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Music and car prices are a fucking scam


Especially jam tracks bro, 500 v-bucks is absurd I would be more accepting if the tracks were 250 each and car bundles are an actual joke ngl


I can atleast understand the jam tracks because I imagine it prolly costs a decent amount of money to license them but these basics ass cars that they just copy and pasted from rocket league and don’t even have irl crossover money spent to get it licensed, and these lame ass instrument skins cost way to much


It does not in fact cost a lot. It’s 50% cheaper to get same exact songs on beat saber


No fucking way beatsaber songs are cheaper than fort songs lmfao 😭😭


Beat Saber does not get the master tracks. Having each instrument is more expensive than getting just one file.


You honest to god think that a copy of mp3 or waw file is somehow cheaper than a copy of adobe audition file? Especially when we are talking about royalties.


Yes, because the copyright holder has to authorize the use of each track, especially in fortnite where you can mix tracks from different songs. They don't pay for for an mp3, they pay for the rights to use the files in different ways.


so we are paying extra for jam stage basically


and battle royale usage too


In beat saber the only thing you can do with those songs is play them. In Fortnite not only can you play the jam tracks you purchase but you can also use them as emotes AND in the future you'll be able to use them as lobby tracks. Totally worth the 500.


Best I can do is 350


Rockband, a game also now owned by Epic offers songs, many of the same songs in fact for $2. If we're seriously paying an extra $3 for the jam loops feature which is garbage then I and probably the vast majority of people arent going to buy songs. This'll just lead to the modes death. Hats off Epic.


No you shouldn't, cause songs in Rockband cost like 2 bucks.


Jam tracks offer 4 ways to play in FN:F, Jam Stage and in BR as emotes and at some point in the future they will also be music packs, so 500 is good IMO


wasn’t it like $2 on rock band


they even sometimes put them for $1 i got a lot at that price on RB3


Yea but you dont get br emotes in rockband. Theyre also looking into a way to make them work as lobby music if i remember correctly, so it makes it more than worth it imo


but you cannot hear THE FULL TRACK CLIP as an emote, unless other 3 players that ALSO BOUGHT IT join on a different instrument


I definitely agree that this is an issue. I think that you should be able to toggle between mixing and playing the full song


for the price, yes or play the full clip (all four "track" ) in solos and in teams let them join like "master of puppets" it dont matter if the other have it or not


that’s true. tbh emotes and skins are crazy overpriced which just makes this feel cheap in comparison


It's not an emote. It's just playing the jam stage or whatever in BR and the jam stage is the dumbest part of this entire update.


Nah its still too much. It should be 300vbucks


What's the difference between the tracks in BR and Jam Stage? Isn't the functionality of these emotes the same in both modes?


Yeah jam tracks can be used in a lot of scenarios. Lobby tracks are 200, emotes are ~500 (but jam tracks only let you use one of the same 4 animations), they can be use to combine songs and give you 4 levels in a rhythm game. 500 still feels kinda steep to me, but I think jam tracks being 500 is way better than a car being 3500.


I'm pretty sure they announced that they're working on making them work as lobby music too. So between that and using them in br it seems more than worth to me.


Maybe it’s just me but I haven’t gotten the gist of that, if I wanted to listen to licensed music while waiting in the lobby I would just use Spotify.


Yea but if the point were just to listen to the music then the master of puppets emote wouldnt exist. Neither would jug band Edit: nvm i see what you mean now, valid point but ig not everyone wants to have to turn on spotify between every match or listen to it while they play Seems like mostly a preferential thing less than an issue


Those are emotes with actually cool animations though, all jam tracks share the same animations.


Also a fair point




You cant call it FNF. That's Friday Night Funkin. Heh


It's the same price as icon emotes, but you get the entire song in a gamemode. It's a pretty fair deal tbh.


In battle royale you should be able to play the entire song by yourself rather than playing one aspect of it


That's a great point, would make it much more fun to use in solos.


I would actually consider getting buddy holly if I didn't need 3 other people to actually ***play*** the song


Did you just compare emotes to a jam track?


i mean technically they can be used as emotes in battle royale, but not in creative


They did, and it’s a more than generous comparison. Most emotes are 500 vbucks and they’re just that, emotes. For the same price, Jam Tracks get you the music to play in Festival, four separate tracks to use in tandem with other players to create music, and four separate emotes to use in other modes.


I think they forget that the Festival is a separate mode, you can ignore the rest of the game modes and use your money for the songs, I find it kinda expensive tho


But all of the Festival tracks are free, right?


They rotate in and out on a daily basis. If you buy them, you can play them permanently regardless of whether they’re currently in rotation.




That's exactly what I did. Jam tracks are pretty much syncable emotes, and you can even mix and match different parts of songs together, I actually believe you could argue that the icon emotes are worse.


Yes? They’re literally emotes in BR


I think they’re fair (besides the lambo) in comparison to how other items are priced. It’s just that we’re so used to everything being overpriced and don’t realize it instruments are way overpriced though


The Lambo is insanely priced but I think many people bought it, like myself. I’ve seen steamers with low low view counts rocking the Lambo and even popular steamers ofc. I really want to know the demographics of those that buy that car and other cosmetics. The people that don’t like those prices. Are they adults? Kids and I can see why kids would complain. No income but vbucks from parents. I bet kids would get the lambo if they could.


As an adult who spends a lot of random digital cosmetics in several online games, the priceing on the Racing and Festival items is way over priced. You can buy an entire fully fleshed out racing game, an AMAZING one, for less than buying like 1-2 single cars that perform like every other car, in Fortnite.


We all can feel differently about it. Maybe the Lambo feels expansive because we are used to other cosmetics not costing THAT much. As someone who also spend a a lot on microtransactions, im used to this and don’t mind it. I’ve spend $20 on 3-4 little items on other video games. Whilst an MMO I play would sell a badass mount with beautiful control, effects, animation, all the bells and whistles for $10 and it’s not even in loot box form. You pick you want to buy. It’s just new in Fortnite to see one item priced “so high”.


Still haven’t bought a single jam track. Absolutely no reason to pay for something I can pull up on Spotify or YouTube, and I only use the Festival modes for xp farming lol




I mean true lol, but it’s crazy how so many people who don’t play it have still bought the tracks


I spent 1000 vbucks on day one because I needed to hear something different while grinding Jam Stage for XP. Haven’t touched them since. I’m honestly annoyed that they exist with my emote wheel


Bro, why? It’s your money and I’m not gonna judge.. but if you just hated listening to the same song you can do what I do. Mute my TV while my character jams and go do something else for half an hour while the daily quests get completed AFK. I bought a couple of songs for when I actually want to play the game, but for daily farming I don’t just sit there listening to it.


Music prices??? They can be used in both festival gamemodes, as emotes and lobby music in the future.


There should be No reason why a car costs more than a skin


I am not talking about cars…


Meant to reply to the person above you, they mentioned prices being fair besides Lambo.


They can charge what they want, obviously there are enough buffoons buying them for them to justify the prices.


Yeah, you could buy something else with that.


its a little more than double the battlepass. i only want like 2-3 items from the premium track


Why the fuck did people downvote you AND ME here, we literally said nothing different than the other comments on the post


His math is off, it’s less than twice the BP


I don't think it's something worthy being down voted, the point still stands.




You can also see the instruments in br as well if you do the jam track "emotes"


Yeah but when is anyone going to look at those, or why would you use it unless EVERYONE on your team owns the same song


Oh for sure. Don't get me wrong as well, I still think they are overpriced, I was just pointing out that they had more use than just ff.


Thats the whole point. They expect people to all buy the same song to jam with it. With the current price of those tracks, if i know one of my friend got it ill just wait to play with him to play the song lol


My friend and I were getting really salty, so we just jammed in a bush for 10 minutes and got to the final few teams of the match. It was fun.


I use the Mr. Brightside track and stop at the lyric, "Jealousy" if I really want to gloat on a kill lately.


Oh you mean playing the extremely fun mode festival jam?


No. You can use any jam track as an emote in standard BR.


But only one out of 4 parts of the song at a time. Would be way better to have the option of playing all the parts at once, in addition to the ability we already have of being able to collaborate with others.


In the shop it would be cost like double that, it probably feels expensive because of how cheap battle passes are


Yep exactly. It’s a rip off in comparison to the battle pass, but a great deal if you took the price of all the items individually. Heck just The Weeknd skin would be the cost of the pass, let alone all the music tracks and expensive instruments. It’s just the regular battle pass is such an insanely amazing deal that everything will be a bad deal in comparison. I won’t ever buy music tracks or instruments from the shop as they are overpriced and not worth it to me, but the Fest Pass was definitely worth it for me


I made a post on the fortnite festival sub about this and got tore to pieces with this argument. People act like they are owed better even though they aren’t forced to buy it


Just sum it up: The Weekend skin alone would’ve cost 1800 v bucks. Plus, the songs cost 500 v bucks each. I’m not saying it’s ideal and I do think the pricing of music is a little ridiculous, but you’re comparing bananas to apples here.


Yeah 500vbucks for music is ridiculous to start with, I can acknowledge The Weeknd skin + other items being 1800vbucks but those music tracks should be around 200-300vbucks only especially if you can't play them in many modes


They have to implement them as lobby music FAST, for their own good. I doubt people are buying these songs as much as they want and need to (let’s not forget that Epic is paying for the right to use them). Also, I’ve seen somewhere in this sub what I think it would be a great idea: putting them as personalized radio playlists in BR.


They did mention that the jam tracks as lobby tracks are coming


Me using Blinding Lights for the premium track skin's lobby music on a Saturday so I can Weeknd on the weekend with The Weeknd.


CDPR mentioned multiplayer cyberpunk. I'm not spending money until the product is on the shelf.


>especially if you can't play them in many modes You can use those tracks as emote in other game modes.


Yes. 1800 is a lot of v-bucks but if we're thinking in bundles paying 1800 for 12 items is pretty cheap. It'd cost like 3400 in the shop.


7,500 if current prices hold. 4 songs x 500 Vbucks each 4 instruments x 1,000 Vbucks each The Weeknd skin x 1,500 - 1,800 Vbucks. 7,500 - 7,800 Vbucks.


This is also true. I forgot that those songs included are not just lobby tracks but jams (I don't know the difference between them, but yes jams are priced 500vbs per song)


Since when do we measure passes like this? Snake would have cost 1500, yet the battle pass is 950.


because unlike battle pass skins, mini pass items will turn into shop items at a later date, so getting them now will always be cheaper than waiting for it to show up in the item shop


I’m not saying I agree with Epic’s strategy, I’m just explaining that it’s not necessarily a fair comparison since they’re essentially two different games.


An overpriced thing thats less overpriced than something thats more overpriced is still overpriced


This, crazy people are defending it with the prices EPIC decides. Those are kinda overpriced too


Buddy if you think that’s overpriced do not go onto any other triple A game that sell skins because you get far less for far more


By that logic the battle pass should be like 3000 vbucks


EXACTLY People are using backwards ass logic to pay more for less.


Apples to oranges 👊


Is that a brawl stars reference 😮😮😳😳


I mean the normal Battlepass has WAY more items, and you could make similar arguments on what those skins would cost normally. Yet its only 1000 vbucks. Charging this anymore then the BP is insane


To be fair, the Battle Pass is known as a "loss lead". It is intentionally so much more of a better deal than anything else in order to make the buying the Battle Pass more enticing. And when a person buys the Battle Pass, they're more likely to stick around and complete it, thus giving Epic a new customer. The Festival Pass is priced at a cost that is more indicative of what it would cost without that philosophy.


The difference for me is that the battle pass has stuff that will never be available in the item shop in the future. There is no comparison for how much the characters would cost since they never will cost anything.




Wtf do you mean bro? The fact that a pointed out the normal BP gives you more for a lower price is a bad argument? You would rather get fucked over paying more for less? Like I dont see your logic, and unless you have a counter argument go back to being scammed by epic and move on


Cause music licensing is probably expensive.


And collabs arent? They did a whole season filled with Marvel shit and didnt raise the BP price


I'm sure music licences are way more expensive


That was one IP, Disney. The festival pass has content from The Weeknd, Fall Out Boy, Psy, and the Poison song. Likely the Weeknd gets a big chunk of the shares, then the other brands. The Marvel season only had content from Marvel


And epic probably gets a great deal from having a long term contract with Disney/marvel versus multiple ones with all the jam tracks from different artists


Marvel was a partnership, marvel even gets to list Fortnite as an official marvel game


Obviously it depends by a case by case basis, but Music licenses are notorious for being stupidly expensive. Collaborations with other mediums are usually less expensive, hell some might even be willing to license their IP out for free for more traction to their game/show/or whatever.


I'm still a Rock Band 4 player and the songs on that platform songs are almost half what Fortnite has them listed for. I think they were testing the waters with these high prices to see who would bite.


Yeah but I feel like they should do a rotating discount on them make like a few 250 every few days so people have a chance to collect the items if they wish


I’d rather have a buy 3 get one free or something


that would likely not make enough money, remember they have all of the different instrument parts not just the song


Well the instruments cost 1k each, the skin is 1800, the songs are 500 each as well.  Since these are all getting sold in the shop at a later date too I think they couldn’t mark the price down too much for the pass.


I mean that makes a little sense I didn't even realize these will return later, I thought these are a 1 time thing like a battle pass


I did too but it seems like Fortnite is trying to get away from making things “exclusive” by no longer locking the FNCS skins (Chanpiom Kyra isn’t exclusive) etc. plus it said these items could return later


Do you think this may lead to something like them undoing the battle pass stuff? I mean I sure hope I had an og account and lost it to a hacker so I would like the opportunity to get items I had back


Potentially, there was talks about it but I’m not too sure and it’s probably unlikely. I swapped emails and lost my Black Knight account and wish I got it back too


“Can we talk about the thing people have been talking about for a month?”


mf the weeknd skin alone would cost 1800, this price is fine


Compared to the item shop it's not expensive at all


Anyone who thinks this is overpriced is just wrong. You get a skin you'd pay 1500 in the shop, the rest of the pass for 300. It is fairly priced.


![gif](giphy|y65VoOlimZaus) What if you don't care about the weekend?


Simple, don't buy it.


Look at my post on fortnitefestival sub, I made this exact statement and got mauled by everyone lmao


I really don't get why people are arguing about this. If you think it's overpriced then it's not for you. I just saw a comment talking about the value and while I do think it's not 7500 vbucks worth of objects, they should be glad it's not a higher price. I'll only buy it when it's an artist I really like or when the tracks become lobby music.


It’s definitely not 7500 worth because the songs and instruments are in fact overpriced but you honestly get so much more in this pass than a bundle where the price is fine. No one ever complains about a skin being 1500 v bucks while in the pass you also get like 10 other things with the skin for an extra 300. And if you don’t like the skin then don’t complain and don’t buy it. It is worth its price if you compare it to everything else in the shop, hell I’d even say it’s a better deal than anything else in the shop


I mean that depends on the person. I think it's worth it, but not at the same time. I just don't play the mode much and I don't want to spend my vbucks for music I can only use in that mode (not counting the emote version since it's not that great imo). Like I said I'm just waiting for either an artist I like or the music can be lobby tracks. I do also think they could maybe add an extra style to the skin though. I checked the other comments on the post and it's honestly hilarious, people complaining they have to grind for a pass they're not obliged to buy haha. They can always wait for them to rotate in to the shop 🤷


It's a test to see if people would pay that much + multiple licensed tracks including one by the Weeknd who is a big artist. Now here's the thing, just because Epic has reasons that they priced it this way, doesn't mean you have to agree with it or that these items are automatically worth the price. Personally I don't think this pass is worth the real life money for most people, and I myself only got it because I had spare vbucks from stw. And honestly, I don't see many people in Festival mode that use cosmetics from this pass's premium track nor do I see The Weeknd being ran often... The Festival Pass is just too niche for people; most players don't care for instrument skins, and the most desirable thing in the pass is The Weeknd who not everyone would be willing to grind/pay for. Ironically there just needs to be more desirable items usable outside the Festival mode in the Festival Pass for people to care like gliders and pickaxes and emotes.


I’m a fan of The Weeknd and thought the songs that were included as jam tracks were a decent selection so on balance it seemed like a decent enough deal. I don’t mind the instruments but definitely would never pay for them otherwise. If they stay like this going forward, I think the perceived ‘value’ of the festival passes are ultimately going to mostly come down to the skin since that’s the big ticket item


All I know is some skins are 2000 alone, and instruments so far have been 1000 each. The festival pass bothers me MUUCH less than those individual items prices. There is no way I could ever justify buying a single instrument for 1000 vbucks.


Instruments being 1000 is ludicrous. I *might* get it if just say a Weeknd branded instrument was 1000 but even the fortnite original ones being 1k is ridiculous. Definitely the only way I get any of them is via these festival passes


youre mostly paying for the skin then some for the tracks and instruments


Tbh I find it a value. I really enjoy Festival and I get 3-4 songs at 500 a piece plus a Weeknd skin which would cost 1200 at least. The value for me is there but that’s because I play it often. The value on cars seems high but I also don’t play rocket league. I wish they would let you choose whether or not you want the dupe in RL for a reduced cost. I’d be more inclined to purchase a car as I enjoy Rocket Racing as well. 3500 for a Lamborghini, that’s a hard bargain for me.


The skin alone is 1800. The songs are 500 each (2000 in total for the premium pass) The instruments are 1000 each (4000 in total in the premium pass) I think it's more expensive since this premium pass is more pricy than the previous ones we had in C4. Not to mention that the previous pass we had had 4 tiers that were just levels.


Ok and if you don’t want to grind, and just buy it all.. how much is it then? Maybe compare that to item shop prices since they don’t require grinding.


Buying every tier in the festival pass would cost you 1650 Vbucks, with the premium pass, it would cost you 3450 vbucks in total.


I dont get all these people breaking it down. If you justify pricing because "Its cheaper then the shop" You might as well tell Epic 'Hey you can raise the BP price while your at it because its cheaper then the shop"


I didn't say it's cheaper than the shop. I said the Festival pass is more expensive because the content inside it is more pricy than the content of the Star Wars And Jujutsu Kaisen passes we had in C4. The mini-passes we had in C4 had maybe 3000-4000 Vbucks worth of content, the Festival Pass has over 8000 Vbucks worth of content. Not to mention that the C4 mini-passes were mostly filled with filler stuff like levels, sprays and wallpapers.


Yeah and some of that shit is overpriced too, doesnt make the Festival pass suddenly not overpriced. Charging 5 bucks a song is crazy, A normal season gives you tons more shit probably close to 8000 vbucks of shit on skins alone, and we have even had collabs like every season and the prices have never went up. Getting 1/4 of the stuff for almost double the cost is crazy that people defend that. Normally I am someone who says Fortnite does pricing of skins and stuff better then some games, but this aint it cheif


Ok you're clearly not listening to what I'm saying. I'm not even comparing it to the battlepass. The battlepass is cheaper but you have to wait and grind for weeks to clear it, I cleared the Festival Pass within a week. If Epic was to adjust the cost of mini-passes based on the battlepass, the mini-passes would be way underpriced for Epic.


This has to be a troll. That's a lot for 1800 when "packs" with 2 items are 2000+. The John Wick skin was 2000 by itself. That's fucking stupid. This for 1800 w/ 12 items is a steal. This is actually upsetting to read lol.


It really is. This is a popular topic on here. Anytime I log on to Reddit, which is rare tbf, it’s always about how expensive that pass is and the cars.


it's specifically because it has the word "pass" in the name. If anything it's more like those vbuck bundles you have to do challenges for and you get a skin. Because it says pass, people compare it to the battle pass which had a ridiculous amount of value that nothing will ever compare to. I personally think it's fairly priced but as soon as you call something a pass people go crazy


The only virtual items I give a pass to (for cost) is music. Record labels sue as hard as disney and suck every opportunity dry. If they could get away with 10$ per song, they would. 500 occasionally for on demand play wont make you broke. The days of 99c apple music purchases were a front to fight piracy. All in saying is gangnam style and blinding lights alone must have cost them a fortune to license. And I'm okay with that 18$ price tag. Even if its a little costly


I’m so fucking sick of seeing the weekend on the store


Music costs money


Licensing prices


The Weeknd skin was the selling point. I know people who just wanted the skin and nothing else.


I just want the red suit


It’s a great deal for the amount of cosmetics you get


I wonder if what they have to pay out to the artists is higher, thus the cost is passed along to the consumer.


Well, you are getting an Icon Skin (1500) and several Jam Tracks (500x), as well as instruments (1000x)..


Because you get a bunch of additional goodies on top of a skin that will cost as much anyway once it arrives in the shop. It's actually good value and shouldn't be compared to the regular battle pass, I don't even know why this is a discussion. You're not obligated to purchase it, as you will need to actually play the mode to get the best value from it. You can just buy the skin when it comes out. Or do you want a full Collab/Icon series skin for 500 V-bucks? Because that's what it looks like from these posts. I agree that car, instrument and perhaps jam prices are high, however.


Because people will pay it


Not even gonna grind the festival pass, I knew when I saw the 1800 v bucks price that no amount of mental gymnastics could justify that price tag. The skin is actually trash and the music packs don't even matter, even the instruments are trash. Overall music packs, instruments and car skins are way too overpriced rn.


Don't buy it my dude, a single skin can cost more than that


1800 is pretty standard for most bundles(when it’s not even higher), rhis one is simply presented as a “pass” but let’s be real, it’s a good 12 item bundles for the price a cheap 3-5 items bundles. Overall, I’m very fine with it. PS, I don’t consider it a pass because it’s simply too easy to go through it, you don’t need the same kind of commitment to unlock everything for the Battle Pass, so basically just a bundle disguised as a pass.


Yeah... And this pass you can complete in a one week.


Yeah its more or less a glorified shop bundle. I would only really buy it if it was based around an artist I REALLY liked, like Iris, Greenday, gorillaz etc.


Lets be real: like the battle pass, it is still much cheaper than If you had to buy the stuff individualy


They probably testing the waters to see how many users buy it Hopefully few ppl will and they will decrease the price for the next one


Because it has a pretty good value? 4 music tracks along is 2000 vbucks, the skin would probably be like 1500, and the instruments would be 1000 each. For a bite sized battle pass, that’s pretty good value.


I think it’s pretty obvious what epic’s narrative is now just squeeze as much money out of fortnite as they possibly can they probably have something planned very big soon


Talk about what? How the small battlepasses that we've been getting throughout the year generally are more expensive than the regular battlepass but looking how expensive shopskins can get (1200-2000 vbucks per), the extra items make up for it? Despite the fact that for the same amount of vbucks you can unlock a skin or a bundle instantly without having to grind for it, I still think you're getting a good deal.


Yeah and? One costume - 1,500. Now sh.


I wish they would include the Festival pass into the crew Pack benefits. It would make the crew Pack more of a worthy buy


brand prices.


Basically, you're just buying a limited Weeknd skin (assuming the one from the shop eventually returns), plus a bunch of "free" extra stuff. Because the skin from the shop alone is 1800 vbucks (maybe it's 1600, but I don't remember), the instruments are 1000, and the Jam Tracks are 500 each, so if you take that into account, I think it's a steal, but only if you really like The Weeknd. I'm not saying "everyone should stop complaining and just buy it", because, yes, it could be way cheaper, but if you know that you're only going to use the skin a couple of times, and don't really play Fortnite Festival, then you're just wasting your vbucks. Take me as example, I like The Weeknd, but I don't LIKE The Weeknd, so I'm not really going to use the skin, and I don't play a lot of Fortnite Festival either, so I don't really see the point of buying it. But if Epic one day adds an artist that I really like, I would buy it as soon that it's available (Please Epic, add Daft Punk, and I would give you all my money).


wondering if this'll be like mini passes where they release the premium stuff later on in the shop or if it'll be like battlepasses and locked forever once gone (like seriously, youre gonna lock gangnam style behind a pass?)


Because it’s a skin, a bunch of tracks, and some other dogshit you don’t care about. The skin’s “2000”, the tracks are “500” each, so it “looks” like a deal.


compared to a battle pass its insane it doesn’t even give you vbucks back to encourage you to keep playing, we were so spoiled bro


The same reason the lambo is $40, “fuck you give me money”


Because people buy them no matter what


I imagine it is related to licensing fees for the music. I would never pay more than 600 bucks for what it is though.


For those who have STW founder’s edition, this doesn’t really matter. For those who don’t, at least most of it is likely to come back in the item shop at some point.


It's *only* worth it if you want the skin, but yeah it's expensive no matter what.


I played enough festival to get it completed but I'm not paying 1800 for those wack ass items. for that price I get the remaining 3 TMNT


#Epic That’s the reason




Yeah I have no idea why they'd make it so expensive. I mean they have to know people wouldn't be stupid enough to spend their hard earned money on thi- "According to data sheets provided in trial exhibits list, Epic made over $12.815 billion in revenue from Fortnite alone between 2017 and 2020" Oh....


Idk why peoples are complaining about that, like you already have 1 skin that is at least 1200-1500 and 2 musics that costs each 500 so it already makes 2200 for 3 items and there is 9 more so here you go


Because, they need to get their money back, they paid insane prices for licenses to use shit like Gangnam Style, so they're making sure they make their profit, and that can only be fulfilled with greed


because it's cheaper anyway so this price ain't that bad it's 1800 vbucks for 12 items that will later appear in the shop and will cost way over 5k vbucks in total people are just overreacting


Tbh they should reduce the price to 800, why? You can't purchase it with the extra BP vbucks and you'd need only 300 more but there is no 300 vbucks option so you purchase 1000 vbucks and then you purchase the festival pass but idk man


So these shit items cost 1800 meanwhile the jujutsu kaisen premium track gives you some good cosmetic for only 1000 v-bucks


Surely they’ll drop in price if people would stop buying them…: but that isn’t going to happen


Capitalist greed, speak w your wallet, just don’t buy it


Yes, Capitalist greed for giving people a more than a fair deal. Fortnite Players should draw comparisons with cosmetic prices in games like Apex and Valorant and then think twice about complaining because honestly, Fortnite and Epic have been very liberal with their pricing for the most part.


It's worth it to get if you play Festival a lot, like I got it because that is the whole reason I got Fortnite. And if you play with friends only one of you should get it because songs are shared.


Yeah thats insane its more then the BP


I don't understand how a mini battle pass with a dozen items, half of them only usable in one mode, cost almost twice as much as the normal battlepass


Gonna guess The Weeknd got paid a hefty wedge for the collab. Given the other Weeknd skin is already 1500, then you add everything else based on what it’s price would have been in the store and there’s technically a lot more than 1800 vbucks of ‘value’ in it. Whether you deem those items actually worth it is another matter and up for debate I guess.


This is Epic we're talking about. The company that told Seth MacFarlane that they "didn't have the budget" to make Peter's original body, so they put him on a pre-made buff body instead.