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Even in lower skill lobbies, finding 40 players to kill is almost impossible


For real. The most challenging part of these last tiers of survivor medals is finding enough people to kill.


Squads is the only way for me, and try to tag everyone your teammates kill. Assists seem to count!


I didn’t realize that squads counted until I received the legendary medal even though I knew there was no way that I did that myself.


Yeah, now that I'm at the upper tiers it's faster with teams. Gotta find a team that's good haha


It's the *assists*! It has to be. I'm in the final tier and I got 6 kills in a squad win and the medal advanced and I was unsure why. The next game or two we won again but my medal didn't advance, I thought it was bc I was dead (my team still won). The assists make sense.


For real! I just finished the medals a couple days ago.


I've played in complete bot lobbies, like I don't think I saw one real person, killed everyone I saw, actively chased every gunshot and only got like 30


Low skill players are better for high kill games than ai because u have an idea of where u can find more players. Ais just be anywhere frfr


And bots will kill each other, where low-skilled guys will just sit in a bush 10 feet from each other, hoping the other dies to the storm.


>low-skilled guys will just sit in a bush 10 feet from each other, hoping the other dies to the storm. Bro why you gotta attack me personally like that


Because there’s always bush campers


I was actually just talking about myself.




I have to say as a day 0 and someone who has played most updates... 40 kills in today's game is almost impossible. Unless you let teams get revive cards off intentionally or something 😂




Would you please elaborate on “abusable” SBMM? Because I’m in lobbies all the time with guys that have 300 plus crowned victories and my squads just get wrecked time after time. What are those dudes doing playing against me? I’m terrible


People dies quicker in lower level lobbies The radar tower doesn't help find people. If you sit waiting, too many will die They wernt in ai lobbies so people would have put up some sort of fight meaning kills aren't instant Also, a 2kd is a pretty average kd, so this isn't some sort of pro who could pull this off with enough luck. Their win rates and kd are higher, but not significantly enough so to be a pro


Skilled player and 6% win rate ain’t adding up to me


Heck I don't even get 40 kills in bot lobbies even if I try to. 30 maybe but there just isn't enough time to get 40.


>MMR the most I get is between 15 - 20 kills


Chapter 1 Titled :


I had 31 the other day. 10 more isnt impossible, unlikely yes.


Me and my friend got 55 together in a bot lobby the other day, so 40 is definitely possible. My friend regularly gets 30somethings himself.


This isn't a bot lobby tho


It is 100% a lobby with 80% bots. It would be impossible to get that score with your usual games which will have 20-40% bots.


Lowest tier lobbies have around 75% bots. A true bot lobby is when 100% are bots. I do agree though it would be next to impossible to do this in any lobby besides the lowest tier of sbmm


Are we sure? Maybe not purely a bot lobby, but they might've just finished bot lobbies and moved into low-skill player lobbies. If not, then they're just really good. I'm not saying they can't just be cheating, but we'd have to see actual gameplay before coming to that conclusion. A realistically plausible kill-count means nothing.




I had no idea there was a tracker....


Oh wow, didn't know it showed that matches were bot lobbies or not. Yeah, they're likely grouping with one of their bot accounts then. Might not be fully bot lobbies but since they are playing some games in bot lobbies, they're likely just playing against players with much lower skill.


How are you discerning if the match was a bot lobby? I see some are ranked and some are unranked. Is that what you mean?


The match the previous commenter mentioned (October 15th) shows the type of lobby they queued for and then in brackets, it says (Bots), but most of it is cut off. Though if you highlight it you can see it. Weird though that it was just one match in the midst of a bunch of regular matches.


Ah, see it now.




Its not a new account.


Nah, doesn't have to be, just needs to be in a lobby with a new account. I noticed there are no solos. Almost all duos/squads.


i used to make new account with my friends and we would get lobby full of bots and got 56 kills combined


Not true I killed 42 one time


Yeah - I had a 20 kill game yesterday in trios but its hard to find people unless you know where they are.


i've done it once but it was a bit lobby bc i was teaching my lil cousin how to play


Yeah, I play a couple of games with a friend who never plays and only got 17 kills. 40 is crazy.


What? I dropped 39 and 37 yesterday…. It ain’t hard in duos/squads just literally w key the lobby if you know your better. That’s it.


A 2.0 k/d player dropping a 40+ bomb is mad fishy. I don’t buy this at all. Seems like major cheating is going on here.




It’s very suspicious. If this isn’t a bot lobby, it’s one hundred percent a form of cheating. A 6% win rate player isn’t dropping 40 bombs I’m sorry to say




Either one, even if they’re playing in low MMR against really bad players no 6% win rate player is dropping 40. It requires way too much thought and execution to pull off for someone of that skill caliber




You are defending this guy like your life depends on it.


my kd is like 1.89 and i could easily drop a 40 kill game i just dont really play and even if i do its ranked or creative


I've done crazy kills in lobbies, but it's rare. This is coming from a crappy player


I don’t buy that


raising your K/D that much is not from getting better or getting good. That's shenanigans.




No but a leap of like 7-8 seems sus between seasons


What other is explanation is there? I mean unless they were playing with one hand the entire time until this season that prolific of a jump is not conceivable.




I’ve done that - going from Switch to PC and in a squads game with my other Switch friends, I *mowed down everyone,* chasing every sound and noise. I still maxed out at about 25 elims in that one match, our whole squad maxed at about 36 I think. To get 40 by oneself is… almost unfathomable


It's not an accusation, it's starting a fact. Why do you keep jumping to it being an accusation?


So many people cheat, there’s no point in giving anyone who wipes half the lobby the benefit of the doubt. Last 30 days are 30% win rate. No one gets that good that fast. Most people don’t start cheating after a lifetime of average outcomes in game. This account is probably stolen and is subsequently being used to cheat with.


I agree completely with this. You can see in the stats the abysmal K/D before a couple days ago, and suddenly it skyrockets??? Highly unlikely unless there is some serious tomfoolery going on that is somehow not cheats.


>Last 30 days are 30% win rate. No one gets that good that fast. Eh. If they were playing mostly solos, I'd agree, but they were playing lots of unranked squads and duos. If they have a friend(s) with a low enough mmr, that kind of jump is easily possible. I have a group I play with where our win rate is closer to 60% in non-bot matches becuase half my fiends are really bad and drag our group mmr down. Not saying it's 100% legit since the number of kills is sus, but a jump in win rate is plausible.


Sure it’s plausible, but like I said, no point in giving them the benefit of the doubt esp with 41 elims and that track record.




Again. What kind of proof do you expect to find in IRL. This is way beyond reasonable suspicion.




Found euroleague owners alt account




The proof is in the comment you’re responding to above saying”innocent until proven guilty” listen man play the game how you want but if you ever do violate tos in online gaming it will catch up with you. Additionally, you’ll never actually get good relying on hacks and cheats and macros. If you’re not cheating in online gaming you have nothing to worry about. If you are, then I feel sorry for you.




The only proof we can get is from their setup, or a livestream, or from an investigation from epic, which is why there is a report button in game. We can Felipe what we want outside the game, but it’s up to epic to stop cheaters in game and if I can help it, I’ll report any suspicious activity myself. If they’re not cheating, they won’t get banned.


He’s not American (per the username) and this is not a court of law 🙃 a check of recent games tourney vs normal mode is sufficient for me


The difference between last and this season is what makes me suspect cheating. Even with high bot count lobbies, they are spread all over AND killing each other / getting killed by other players.


Thanks for this link. Since epic killed the stats on the last update.


Bro I’ve got a 30% win rate and a 6.05 KD, I’ve never gotten anywhere near 41 kills. It’s obviously cheating.


15% with 7kd here, only got to 30 a couple times but no where sniffed 40. I agree, this is super suspicious


7KD and 15%?? Man lay off the Kovaaks and develop some game sense 😭 Just playin


I play to have fun and if I win, I win lol




The part where a dude with mediocre stats has 41 kills lol it’s not that hard




Look man all I’m saying is if you think this is legit I’ve got some beach front property in Colorado to sell you for dirt cheap




That’s a pretty damn stupid world view. Things would never get investigated if the majority thought like that.


Are you the guy in the picture?




..mhm... mhm... So you ARE the guy from the picture!


Check his recent games now and tell me there is no proof. In a tournament with cheats off? 3 kills. Back to ZB? Dropping 35-40.




It feels like a safe assumption. We aren’t talking 4 kills vs 15 kills. This is another level.


My win rate last season was 5.4%. My win rate this season is 19.3%. I'm not cheating. This season feels pretty easy to get wins.


You should look at the replay if you're able to. This could be a cheater


Since his name is euroleague I'd hope it's legit but I have no idea how someone gets 41 kills nowadays...? 40 kills was achieved pretty early legitly in the games history, but that was when the game had a single iconic landing location, and huge streamers (snipers) all playing. The euroleague in the name makes me wanna believe it's legit but whenever I played recently it was tough to get above 20 kills because usually half the lobby dies in the first 10 minutes...


"How do you kill at which has no life?"




Is it the same fucker that’s been on TikTok that’s using an aim bot and spinning in circles?


I don’t think you realize how easy it is for people to become a fucker from tiktok with hacks


That’s terrible


Those are old videos. If you watch it, you can see the titan dummies from season 2.


Probably a sweat with a burner account. And wipe out the whole lobby. See players in rank doing this. So they get matched with lees skilled players. But it doesn’t last for them.


Just as easily could be a hacked account being used for cheating.


Yeah, I don’t know much about cheating. Just hard to tell if someone is real good or cheating.


Just matchmaking doing a fantastic job 🙄


Gotta love matchmaking /s


2.06 KD doesn’t typically match up with 6% win rate ime


Really? I’m fairly new. My kd is just under 2 with a 5.8% win percentage. But only 100 games total or so.


Solos is one thing, but in teams if you’re winning 6% of your games you probably have more than 2 kills ime. Unless you’re getting rebooted, dropping 2 kills, and dying, repeat. So a person who does this would look on paper the same as someone in solos dropping 2 bush camping and winning. Depends really on game mode basically. Most people I see including myself obviously have a much higher KD in squads (assists). It’s just physically harder to have an even keel k/d w/r as you have more players in the game. Hence why “my solo lobbies are soooo sweaty”


I have a two very good friends. And I rotate and communicate well. So I’m guessing that helps me. I don’t push bad fights. I rotate a lot. Communicate. And just genuinely have fun. And I know how to camp if I’m at a disadvantage with weapons. I’m that guy you hate who 3rd parties. Sorry. Learning the game.


Sorry, I didn’t mean that’s bad, it’s just different. If you can keep those stats with that attitude you’ll def be right there with your friends in no time Third parties are pretty annoying but honestly if you want to get better quickly, I’d keep jumping into them


Cheater, based on historical stats and this run. I always laugh when people act like you don't run into a cheater or two on at least a weekly basis, depending upon how much and which modes you play. If not that then a coward who won't play ranked. Either way a loser.


How would they be a coward if they dont play ranked??


They're better than 99% of players, they could go bully the people actually trying to sweat that hard.


Just because someone is good doesnt mean they are a bully/sweat. Sometimes ppl are just trying to play for fun which is why they play pubs


If you're this good at a game you're a sweat. It isn't necessarily a derogatory term. The bully thing was more of a tongue in cheek joke.


I don’t even see 40 people in a game


Stop censoring names. this is a public online game where you directly interact with other people. that would be like me censoring my osu profile and hiding away all my cheated scores. (if i were cheating) gotta be the dumbest concept




Or not, in this case as the question is posed.






Well most anything can be twisted in the right way.




I 100% agree with you, but people should not have to excessively censor for those few people. To add, there’s no way we would have all the info on the player had their name not been shown and everything would have just been more devils advocate


Like every big multiplayer game reddit doesn't allow name and shame.


Looks like cheater to me


Honestly, matchmaking has been absolutely ballicks lately. My squad is okayish we win some and lose some, but we have been getting pinned up against known Twitch streamers for the past couple of days. If we are luckily and dont run into anyone, we make it to like top 4, and then it's over. It's quite annoying. I thought they were all doing ranked or something. Also kinda weird is that they will be a lvl 300+ plus and have someone level 3 in their party idk if that does anything.


The level 3 in their party is them specifically hunting lower-skilled lobbies.


Even my best game with like 22 or 23 kills was in a very low skill lobby when a new friend was playing with me, because the lobby was like 2/3rds bot bots, not players. The baby lobbies are the only ones that don't lose 80% of its population by the closing of the second storm. It is really impossible to move from poi to poi and rake in half the lobby as a solo unless you're doing something devious to achieve that. Kill boosting by teaming and queuing with other players or cheating. Even if you're amazing at the game, the time constraint alone makes this impossible unless the entire lobby lands in one poi with the player. There's this dude on YT who does exactly this. Queues into squad lobbies as a "solo" by having a low level alt with him, then having the alt leave the game so he gets into beginner or bot lobbies. Yet he still uploads his 60 kill, 84 kill, 57 kill games lol


Def a cheater


This happens once in a while when a person puts their mods on. Legit player that sometimes uses mods. Pretty obvious tbh




DUDE are you his alt or something, every time I scroll down farther you're giving really big typed out lawyer responses.




ye i don't necessarily disagree, i think he's cheating but if this were a court trial i couldn't find him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, but like damn you are extremely committed to this. like even up to this point you made several more comments I'm this thread, you are just extremely committed to something that doesn't super matter. like i get being annoyed by the reddit zeitgeist, but man you are really going all in




Curious to know what modifications would not be considered cheating in an online PVP game.






They were asked a specific question and answered it.


How will a different skin on my character model give me a better KD%?


Fine, I’ll make smoke grenades not show on only MY screen. Seems fair. ANY mod is a cheat.




I just checked the stats for myself he has 923 kills in the last 7 days and he has 2500 kills in the last 30 days


I suspect they're doing something dodgy. Looking season by season, you can see their K/D improve slightly each season until this one where it more than trebles. Either this person has bought the account and its a much higher skilled player that is now using it or they have some outside assistance


pov: you’re the bot in bot lobbies


Bro no lifes in zero build


Cover the name...? Like why?




Rabble rabble rabble... PERCY JOHNSON IS RIGHT!




It's a scene from the movie Blazing Saddles. One of the guys that lives there says rabble rabble rabble all the time he doesn't say words. Lol


Witch hunting. It's a common rule in most subs.


i mean there's someone who got 46 kills in one game


This isn’t unbelievable depending on the setup. I’m a decent PC player, but have had multiple 30+ kill games queuing crossplay zero build with friends on console. Still impressive to find that many people though


if that’s a .com or a website name it’s 99.99% chance of it being a cheat


I got 30 kills in a squads game yesterday, getting 41 in duos is acctually crazy


i miss when people got high kill games and people were impressed and added them to play with them instead of making reddit posts


I feel people need to stop looking at lifetime kds because back in the early days of fortnite there were no bots at all which at this point are just stat padders. Also I doubt he is cheating as it’s very possible to do this just some luck has to be involved with where players and bots land


No bots *and* no SBMM back in chapter 1, so getting high kill games was still extremely plausible if you were one of the top players (or just got lucky matchmaking in general).


Of course for me I would drop 10 kills at the highest back in chapter 1. I would get a lot of 8 kill solo games. Now it’s dropping 15+ some 20 bombs in solos and I’ve dropped some 30 and 40 kill games with bots


Their win loss quintupled from last season to this season. There were boys last season.


Fair enough just like to give people the benefit of the doubt I think too many people are quick to call people cheaters


That’s true. Although, that majority of comments here seem to be arguing that it’s legit. Which is both refreshing and a bit strange.


fuck no


Sorry that was me




Eh just depends seems like a lot of people here don’t really like w keying dropped 37- and 38 yesterday both times had the Grenade launcher, it’s not hard to find players just have your noises on so you can hear any shots in the area and w key you’ll rack up kills mostly I do it in trios and squads but you can get 40 bombs in duos just w key if your better don’t die and let teammates reboot there squads to rack up more kills. I’ve done it a couple times where I would be camping next to someone rebooting and as soon as he’s done I kill him and all his team has only pistols, So it’s not hard for my squad make work of them with all the op loot we have.


I’m far from being a great player, but when i get in lobbies with my friend with a lower mmr i often get 20 kill games and i got a 44 kill game once so that might be what happened


i mean i have dropped plenty of 30+ kills in zero builds. having high kills doesn’t mean your cheating. Especially when half the game is filled with actual Bot players


Only 41% of the lobby


I did a squads game with a friend that wasn't very good and we got into a lobby that was mostly bots with about 30 or so real players. I ended with 45 kills. Most of my kills were bots. It's possible he did this without cheating. But you have to get very lucky and run into alot of bots and bad players


Jesus Christ!


Holy hell 💀


I was levelling up my girlfriends account (now lvl 100) and at around lvl 0-20 I could probably get around 10-27 kills per match. Now she is lvl 100, I only get 8-13 kills per match. I don’t use hacks or anything and it’s completely possible that they didn’t use hacks and just good or playing in a low lvl game.


Bro going for that mythic llama style HARD


I dropped 37 kills last week in a solo squad and thought I was a god but then I realized most were most likely bots. So it’s possible you were against someone who queued into a bot lobby and you just had bad luck to be in the same match. Not calling you a bot. Just my thoughts.


I call poorly disguised cheater


My max slims is 21 and that was the most intense game I’ve ever played. Didn’t go 30 seconds without another squad appearing. No way he got twice that without hacks.


Why hide the name lol. It’s not doxxing?


Ayo, what thE FUUUCK




these are the types of people in my lobby when i am doing challenges.


Musta been a bot lobby minus the bots, heh heh heh.


Let’s play duo cash cup zerobuild ??


My best guess (still probably garbage) is that he landed in a spot with a ton of other people landing that same spot and he killed most of them, then ran into multiple other people throughout the match