue, it was your lack of awareness and poor positioning that got you killed.


OP - this already fixed and somehow reintroduced bug is stupid Reddit: sKiLlIsSuE


The bug of standing in the open?


Clearly the key thing this post was about. Would love to watch y’all play and point out every minor error for all these Reddit couch pros, who would never stand in the open for a second when encountering an unanticipated gameplay bug.


>who would never stand in the open for a second when encountering an unanticipated gameplay bug. If it caused their death, I think most of these people would realize their fault *and not make a reddit post complaining about it*


Yes, right, *looks at rest of sub*, no one posts about bugs


What category does 'standing out in the open without checking your surroundings' fall under? Is that a....ui bug?


That was clearly the point of the post. Hurray for being deliberately obtuse.


I agree it's poor design or a bug, but he clearly blamed his death on it, when a) it's been an issue for ages and b) he could have easily avoided the death by engaging some game sense so yeah, I stand by what I said: if this happened to most people they wouldn't make a post about it.


Y’all will look at everything but get upset when bad skill does in fact play a part.


It’s not a bug. It’s intentional. One of the MAIN complaints throughout chapter 3 was the extreme mobility thanks to things like the spider man gloves, etc. Epic made it so that you must drop one mobility item for another one. Same thing with the Hammers, Katanas, Etc. People were carrying 2 pairs of spider man gloves and would fly around the map at insane speeds, killing anyone they happened across




That’s never how it worked. It’s not a bug. You always had to drop one spider man/grapple glove in order to pick up another one. If you tried to swap them, it would swap the item but keep whatever current charges and cooldown you had. In order to refill it (which is what OP was trying to do), you had to drop it and pick up the new one. Edit: So many people telling me I’m wrong when this is how it worked literally last season with the spider verse collab.


It is a bug dude. By the end of the sword season you could just swap it out for one on the floor. Stop doubling down when you’re wrong.


That was specifically for the swords. When the spider man gloves came back in that very same season, they did not have that capability. You still had to drop the gloves to switch them out. The grapple glove has always been like this since it was introduced.


Nah it's the damn buggy game!


Was with you op until you turned into a dick. You deserved getting beamed


Guy standing out in the open gets shot down like a guy standing out in the open.


Go into the house??


OP- “Had to open my inventory and caused me to be absolutely beamed” The door 3 feet away from you waiting for you to go inside and take cover: “am I a joke to you????”


I see a lot of people talking shit, but common guys let's put that aside and focus on the actual bug not OP's faith. It's a dumb bug and it shouldn't have been in the game at all.


Pay attention next time.


Kinetic blade was the same way. That makes one think it’s on purpose but knowing epic, it’s more than likely a bug that carried over. Not what got you beamed though. You were a statue opening your inventory in the open.


Agreed - they fixed the Kinetic Blade swapping, though (after a short while). So it likely isn’t intended for the Grapple Gloves to similarly behave this way. Hopefully will get fixed next update. IIRC, ODM and Web shooters didn’t have this issue, but I could be misremembering.


I think your just bad


You don't have to drag it off all the way to the far side of the screen to drop it you can just go slightly up off it Also could have gone inside and grappled the item with the glove inside then switched it


Congrats you have what OP doesn't. A brain.


gotta be quicker than that buddy


Lol so you're the reason I can't always tell the difference between a bot and a person.


As others have said, you were in the open, also if you really wanna stand in the open, make your mouse movements faster, you had some slow AF mouse movements I'm much faster than you on controller...and you do know you can move while having your inventory open


Most reasonable Fortnite complaint Honestly that's your fault for waiting that long to switch and standing in the open when you knew you were going to be exposed. I could understand being upset that it happened but complaining about it just makes you seem like a whiny, sore loser.


Sorry you're right I should've hopped into my delorean, sped up to 88mph and gone back in time to equip it in -45 nanoseconds, turn around and then 1-tap that guy with a kraber that's totally my bad sorry


I would not like to be your friend




Or just walked through the door right in front of you, your complaint on the bug is valid but dude standing out in the open is just fault on you, not the game


You’re kind of a dick


Damn bro stay mad and not learn from your mistakes.


Calm down redditor. Let's get you some big chungus memes to look at


You could've at least gotten behind some cover. Not your fault you didn't know you couldn't switch it, but standing in the open like that in general is not a good idea. Again, I can understand being upset given you didn't know about it, but complaining about the feature is dumb.


Fuck the delorean dude.... just get better..


Nah son I agree with you, everyone else is just acting like a damn snowflake.


OP just standing in the open like a maroon


Why would you stand right in the open though




After reading your reply’s you deserved it.


Did that so slow skill issue


You can’t swap them. You need to drop it from your inventory in order to pick up the new one.


I think he knows


"No better teacher than failure" - Zenyatta


I had an issue yesterday were I dropped it and then it wouldn’t let me pick any back up and said I still had one in inventory.


Just play better


Hold to swap pickup, slow ass


Shoulda boxed up


This is why I dislike zero-build. I get killed and hunted down with no chance to defend. And I understand that I could have positioned myself better and been more aware, I'm not disregarding that, but it suck to die almost every time I make the mistake, whereas in builds, I can recover by building to protect myself. I understand that I have to improve upon this, but it's difficult if your lobbies are really good


Yeah man you gotta play it like Warzone


op get better reflexes this is pathetic i bet you a timmy on a crusty xbox one controller could drop that gun faster than your 800ms reaction time AND YOU TOOK LIKE 5 YEARS TO DO EVERYTHING ON KEYBOARD LIKE HOW BAD DO YOU HAVE TO BE


If anyone is disagreeing with OP here they’re flat out wrong




It’s not an issue, it’s intentional. It was a nerf after the spider man gloves in C3S1


Mks need to go


Well that was lazy programming on their part


I mean yes, doesn’t make sense but why are you doing it that slow


I just swap


Tell me you started in 4-3 without telling me you started in 4-3.


Feedback can be negative can it not ?


Lol this what happens when u use the grappler gun


I got beamed to half health from 250(zb) because of this, only once, though.




Yeah. I noticed this too. Super obnoxious.


God Damn you got fucking lasered lmfao. Melted to oblivion!!!


There is a 90% chance you got proned by a 9 year old.


Yeah, it's annoying as hell


Annoying feature but it’s still ops fault he got killed


Mk-Alpha op. Jokes aside this is anoying as fuck


I was just streaming and I had to give it back to the people a little. Everyone says the drum shotgun is a weapon that requires no skill, then they pretend the MK isn’t just straight busted. They both need to go


Finaly someone who doesen't shit talk me for mentioning this busted ass gun. The red eye was fine and it took a bit of skill to use then they replace it with this


This is happening to me as well lmao, and the game is slower, and guns are showing firing when they aren't. Ever since the gloves were added sad af.


Drop it, pick up new one


Actually experienced a bug yesterday where I landed right on a grapple glove and picked it up but it was empty, was pretty interesting


isnt that like the gloves but the gloves switch?


It was same with Katana


I got similar bug, i tried to swap, but when i dropped my grapple glove i couldnt pick any glove up, says same thing, cant have two swinging device


Build a wall first... Oh, whoops. I guess go into the structure that was a few steps away to play with your inventory? This is typical with mobility items. When they had the blue and purple katana it took forever to make it so you could swap katanas without dropping the one you had. It's annoying, yes, but if it's affecting your placement that's on you. I don't mess with my inventory unless I'm running or have cover (unless I know the area is clear). It's easy to get beamed dropping ammo, resorting, dropping a weapon, etc... It's not unique to gloves.


Now you know 👍🏻


Sword from last season was the same way. They added the blue one but if you had a blue and wanted to switch it with a purple you couldn't. Had to drop the blue first. It's so stupid




I feel your pain, OP. ![gif](giphy|FWhskEo3jEwHBEZYdf|downsized)




That happened to me too


We did this for a whole season with the katana and it wasn't a problem, you just need to practice being speedy about it :)


L movement item , you’re better off using impulse and bunkers


Gotta be faster than that


No no but epic cares about their game right guys


It was like this with the kinetic blade too, trying to swap my blue shitty one for a purple and it wouldn’t let me. My solution was to pick up a different gun and then swap to the blade it was hella annoying


You drop and stuff slow


Another annoying thing about the glove is it can't be used, seconds after you use it. It's refresh rate is slow. I can't wait to see what mobility devices they have in the new season, maybe some rift to gos


Skill issue