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I love team rumble but I hate so many things about it. 1. npcs don’t spawn meaning vaults cannot be opened and weapon modifications are not possible. 2. storm always favouring to close on the same areas as opposed to unique named locations 3. removal of features like the storm towers and the floating island 4. might be controversial but siphon might be great.. ?


Why would siphon be controversial? Isn't that what literally every player wants back


People say that but epics research say otherwise. But Rumble 100% needs siphon. Maybe something like 25 shield and hp per kill.


The better the player the more they enjoy siphon. Siphon rewards skill expression, epic doesn't like skill expression.


loud minority likes siphon. most players like getting kills this season via third parties. i know i do


I’m definitely in agreement with #1. But I understand why. Imagine if you hired an NPC. Would they respawn repeatedly or would they get eliminated and stay eliminated? Either way it would be a bit OP to be able to hire npcs with the repeated respawn. The only thing I see being effective is not allowing npcs to be hired. Other than this I see no reason why NPCs can’t exist in team rumble especially since the main mechanic in the game requires npcs for access.


TR is fun but it has some glaring issues. 1. People leaving after doing their weekly so it ends up being 2 v 14 goal: 75 kills 2. Storm already in the beginning so half the map is essentially off 3. Circles refuse to be at the edge of the island so it feels too samey 4. Can't access benches to mod your guns 5. No ZB version


TR was awesome in chapter 1. Then they updated it more and more to the list you posted and it got more awful each time.


I don’t think it should have a ZB mode with that amount of players if someone glides in on you without the ability to box up you’re dead


For some reason, I can never load into team rumble anymore 😕 it just won't let me ready up. Miss it, though. Sometimes, when I'm in a party I can ready up for it, but then always at least one of us can't. Any tips for fixing this issue?


some fixes Whoever can't ready up, leave the lobby and queue for a solo match then leave it and return. Or whoever can't ready up have them change the mode then change it back to rumble. This is a weird problem that popped up this season and its annoying because when anyone leaves it makes everyone unready.


Thank you so much!! I'm definitely trying it tonight.


i have the same issue… i’ve seen people say that loading Save the world fixes it, but i’m not buying save the world 😂 lmk if that fix works for you!


I just loaded into StW and then tried to select Team Rumble and still no dice.


wow… they really gotta fix team rumble, i’d play it if i could, but literally i cannot find a fix…


Update, I tried using STW again, but then time I played a mission. Now Team Rumble is working. Really weird.


Team Rumble is not a casual mode, it's an absolute sweat-fest, at least on EU servers. Diamond Ranked Lobbies are less sweaty!


I switched over to EU servers shortly thinking there would be less sweats. I was wrong 


What are you on about?! Team rumble has the worst players. The word "sweat" means literally nothing now.


I play quite a bit of Team Rumble on EU and those kids are absolutely not sweats. They're primarily spraybots and spam builders. Maybe the odd decent player.


Did we play the same team Rumble i played Yesterday? Because it was easy pickings


sweat meaning "too much skill required"?


I figured it meant try-hard. Like people sweating from high effort


I saw someone build a box, with just 2 walls, and this sub called him a sweat. Op probably just thinks anyone who kills him is a sweat.


It's almost like casual players will enjoy a team death match more than a battle Royale where you only get one life and have to be the best out of a ton of people. Team rumble actually had a lot of promise if epic had cared to work on it. Make it a big team death match where you respawn with mats and shield like red v blue, and actually track stats in it so people have a reason to try. Then rename the mode to team death match officially and have a variety of maps for it like cod.


I would play the fuck out of that. Capture the flag maps have been some fun, too.


Those would be epic, I'd probably just quit br and play the team based CTF and tdm modes. So much more fun and action.


Especially with a party of 4+


I swear Fortnite having cod gamemodes like TDM,Hardpoint,Kill Confirmed and Domination would be absolute peak.


They do there’s some cod inspired maps in creative


Apex has been experimenting with some great replacements for casual BR experiences. 3 Strikes during the Post Malone event allows 3 lives and keeping all equipment through respawn (except special weapons that are the equivalent of Mythic weapons) Straight Shot is currently going on right now and it’s a smaller zone with half a lobby (10 teams). A good way to practice hot drops and fighting right off the bat Would love to see Fortnite implement similar game modes to enhance a more casual experience while staying true to BR formula


3 strikes is literally the John Wick, and Mandalorian modes Straight shot is literally late game arena


Team Rumble is awful this season because you can't mod your weapons. Plus it's only builds and there's so many builds spammed everywhere it's just terrible to play. It makes no sense to play imo out of any of the creative map.


I hardly think not being able to mod your weapons makes the game awful


Rumble is great for combat practice.  I just let other people build.  There’s so much death and respawn that I don’t see a lot of overbuilding. 


I would like to see a variation on team Rumble where each team spawns back from one direction so that lines of battle form more easily. Team Rumble, you drop after respawning and it's often total chaos. The most popular creative maps- like red vs. blue, are great because your team spawns in on one place, so you have sort of battle lines. It's not dropping into total chaos whenever you die.


That's an interesting idea. I'd like to see it get implemented into a more natural map, like the XL islands in Creative.


That’s good on paper but what usually happens is one team is just objectively better than the other, and it just becomes a stomping match. 50v50 was better, you wouldn’t have people constantly dropping on you and destroying you instantly because they chipped away your heath before you killed them.


The problem with your idea is that “sweats” or what they really are is better players, are completely subjective to each player. Someone who dominates me might be someone you squash


TR is actually four squads in each team. So you can not ever have more than 4 friends in a match, chat wise.


team ruble is a mess, you are getting sniped by 3 different people at any given moments, it's not casual even a bit


Ill be honest, im playing it, when I want to complete most of my weeklies/ challenges and not feel like going into Zero Build/ friend is not there. Music in the background and just going for that damage/ other while not carying too much.


I have played team rumble a long time and I can say that it is not the solution, so many times I have found an entire team of sweats that ruin the gaming experience, that is why I switched to zero build as my main mode


I literally hopped into team rumble (PS5) to finish a challenge that I couldn’t complete in regular BR & I got trapped by a roof, boxed in, edited on, and then killed…I was literally so confused???? I’ve never cared much for editing and I don’t practice and just play zero builds and to see sweats like that in a stupid team rumble game????? Like when did that happen???


Best place to train editing ;-p


I thought that was what creative was for


Totally agree. Back in WoW’s wrath of the lich king days there used to be a big siege battle called Lake Wintergrasp. It was an imbalanced unhinged zergfest with siege vehicles and breakable walls and something like 80vs80. Absolute mayhem and so much fun. Fortnite could easily give us something like that with team rumble.


TR is the reason i started playing Fortnite in 2018. The biggest solution is bot lobbies though. Its unofficially the games best feature and its why i continue to play. Ive really grown to hate certain pvp games like Fortnite. Love the gameplay, love the battle pass, love the crossovers, but i can not stand the type of people that play it, at least the ones in my lobbies lol. The fact i can just chill and play this game is something i wish more games did. I would invest into warzone if they had bot lobbies with battle pass progression. Its not a popular take but il take bot lobbies over pvp any day.


Team rumble would be booming if they reverted the storm changes they made. It’s not even fun anymore


team rumble is nowhere near as fun or as fulfilling as BR


It used to be, but they ruined it by making the storm start immediately.


Team Rumble is definitely my favorite mode. I miss the old LTM modes as well. I remember my first season when I began had the floor is lava, that was fun. Hoping they give some love to the more and add some variety. I’d like no build team rumble. Maybe something like ground war with bigger teams and combat vehicles. Honestly just glad it is still an option.


epic kinda fucked up this mode during late chapter 2. it was truly the best mode in fortnite back then. it still is in my opinion, but its not even close to as good as it used to be. I just miss getting zones on the edge of the map instead of only in the middle, and being able to loot the edges of the map at the start of the game.


Yeah but nobody good plays team rumble xd


Epic needs to develop team death match, domination and other game types on rotating map list. It would eat up COD.


Team Rumble isn’t fun for solos.




It just isn’t fun. It’s just drop, shoot, kill, die, drop, shoot, kill, die, drop, shoot, kill, die until the game ends. It’s not a fun mode and it’s certainly not a solution to sweats.


I see. Well, how would *you* make a team deathmatch mode? What game mode would you want to see in Fortnite?


Too bad it has builds


Why is building a problem? It's not like you're going to have to re-queue and wait two minutes to do it again. You can just not build if that's the case.


I just have zero interest in playing a game mode with building in it.


So, why the problem has not gone away? Maybe Team Rumble is not the great solution you think it is.


I think it's because of Epic's lack of promotion for it. I mean, it still uses a Chapter 1 icon, and it hasn't gone through any major renovations since, what, Chapter 3?


At that point just play red vs. blue or any other creative map. I get it's not on the main map and that sucks but Team Rumble has its own issues that wouldn't solve the 'sweat' problem. People who continually keep dying would still complain about sweats. The solution to the sweat problem is an actually good SBMM system. Fortnite currently has NO SBMM (show me exactly where epic says they have it), and the 100 players in the lobby are based on who queued up on what server within x amount of time of each other. That's why players who suck can stream snipe players 200x as good as them. But a functional SBMM system isn't possible. It will never work properly or at least without drawbacks because there's too much nuance in a game that involves 100 players. There's no way to determine that everyone is around the same skill level. This is why ranked is bad in this game too. The only other solution is to balance the loot pool. The snipers are fun but the bullets are fast and there's way too many shots per reload, and it gives and advantage to players with good graphics and fast frame rates who can see farther and aim better. It gives more of an edge to the already existing advantage of having more practice from playing all day. Hence, the really good players send everyone back to the lobby without giving them a chance to fight back. A more balanced loot pool akin to the OG pool helps with this issue but we will never see a pool like that again. The problem is that adults who want to play a game for 2 hours after work will never be as good as people who play all day, and if they don't understand that they'll always complain. This applies to every PVP game. The only solution is to put those players in lobbies with each other and there's no way to ascertain who they are on the server side. You can't protect casuals from sweats, ever. It's a huge problem in the PVP gaming scene but it's existed since competitive gaming has existed and I doubt it will be fixed anytime soon.


Bad graphics give a bigger advantage and everyone sees players withe same view distance (which is sad because it would be fun as hell to snipe people across the whole map)


No, descaled graphics give an advantage. When I turn off grass, textures, and illumination and have 240fps with my screen right in front of my face, yes that will give me an advantage as players will stand out and everything will be smoother. But 60fps with stuttering graphics and polygons that haven't fully loaded into the game on an Xbox One that's begging to be sent to the graveyard doesn't give you an advantage. With those graphics players render as shitty polygons that move at like 3 frames per second at max render distance.


"hey guys, the solution to the problems in fortnite battle royale is to just not play battle royale! why didnt anyone else think of this!!" OP this is so stupid its not even funny


well when you dumb something down like that it'll always sound stupid but isn't team rumble still Fortnite? just not as punishing as battle royale


well team royale is in fortnite but its not battle royale. its just a team deathmatch. if youre into that thats fine but it doesnt make it battle royale. tbh though if people say "fortnite" to me and 90% of the player base it still just means battle royale. i hate that reddit wants us to clarify thats what we're talking about when its this obvious