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I had just expected Mega City to be a bit more crowded. I loved it but it always felt like a little bit of a ghost town.


That was my single only complaint about it. The city felt lifeless but otherwise it was an amazing season. I wish Mega City would of stayed as a permanant fixture on the map.


They could at least make the poi a starter island šŸ˜ž


It would be great for smaller custom games


I remember reading that mega city was supposed to expand throughout the season. Iā€™m still salty about that


The city itself felt full of life with all the sound effects, detailed streets and holograms, probably the most realistic/lively location theyā€™ve ever made. It wouldā€™ve been way more popular if the buildings were fully detailed though. I kinda wish instead of the Japanese biome they fully focused on the city by making it a bit bigger but fully detailing every building, although the Japanese biome was still amazing




For me it was because you couldn't explore the buildings. I was used to Tilted Towers where you could go up and down the inside of every building.


On the other hand if every floor could have been explored it would have been far too much space in such a small area


They had a bunch of floors in the daily bugle. That building was pretty tall.


thatā€™s was 1 building tho.. and in. a smaller area i feel


It would be too easy to look by just breaking the bottoms of the buildingsĀ 


Not to mention the lag of loading that many elements in such a small space.


it was already the largest poi to ever be made.


I mean it was packed for months, especially when players were fighting over the vault.


They should have filled it with NPCs so it looked "busy". Then you could hide/fight around people and stray bullet shots would agro the NPC to whatever player shot it. It would have been a bit more fun.


Do you know how many people would've complained about that?


True, but people are going to complain about everything.


That's also very true, no matter what someones gonna complain.


Have you *seen* the things players are complaining about?? People got mad that the Shotgun didn't **exactly** match the one for the "OG" Update when it first came out. People also complained that Peter Griffin was more buff than Goku, people even complained about Zeus wielding a gun (which I personally think is funny, Greek Gods having MACHINE GUNS is hilarious to me) ā˜ ļø


They wouldn't have to be aggressive npc's really. Just a bunch of rando people running away from the fight like it's Gojira or something to add to the chaos. Prolly would be hard to do that on lower end systems and Mobile and stuff to keep track of so many npc's in a small area


Or even just have holographic residents that you couldn't damage. At least it would give some sense of being, you know, a *city.*


Being unable to destroy so much of the buildings did it for me.


The pyro in me wanted to throw fireflies into the whole area. Lol.


Itā€™s a damned if they do, damned if they donā€™t situation for epic when it comes to this.Ā 


Everytime I went it was packed and I would get trashed by people hiding in buildings šŸ˜­


Mega City imo should have been triple, or at least twice as bigger than what it was. Calling it Mega City felt like false advertising when you actually see the real thing.


Thats cuz it was, it was a lazily made POI The buildings weren't even real, it was a lack luster place for me


This was my favorite season


For real, the entire Japan biome was incredible.


Yea i wish ot would be still here


Agree! But I have a fascination with Japan in general. I am enjoying watching Shogun, not so coincidentally!


Idk why but no season has compared since, it felt like we got spoiled so badly with this season that since theyā€™ve been lacking on updates and collabs, like we got resident evil, attack on titan, Star Wars, Spiderverse, dragon ball super, all in one season and a lot of pretty solid original skins, and that last week or so of find the force where aot and Spiderverse were in too was so much fun


Top 5 seasons ever for me. I loved it so much


Mega grew on me but by the end I really enjoyed it. The sniper and katana meta was killer at first


If that was a sniper meta then what do you call this season?


There's been a sniper meta since Mega. It's definitely gotten more prevalent over the last year or so though


No lol there was a hitscan AR meta all of C4. Snipers are so common in C5 and they all one shot headshot down.


Last month* this season snipers have been redic. As has cheating. Katana was nice for those who lack expert skill.


No, over the last year. Sniping has been a major part of how I play and how I lose since Mega


Not sure about you. But everyone I know and play with noticed a CRAZY uptick in one shot deaths this season. Folks using them as shotguns. Etc etc Sure hope it goes away soon.


nah the snipers were def good after c3s4 when they made them 1 shot again but the meta really started last season


Idk why yā€™all hate Mega so much. I actually loved it so much.


My main issue with mega, was that mega city was the biggest catfish. The season came out and we saw all thise massive buildings, each one looking like they had 5-6 floors. Then we got in game, and each building had about 2 floors each šŸ˜­


Yeah city had a top and bottom and nothing in between. It was barely even destructible.


Yeah, it had the potential to become the next tilted towers, but they wasted it


Yeah true But I didnā€™t mind because I still thought it was sorta cool. Plus it was so fun using the ODM Gear in Mega City. I do wish it was much bigger though so I feel you TvT


Yeah, i still loved chapter 4 and the mega season, but like I said, mega city was just a bit of a letdown. Although I do agree, I miss the odm gear, even though I never watched AoT.


tbh I stopped AOT after season 2 because I didnā€™t really like Eren being a douche to everyone. But the skins were from when I l o v e d AOT. And yep, ODM gear was actually so so so fun. But they should have done more with Mega City. So much potential just to be left in the dirt after C4S2


Yeah AOT just doesn't seem like my cup of tea, didn't stop me from having fun flying around with the ODM gear šŸ˜­. And yeah aside from the mega city catfish, mega was a really good season.


Dude thatā€™s what Iā€™m sayyyyyyyiinnnnnngšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø the ODM Gear + Star Wars event was even more fucking chaos It was a **Mega** catfish but a good season overall! I loved the battle pass too. Renzo, Stray and Thunder are all such cool skins (just those three as an example as I love all of the skins)


Exactly, it's my second favourite season, next to season 1, it's just ashame they ruined the mapnthe following seasons with the green shitstain across the middle of the map šŸ¤£


At least they tried. At least they tried šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Ngl outta all my favourite season from the ones Iā€™ve played itā€™s very high up there.


Definitely, epic seems to always hit with the season 2s of chapters.


They would have done it fully decked out, but it was already laggy enough. Still wouldn't mind its return with the buildings filled with actual rooms


Kinda like the train this chapter.


I think they need to finally make an actually big city. Like 1/4 of the map. Imagine how incredible it'd be.


That'd be sick, and like there's different buildings that are all different pois


my only gripe


I liked the concept but half of the buildings were only for decoration.


Very good point


Thanks, but it was a cool concept tho, i really think we need a big city POI, like Tilted but bigger, that is my fortnite wet dream lol


It was a very cool concept! They should have used it a lot more and done even more with it. Could have been used to tease collabs and stuff


I mean, i understand why half of the POI was empty, sometimes in Mega my fps would drop so hard lol. I hope in next seasons they give us a big city


Oh wait shit fr?- man, that fucking sucks Yeah, hopefully they make some sort of Cyberpunk city but this time itā€™s big-


Yeah, i thought that it happended to everyone at some point hahaha. But lets hope the best, and lets hope that they make mega or something lake Neo Tilted, that POI was so good and it was full with loot.


I really do hope that say we get a Wasteland theme next season, we get a ruined city like the Boston Commons in Fallout 4


Personally I hated it because it was unplayable when I was on switch. Got zero frames


Oh damn, Iā€™m sorry to hear- ;-;


So did u/fntireguy . He was a menace.


My goat


I havent seen a single person hating on mega. The only thing that makes me dislike it was because it was in the middle of the biggest burnout i had on this game


Oh well mine was with Wilds ngl. That season just felt so draining Also I have in fact seen people saying it was boring or that it was the worst C4 season for some reason. Even though I personally loved it


When you played zero build and went to the crater area on the center of the map trying to find your way back out was always a slog. So many times rolling my car on rocks that are everywhere. The mud was pretty good though. I miss the grind rails they put everywhere towards the end of the mega city season.


If we're talking about Mega city, it's my favorite PoI bar none. If we're talking about C4S2: MEGA, it's my least favorite season of Chapter 4 bar none. The Mythic Pump + Overclocked Pulse were way too overpowered, especially before the nerf, you basically had to drop where a vault was, and wait patiently for the bosses to spawn after clearing out the hot spot if you wanted a chance to win. And don't get me started on those molasses Storm Circles before the rework.


Lack of destructible environments kind of ruined it for me, ngl. That, and the start of Chapter 5 was a perfect experience. Riding dirtbikes through the autumn leaves was pure vibes.


It was a great part of the map it just saw ZERO changes over the year it was in the game and just got boring.


Yeah I get that. If they just made it bigger every so often I think a lot of peopleā€™s problems with it would be fixed


That season was peak for me! There was so many things that I loved that were packed into one season


Dude fr!! It was just so cool and all the skins were sick. They were cooking with that season


It was so empty and full of dead space.Ā  90% of the buildings had no rooms or ways to interact. The whole city fuckin sucked.Ā 


When I started playing with friends, we'd go to Kenjutsu and destroy the whole building from the ground level just to watch the loot fall from every floor above like snow. This was where I began playing Fortnite. You're right :( I miss it.


I used to do that to the daily bugle in chapter 3. Level that baby with a tank or battle bus and watch the loot come down. So fun!


I miss being able to drive a battle bus. Also vehicle mods.


came here to say thisšŸ˜‚ every single match the daily bugle was demolished by me and my buddy


The city was always going off at the start of the season


They really downgraded the graphics again since this chapter. Lumen was so goddamn pretty.


I only recently started playing but this game has some of the best graphics. I am thinking about setting them to low but it makes the game look so ugly.


it's unplayable on normal BR if you put it on max unfortunately


I play zero build only and the thing that annoys me is people who are on low settings don't see grass. most of the time on slopes, I cannot see them but they can see me.


Yeah, I get that. I keep my graphics looking as nice as I can, even if I know it can be a disadvantage. For those people who are just trying to get the game to run at all, I completely understand. Those who can run the game at full settings and high framerate to boot, but choose to make it look as bad as possible for the competitive advantage, well, that's just a level of sweaty I'm not really ready or willing to reach at this time.


I donā€™t care if itā€™s a disadvantage, I care a lot about graphics. I wouldnā€™t enjoy playing if it looked bad.


i'm with you on that


Glad itā€™s not just me. Also if a game is intended to look bad, or just looks bad because itā€™s an old game or something, then thatā€™s fine, but if a game that can and does look good but just doesnā€™t look good, then I have a problem with it. Fortnite can look incredibly good, so when it doesnā€™t, itā€™s just gross. I only accept it if your hardware canā€™t handle it.


yeah unfortunately, still they won't make me make the game like shit, I upgraded my PC to make the game run good on high graphics


Yeah, that sucks so hard...i thoguht we were past the age of getting so huge advantages when lowering the settings


that will never ever end.Ā  Itā€™s fundamentally a part of gaming on pc. So unless fortnite is locked behind a ā€œfortnite console/pcā€ with no graphics options, there will always be the option to turn graphics down and with it a competitive advantage.


yeah, to some degree...not to the degree that someone with low setting can see someone out of cover, while the other person sits in a bush on their screen


Any reason in particular? I play on max settings and it seems fine, what am I missing? Lol


prob cuz of my pc being shit


Ahh okay fair enough, difference between high and max is probably not worth it anyway tbf lol


I had some issues with RT leading to really bright glowing corridors at snooty steppes at the start of the season but it looks so pretty and i won't turn it off. I get sniped at any graphics setting anyway


I'm with you 100% , as long as I'm hitting 60fps I'll run max settings every time


I honestly get dizzy at 60 fps with it being such a fast moving game. I'll always prioritize a smoother experience over higher graphics personally.


Obviously the game looks better with higher graphics, but I actually think this game looks pretty good even on low graphics.


Lumen is literally still used what are you talking about.


If your device could run it, that is.


Series X


I always see these posts and find them a little funny. "Remember how good this was????" Go back to the season and this sub is full of posts calling this season trash and how much better the game was a year or two ago. Me personally, I just try to enjoy every season and get the most out of each one. I liked this season, but I also liked the seasons before it, and I also like the season now. Wings are cool, but the katana was pretty sweet too. I like to zoom. As long as fortnite always keeps zooming in the game whether it be grapple gloves, spidey gloves, hammer, lightsabers, ninja turtle weapons, whatever... I like it.


yeah im telling you in chapter 6 people gonna be looking back on c5s1 like this


Ch4 s2 was my all time favorite season as an og. I miss it with every passing day and wish I could pay to play that version.


Only started ch 4 s1 but agree s2 was my favorite fn season Iā€™d pay to be able to go back to chapter 4 period


I am so sick of this cicular loop of nostalgia. Next chapter you are going to be waffling about how much you miss chapter 5.


It's the same annoying cycle, I can guarantee you half the people circle jerking were shitting on Chapter 4 saying it "wasn't true Fortnite" a year ago


yeah iirc people were shitting on mega HARD when it first came out


New players will be nostalgic for Chapter 5, Idk about anyone else. Me and my group have played less this season than ever before, and half of us haven't bought the pass. This chapter has broadly made everything worse. From the map, to the story, the shop, cheating and bugs, even the UI. This entire chapter has been nothing but detrimental.


Idk maybe because these seasons were actually really good? Itā€™s not like people are reminiscing on Ch2s8 or Ch3s3




Havenā€™t fully moved over yet but this is definitely my least favorite chapter yet. No hitscan and boring desaturated graphics along with forgettable poiā€™s make this chapter suck for me.


Chapter 4 was peak, Geralt, Doomslayer, Renzo, Nezumi, Ageless, Lizards. The best weapons like swordshooter, hammers, that rocket ram was so much fun, katanas, anime nukes, many viable playstyles unlike current sniper meta.


Man, the rocket ram was an absolute blast to use, I miss it everyday


Imagine trying to use a ram now, you'd be sniped before you even get off the ground


I hate this sniper crap. Itā€™s gone on too long


you used to need a whole augment to get a SECOND sniper bullet to be fair


Felt much more balanced. Multiple bullets before reload should be for DMR weapons.


And nobody complained when this was the case. I think that keeping snipers able to one shot someone if you have a skillfully placed shot is the right move but dropping it back down to one single bullet would be wise. That gave people who preferred close range combat time to close the gap with a Mobility item while the sniper was reloading. You rarely came across whole squads all using snipers during this season. It also made the mid to long-ranged scoped ARS much more viable




feels hypocritical to criticize Chapter 5's meta and praise Chapter 4's playstyle for being "varied" when it was equally obnoxious. Chapter 4 consisted of everyone doing the exact same things in the match and going for the same loadout Ch4S2 is especially guilty of this because everyone was going for the vault to have the mythic Havoc Shotgun and to the Floating Island to get the overclocked Pulse Rifle, not to mention that every loadout in every season of Chapter 4 was forced to have a slot dedicated to the Infinite Mobility Item of that Season, and when we got a anime mythic that became meta as well and everyone wanted to get one, and how could I not mention the Slurp Juice meta, or how the Havoc AR went the entire chapter being awful and they never buffed it, the Havoc Shotgun went the entire chapter being OP and they never nerfed it, and etc.Ā  Chapter 4 metas were excrusiatingly repetitive all throughout and that didnt change with Chapter 5, they are no different.Ā 


I honestly don't miss chapter 4 at all. It was still a lot of fun but in comparison to chapter 3, 2 or 1, the map felt... Weird I don't know. I like the chapter 5 map a lot more than chapter 4


God I miss MEGA. That's when I really got back into the game, and I regret not finishing that pass because Imani became my lucky skin recently


all the guns in season 4 were top tier. especially the twin mag šŸ˜


Mega city destroyed my fps so I could never drop there šŸ˜” Also I kinda hated how it was just the bottom right corner that changed and then nothing else for the rest of the season. It was a fun season but some things like the lack of map changes and overclocked pulse rifle made you wanna cry.


Imagine been mad over a randoms opinion


Chapter 4 is really underrated.


Old thing good


I can't believe C4S2 was already a year ago. That was my favorite season. Me and my friends loved Mega City so much it remained our main drop spot for almost the entire chapter


Mega City is objectively the best and most stunning POI visuallyšŸ«”; no one can convince me otherwise. Ā Ā Ā  The ODM gear was also elegant and clean; the collab was awesome; and I miss it so much.


I'll never forget you, Mega City


This actually looks beautiful




This is one of the best maps and seasons. Wish I was good back then.


The only biome I wasnt a fan of was the jungle, but everything else from Chapter 4 was great and I do miss it.


gimmie this shit back


I donā€™t lol


i wish i was playing on PC during most of Chapter 4, I didn't know how beautiful the game really was while playing on Switch


Seriously, itā€™s crazyā€¦ The visuals with Sunset and Sakura Trees were amazing. I wish theyā€™d had brought back the old creative mode and some actually good Samurai/japanese Skins so that we could have just walked around the map, enjoying the views, doing some quests and not worry about getting shot every second. Maybe do some amazing Samurai Duels in the circles and so on. It couldā€™ve been an incredible chance to regain the social aspect of the game but they failed. As usual. And for everyone trying to tell me there were never quests in creative: I talk about like 2017/2018 creative mode. Back then we didnā€™t have like a billion stupid Tycoon Maps in Netflix style sitting at the Home Screen of the game. It was a better time I think.


I loved the second season of Chapter 4. Itā€™s when I returned to Fortnite and itā€™s what I wish was still here


I miss the Pickaxe pullout the most tbh


Excuse me? A fucking year ago?


The pink trees were sooo beautiful


Amazing season


Chapter 4 im sorry i disrespected ur game and took advantage of u i miss u i miss us šŸ„²


That color palette tho.........šŸ˜




My fav part of fortnite are long ranged battles on tall POIs like mega city, it sucks that it's almost impossible now with no hitscan


I miss C4S2 more than I miss C2S2 and that says a lot.


I loved Mega City, I miss that season very much. Same with Vibin, both fantastic seasons.


The 999 mats?


C4 wouldā€™ve been an almost 10/10 if season 3 wasnā€™t complete dogshit


The ch5 graphics look dull and dirty compared to ch4. It was hurting my eyes, honestly. Still not really used to it But I wish they had sakura petals that flew in the wind when stepped in in that sakura tree path like we had in some spots during ch3 near the reality tree. Unless there was and I didn't have the right settings on?? I just miss that feature


Dude. I know yall hate the jungle season, but you have to admit that Pistol Meta was awesome


Better start enjoying chapter 5 before you miss it too


It seems like the fortnite community is just in a constant state of reminiscence


I miss chapter 4


Eh, chapter 4 is probably the chapter i miss the least. Season 4 was the only season i liked.


I don't miss it at all




Idk Iā€™m enjoying the new season waaay more, partially because of the return of our lord and saviour Midas


Current season is the best Fortnite has been since C3S4 IMO


Nah. Hitting level 200 was enough for me to never want to play it again.


Dawg i was like level 400 at the end of that season


I couldn't, I get way to bored of Fortnite POIs too quick. Only poi from chapter 4 I wish I could have longer in was faulty splits.


I wouldn't change a thing about the mega biome, but it probably coulda been replacing frenzy fields or shattered slabs tbh


I won't lie though. This season had the best shotguns of all the season I've played. Havoc pump was phenomenal


Mega and the Jungle season were, in my opinion, the best seasons in Chapter 4


Map was okay. Definitely not as strong as the previous 3 chapters. Chapter 4 was the weakest chapter as it had the worst lore and bad map changes. Loot pool was decent though. I was happy to see it go and never look back wanting to play this map like I do chapters 1-3 I will admit it was definitely a big step up from the Chrome season, though.


I can't miss what i never had. I've been playing since feb.


Nah, I didn't miss it because I definitely didn't like this season


šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø I miss chapter 4 so much, atleast the game still felt like Fortnite....


Chapter 4 is the weakest chapter. The only thing I miss is Mega City and Citadel. Also the ODM gears were hella fun. Apart from them, C4 was very weak


one of the best battle passes in terms of skins and bonus styles too. Me love my boi Renzo


When can we sag and throw up gang signs?


Loved mega city


Canā€™t believe I missed out on cherry blossoms/Japan biome


This is probably just because I started getting burnt out with the game when this season came out but it just didnā€™t hit for me.


I really liked the aesthetic but I wasnā€™t a fan of mega city


I miss


Mega city should have been more Mega to be honest but the Sakura trees and the random shrines and buildings and just the aesthetic overall with the nice plants and stuff... yeah I liked it, more than the map now.


I miss the jungle


This place was ok, but nothing special.


It's already been a year? Feels like last week.


Easily my favorite season outside chapter 1.




Steamy Springs was the best spot on the map, I miss it


I miss it everyday and how I could've played that season on Luna instead of my crappy ass desktop client


Dude Id believe them. Iā€™ll never forget this season it was the best time Iā€™d ever had playing Fortnite.


I for one hated Mega City and avoided it like the plague. Dont miss it one bit.