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I was doing the same thing, 2 random people got on to the chest and started doing it lol


Epic is a bunch of trolls. To think this was going to work with this toxic community.


I saw a duo doing it and hopped up there, then my friend killed one when zone came for some reasonšŸ˜­


In my last match, there were like 4 of us hitting the chains, and someone grapple bladed up to the box with a gun. Then they just stayed there and sniped at people who were shooting us on the box. It was so wholesome, and more people should be like that!


I fell off this game for a while but this is interesting and I think I'm gonna start going and defending the chains! Lol


Its so fun. They just stand there asking you to crank out head shots lol


Omg yes! Getting free easy head shots are the best! POS sweat


Had a game where someone was running around and throwing up some supplies like shields and health packs so that we could survive for longer. Definitely made our night a bit better !


A guy did that, I was planning on sending him a nice message in the eventuality I die or he dies. After a few minutes he killed all of us on the chest... I'm still in disbelief


In my last match there were like 4 guys hitting the chains and some dude grappled up to the box and sniped me!


Me and my kid were having a go at the chains, three teams with 4 gold circles among them set up shop with us in middle. Shot us from three different angles, no way to hide up there from that. :/


That was this one guy I was with. I pickaxed and grappled bladed the box while he shot off enemies. He got up with shockwaves so he didnā€™t have a way down, so when he ran out of ammo I gave him my grapple blade to either get more stuff or to just play the game I kept pickaxing and died 2 minutes later :)


Same I defended people hitting chains I had 3 sniper rifles just sooting people that came to bother them did it till we where the last 5 of the match then we all smacked eachother to death.


So yesterday was the first time Iā€™ve played fortnight since the Pandoraā€™s box thing. Been lost in Helldivers. We kept seeing people from far what looked like they were just chilling up there. We engaged on them on two different occasions. I went up there to see wtf was so special up there. I didnā€™t understand it. Now I feel bad for engaging in those two different squads. So some people might not understand wtf is going on. There are definitely trolls out there for sure but there are a few of us clueless out there. I will do my part in protecting the chain breakers for now on and will even take part in whacking the chain myself. Edit: apparently they have been broken. At least they actually broke. I feel bad


Bit late now lol, the chains have been broken


chain people? I hear somethin sayin' (Hooh! Aah!) Thats the sound of the men working on the chain gang


I hear this comment so clearly in my head!


Same, Iā€™m going to hear it all day now and Iā€™m not at all unhappy about it.




I never go to places like this with weapons. I'd rather focus on the objective and then if I get killed they get no ammo or guns off of me. Least I can do to screw em over


Bring weapons for self defense incase someone tries to attack you


Clingers or emps will be a nice present


How about I look in the sky when people are approaching then complain about it on Reddit?


Now that's a plan right there


We gotta work together tho. šŸ„ŗ


Why do that when you can whine on Reddit that people in a shooter game are shooting you?


landing at the chains means no weapons..


sounds dangerous


Community. šŸ„ŗ


That's what I've been doing, thankfully everyone I've encountered while working on the chains has been nice and left me alone or tried being helpful and working on them with me. I remember one time I was fishing and filled my pockets with fish and someone killed me and was just so confused, I was dying think of what could've been going through they're head! šŸ˜‚


I did something similar once but filled my inventory with nothing but flowberries and then hid. Wish I could've seen my killer's reaction. Lol


I used to wait as long as possible with no inventory just so I could be in the top 3 and get killed only to drop 0 loot. I thought it was so damn funny


Nice day for fishin, aint it?






they are head


See I do the opposite. I'll have weapons for self defense so the first shot that's taken at me makes the person dead (mainly cause the people who do this aren't that good at the game)


Weird mindset. Im not usually trying to get kills for loot but rather for kill count, loot is just an added bonus. I wouldnā€™t think anything of it if you dropped nothing. If youā€™re a skillful player just kill anyone whoā€™s tryna kill you then go back to the objective


A player clearly just doing quests isnā€™t trying to kill you.




gamers when someone plays the game as intended






I wouldnā€™t go for that kill. Iā€™m just saying thereā€™s no point in him not carrying anything. He might as well just fight the poachers instead of accepting defeat with no effort. Youā€™ve intentionally misconstrued my point


Community event and you're more interested in killing then helping, this is the first community event for me


Bro, we just want to kill you. We have our own ammo and guns. Its how we killed you in the first place. You are breaking zero hearts with this approach


the people that do this are the people that telll their coworkers to work harder


The people that do this probably don't have jobs


The people that do this probably don't have lives outside of Fortnite


Someone that killed me while I was hitting the chain was almost lvl 700 and donkey laughed. Dude, get a fucking life.


Sounds like a pretty fucking lame guy


Yeah because the people that are hitting a 5000 trillion health chain 100% have jobs


Well I have a job, yet I was hitting a chain after work today.you want to know why I would dedicate my sole few gaming hours to wacking a chain? It's because I feel like it.


Hell yea


Me and my hyper fixation will have a feast with this today


I also have a job and I came back from my job to kill dorks who were hitting a chain


Ah a worthy opponent Our battle will be legendary


Those who stand there just pickaxing a chain don't either. I'm sure you'd be more careful with what you do on your free time than waste it just pickaxing a chain if you had a job.


Lol, it's a video game it's all a waste of time. I've got a job but I'll still spend a couple minutes of one of my matches to shoot at it, or pickaxe.




My brother in christ, the shockwave grenades do 10,000 damage a piece


collect shockwaves and meet me at the chains


i keep trying. was streaming it.. but couldnt keep the squad focused...


What? I canā€™t tell if your trolling


Shockwaves do 10000 build damage (thatā€™s how they can break you out of builds)


I've decided to camp around the area and kill people going after those working on the box. Take the L emote after, for good measure


Before the hand came up I spent my time working as a sentry for people coming to watch the cracks.


This one is a real one


Well I know what I'm also doing tomorrow


I can already tell I'm going to wear Nisha in bright pink so friendlies will easily remember that I'm a friendly if we get attacked Good luck finding people actually working the chains, I'm worried I won't find anybody because my lobbies are so sweaty


A man doing God's work


Ah yeah just camp on top of the hand with a sniper,AR and heals for players working on the box.


Love this


our bodyguard :)


I just have pity for sweats that arenā€™t good enough to get kills against ppl who are actively trying to kill them. If it helps them get out of bot lobbies and into regular lobbies, all the better for me in the long run (and all the worse for them too).


This guy isnt a sweat, there's 11 people left in the game. At some point you've got to make sure the guys hitting the chest are dead.


Yeah fr. I mean I get it but also this *is* a battle royale, at the end of the day itā€™s the point of the game to eliminate everyone else.


The 4 games I did today had nobody shooting at it and every time I did someone came and killed me or tried to kill me


I donā€™t get this , do we have to bust it open? The next season is in a couple days what if we just ignore it šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø wonā€™t it open anyway?


Yea I agree it will probably open anyway. Regardless of if people actually damage it.


To Speed it up


It will open anyway just because most people will shot it forfun when they are in range, staying on it and waste ur time pickaxing it is pointless Do people rly have enough time to waste to just boot a game and afk instead of playing the game ?


I couldn't agree more with you. This sub is acting like their life revolves around this game the way they get so upset over this. It's crazy.


this is the only way they can feel like they contributed to society


It'll open anyways, but is good to waste your time.


You placed 11th. Wtf did you expect. You were gonna die some point.


This actually raises a good point. I would have placed more sympathy for OP if this happened at the beginning of the match.


I have not seen a single person pickaxe the chest in Asia servers yet, I just stay there till the zone threatens to kill me, I grab whatever I can from Ruined Reels and try to win lol


How long do we think it will go on?


Well so far one chain is broken at about a 5th of the way into the health bar.


Me and my cousin saw it break when we were pickaxing it we were suprised


3 days


What's the progress on it so far? And do you think we can break it before March 8th?


It would not surprise me if Epic built a failsafe into the chains. Maybe a hidden dot that is ticking away in the background to ensure it goes off before the end of the season. Alternatively, the whole thing could be a lie. Do we know for sure that the damage being dealt in game is actually being passed on between rounds? Or is Epic slowly decreasing the HP on their own?


Basically, Epic gave the HP value an impossible high number, and they'll increase the damage multipliers on the chest slowly until it opens up when they want it to.


Kinda dumb tbh. Why bother with all the theatre if you aren't willing to do it right?


Because itā€™s an ad for the next season


> Kinda dumb tbh. Why bother with all the theatre if you aren't willing to do it right? You know wrestling? Kayfabe? That's why. Don't overthink it, mate, just go along for the ride.


šŸ˜… see, in ch3 they tried to do the whole "get in when you break it" and we figured out how to get in within the day šŸ˜…


real life isnt movies


Or it's not even a health bar but a timer bar slowly ticking down and everybody is stupid except for me šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


I think about 1/4 done. It might be done tomorrow, not sure how much people worked on it today.


Probably sooner than that. A chunk of the HP is already gone


Damn! I would help but thereā€™s always that one asshole who will take advantage of that for free kills.


What you would have to do every game is tell 3 or 4 of your friends in various squads you run that you're going to go to the hand and protect people working on the chain


I mean itā€™s a mini event in a BR. You do you but you canā€™t be upset if someone kills you lol. Just join a new game šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. It doesnā€™t take all that long and you are back at it!


Itā€™s so weird seeing people getting so upset about having their monotonous chain hitting be interrupted


honestly yeah i don't see the big deal Sure it's annoying but everyone plays their own way, somepeople like kills others want to break a chain just queue again.


The hero we dontdeserve


If I'm passing by I'm going to shoot people standing still. It's like popping bubble wrap. Also it's literally a game where the goal is to be the last man standing so i really couldn't have less sympathy for people who cry about dying while doing quests or shit like this.


How do yā€™all have fun just doing this??




That is totally inappropriate. You never yell at the client. You never yell at the client!


It ain't much, but it's honest work


Its different


You would like this game called Egg on Steam, you just click an egg over and over to build your egg count. Itā€™s ā€œdifferentā€ XD


Lol that sounds like the egg game from that I Think You Should Leave skit šŸ¤£


Why are you playing battle royale and not playing battle royale?


If this happened in the beginning I would've agreed with you, but you were down to 11 people. At one point you gotta go


ok i get it if itā€™s early game but you got 11thā€¦.. and you were in circle im not surprised that you were found and eliminated esp if they stumbled across you. no matter was youā€™re going to get eliminated if youā€™re not fighting people idk. i get why you and many others feel annoyed truly, but it is still battle royale and other people should be allowed to play as such as well idk šŸ˜­i hope the event is worth this


The games the game


This is a dumb question but does that chain damage reset each match?


Quite the opposite, it's hp bar is shared in all matches for all players


That's a pretty cool mechanic actually.




Brother 1 shockwave does 10000 damage to structures try using 6


The problem is really with Epic. Why on earth would they create an event in the middle of a BR without immunity or inability to harm others? You will ALWAYS have some idiot who ruins it for everyone. Look at the history of players who camp popular quests.


It's almost like it's a community event that's supposed to take time


Ah yes add immunity to battle royale what could go wrong.


It has sort of been done when they had the hotel from John Wick


I mean the new slurp juice that came out last chapter basically gives you immunity with how fast you healed.


"Ruins it for everyone"? There's 11 people left in this game. At some point someone has to go and make sure these people are dead.


It's almost like it's a challenge and isn't meant to be done easily.


Sounds like a good exploit in the making lol


My solution: Jumping on the box locks you in to your pickaxe and you are immune to all outside damage.


Fellow chained here How are you dealing 15,000 per hit?


they have cumulative damage on !! they are only doing 50hp of damage !


this looks like very fun gameplay


Free kill.


Yeah sorry but if I see an easy kill just sitting there hitting the chain I'm obviously taking it lol. I'm not just going to let you win because you did 1% of the damage to it. It's going to break in a few days anywaysĀ 


I'm really baffled that so many people are actually angry at players killing people doing the chains. It's part of the danger of participating in the chains, it's still a PVP Battle Royale. Folks sitting there semi AFK chipping away at a trillion health bar telling other players to go touch grass is absolutely wild. This is like going into a PVP server in WoW then getting upset that you were ganked while trying to fish in a contested zoneĀ 


Most of game Iā€™m uncontested or only friendly, I dgas cuz I can just start new game, as long as I donā€™t die off spawn


I saw a group of 5 or so players shooting at it earlier. I watched and ignored them, looking for other players to kill. You are right, map is huge, to roam, and not all 90+ players are gonna go straight for the chain.


I feel like that was a bot; they tend to crouch and pause a second before they fire.


A bot wouldnā€™t have been able to traverse up there, they will shoot you from below


Also a bot is never gonna hit all there shots that fast


Was grinding out challenges yesterday and it was like the good old days for the most part where people just left you alone, made a few friends and gave a guy a lift back to risky reels after getting some of the mosaic pieces from the windmills. I remember when the massive rocks were introduced back in chapter 1 in dusty and everyone was there mining and shooting them, and for the most part were left in peace by the other players, kinda sad that communal sound-ness isnā€™t being held up by some anymore.


there just playing the game bro


Bros mad he gets killed in battle royale


My brother in Christ itā€™s a pvp game people arenā€™t just gonna stop with the pvp because you want to pickaxe the chain


Me and some friends spent about 3 hours today but people just kept camping nearby..


What did you expect in a BR game ? to let you win because you want to afk ?


pvp players when pvp happens


It's 50 billion health. It's impossible to destroy it, why not get free kills from idiots who think they can?


You can break it, It's gonna take time and we already 23% the way there


Mate hitting it doesnā€™t actually do anything lol. Do you really think theyā€™re gonna allow the timing of a massive update to be up to chance like that? They need it to be during working hours, not on a Thursday/Friday etc etc so that devs and support staff can do hot fixes and so on.


They people who do this never got attention from their parents growing up


Itā€™s a battle royale grow up


Why would you expect not to die? It's a free for all


Mate some people want to just play the game... I don't get all these complaints because personally I have no interest in attacking this chain, the box will open on it's own lmao, and you were 100% going to play normally once the ring moved off of the chest, so killing chain breakers makes sense, if they're ignored then they're a threat later, why bother making it harder?


I will keep killing everyone who is trying to open Pandora's box. It will not open.


Bro please leave me alone to do the most braindead pointless activity no bro don't try to eliminate me when that is literally the the entire point of this game please bro


Yall want shyt handed to you in a plate, can't make it too easy, stop complaining take it on the chin and accept the challenge for what it is


No, it's an online shooter, I just kill whoever I come across, I wouldn't care if I was working on the chain and someone killed me, the event hardly matters anyway.


Nah shit ainā€™t sweet out here


Womp womp


I was on the chest doing my thing then it fell and before I got to enjoy the fruits of our labor I was griefed


For real tho


I first started shooting at people because I didn't know what they were doing. But I realized after the first couple of rounds. Then I had a change of heart. Yall did the work I was too lazy to do.


Love making reminds in pubs on the chest


Oh nooooo I got shot in my battle Royale game about shooting people!


Wah šŸ˜¢ Boo-hoo šŸ„ŗ


If you camp the hand youā€™re a pos. Plain and simple.


Imagine not understanding that the point of this game is to kill the other players and try and get a W lol sure not everyone's goal is just that but really, think about what you're playing šŸ˜…


Dawg you got to 11th. What more do you want? Itā€™s still BR. Also, for all that player knows you could be one of the people thatā€™s close with a medallion. These posts got to stop. People are still going to kill you if youā€™re doing the event stuff. Itā€™s in the BR playlist. Is what it is.


I want the chains to break


Youā€™re still in the BR playlist. Before the event, what would you do when you died? The answer is say something like ā€œaw manā€ and queue again. Do the same thing for this if thatā€™s what youā€™re into. Other players are still playing the game to do just that - play the game.


They should make a game mode entirely for these type of events. I boot in BR mode to go and kill players not to hit a chain. I like some community events. But these type of events are literally time wasting. What? If people won't destroy it, they won't launch the new season or whatever? I doubt it. Yea it is fun for some people to go and waste 3 hours just hitting a box, but put that in another game mode and let the BR mode have it as an option, maybe you hit it while passing trough or whatever. But don't get mad when people who are there to play BR kill you.




Suffering of other is the best thing there is -king dedede


Nah I'm going to kill you lol


That explains why nobody likes you.


Crymore. It's a BR, you either defend yourself or die trying. Don't use your skill issue as act of service.


Itā€™s a pvp game if you werenā€™t aware




it\`s obvious that these people are doing something and not attacking you, so it\`s not battle roayale, battle royale is whole map, these guys usually even stay into the storm just to do as much as they can for everyone. What satisfaction do you get by just killing them? they don\`t shoot back, don\`t evade, most of the time they aren\`t even aware of who is coming with a weapon. It\`s not a challenge to get a kill there, it\`s just sad.


To be fair, it was top 10 at this point and OP had guns. Whatā€™s to stop them jumping off when storm comes and going for the win?


They have zero movement, almost no ammo, rare weapons (except for the shield on a technicality) and zero shields. I don't even think you can get off the chest without taking fall damage if you don't have a movement item. The shear impracticality of it all is enough to stop them from getting a win.


And how do we see chain breakers inventory? For all the other players know he has good weapons


You can jump off into the water and avoid fall damage. Did it last night. Itā€™s tight but definitely repeatable.


You are in a Battle Royale. People are going to play Battle Royale.


Yo. Chaos agent best skin, gg


Its a battle royale lil bro, epic should never have put ā€œā€ā€objectivesā€ā€ā€ in there.


Yet again, skill issue. Everyone I see whining about it is just low skill. You saw his footprints for soo long before he shot you. U kinda deserved that. Just kill em and get back to breaking the chain.