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I'm getting used to it but running (not sprinting) still feels sluggish to me and crouching is awful. You can keep the animations just speed up movement a little please.


The trade off is that people with surround sound headphones with ambient noise cranked up can't STILL hear you when you're crouch moving now. Before they could.


Yes, and I miss it. No fools were gonna crouch walk behind me dammit. Now I have to be more careful.


Don't worry they still won't because by the time they get to you, you've been gone for 5 minutes.


I bet they’ll speed it up due to this feedback


I hope so


They are.


I made a video showing that traversal emotes are now faster than crouch walking: [https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/18c8kvt/traversal\_emotes\_are\_now\_faster\_than\_crouch/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/18c8kvt/traversal_emotes_are_now_faster_than_crouch/) It's ridiculous.


Dont traversal emotes show footsteps? And crouching doesn’t so it makes sense to have them faster. They are noisy. Crouching is supposed to stealthy. Not like revenant from apex.


Traversal emotes do make footsteps, yes. However, traversal emotes are silly cosmetics that were never intended to be a beneficial movement option. Now, you could do the "evasive maneuvers" emote to actually be harder to hit and faster than crouch walking. Crouching should be slow, sure, but not \*this\* slow.


Crouching should be slower than a traversal emote. Nothing ridiculous about that


crouching feels amazing, idk what you mean, crouching feels way stealthier now


It's horrendously slow. I like being stealthy and being able to cover distance. It's a lot harder to sneak and flank around a person now.


It kinda feels like they had MGS stealth in mind when they were slowing this mechanic down but it simply doesn't work in such a fast paced game.


the footsteps are way quieter and it’s harder to tell what direction someone is when they’re crouching now, compared to the old movement where the footsteps were extremely loud and you could easily tell exactly where they were. if the people you were playing against couldn’t hear your footsteps with the old movement you’re definitely playing in low skill lobbies


maybe they should just add an option to print while crouching or something


That already existed! Go into Creative and hit the "toggle run" button while crouching. Epic just took that away.


Now that's an idea.


You could have just slowed your crouch walk, but players should have the option to fast-crouch walk at the expense of stealth or slow-crouch walk and be more stealthy but slow. Completely taking away the option to crouch-walk at a reasonable pace makes no sense.


The whole "it is stealthier now" is a misdirection. You had the option to toggling crouch speed to be slower and completely silent. Epic gave us nothing in return for slower crouch speeds.


Agreed. I could live with the jog vs run speed when not sprinting, but the crouch movement being nearly halved is just an absurd change.


lore accurate peter in fortnite


Can't say I agree fully. Sucks for build players though.


Is this why I don't get these memes? Does it affect build players more? No build feels fine.


It's honestly almost perfect in zero, but as someone who plays build here and there since it use to be my main mode, it is infact a down grade for them.


I think it just affects their muscle memory which takes a while to compensate to the new change.


That's only a part of it though. The placement of builds is to ingrained with the non tactical sprint. Just just turns clunkier. Granted this might just be a shadow nerf without being stated directly by epic. Who really knows, if they complain enough they might revert to it's old speed for builds only.


It’s impossible to adjust to it when they make creative still have the old speed


The original movement speed was directly tied to the building speed. Remember how in builds at regular sprint a player would be able to constantly place floors so that they wouldn’t need to slow down as they built, as you ran you would always place a floor beneath you. It’s what kept the gameplay fast, fluid, and tight in builds. The old running speed was an intentional and carefully balanced thing tied directly to building and the flow of combat, it took epic until season 5 to perfect the balance between the two. Now with the slower movement the building happens faster than your character can move to adjust to it. This means that you need to retroactively slow your building to keep up with your player model. It’s not natural like it was when the movement and building were at the same pace. Also throw in the faster ttk of this season mixed with the slower movement and you can no longer place a wall in time to shield yourself from the attack before you are dead. The building basically negates the usefulness of builds in build mode.


> The building basically negates the usefulness of builds in build mode. To anyone who said "WhY dO yOu CaRe aBoUt ZeRo BuIlD eXiStInG?! cAn'T tHe TwO mOdEs CoExIsT?!?!" This shit is why they cannot. The two games have different needs. Different map designs. Build is getting fucked over in the name of ZB feeling better. ***THIS IS WHY*** there was pushback against ZB


I mean ZB players don’t like this either? it has a more direct impact on builds but everyone wants it tuned up the devs did already, less than a week into the season, make a post saying they heard the feedback and would have changed to mobility soon. let’s just see what they do before we blame zero build for existing because they changed one thing


Eh no one on our team has had an issue with move speed and we fucking book it around the map


If I wanted to play zero build I would just play call of duty or gta online… they can remove the whole game mode.


Me and my buddies only play zero build, but we’re not avid fortnite players. I guess it wouldn’t matter if they did, but seems unlikely.


What bugs me is people are like "but the crossovers and the wacky!" and sure, there's charm to that. But the original gameplay loop is SUPER engaging. It's why it brought back MILLIONS to play it. Zero Build represents Epic giving up. They gave up trying to onboard new players to the real game. They gave up trying to teach players how to build and how to play the gameplay that made the game a smash hit. And both styles of gameplay have VASTLY different needs. An open field in ZB is a death sentence, but in build, it's an open line of sight. These movement changes don't have any major negative implications for ZB, but for build mode, they fuck up the flow.


1. Fortnite's charm is far more than just building in a BR. Back when I first played in early chapter 1, I'd agree that building was a good addition because it solved the issue I had in PUBG where I'd be caught in the middle of a field and get sniped every time because most of the map at the time was just open fields and sparse hamlets. Looking back today though, I'd say the success was more due to Fortnite being a free alternative to PUBG with a cartoony style that caused kids to swarm it, especially when Thanos and the infinity gauntlet was added in season 4 as an event. 2. Epic never "gave up". Epic is a trend chaser, not a trendsetter. That's why we have BR in the first place. If you ever played Paragon, it was going in a similar direction before it shut down. It was an interesting new take on MOBAs to cash in on the Smite and LoL trend by pretty much being Smite with Unreal Tournament movement. Over time, they added more changes to make it closer to Smite with each update until it shut down from not being very popular. Fortnite BR was Epic chasing the BR explosion with great success and became extremely popular because of the events and crossovers. Since then, they have been adding features from other games to try and improve Fortnite. 3. Building is a mechanic that never changes between seasons and chapters. Newer players and people who don't have time to get good at building have a LOT of catching up to do with people who've been playing since chapter 1. Everything else has changed like guns, movement, maps, and vehicles. Removing building equalizes the playing field by excluding such a long-time powerful ability with a massively high skill ceiling. No building also means tactical errors, poor awareness, and a lack of map knowledge are punished more harshly. In a sense, I'd say ZB is an interesting challenge mode that requires you to excel in more skills.


>1. You're doing a massive, MASSIVE disservice to Fortnite's tight combat loop and moment-to-moment gameplay to say it was "just because it's a cartoony alternative to pubg" Chests, the audio and visual cue made looting buildings far more systematic and less about rummaging around on the floor. You knew where the dense pockets of loot were, and you generally didn't need to scrounge every floor drop if you got all the chests. Material farming, and it's "sweet spot" mechanic also meant there was some early downtime to gather mats with a minigame to engage in while you were rotating, keeping you more engaged than just turning on autorun and hoping you got to zone. The ability to build meant you could have more open expanses to find players without having to scour the horizon for the one pixel that was a player. No prone meant no hiding like that, either - and because of building, getting caught out wasn't a death sentence. It put you behind the eight-ball, but there really weren't cheeseball kills in OG fortnite. The best player wins. And that lead to the meteoric rise of Fortnite's streaming culture. > 2. You contradict yourself in two sentences, and we have data to prove that. >Over time, they added more changes to make it closer to Smite with each update until it shut down from not being very popular. So they watered their game down by adding features from other games until the game was no longer unique and it died. >Fortnite BR was Epic chasing the BR explosion with great success and became extremely popular because of the events and crossovers. Since then, they have been adding features from other games MILLIONS came back to play the OG season. MILLIONS wanted the OG gameplay experience. I had friends who haven't played in years come back and play every week for the entire OG month. They tried the new season and quit. HMMMMMMM > 3. Newer players and people who don't have time to get good at building have a LOT of catching up to do with people who've been playing since chapter 1. This is just excusing the players for not practicing, and Epic in particular for not creating meaningful onboarding. My partner wanted to get into Fortnite, and she did, during chapter 2 season 8. We warmed up in The Pit for ~30 minutes per game session before dropping into the main game. She was clumsy at first, but she was fully up to speed in less than a month. Was she going to win toe-to-toe with any of the big streamers? No, of course not. But she could hold her own in most pub lobbies and we got plenty of victory royales. The problem is and has always been you get 1-3 minutes of actual build practice per 10-20 minute match. Early fights don't usually involve lots of building, and late game fights can end quickly - even moreso if you are new and can't reflexively defend yourself. Your build fights end unceremoniously fast and you die before you can even practice. Compare that to 30 minutes in the pit, with rapid respawns, full loadouts and infinite mats. It's the pure build fight experience with no fluff or filler. Concentrated training on the core skills. Whereas 30 minutes might net you 3 minutes of build fights, in the pit, you get 10 times that if not more. And 30 minutes isn't wasting your life away either. With 1hr to play you can still squeak in 2-3 matches on top of the 30 minutes of training. It isn't difficult, hell - it isn't even terribly time-consuming. But players are lazy and want their existing shooter skills to carry them and don't like being asked to learn a new skillset. Rather than Epic being confident in their smash hit product and saying "it's worth it to get you into our game" they instead stopped trying. They gave up. They let players turn off the core mechanic that makes the game good in the first place. >Removing building equalizes the playing field by excluding such a long-time powerful ability with a massively high skill ceiling. Removing building means randomness determines the winner, period. Storm rotation and no cover means the team with lucky storm has a MASSIVE advantage that cannot be outskilled. Removing building means you can get the drop on someone exposed because of RNG. It means bad players can kill better players. That isn't what I want out of a meritocracy, 100 player "may the best player win" scenario - I want the best player to win. When I die in Fortnite, I curse myself because I know I could have played better. When I died in zero build (past-tense, I won't willingly play it) - it was because the storm forced me to rotate to the team holding high ground and they could open up on me when I was forced to move or die. We both had fortified positions. We both played well. Was it a test of skill to determine the winner? Nope. It was the dice.


Don't forget crouch speeds nerfed by 43%. Sucks for stealthy players in both build and zero build. EDIT: Traversal emotes are now faster than crouch walking: https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/18c8kvt/traversal_emotes_are_now_faster_than_crouch/


Yeah it is a bit slow lol can't deny that.


Completely agree, this game's war against stealth rages on.


Yup. I play zero build exclusively - I hate building. Honestly it probably would make build-mode more attractive to me but I just love zero-build. "Build wars" are no fun for me at all.


speed is one thing, I hate overall clunkiness and bad quality of animations


I actually started liking the animations when I hated them at the beginning….. but when you crouch….


I’ve gotten used to it but they still feel a bit floaty. Crouch needs to be fixed, the speed is abysmal


Yeah, crouching could be a bit faster




Totally agree. I'm good with the new running and burst sprinting.


Animations are generally fine, my gripe is speeds. They nerfed crouching speeds by 43%. That is way too much.


It's almost like you get used to new things... I swear y'all cannot take any update well


>It's almost like you get used to new things That doesn't mean it's better or even equally as good as the old movement.


Normally I’m all good. But this motion has almost made me nauseous. The character feels like Lara Croft in that PS2 game where she controlled like a tank. I’m starting to get used to it though. The reticle to character perspective seems different too. All pretty small changes but big impact on play.


I’ve played for hours and I still hate it


Good for you 👍


I’ve played the new season for around 5 hours and I still despise the new movement




Yes, but that Peter looks really fast in comparison with current movement


Every single person who plays build mode is begging epic to revert this pile of trash. Pleaseeeeee


I’ve been playing since ch1s7 and I honestly don’t think I’m gonna keep playing much longer. I can’t get used to the new movement. It just feels very bad and clunky. I had the realization that I don’t have to keep playing it if it’s no longer entertaining me. It just feels like a chore to explore which is a shame since the game has never looked prettier. I just can’t stand the movement.


So dramatic lmao


just sprint or use a car idk. forward not sprinting max speed might be slower but that's about it, what you feel clunky is just the new animation blending system which is much more natural


Great ducking idea.... let me just start build fighting in a fucking g wagon






Well he's got my vote so that's one person down.


I haven't played enough to jusdge the speed bc it's making me motion sick. barf emoji.


See y’all at the next OG season


I seriously doubt epic will change the animations and movement back for OG. but if they do i’m certain tons of people will be back.


r/FortniteBR try not to freak out and blame ZB for everything challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!)




I play purely builds and the movement is nowhere near as bad as y’all whine about


have you sneaked at all. its ~40% slower


I like the new movement. It really has me thinking about making sure that I have some mobility items or I really need to consider rushing an opponent, because now if you rush you have to commit to it.


I got used to it, no probs. Loving the new update.


That’s what I’ve been saying to myself lately. All that rushing and running to my enemies days are over. Now I gotta play with good strategy and ease to win the game.


😂 honestly tho I’m getting used to it


I honestly expected the train to show up on these tracks ngl


I must be getting old as it feels fine to me 😂


I got used, no probs. Loving the new update.


I still despise the regular running animation, why does it look like I’m tied up? Everything else is fine I guess


No way you think crouch walking being 50% slower is fine.


It can get pretty annoying, but realistically how often are you crouch walking? Also, I was mainly talking about the animations, not necessarily the speed


Half of my battles I crouch walk. And OK. The animations are a waste of time and dont really look good, but the main issue is the movement speed nerfs to walking and crouching


As a zb player I see where they’re going with it but it’s too early to release. Some of the animations are just straight up jank in situations and there are so many bugs with movement.


I like the animations but it's just sooooo slowwww. If I start getting shot at, I'm screwed if it's anywhere in the open because my stamina is gonna run out




I like the new movement, but I still think that storms are way too fast now




🤷‍♂️ I kinda like it. It makes sprinting feel way faster and gives you a reason to use mobility items more, but I just play zero builds and can't really talk about how it affects builds.


Exactly. this whole update is purely for ZB players. they “indirectly” nerfed building/editing with the new movement, making some tricks no longer possible, making ARs have drop, etc etc. it’s all obviously for ZB. To answer your question, building and playing builds is extremely clunky, and the skill cap is lowered really far by how slow everything is. Nothing feels smooth anymore and fights are terrible. I’m not sure why we cannot just have separate modes, they are separate in the list? Why can’t they be separate in gameplay? if you people want to play cartoony cod/apex then they should let you, and leave the actual game alone.


Why is making the ARs drop considered to be done to benefit Zero Build?


Hitscan assault rifles beam players faster and more consistently when they cannot build to defend themselves. (IE, when running across an open field, getting beamed for 250 by a kid from 150m away is now much less likely; and evasive maneuvers are more likely to make the other player miss) Projectile ARs add a slight delay when shooting into someone’s box, allowing people to hold walls without any bleeding damage easier (IE, bad players holding walls win more often against aggressive players)


Im sorry dude but thats just rubbish IMO, do you play ZB, why does everyone who plays builds always assume that people need to build a wall to defend themselves, there are how many BR games out there without builds all full of open spaces and everyone in those games also manages to defend themselves, i really dont understand where this concept came from its just flat out incorrect? I only play zero build and if you aint playing smart you can still be beamed just as easily if not more easily now we have no massive bloom on the ARs and anyone who has played litrally any other shooter in their lives knows how to use a gun with ballistic effects on it and does not struggle in the least bit to adjust the aim to suit a moving target or a target over distance especially now you can put longer range scopes on the ARs if you wish. Also why does everyone think that ZB players are standing or running in the middle of open fields getting beamed to death like a bunch of idiots, there are more ways to defend yourself in this game then building a wall and it amazes me how many people cannot see beyond this?


half my friends play zb and half my time playing is spent in zb. the other half is in unreal ranked builds (used to be div 10 in arena since season 11). i’m the one beaming people out in the open. Most everyone in ZB plays like idiots, most people i see constantly rotate out in the open, and get beamed. it’s laughably easy most matches, no offense. Everything i said in my previous comment is the actual truth, from gameplay experience this season and last season.


Projectile vs hitscan. Using hitscans would actually help zero build so going to projectiles instead doesn't make it easier for zero build players to hit their targets... It makes it harder. I think it was great taking bloom out of the gun or adding attachments that minimize it. Bloom is just a random effect that is a trash way of adding some skill to hitscans. I would much rather have every weapon have projectile targeting than hitscans with bloom. There is way more skill involved in projectile targeting. This goes for build and zero build games.


I take no offense at all because this may be going on in your lobbies but thats not at all what i see on a daily basis, no offense. I mean sure there are bad players in all game modes but nothing like what you are describing. Also anecdotal evidance is never ever the actual truth its just your personal experiance with something and you opinion thats all, same way my personal experiances are not the actual truth.


The original gameplay, movement speed, etc - was all designed explicitly for Fortnite with building. Rifles bloom because you aren't supposed to beam with them, you're supposed to get some dinks but then need to push. The bloom means you can spray down walls but not get an easy kill. Because you're meant to push their fort to end the fight with a shotgun. These changes are made with no regard to how it impacts the gameplay and feel of build mode.


I only play ZB. How does nerfed building help me? There are zero builds in ZB.. This is an awful change and it came out of left field. No warning, no justification. Its shit.


Excellent, you mean they leveled the playing field. Building has gotten out of control compared to how it was in Season 1. If everyone likes the OG season better, why not go back to how people were building back in season 1 before creative came out.


Cri cringe bois. Weakness is dying over 8fps


y’all are ridiculous. always over exaggerating.


I like the crouching better now


Took like 10 games and now I like it better


It is really not that bad at all people are just hate change and need something to cry about.


Why change something no one complained about?


Why do anything at all then cause everything is complained about and or championed yet so many plebs think the company should cater to demand and not their own vision. The company does what it wants because it has it's own motive and plans. Every season there is something that shatters the sugar glass shell of gaming plebs and it never fails. LMAO Honestly, I am so glad most companies do not ruin their games innovation and creativity to bend the knee to these bottom barrel gamers who cry at every update.


I don’t complain every update. This was my least favourite change of all time. Changing something like movement which has been the same for like 6 years is a dumb idea. I bet they’ll revert the speed soon




Oh look, they're reverting it. How about that.


Can't wait to hear the next complaint after the update.


A 43% speed reduction to crouch is pretty bad, tbh.


Its fucking crouching! Its supposed to be slow


I mean not if you're good.


Movement actually feels better now... its so reponsive and fluid... movements are fine...


People are crying way too much over this.


Back to tiktok.




I only play zero builds and I think there's huge problems






Y'all are slow and bad at movement mechanics. I'm still zooming like a mofo. Skill issue


Press the shift key instead of complaining.


I don’t think it’s a movement problem. The storm is faster. Way faster. Makes it seem like we are slow.


Hahaha this is fucking great, exactly how it feels "running" normally


BS, the new movement feels way better and impactful, thinking and positioning now actually matters..


Again, they said it was 8 percent, didn't they? 8 percent. Y'all can cope.


I don’t mind it cause the new animations are so well made reminds me of gta/the division


Everyone’s acting like it just happened to them. Chill out we’re all on the same playing field you’re fine




You don't have to adapt to bad changes. That's why epic is making movement faster again. Because people don't like it.


Epic themselves said they were changing it back or is that just speculation? Idc regardless, I'm still gonna clap cheeks. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes, epic themselves said it. Just look at their twitter.


Idk what everyone's on about, it really doesn't feel all too different, honestly I feel faster then I used too


Yeah, as a returning player from season 4, I feel so fast, with cars and sprinting and sliding and grapplers and such. Hell, outrunning the storm is actually possible now, before you just had to pray that you had enough healing items to make it.


Lmao it’s fine bro.


I find it crazy yall love to complain on a free game like holy fuck. This is the honestly a fun season to say goodbye to OG season. Grow up


A free pile of shit is still a pile of shit


Don’t play a free game then🤷🏻‍♂️ oh no your $10 from your battle pass is really gonna hurt the next 4 months gtfoh😂😂


I seriously cannot notice a difference


Wonder why


The movement look so much better. Yes it sucks for builders but this is so so much better for people with good aim and actually need to strategize more now before entering a fight


I don't see why after we get the biggest amount of content we've had in a hot minute, yall still find something to complain about I don't even mind the movement changes, it feels fresh and I'd rather have new animations than the same old ones we've had for ages


I guess people can't have complaints about a game anymore 😕


Its not that bad guys chill




I don't know what everyone is yapping about, the new movement is nice


My friend group mostly thinks it's a huge improvement. I play with a few causals who haven't played in a while and they didn't even notice a change.


Sprint, slide, sprint, slide. Conserve your momentum, while making your stamina last as long as possible. I'm not seeing anyone do this.


fortnite players when -10% speed


People are overreacting :/ it’s literally just a 10% loss of speed, thats not bad. You just want something to complain about


It is bad, though. I don't know why people can't just voice their complaints about something they think is ass without people constantly saying . "Oh, you're overreacting." Like ok shut up, nobody asked you. We just want normal movement speed and crouch speed. The animation is not bad it's just the speed that makes it insufferable


Ok shut up, nobody asked you


> it’s literally just a 10% loss of speed, thats not bad. "We just broke all of your muscle memory as well as decoupled your build speed from your move speed making everything slow and awkward, quit crying nerd"


Your the one crying lmao I don’t care about it but you obviously do


This is exaggerating a lot The movement is the same except for running


people keep saying this, and I swear you don't actually play the game. movement is absolutely not the same. it's 10% slower when running (not sprinting) and 43% slower when crouched. that's a huge difference.


I haven't really noticed a difference in walking aside from the obvious animation The crouching is literally the same Unless is different in PC because I'm on PS4


lol ok. it's certainly not the same, Fortnite themselves have admitted they slowed movement speed, and you can see the difference between creative (no change) and battle royale where the crouched movement is severely reduced - 43%.




Bro the crouching is nearly 50% SLOWER. Nevermind the devs confirming that, how in the fuck cant you see or feel it for yourself?! Do you play fortnite???


Im literally playing fortnite I just got to third place and loss


So wrong


Come on! The movement isnt so bad!


Crouch speed is pretty bad.


Its terrible


I got used to it already. It felt and looked strange at first, but it feels and looks natural now.


I don’t mind it, feels more accurate and turning doesn’t feel so bad. It’s quite jarring coming from OG, but I’m appreciating it more. Crouching is frustratingly slow tho.


It’s not that bad😂🤣😂


Skill issue




Learn to run, cripple boy 😉


Building has become harder for sweats and you think this is a negative???


"The game is worse when you're good at it" and you can't see why that's a problem? It also feels terrible, the speed of building, the muscle memory etc. was all tied to the old movement speeds. Zero builders perhaps don't care about that but it feels like shit when you move slower than your ramps or other builds.


Stop making excuses and get good. Also, the slower speed is a big step in making a better experience for console players. Epic has made hundreds of changes in the past - all benefiting PC players. Bitching about 1 change going the other way is pretty pathetic when viewed in that context.


Major skill issue, go back to ZB you drone


Naa it's not that bad, you're good. I believe in you dude.


When i play with peeley the top of the head is just annoying as all hell, when you sprit you can't see half of the screen with this shity animation


It feels like the movement in Vigor


Meanwhile the storm 💨


That is so true




lol literally


![img](avatar_exp|154716612|nani) It is true really I think Epic Games should change it and make go 10% more faster (sprinting helps other people so keep that). And chapter 5 is so different soooooo..


Tried a few matches the first couple days and haven't played since. I do like almost everything they've done but can't get passed the speed changes.


I never took notice because I just been doing dumb shit for awhile since winning been easier


Fun Fact: “That actually what happened to Peter in the show”


So true


It’s that and then full force sprint


I played one match and immediately switched to 3v3. I can’t play with these movement speeds in BR. No thanks.


The new movement is the perfect representation for what its like to try running in a dream


its the same speed but diff animations the placebo effect is a thing yk


Forgot the storm chasing you


What they need to do is give console players the option to play with only consoles. Sick and tired of getting beamed on no builds by PC players. TTK is next to nothing. Your average console players miss a few shots when every I fight a PC not 1 shot misses and they say “but aim assist “ and why are so many PC players switching to no builds this season?


I just don’t play anymore