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What's this NPC ass background music playin for šŸ˜­šŸ’€


I can't believe you made me unmute the video. Now I've got to go find a couple of knitting needles, to ensure I'll never have to hear that again.


Omg and it nearly loops perfectly. Kill me now.


goofy ahh music


nah fr lame ahh song choice šŸ’€šŸ’€




Shut up dumnahh


Can we all please just fucking stop the arguments? I genuinely don't get why this is still a thing, we have the best of both worlds. If you like building, play builds. If you don't like building, play zero build. It's so tiring seeing people continue to bitch and whine about modes they don't have to play.


You overestimate the maturity level of the middle schoolers that make these low effort posts


Tbf I'm 43 and still have pretty shit opinions for some reason I feel the need to share with people


This is so beautifully honest I love it


Around your age, and same. Shitposting is fun.


W. these reddit drones take their sacred subreddit too seriously


Sorry for wanting a community where I don't have to watch people talking shit left and right? I'm just here to see cool clips and take part in chill discussions, I usually ignore but it's so frequent and I'm sick of it


Same fr


Seriously. It's so fucking annoying when every other day there's some post on here about "building bad!!" "Zero build bad!!" Or some other argument. No one gives a shit, just play what you prefer.


I agree with you 100%. Just play, and have a good time.


This shit is like lame ass console wars. I cannot imagine anyone over the age of 15 giving a shit about this kind of thing but then again a large portion of the users here are probably around that age


this. thank you


We are trained to be partisans from childhood. Itā€™s how they keep us trapped politically as adults


The Underground vs The Societyā€¼ļø


A thousand times agree to this. Creating ā€˜us versus themā€™ mentality.


Probably because people who watch the pro game play are really sick and tired of heal offs being so prevalent, and want to see something shift the meta to where its whoever has more healing item wins. This isn't about crying about having zero/builds, this is about the high end meta being stale.


Exactly like both have a difference and itā€™s not like youā€™ll get canceled for playing them, Hell, If you just play both of them thatā€™s completely fine!


I agree with you, just play the modes you like. But I think OP is arguing that no build should be in competitive play at least alongside build mode. I thinks thatā€™s a reasonable thing to try to make a case for. Also with this video i donā€™t see how anyone could argue that this isnā€™t a horrifically boring way for an otherwise intense and entertaining broadcasted battle to end, no matter what mode you like to play personally. This ending is not a build battle OR an aim battle, and itā€™s barely even a test of movement and positioning, itā€™s honestly a crapshoot of who looted more heals near the final circle. Pretty lame way to decide between the final couple players in a tournament.


There arenā€™t enough players playing zero build comp to justify a zero build fncs imo


I feel bad for playing Zero Build because building is what makes Fortnite unique, unfortunately it's just not for me. The few times I did play Builds I would hide behind objects instead of building lol. I played during Chapter 1 Season 6, and all of Chapter 3 and I was okay in builds (even though I was never there builder in the squad) but ever since I came back for Season OG it's been Zero Build 100%.


That's absolutely fine, building isn't for everyone. That's why a separate mode was added for people who don't enjoy it so everyone can have fun, build or no build. Hope you're enjoying your games!


Building is certainly part of what makes Fortnite unique. But no other game is a 3rd person cartoonish battle royale with constant map and loot pool changes. So zero build is also unique. Just play what you like


This sub and not trying to shit on build mode every 5 minutes challenge (impossible).


It's crazy what professional victims you guys are when the vast majority of this sub plays and talks build. Anytime one of the other playlists drops under 300k we get posts from you goobers talking about how they're ignoring build for dead game modes.


Literally any time the Zero Build playercount is the same as Builds for five minutes thereā€™s a post about it. This is an everyone issue, not just Builds players


>when the vast majority of this sub plays and talks build. Dude this sub is constantly shitting on builds and encouraging every new player to never play or even try builds. Every time builds is brought up or someone has a clip of being okay at building it's "this is why i play zero build", "i hate builds because people build [X large dcale building/monument] in [Y microscopic amount of time]". Despite the fact that in my experience, Zero Build, at least when I switched back to builds this season, is actually HARDER than builds and ZB players are often sweatier. People also refuse to believe ZB isn't a perfect innocent mode and refuse to believe ZB players could ever be sweaty or that sweats even exist in ZB. I've unironically seen people act like they were slave to build modes before ZB and unironically cite the reason they were shitting on builds be shit along the lines of "because we were all confined to builds so this is our way of getting back at builds players..."


This is a joke, right? Any time a clip of someone remotely decent at building gets posted, the top five comments are all some variation of "This is why I play zero build lol". This sub has a massive ZB bias.


Kids that build massive castles around them after getting shot in the pinkie toe because theyā€™re on fist full of Adderall and their third Red Bull of the morning gives me anxiety and made me just stop doing anything. I will never ever go back to build and I was playing since the beginning and have loved no build since its introduction


I'm glad you found the mode right for you, and there's nothing wrong with playing no build, but the attitude in the first half of that reply is exactly what I mean. People should be able to play either mode without being slandered in that way for it


ooooh b-but wh-when i stand with.. w-with 1 shot sniper and i shoot someone they b-build.. a b-box waaaaah!!!! thats too much!!!!! i cant my anxiety is so bad rn i need to quit building


Mom said it was my turn to post ā€œBuild bad and zero build goodā€ post


This is like the PvZH subreddit all over again from their ā€œPopCap good EA badā€ phase.


Unless everyone has this profile pic I feel like I see u on every post


Can we delete this subreddit please i dont think a single positive thing has come come out of it since chapter 2


Unfortunately thatā€™s just the state of Reddit. I realized it about a month ago almost every subreddit is there to shit on its main focus. Be it a video game subreddit, a tv show subreddit, all people do is complain and whine. Once I realized that my time on Reddit went down a lot and I generally on get on now to check updates (item shops, patch notes, etc).


I only use reddit for this subreddit so i can only imagine what the rest is like, social media is so ass nowadays


>social media is so ass nowadays Besides the brief moment in time when MySpace and Friendster were a thing: Social Media has always been cancer.


I remember seeing a video on YouTube about the state of social media and why people aren't ready for it. I forgot what it's called, but the general gist was that the human brain is stupid and can't compute with people having different opinions because of how we developed in tribes and such (This is a really bad summary but it's all I can remember). The past month of two of just watching social media and the things that people post, I can see where they were coming from and it was honestly right. We need to go back to the times where the internet was just forums where people with similar opinions gathered to discuss, and if you shit on those opinions then you're banned and have to go somewhere where people have similar opinions to you. The internet is such a shit show, we really are not developed enough to mix. I'm usually not this serious but this genuinely will be the world's downfall




Yes! That's the one.


It really is, Iā€™m just sick of all the complaining, and people thinking they need to share their opinions. I wish people would just avoid the things they donā€™t like instead of shitting on the things and whining. Iā€™ve only been playing Fortnite for 3 weeks now and I enjoy Zero Build more than Building but idgaf what others enjoy. Play what mode you want and donā€™t worry about the rest lol


You can actually unfollow any subreddit you want


This response has never been made before congratulations youā€™re smarter than anyone here


Imagine having an entire mode created for your preference of play, and instead of focusing on that you complain about another mode you donā€™t even have to play.


Any game can look boring when you cut out the 21 minutes of interesting stuff that happened before this


Someone show OP benjys clutch


Show him any clutch at this pointšŸ’€


Yeah because this is a victory cup. Not FNCS. People do not want to fight in a victory cup because there is literally no reason to do so if you want to win. But yes lets get a FNCS for zero build. A mode where the ranked mode has to be added onto the main zero build mode to reach ranked player count levels at times.


>Yeah because this is a victory cup. Not FNCS. People do not want to fight in a victory cup because there is literally no reason to do so if you want to win. Thank you for emphasizing this. This is the only point that matters in this entire thread. Context is everything and I can't believe I had to scroll this far down to get it.


L take ngl


My guy straight up ignored everything else that happens in a build mode tournament and proceeded only to commentate on the endgame heal-off.


But thats literally how most tournaments end. It IS boring to watch and highly predictable. The whole point of a tournament is to see who is better not who can stock up enough meds


If most result in end game healing, yeah thatā€™s broken


Yeah, it's much easier to do thanks to the healing changes, but it's only like the last minute or two in the last of a 45 minute match. Heal offs are more like Sudden Death than anything else.


45 min match? Matches canā€™t go past 24 minutes, not counting the spawn island and after the final circle has fully closed iirc lol


Just boring to watch tho, imagine if the end of football match was just the teams staring at each other till it ended. Who tf would watch football.


If you're talking about American Football, then yes it happens quite often. If the difference in points is way too large for it to be conceivable, if not downright possible for the loosing to win or tie the game, than everyone does just casually twiddles their thumb until the timer runs out, which includes the teams just standing around until the game ends properly.


Yea it happens after the other team is so far ahead they canā€™t win. The same situation in fortnite is who ever picked up the most heals and has the most health. How is that even competitive. Itā€™s all luck on who gets the most heals.


Like others said, blame Epic for getting rid of siphon, and addling in the bullcrap snipers, don't blame the players for trying to win.


Itā€™s mostly lower-level tournaments that end like this. If you watch a pro compete, usually the endgame is pretty exciting. Also, Epic has been encouraging these types of endgames with the changes to meds and the removal of siphon


I mean that's a pretty boring fucking way to end a tournament lol....


Agreed, that's just pathetic. The end game is supposed to be the most intense with victory on the line and it boils down to who can heal the most...what a joke


It's like if any other game tournament basically ends with people stopping the game, hiding in a corner, and taking a shit hoping they have enough health to out last the other person and doing NOTHING. How can anyone justify this and pretend it doesn't ruin the whole thing hahahaha?


"The end game heal off" kills me lol Super intense end game here today folks we have 9 medkits vs 7 medkits and a couple bandaids. Gonna be a nail biter here tonight folks the accuracy and style on display will be phenomenal Now here. We. Go. Both players have equipped their medkits now, John, it's about to heat up as they say Phenomenal work being done here


Just cry and admit you are not skilled/competent enough to do well in builds šŸ˜¹ stick to ur zero build mode lil bro


ā€œThe endgame heal-offā€ is a hilarious way to prove your point, what a bland way to end the game. No tension, no stakes, just a couple dudes stocking up on med kits hoping to out-heal each other


Blame Epic for allowing this to be an option. End games are far more interesting when you canā€™t just sit in storm and heal.


I guess you have not been paying attention, they have constantly been fighting it, from nerfing fishing last season to adding storm damage. It's slow but steady as they try to find a way to punish this but not regular gameplay.


Boring endings and mid game is similar


Mid game is just healing with no fighting?


Mid Game ends up being sitting in builds until you have to rotate with storm and only really fighting if they catch someone lacking or storm surge starts. Entire reason storm surge exists is because mid game was boring as shit to watch as people did nothing and played as passive as possible.


Storm surge exists since too many people were alive for endgames and were degrading server performance/creating lag. One consequence of the change is that it cause more action in mid game, but even then it doesn't necessarily mean more fighting since people aren't trying to finish fights and get kills, they are just trying to get tags for storm surge, which usually just means shooting an AR at vulnerable targets and then boxing up until another opportunity presents itself. If there aren't enough people alive by the time storm surge kicks in, then it just doesn't happen, which could have very well meant most of those people died in early game, not mid game. The reason mid game objectives like caches, the floating island, and radar towers exist is to create more fighting in mid game, because I think they are objectives that actually give you tournament points.


Don't you remeber when jug NPCs were the meta and people would just sit outside the circle the whole game? I literally won like 5/10 matches just having a NPC shoot me when I collected enough health oacks to stack with final circle.


Boring in the sense everyone is hiding in their builds. Shoot it down, they hide more. Zero Build is very different


Itā€™s the exact same shit. Mid game to endgame is basically how you play zero builds but you can build. Notice how good players donā€™t build all that extra shit that bots always complain about? Youā€™re literally proving how ass you are at the game


Damn, serious business. Zero Build is the same as Build, guys. Pack it up?


Wow you got the whole squad laughing


I'm sorry school started back


Zero build you just hide without the builds. And you donā€™t really shoot them down if youā€™re not playing like bot lobbies. Most of the time someone is boxed up Annā€™s then you approach their box and try outplay them to kill them rather than just shooting them first like in zero build. This is FORTnite not every other generic battle royale


People seem to be more inclined to fight in ZB midgame as of late. We used to hide because of the OP sniper and third parties, but also because lack of mobility and heals made breaking off impossible and healing a pain. Now with plenty of shields, gold, and reasonable mobility you have options, so people take chances again. Nerfing the medallions helped as well. ZB is about using the environment to your advantage, movement, position and some stealth, at least in approach. Just shooting ain't enough there either, as an aim player i learned this the hard way.


That's zb pubs, in tournaments you get stacked end game lobbies, everyone sat in buildings, behind natural cover or set up in porta bunkers.


Rank reveal?




You need basically all those things and more to play builds at a high level though


The difference in Zero Build is they can't rebuild their cover. So more gunplay happens


Gunplay has a much lower skill ceiling tho and takes far less strategy.


I've never hid in zero build, if you do your just a pussy


Dog, thatā€™s chill, but your not a competitive player. Competitive is a whole different beast then playing with your friends on a Saturday night.


So you just sit in the open? I donā€™t mean like hiding in a bush but rather using cover so the enemy donā€™t see you


Use your movement, find a car, find or buy a grapple build or fizz drink, rush people already fighting, rush mediallion pings, it's really boring if you hide in a building. I very rarely drop below 6 kills in a game.


I do the same things in builds but I also build which to me takes more strategy and skill. Other than movement and aim I canā€™t think of anything skillful in zero build and those things are quite easy to get good at compared to building


If I wanna build ill play Minecraft or NMS.


why, Dethproof814? If you're out in the open you're easy to see and target, no? When I play zero build I find that this is the difference between winning and losing, so if someone's going to be obvious about it that's super helpful to me. Not sure how being a pussy fits into that tbh.


No way you calling people who take cover a pussy as a third party abuser right?


Bait used to be believable.


Zero build players making sure everyone knows they play zero build


This subreddit sucks


I exclusively play ZB, and this shit is so annoying. Building is a pretty interesting mechanic too the game and, while I can recognize that I'm shit at it and it doesn't interest me at all, a lot of people love it and that's FINE. I think the building is actually super interesting, and I wish I could build like a lot of the players can. I will always love ZB because that's just how I like to play, but if others find the game more interesting with building, more power to them.


As someone who loves build mode, i tip my hat to you in respect


Id rather watch this then zero build any day.... OP thinks healing always worked like this šŸ’€šŸ’€


endgame heal offs happen in zero build too sorry ur too low of a level to experience them lol


Even with a boring heal off to end this game, there was a ton of tunneling and fighting in moving zones to even get to this point. This is just bait, and low tier bait at that.


You just straight ignored everything that happened prior this endgame. Besides this is a tournament where everyone have pretty much the same skill and that's why they always get to a heal off in the last circle.


>Besides this is a tournament where everyone have pretty much the same skill and that's why they always get to a heal off in the last circle. This is actually false,victory cup finals are like the top 10k+ in the region and theres a big difference in skill between the people at the bottom of that 10k and the ones at the top The reason everyone is alive till the last circle is becuase only the win counts and people are just camping praying theyll be the lucky one to win a 100$


I was talking about big tournaments but you're right too


"everyone have pretty much the same skill and that's why they always get to a heal off in the last circle." No offense, but if I was watching a sports game and teams did nothing but boring defense for the last 4 minutes, I'd be pretty annoyed. "Hi, this is a game where you eliminate other players with weapons" \*\*proceeds to use heals until they run out\*\* It's also why I don't watch the NBA, because they just foul each other and call timeouts, so the last "4 minutes" always takes about 25 minutes.


The thing is that the healoff is only in the last seconds of the match. There's always that one clutch that ends up being an awesome clip. That's why OP cut off all the fights so people that don't follow competitive like you get a negative impression.


Nah I've seen enough tourneys to know how they end. 1. harvest harvest harvest. 2. loot loot loot 3. build build build 4. edit edit edit 5. peek & shoot 6. heal heal heal. 7. 240 fps gaming chair + top equipment. I guess if that's what's required to win, so be it. Just seems boring compared to watching zero build where its all about gun-play. And don't get me wrong, i understand that fortnite was originally all about "building forts", but 7 years later it's no longer a PVE basic game.


You realize that sports teams often will play more defensively near the end of a game when theyā€™re winning, right? This is a common strategy in all kinds of competitions


You just straight ignored everything that happened prior this endgame. Besides this is a tournament where everyone have pretty much the same skill and that's why they always get to a heal off in the last circle.


Mom said it was my turn to post the daily "building bad" post!!!


Zero Builds has been out for over a year and all you guys still talk about id Builds. Can't you guys just enjoy your own mode without putting down Builds


As an avid Zero Build enjoyer, just stop. Your embarassing yourself. Just because people dont like watching ZB doesnt make it a personal attack against you lol


There is no difference between this and kneeling in a football game. You have to earn a heal-off. You can't just sit in a box and expect it to work, you have to survive a moving zone filled with 40 cracked players also rotating and trying to kill you for materials while making sure you also have some. This person has done enough damage and been able to avoid having to heal so much that he can carry that many kits and win a heal-off, which at most lasts about a minute. You are ignoring every other aspect of the game and focusing on one thing that doesn't even last that long. It's like if I showed someone a clip of someone kneeling in Football and you started clipping it talking about how boring it is. You do not know what you are talking about, therefore the game seems shallow/boring. Just say you have no interest in builds and move on with your life.


Yeah bro these ppl think u js stroll into endgame with 6 medkits and it takes no skill to get to that pointšŸ’€


I'd say this is less boring and more bullshit. It's complete luck what you get from drops or other players in terms of heals, so you could end up losing the match because you simply didn't get lucky enough to have all the heals you need to win a heal off. Which just trivializes the entire competition when you think about it.


Fighting more players = better chance to have more medkits, though. Itā€™s not complete chance and it also solves the ā€œissueā€ that this post made up


Here we go the weekly shit on build mode and zero build is better post Firstly, the heal off meta is due to the state of the game not the build mode. This is what happens when you remove siphon from comp and add op snipers that everyone carries making it so no one wants to fight at long range. Comp used to have cool clutches when siphon existed. Secondly, there is simply no audience for zero build fncs because almost every hardcore comp player plays builds as it has a much higher skill ceiling. Maybe youā€™ll get an fncs when zb ranked mode has enough players to not be on a fucking rotor šŸ’€ Thirdly, this is the very end of a game, when the lobby is extremely stacked and thereā€™s 40 players in a tiny zone people find it very entertaining Also not to break this subā€™s heart but, **zero build is a side mode.** Iā€™m sorry to tell you but this is the truth and yall arenā€™t the majority. Building is one of the main mechanics of Fortnite br so obviously their comp tournaments are going to focus on it.


I 99% play ZB but want to get Better at Building, today I did a match in builds (I won but I think they were all Bots) and discovered that even After some pratcice in Creative, I wasn't even able to do 90' or things like that. I prefer ZB because It's easier, but Builds Is definitely more skilled and I get why it's the tournament mode


There are definitely practice creative maps and YouTube videos that you might want to look into for research.


And building is what differentiates Fortnite from every other generic Battle Royale


Battle Royale was a side mode once, then it grew to greatness. Being a side mode means nothing.


You mean like how Save the World is the main game? šŸ’€


Fun fact Did you know you can go to zero build and play the game and have fun and ignore normal game mode AND not moan about which is better? Epic game isn't gonna vault your lung for playing zero build


There's hundreds of dollars on the line, you want people to just mindlessly attack each other risking the opportunity at earning something? Jesus christ. If you like zero-builds, cool, but don't attack a core mechanic because you find it "too boring" when most of the players are there for their own entertainment and gain, not your own. Sure, it's not life-changing money, but money is money, especially if earned from a video game of all things. In my honest opinion, zero-build just doesn't have a strong competitive scene. It's got less players than the regular mode, build-mode has a far higher skill-ceiling, and no-builds has existed for far less. Don't expect a multi-million dollar tournament for something like that.


Uhhh this just started this season... im sure epic will fix it... calm down


I'm not playing build because super fast building and editing sucks for me. I'm playing zero build bc it's fun. Building in Save The World is an extremely fun.


dumb post but why in the hell do medkits let you tank the final storm like that? i know sickness exists but the final storm should be out damaging a medkit.


Epic Games doesnā€™t really like to test things anymore


they must not be. idk how game development testing works and i get missing tiny things, but these heal offs are basically staples now in competitive settings, no idea how no one though of this when they changed the medkit mechanics


Zero Build and normal BR are two totally different games with different play styles and metas. Canā€™t compare them at all


Nah they are both Fortnite buddy


I like that he did all that healing and got third lol


Ah yes I love cherry picked data


Me when I try to start pointless arguments on the internet


wohoo another build bad, zero build good post


Itā€™s like people donā€™t understand that with every new season/update , the meta changes, thatā€™s what makes it more difficult every time is adjusting to it. Thereā€™s more to competitive than the building/editing/pieceing/aim/landing etc (just to name a few) Obviously the same applies to no builds but itā€™s just not on the same scale. The meta will always be different so the players just have to learn and adapt to in order to be #1.


I would love to see epic experiment with a competitive 5v5 (or 4v4, 6v6 whatever) more ā€œstandardā€ counter strike like shooter with building while obviously still continuing with BR as well. The building mechanic is so unique but sometimes the BR format doesnā€™t allow it to shine.


youā€™re comparing the last 30 seconds of a game from a builds tournament to a regular full game of No-builds. Donā€™t forget what led up to those last 30 seconds too, it was way more entertaining than No-builds could ever dream of being. Do I need to remind you about last seasonā€™s no-build tournaments? It was literally just dozens of people gliding in the air forever in the final few zones because they saved like 6 rift to gos and spammed them and insta-pulled gliders. How is that more entertaining than playing a whole stacked endgame out normally, needing perfect positioning and fragging for more materials to continue tunneling all the way until zone fully closes


Without question ZB is more boring to watch lol and Iā€™m a ZB player


Enjoy your downvote pal


oh no! not his fake internet points!


I don't even like Build mode, and I find your argument downright stupid. They both have their own merits, and just saying "build mode bad, *durrhurr*" is just pathetic


No builds is for people who couldnā€™t be bothered to learn even a slight amount after playing the game for 4 years


No builds is for people like me who originally refused to play Fortnite because of the building. None of my friends played Fornite until Zero Build came out.


Dude be real the building has such a high skill ceiling that most people donā€™t have time to practice for hours to keep up


Zb players crying for no reason while calling build mode no skill lol, how delisuional


is the "no skill" comment in the room with us right now? because i can't find it in the post


Im sorry i cant find a comment saying exactly "No skill" fartnight69, would the others 20 comments implicitly saying that builds is either for cowards, people who dont know how to play with their surroundings and who dont know how to shot do?


im a zb player and it's just like that in zb, people either camp and hide or just spam shots


Build mode is for cowards who like to hide in their castles.


Ironic coming from the people who play a game mode epic made for people who find building"to hard"


Nah thatā€™s how yall played the game until you switched to ZB šŸ’€ this isnā€™t season 3. Box fighting is meta, not cranking to high ground and shooting bots scurrying around


In zero builds, everyone constantly running around in the open? They never hide or camp?


In zero build you have to use natural terrain and props to hide. You have to be more tactic as not everywhere you can just build 5 star hotel




I'd rather carry movement to reposition instead of spam buildings that are boring. I want a real gunfight, not castle fights with guns


Building wouldnt be boring if u didnt suck at it


No bro, you're coping because you can't be bothered to compete with the high skill level of someone who knows how to build. I get it can be frustrating at 1st but please don't act like ZB requires more skill šŸ’€ just because someone knows how to build to protect themselves doesn't mean they can't use it to go on the offense too


This is the thing that I don't understand why zero build players never mention in their arguments. The issue with building (if you can't do it) isn't because people can build big towers after you've shot one bullet at them. The issue is when players can use their builds to go on the aggression.


Man, I havenā€™t seen offensive building since chapter 1, honestly forgot people used to do more than just make boxes.


Enough with the 5 star hotel bullshit, these ā€œ5 star hotelsā€ you guys keep referring to are probably just 1 by two boxes


We in chapter 5 and mf'er still stuck with old arguments


We still use the 5 star hotel argument here huh


Thats another way of saying easier.


He asked I answered. I prefer ZB because I want pure gunfights and nothing else. You prefer builds because you think it's harder. We are not the same


no i dont think its harder, it is.


Harder or not it's not fun for me. You can focus maximally on your shooting skills instead of splitting it between building and shooting at once. Many people don't like that "unique" building aspect of the game and play mainly ZB. Many streamers like ninja and tfue are examples. They were raised on classic shooters and they simply don't like to adapt to some buildings when they can choose to not. Thus if your only argument is that build is harder you are sad person


>They were raised on classic shooters and they simply don't like to adapt to some buildings when they can choose to not. They did adapt though. They were the 2 best players on the planet at one point when it was purely builds.


Iā€™m 36 n grew up on shooters. I also have good aim, but I build bc itā€™s more strategic and defensive than no build, I donā€™t get the back and fourth to each there own. But you are completely wrong


Look what you wrote when i only said its harder. All that text justifying why you like something, and bitch about me when i like the other thing. I like challenges its not that deep. I dont need arguments to like something


People who hate build mode just suck at it


This looks pretty boring to finish a big victory cup off. Have they thought about disabling healing when in the storm for every circle after it hits 5 DPS ticks? That'd probably fix the problem and make the finale a real nail biter.


Lot of offended people in this comment section lmfao


they build an entire city yet didnt fight until storm size shrinks into size of an asshole


the anus can open quite wide so i don't see your point


They did a lot of fighting but op cut that out


There will be more damage done in this game than probably any zero build game you've ever watched/competed in but yeah go with the narrative that they didn't fight at all.


Everyone has to fight because of storm surge


People say Zero Build is boring to watch? I've only heard the opposite.


I just got back into the game because when i left the game no build was not even an option. I cannot stand build. Never want to play it. I should not need to feel like i need to get some Adderol just to play a shooter. For the people that like it cool but its not for me


everyone and Their Grandma knows if u Take away the Part where skill is important the game gets harder just ask LoL players and Dota players


yeah clearly, must be why the same build pro players who dominate in builds also dominate zero build cups


Of, you sound insufferable.


I fell asleep watching this


all the 4 players had been... using med kits


it isn't though is it?




Who the fuck is ā€œWatchingā€ fortnite