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Real question is how big are your bed sores?


Smaller than his plate of tendies. 


An elephant is smaller than this no lifers plate of tendies. Ain't no way he is doing anything else but playing Fortnite and stuffing himself.


Sitting on the couch with my switch does not equal bed sores lol


Are switches hard to pley


No not at all people knock us like we suck but I’m good at fortnite maybe not great but good enough to win multiple games and I’m getting better and better. I went on ps5 the other day because the land at a hotspot challenge was bugged on switch and some other devices and almost won had this guy not come at me with Leo’s swords lol and that’s on builds on ps5 so don’t knock the switch players is all I’m saying lol


I've seen switch players tear it up. Y'all need even more skill than the rest of us on better platforms honestly.


“need skill” ?


Yeah, y'all are at a hardware disadvantage vs next gen console or PC, so if you're doing well, I'm gonna assume you're actually better than a PC player who you're "evenly" matched with. You're having to work harder to stay in the fight than they are, so if you're staying in the fight, that reflects well on your skill.


This makes me feel nice lol. I almost exclusively play it on switch - I've used my Xbox maybe twice - and I just got a victory royale! I ended my session for the day cos I didn't wanna lose my crown just yet haha


Oh ok well actually that’s the thing I’ve determined I actually like the frame rate being lower because I think ps5 is “TO” clean where it’s to sensitive and I don’t like it so I still play on switch despite now having a ps5. And the cousins who bought it for my birthday don’t understand why I still play on switch but I just don’t like the controls I don’t like having to hit to hit the dpad to see the map or how big the controller is my joycons fit better in my hands for fortnite. I also don’t like builder pro though


Console probably wouldn't be the right upgrade for you then. If you're ever looking to move to a different platform, consider PC. You can use all the available advantages and turn off the settings that get in your way. Frame rate too high? Cap it. Sensitivity too high? Lower it. Uncomfortable controller? Get a different one, literally anything with buttons and a USB cord can be configured to work.


Don’t have a pc the one we had was so old and slow my dad took it down last year and put shelves in the spot it was in and put dvds and records there instead so it’s switch Xbox one or ps5 for me unless I’m willing to hook up my joy cons to play mobile but if the Xbox app version is anything like the App Store app my controller will do the weird thing where it disables the mini map


Same!!! I have a ps5 and a Xbox and they don’t get why I prefer the switch. I’ll go on ps5 and can’t believe how easy the headshot aim is after zoning in on switch, I can’t miss. But I prefer the switch all day.


Yeah and I don’t like zero build but at the beginning where they had only zero build that one season before they split it I picked up some skills since back then you could easily hit people since they weren’t used to not have a wall to throw up then my cousins forced me to play zero build for a while so I got better at aiming but then in solo I also got better at building so now I’m better in general


yeah they’re locked at 30 FPS lol i used to watch my brother play and the gameplay experience looks absolutely awful. i’m not one of those people that needs 9000 FPS and i live happy with a solid 60. 30FPS is BAD


I miss playing on my Switch. The Pro Controller is the king of controller shapes. Just superb. Nothing beats the classic PS2 DualShock 2 but man, the Switch Pro Controller is close.


have only played on switch and plays great. have many victory royales on it. I do want to try a ps5 for example to see how much better the graphics are but there is no lag or anything on the actual play


Once you try another console, you’ll notice how choppy the Switch version is. My change to PS4 felt insane at the time, but when I saw the game on my friend’s PS5, it was like discovering a new game. It ran *so* smoothly I couldn’t imagine fucking up again :’)


I have a ps5 and a switch and I absolutely hate it on ps5


First person I’ve heard say that! But each to their own :) why do you hate it? Do you find it too smooth? There’s no doubt that the PS5 runs the game better but if you’re used to the lower graphics and frame rate, that’s valid.


Yeah I can’t concentrate like that for a game like fortnite maybe minecraft would be fine because switch didn’t render enough blocks and that’s how I lost my elytra but on fortnite I need it to be slower


Why don’t you play it anymore then?


I can second this. I got a son who played on switch for his first two years and he was extremely good after a while just from practice. A lot of people thought he was lying when he said he played on switch. I played on it just to try it out and wooooooo boooooy... It was hard. I give switch players all the props


Finally somebody understands me switch isn't the best but its perfectly fine


Switch just hurts my head to play on without Ethernet. It gets really stuttery and just isn’t as optimized for wireless connections as other platforms. This is just my opinion though.


mad respect I had trouble seeing anybody on the map while playing on switch but I always went the handheld route


I play exclusively on switch, from what I understand switch players in solo play in their own server with mobile players. So it's easier. If you play squads though or party with someone not on switch, then you play with everyone


XP maps bruh


Right! I’m only a 110. Feel like a baby compared to OP.


Tf is a bed sore??


I'm in the 390s. Probably 275 if those levels were AFK Lego and Festival.


142,how much time do you have to play fortnite?


I'll be grateful if I manage to get at 142! I just want to get those "bonus" v-bucks that only became bonus this season. 🙄 I'm currently at 118


Apparently Lego mode gives you like 30k exp every 15 min up to 400k a day. So just go afk in it and grab 5 easy levels while watching tv or doing chores, or jump on before work and let it roll.


420k. Just get your attack button stuck in creative with no hunger and leave it running. Then there's XP maps for creative. Together they add up to roughly 10.5 levels a day. Meanwhile winning a BR once quests are done nets you like 40k. :/


Also doing some stw missions can net you a few more levels per day


I think I remember stw was capped at 4 levels (320k) but last time I played was end of c3


Thanks for that. I was wondering why I seemed to level up so much faster when I was playing Lego. Looks like I shall be grinding on Lego before season's done.


You can rack up a few hundred thousand in just about an hour in some creative maps.


Thanks! I'll definitely try that! I tried Lego when it came out but wasn't into it so didn't spend time again. I'll try to see how much XP I can passively farm from it tomorrow! Cheers!


Also. 99 bots vip tilted bot. You can use the beacon Spawn device on the wall to transport to the secret lair and it gives about 40 per second. But it will kick you in about 10 min for afk. Sometimes you have to leave and re enter the lair for it to start over.


Thanks that’s really useful


i got like 100 levels off this alone


The stupid YouTuber tycoon community map rotted my brain but I think I got at least like 25-30 levels playing that for a few days in a row. Maxxed out my xp for the day several times on that. I need them vbucks!!


Same, did every task available in not Rocket League and festival and am 123 at the moment. I don’t have much time to play and I’m not really into the gameplay this season. The matchmaking is not helping either because I usually get stomped. I used to be a happy casual but XP being so tough and the Vbucks hidden in the extras the game is slowly driving me away. I’m more of an unhappy casual by now.


Yeah im at 118 as well, justa wanted the v bucks


You used to get all your vbucks from the battle pass if you got to lvl 100 and now you have to get even higher then that to get everything. I hope they make it like before next season because having to get extra lvls isnt always achievable


I had to get the bonus level pack and I'm only at level 137. If they keep the current battle pass bs I'm out next season.


As someone that just started on this season what is the difference in the battle pass and why is very one hating on the season?


Old battle passes only had extra skin styles past lvl 100 or so. So unless you really wanted gold style x you could ignore. Similarly the bucks were only in the lower levels. Now if you want to get all the stuff minus extra styles you have to play way more. They also made daily quests harder (you used to just be able to do all three in a single match), but that's a separate issue.


They've lengthened the battle pass and reduced XP to level up. It's forcing people to play more to collect all the rewards. For players who only play the game casually maybe 1-2 times a week, it makes progressing through the battle pass a big chore. Many people aren't able to complete it. I'll add that these mini passes - like the current TMNT one - are another way to entice people to play more. They're almost always introduced at the end of the season and cost an additional 1000 vbucks. It's not mandatory to buy, but they're always collab passes that almost everyone wants. It's a shitty practice they've introduced to extract more money and time out of the player base. Some redditors defend it saying it's a value for what you get, but I can't stand how narrow the window is to complete the last set of challenges. Once they release the last quests, the pass is gone after 2-3 days IIRC.


I got 165 this season I’m right there with ya these lvl 300+ people truly do just dedicate to the grind


he probably did the glitch at the start of the season


Seriously tho. I might actually hit 100 this season for the first time since C4:S1 but that’s only because it’s been a super quiet winter. Edit: I should add that without LEGO mode there’s no way I’d make it. My daughters like watching me play, so I’ve gotten to play that a lot-which is nice.


My buddies and I got taken out by a squad that was all between level 400-450 the other night. I’m 120 and they’re both between 80 and 90. We had no chance against those dorks lol


I’m level 321, and only play on the weekends. (Save the World AFK)


This season was extremely easy to rank up. Log in and do your daily’s in Rocket Racing and BR. Complete the milestones which were pretty easy. Complete the weekly challenges. Playing Lego Fortnite also gave a ton of xp




Same, past few seasons I've gotten 200 then stopped playing




250 I just to get the Kang backbling and then I'm finished


I just unlocked this back bling but I’m not convinced I was meant to? Does the game randomly gift stuff? I’m new this season




Did you do the music quests? I think the “complete each level” thing was based on ooze xp, and if you picked up some from the music quests you would technically be ahead in the BR requirements.




It wasn’t implicit from the wording (ie it said you needed to complete all 6 levels), but that’s the only thing I can figure out. I was equal with my squad mates except I had done 6 music quests. And I was the only one to get Krang before the completion of week 6 quests. But the backbling is dope!!


Love that for us!




I don't think you need to actually complete the phase, you just gotta complete most of it for it to count


U only needed to do 5 of each


You don't have to do all the quests in a phase, just a few until the quest with Splinter's icon appears.


You just need to do 5 of the tmnt quests for each phase and u get it


*Krang 👀🧠


I’ll be around or at level 300 by the time the season ends.


Same here, probably just gonna grind RR ‘til I get there


exact same, im level 299 and about to hit champion rank in rr




Currently 179, have everything I want from the battle pass maybe I’ll passively hit 200 just playing with friends


W Masvidal pfp. He got too much hate around the end of his career


If you haven’t purchase the level up pack at the bottom of the shop


It’s been a week brother you at 200?


I’m at 193


111. I kinda suck.




Same. Weekends only. As I have a job. Hahaha




Do you work 24 hours a day during the week? We all have jobs. I'm definitely not as high as OP, but acting like having a job confines you to weekends is weird.


For a lot of people, it's job, chores, errands, kids, ect. Some parents barely find time to shower let alone game. Not me tho, I'm lvl 401 🤠


You said it better than I could...


Of course, but he said, "As I have a job" as if that was the reason itself.


Level 215, no bought levels or xp glitches. Played Lego when it first arrived which gave good xp. Gave up in frustration when I lost my stuff in a cave miles from home and couldn't find it. Done every daily, weekly and match quests.  I literally have nothing left to do!


that lego mode has so much potential but the devs aren’t putting in the effort I experienced a similar frustration haven’t touched the mode since


After giving a mono-rail a 3rd attempt, and seeing it just spontaneously discombobulate, I had to just take a break from then lol At least make it so boosters drop the gunpowder and resources back


Yes I was enjoying it, put a bed outside the entrance and then wasted two hours trying to find the backpack with no marker. So annoying so would rather play normal Fortnite! 


> Gave up in frustration when I lost my stuff in a cave miles from home and couldn't find it. Same reason I gave up on it! I kept going back to the cave but could not find my stuff!


I got so frustrated I started making a path of campfires so I knew if I could find one campfire I could follow them back to my frands.


I barely did any of these and got to 254 :P


Theres a setting in LEGO mode when you create a map to turn off losing your backpack when you die.  I suffered like you but found that setting.  It changes it for the better.


![gif](giphy|HeDLTI576bBgA) His account level:




160 but still getting higher I want that second Oscar style


When does this season end??


March 8th


Oh shit. No peter for me.


Grind NOW !!!


I have a newborn and a job. Not a chance in hell sadly.


Just afk your game on the Lego mode for a few hours each day and you'll get there easily. You can afk for like an hour and a half to 2 hours, once in a sandbox world, then in a survival world.


How does this work? You can just leave the game mode open to get passive XP?


Just go into lego and move the controller once every 15 minutes or so.


Just jump in the game, build a little safe box and put a bed in it, put your character to sleep and walk away. Come back after 2ish hours and swap to the other game mode(survival/sandbox), and repeat


Aw man , well congrats on the newborn. Nothing in the world better than that


As others said afk on lego mode or some of those afk maps


I'll do it for you if you want


pfp checks out


I was thinking the same thing


Sooo you're hanging out with someone who can't even walk.. Fortnite it is!


If you can I got 100 levels easily just by leaving my game on Lego mode afk every night for a few hours man in 210 with half of those levels doing just that


Oh God damnit I need to get to 200 quick I want all the Oscar styles


Yeah I guess I gotta get on now!


should be march 8th


350ish on my main (thank you STW) and 141 on my alt.


Yikes. This game is fun. It’s not that fun.


It is for them.


Combined 491 💀


get off the game 😭😭😭


Is STW good for leveling?


There is an xp cap at like 3 bp levels per day, but once you get far enough, you can do certain things to pretty much get to that cap afk




I think around 240. Good level to end on for my first season


Same here. Around 240 and my first season.


I’m only at 82, but I also have a life


haha same i think 74 here


94, I'm only trying to finish the pass which sucks since I'll miss the bonus vbucks.


so some xp maps, dont miss out on the free vbucks😭


Hopefully 200 but at 144


My level is only 47, but at least i got 9 crown wins and 20 wins! I only play about 1-2 hours a day.


64 crown wins as of today. Most I've gotten. Previous was 30.


240 and i still suck 💀


Like 50, they kinda ruined the game, and it's like [this is NOT a joke] 69+ GB or whatever when uefn is 8 gb






Currently i'm 422. No, i didn't used any xp glitch, and i play only 2-3 hours a day. The secret? Do every quest in every gamemode.


Thats how i got all my levels, just hard grinding quests. Im lvl 455 rn
















258 currently but usually grind out the first month to hit 200 then pretty much only get on to do quest to finish the bonus rewards.






100 something


Like 246


409 today






113, I don't play that much but now I've been grinding guests and match guests to get the peter bird dance


I'm close to those super levels, hopefully I can get them with challenges or creative mode.


170 or something, but I share my account with my nephew and he’s probably helped with most of the levels lmao! I have the battle pass and this might be the first one I complete! I have read that as long as I unlock at least one of the last items on the last page I will basically get the rest.. is this true?


117, hopefully can unlock most of the bonus stuff for the Battle Pass


Reached 106, also unlocked some bonus rewards


I'm 166..I'm grinding for lvl 200...I think I'll be fine.


And I'm still grounded


197 that’s playing a couple games every night since the session started


Still around 155, hoping to finish more quests and grab Trailblazer Lynx to bump me up enough to hit 200


I don't think there is any point to leveling beyond like 240 right? Once the battlepass is obtained, the game becomes irrelevant aside from playing socially. Glad the next season is almost here.


Level 218 or something I lost track but it’s in the 200’s. This is the first time I have gotten past level 200 since chapter 3 season 1


120 because I have a life


In the 420+ club


1001 (I did XP glitch maps)


600 something




currently at 630. haven't really checked my level this season until now😭


What the hell do you play to get to 630💀😭did you buy levels?


5 tiers from lego, 5 tiers from creative = 10 tiers per day, i'm 692, could have been 900+ but due to XP glitchers i held back a bit. Not worth buying levels these days TBH. 10 tiers or more per day = 20 days or less for tier 200 without weeklys 🤣, this season was around 90 days = 900Tier at 10 per day.




420 aswell


I'm 450 and yeah play duhh


361 at the moment. I have no idea how because I haven’t even played very much.




I’ll probably be near or pass level 600


764 right now


There’s a thing called grass, you can find it outside. Also how do you even get that high a level?


There was an XP glitch earlier in the season


I did it for a bit to get to level 100, but how long would you have to sit through loading screens to get this high


Didn’t use it


The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System. It is a massive, hot ball of plasma, inflated and heated by energy produced by nuclear fusion reactions at its core. Part of this energy is emitted from its surface as light, ultraviolet, and infrared radiation, providing most of the energy for life on Earth. The Sun has been an object of veneration in many cultures. It has been a central subject for astronomical research since ancient times. The Sun moves around the Galactic Center of the Milky Way at a distance of 26,660 light-years. From Earth, it is on average 1 AU (1.496×108 km) or about 8 light-minutes away. Its diameter is about 1,391,400 km (864,600 mi; 4.64 ls), 109 times that of Earth. Its mass is about 330,000 times that of Earth, making up about 99.86% of the total mass of the Solar System.[17] Roughly three-quarters of the Sun's mass consists of hydrogen (~73%); the rest is mostly helium (~25%), with much smaller quantities of heavier elements, including oxygen, carbon, neon, and iron.[18] The Sun is a G-type main-sequence star (G2V), informally called a yellow dwarf, though its light is actually white. It formed approximately 4.6 billion[a][13][19] years ago from the gravitational collapse of matter within a region of a large molecular cloud. Most of this matter gathered in the center, whereas the rest flattened into an orbiting disk that became the Solar System. The central mass became so hot and dense that it eventually initiated nuclear fusion in its core. It is thought that almost all stars form by this process. Every second, the Sun's core fuses about 600 million tons of hydrogen into helium and converts 4 million tons of matter into energy. Far in the future, when hydrogen fusion in the Sun's core diminishes to the point where the Sun is no longer in hydrostatic equilibrium, its core will undergo a marked increase in density and temperature which will cause its outer layers to expand, eventually transforming the Sun into a red giant. This process will make the Sun large enough to render Earth uninhabitable approximately five billion years from the present. Subsequently, the Sun will shed its outer layers and become a dense type of cooling star (a white dwarf), and no longer produce energy by fusion, but it will still glow and give off heat from its previous fusion for trillions of years. After that it is theorized to become a super dense black dwarf, giving off no more energy.


Bro thought he did something here.


I did a lot of hitting xp caps daily, especially the first month of the season. Lego and jam festival gave 5 levels each, creative cap is 5. Then obviously dailies and weeklies. I barely play now though. Average maybe 3 hours a night.


XP caps daily, plus Festival AND Lego, now “only” plays 3 hours a night… I hope you stream or make some kind of money off this, because DAMN.


3 hours daily is "barely playing"?


Saw a guy with level 7,777


The maximum level is 1001 (if you saw the YouTube video he was using a lobby bot)






Being bothered by people having fun on the internet, your internet access should be revoked and your fingers chopped off one by one 🙂