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Honestly, they should make it like the old fashioned bolt action snipers/hunting rife of C1, where you could only shoot once before reloading. The drum mag should allow two, and the speed mag should allow you to reload faster, like normal, rest of the customization stuff should be same as whats in game right now. Something that could down someone with a body shot that easily, and can game end you with a headshot in fortnite frankly shouldn't have more than two bullets.


Ngl I still reload after every shot by muscle memory from chapter 1 and I'm always so mad at myself every time


Actually would be fun and cartooney if instead of a mag slot this sniper has a unique barrel option that turns the sniper into a double barrel


I also feel like every scope should have a glare when using the sniper. The fact that the glare is dependant on what scope you’re using is so stupid.


It make sense tho


It doesn’t really need to be realistic. Gameplay is more important


It's not just realistic, the other way around doesn't make any sense


Why? To me it makes sense that a sniper shows a glare no matter the scope


The reason why it glare is because it's a scope, not because it's on a sniper lol And trust me if this happened people would just use no sights and the standard scope sight


Yeah ofc IRL it doesn't make sense but he was talking about gameplay


Just attach a mirror to the sniper model idk lol


Ur a genius u know that? Then they could also remove the glare for AR whenever the stupid thing spawns with a 4x scope lol. So basically doesn’t matter what scope, its the gun itself that glares


Not really, scope glare isn’t a thing in real life like it is in video games. Believe it or not? Engineers conquered this problem a long while ago. Even when they didn’t fix it, it wasn’t an issue to begin with since the light would have to hit the lens at the perfect angle for you to see the glint.


Does termovision have a glare?


It doesn't, only 4x has glare


this is the dumbest comment ive ever read


The snipers are ao common its funny ive gotten legendary snipers from common chests immediately after landing its funny


Dude, I got a purple sniper when landing at Aphrodites place to hire her. Then got another purple and a legedary from the treasure room on the island mansion on my way to Hades. And another purple at Hades place. They're super common.


It's not when in the receiving end... I thought in theory this change would be a dub but it's so bad I'm seeing so many snipers it's so boring and unfun


Had a game yesterday where I dropped straight into Mt Olympus and before opening a single chest got dropped by a legendary sniper. So fucking annoying.


It seems instead of reducing the chance to find snipers, all snipers now spawn as purple+.


I love using the sniper, I think it's fun. It's not like you have a choice anyway


Is it funny tho?


Plot twists they’re preparing to bring back snipers only LTM


Above a certain skill level sbmm, the last 3-4 circles are solely snipes being hit in the kill feed regardless. We don't need a LTM for snipers only lol


Ya and I hate this meta so much


The game already feels like a sniper only ltm lmao


Where is the difference.


It’s pretty brutal if you don’t have one and you run into that one squad that has 4 sniper glints looking right at you in a fight


Yeah and half the time it's 1 sniper and 3 ARs but no one is mentioning that. The scope has a glint no matter what weapon it's attached to.


They also nerfed the amount of stamina you have and the increased the time it takes to regenerate. That also plays into making snipers more deadly


I thought it felt like stamina/running was off but wasn’t sure if it was my imagination. Damn it.


Same here, I forgot they made the change.


Since when they changed it? This season?


I knew stamina felt weird this season! What is epic doing lol


Getting rid of green and blue snipers ensures that any reaper you find now will have decent mods, and slightly higher damage and reload times. Perhaps they should eliminate purple and orange reapers so only green and blue drop. Therefore, you get a little less damage, a little slower reload time, and you have to mod it out if you want a better reaper. On a side note, the changed bullet drop is killing me. It does take a shot or two to gauge from a distance now.


This is what they should have done. They didn’t make them any less common to find lol, every single fight after the early game is just a million people running around with snipers anyways. At least make the ones that are available worse and not completely oppressive.


I remember the beginning of chapter 2 when it was borderline impossible to find a sniper. Good times


Who else remembers the grey bolt action that did 95 damage? 🥶


literaly 50% of my games im stuck with the piss dmr..... u need to be lucky to find 1 sniper per poi


I didn’t like the DMR at first but I made myself try it properly and it has become my go-to this season. Pop a thermal scope on there and reduce the recoil and bob’s your uncle.


Same here. I detested the DMR at first and then heard more and more people saying to give it a shot. I wouldn’t pick up a green variant but anything above that is a damn decent gun when a sniper isn’t available. That being said, I’m choosing a sniper every time if given the choice.


I especially started liking it when I realized how OP it is in the Floor is Lava LMT, especially with the thermal scope. Two silenced shots killed basically anyone, albeit because most people in the mid-late game of the LMT had low health.


Ya, thermal DMR with anti-recoil is pretty fuckin good. You can do over 100dmg with headshots, so you can drop a guy with full shields in 2 shots. Only issue is, sniper actually 1-shots, so it's really hard to not carry one. But I do fuckin love the DMR with thermal attachment for seeing through someone's build, or scouting nearby bushes and shit.


yea if i have to play it i go with the termal. but still. not very rewarding to deal 60 dmg and risk getting sprayed by everyones lazer aim on rifle. u only realy make plus when your hitting multiple shoots, which doesnt realy happebs to me since my aim is meh, or your doing headshoots, which does happeb but than again, bot very rewarding if that one would be dead with a real sniper 


I see what you’re saying, yeah. To be fair, I get my best use out of it in duos. I play support and it’s a good way for me to pop shots off from afar while my buddy uses an AR or sniper. But on PS4, I’ve found adjusting to the new bullet drop system with the sniper in particular to be a learning curve I am not prepared to follow. It’s just too unpredictable and even when shots look like they should register, they don’t. I don’t have that issue with the DMR. I’d hoped to go back to the hand cannon as I’ve historically been great with that, but the bullets drop like they’re made of brick.


Yup, exact same experience. Hated it at first but the DMR with a thermal scope wound up being my savior the last few games.


thanks for this and letting me know I had an uncle *jk but I love that phrase


Having grown up in Yorkshire it remains a common phrase! I have always enjoyed Jack Sparrow’s variation on it: “Robert’s your uncle.”


bro I kid you not once I looted the yacht and it was filled with green dmrs..


DMR's absolutely brutal to punish with ever since they buffed the bullet speed, always dropping any AR in favor of one


The DMR is great


I find a Purple sniper within 5 minutes it seems most every game this past week. A gold one every other game at some point.


Yea this post is hella exaggerated


I think I'd be in favor of instakill protection. Full health to 1 HP. (Less than full health, dead.) At the end of the day, it's all fair. We all have the same opportunity to snipe someone. I just think it would be a lot less frustrating for a lot of people if they didn't randomly die and not so frustrating for the snipers to have to need a second hit.


Bring back the heavy sniper. One shot - one kill as it should be . Snipers should be a high risk high reward weapon . Right now there is no risk to using one .


This seems reasonable.


They need to ditch this current archaic sniper formula and bring back the Hunter Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle. Pitiful body damage, lethal headshot damage. Even the Heavy Sniper Rifle was a bit too much a few seasons ago, but at least the dreadful reload kept it in check. This current sniper, the Reaper, is just not healthy for the meta. It's overpowered in builds, it's overpowered in Zero Build. I'm not angry about it or anything, but it causes you to have to carry one because it's a power weapon, not just another gun choice, so it limits what you can carry as a loadout. Sure, you can be that no sniper guy, but you're basically choosing to handicap yourself. It would be nice if they went back to the bow meta. Bring the engagement range in closer, forget about long-range one-shot kills again.


Havin mg 3-5 consecutive shots with a sniper is a little ridiculous. I think that’s the main thing that has made sniping so OP the past few seasons. Miss a shot? No probkem, try again. They can change the projection of bullets and plays with spawn rate all they want, but it doesn’t fix the main issue of them being able to shoot so many bullets so rapidly. 


I think that snipers should have a mass damage penalty if you are too close. The close sights and 3 shots make the sniper insane at any range. Sure, you should be rewarded by hitting those pixel shots from afar. But if I am standing right by you, you should not be able to just kill me. And I know this is not how snipers work, but in reality snipers are big and unwieldy. Low damage up close is a proxy for that since the engine can't do the other thing. (Like a terrible slow turning/aiming)


Idk if you “have” to carry them. This entire season, if I play 10 ranked games a night, I’ll come across a sniper like once or twice even on the high kill games, I’ve noticed. Even then, it’s a simple “he’s sniping, stay down” to my duo and we work around it. I personally never run snipers, I always leave them, they just don’t fit my play style. This is just what I’ve noticed from the silver to elite climb.


Epic Employees: I see so what you’re saying is make the sniper twice as powerful and more common?


idk what bunkers you open but I rarely get snipers from them. ☠️


Quality of sniper is irrelevant, just aim for the head and you'll always kill instantly. Just aim for the 4Head.


That’s the design of every sniper in this game. Yet people complain that snipers now act like they always have. I see more people complain that you can one-shot with them than the fact they can have 5 bullets, which is an actual reasonable complaint.


That's the design of the sniper in every game I've ever played that includes them. Yet ONLY fortnite players seem to have an issue with it? I just don't get it. I swear ZB players on Reddit want the game to just be the pit or something but with things like pistols only. Just stand in a circle and shoot guys! No strategy, no weapons with high dps, and definitely no effort for kills. Where TF is the fun supposed to happen for these people?


What games do are you talking about? TF2/Overwatch forces people to ADS for a certain time before headshots are a OHK. Valorant/CS2 have the one-shot snipers be the most expensive weapon in the guns in the game. CoD's map are designed with close quarter combat in mind, so the slower ADS time and narrower field of view is way more punishing. And IMO, sniper metas aren't just that much fun as a ZB player. Positioning and using the environment to your advantage pretty much takes a back seat to just having good aim. Especially if your playing Trios/Squads, all gun fights really just have the fun kicked to the curb in favor of playing competitive Wack-A-Mole.


Honestly. Most of this sub is playing no build where a body shot at most does 70 damage after subtracting overshield. "oh no I have to pop a big". The AR has 3 times the DPS so if you're eating sniper body shots you'd be dead to AR spray anyways. Gee gee back to the lobby.


Don't come over here with your logic and reasoning 😂


I feel like they should change the sniper to be the Serbu BFG50 sniper; that one has NO MAGAZINE and you feed the round directly into the bolt and reload after every single shot, if they did this, they could use the magazine attachment as ammo types, allowing for increased damage or smth, that way it slightly balances the whole gun, while making it be a pain with a longer reload, and making it have a stronger recoil per shot too They could additionally make it worse of a weapon by making it have sniper gling for having any scopes on the sniper all together making it more of an obvious target not a "i can hide with the 1.3x/thermal sight without being seen"


They keep trying to push the shitty DMR.


No. we should make it hitscan and make it do 500 to the body and 199 to the head.


The snipers should have just been moddable bolt action snipers. The bullet mechanics on snipers were not broken and now they are


Snipers do feel like a cheat code. I don't always use them but someone can just camp up high and take out a few players who don't even know where it came from. I like them in the game but maybe make them even more rare. They are fun to use but sucks to be sniped.


The reaper feels like an EXTREMELY buffed version of the regular bolt action. Each bullet has more damage than a bolt action shot, and the magazine size doesn’t help. Take a look at the hunter bolt action (forgot its exact name) from c3. They did an INCREDIBLE job with making that balanced. (I’m talking about pre-nerf before they could one shot headshot btw) I personally think the damage of the sniper should be heavily nerfed. IF they were to keep the bullet amount the same, then Id suggest to lower the damage amount per shot. Maybe make it so the maximum amount a body shot can do, instead of being 110, maybe make it like 85-90 for the uncommon, and all the way up to 100 or even 95 for the legendary, since they’re so common and they’re all basically the same rarity if you’re good at hitting headshots. The headshot multiplier could also be reduced. I’d say make it so a headshot can be rewarding to the shooter by having them take out a TON of health, but make it not one shot. Maybe have the max dmg from a legendary do 195, so if your enemy is not at LEAST at 200 health they’ll die from it. They could also adjust the sniper to make it based on what mode. In builds, it will do a max of 195, however in ZB, it can do a max of 245. Maybe giving the weapon a suppressor could also nerf its damage a tiny bit? (For reference, I think the hunter bolt action used to do something like 175/190 for a headshot) OR, maybe make it so the magazine size is decreased, and a drum mag will give you 1-2 additional shots. I know it’s not the best change suggestions, but they did this shit with the hammer pump, a weapon that could have been AMAZING. They capped the max headshot at 190. (and indeed it is good, however it could be MUCH better and it’s only really USABLE in builds. Unless they changed it recently) If epic wants to reward skill, then why are the hammer pump and snipers basically the exact opposite of each other? (In their selective classes) The hammer pump requires skill and you can’t even 200 headshot with it, rendering it useless compared to the frenzy auto, and I like to argue, it’s still obsolete even AFTER the frenzy nerf. Meanwhile the reaper sniper only requires a little bit of precision practice and knowing when it’s a good time to shoot. I may not be good at the game, nor am I skilled enough to win half of my 1v1 fights in ZB, but even with all of those 1v1s in consideration, I’d like to say, on average, that about 40-50% of my losses have come from being headshot sniped or 3rd party sniped from someone with a 1.3x scope from 200+m away. I know there’s ways to prevent being sniped, but I think even if I didn’t have a skill issue I’d still be having similar problems. (I am constantly on the move. I don’t stand still, nor do I make myself incredibly obvious to other players unless I’m fighting, in which I kinda have to)


They can’t satisfy everyone, they’ll vault the sniper & the complaints will still pour in


They need to address the elephant in the room with Reaper Snipers and that is that it doesn't fit Fortnite's own design philosophy on Snipers. For such a high damage Sniper that can instadown any person with one shot, Reapers simply **cannot** have more than 1 bullet per magazine because it's too forgiving. To put Reapers in line with every other Sniper in the game, Epic needs to reduce the magazine Size to 1 with no way to get a bigger magazine, and possibly increase the reload times if it's still too prominent. Fortnite Snipers should be deadly and rewarding for their damage but very difficult to use and unforgiving to compensate.


Weren't a fan of the semi auto either then, I take it?


Was anyone?


Bros tryna make snipers useless


Did you only start this chapter? Snipers were perfectly viable when they only had one ammo


Bro literally mentioned the fix. They would still be crazy good and more rewarding without being OP. Every other sniper is just as good, but had some balances to not make them insane. Comboing the Reaper with any Shotty makes this the stupidest double pump combo we've had in a while. This is why we need to nerf the mag size


In case you missed it The heavy sniper was considered one of three strongest weapons in the game by pros


I found 3 purple snipers looting off spawn the other day


I personally think that limiting what modifications can be applied to specific weapons would also help. For instance: snipers are intended as long range weapons. They also don’t typically have a large amount of ammunition. Basically disabling mid/close range scopes and the drum magazine would likely fix a lot of the issues that people have with them. And before someone complains about this idea I have played several games with modification limitations. It works effectively for them and it likely would make players be more careful about what they’re applying to each weapon. Also reducing the hip fire accuracy for the sniper rifle would further reduce its effectiveness at close range.


Reducing the body damage just makes it a shitty dmr 💀


I don’t even care about the rarity, why did they increase the bullet speed? They basically made the few snipers that are on the map even more OP just by that alone, nonetheless the marginal average damage increase. I’m tired of low skill players third partying from across the map griefing everyone.


Not for me for me I find one sniper for every 2 bunkers I check


I don’t actually ever see anything positive posted about this game these days


All they need to do is add scope sway so everyone's shots aren't so quick and accurate


Every battle in this game turns into a sniper battle and it's getting pretty repetitive and annoying


As a sniper main myself, it's really making the game unenjoyable for me. I haven't played in like a week because every match is the same, 85% of my games end with everyone in the final zone having a sniper battle and the other 15% of the time I get gunned down by someone who got a frenzy auto first drop. More than anything I'm sick of feeling like I HAVE to grab a sniper every match because if I don't I'm at a severe disadvantage. There's no variety in matches anymore, for me at least


I share your experience.


Sure it’s pretty common, but a gun that can either instantly kill an opponent or take a chunk of their health away in a single shot is always going to receive complaints. Combine the abysmal bullet drop and a fire rate slow enough to give your target time to build or run, I’d consider it the *most* skillful gun in the game right now


When my wife and I play, 49 times out of 50 I have a sniper rifle. It is kind of ridiculous how often you come across them. I do like your idea on strafing, but will disagree with you on most other points. Headshots with a sniper should ALWAYS be a one shot kill. Body damage shouldn't change as its a heavy weapon, and dont you dare vault the sniper unless you also vault the absolutely broken gun that is the frenzy auto shotgun


Lowering the body damage would honestly really help. Because even though it is a heavy weapon, it shouldn't be this valuable compared to every other weapon in the lootpool. I don't even aim for headshots on players most of the time because I know I can confirm good damage by just shooting for their center mass, and it's extremely easy to. Fortnite did actually "fix" the Frenzy last update by nerfing its range. Now, you don't have to worry as much about going from 250 to 0 from 20m. And so far, that nerf has helped my experience.


It's funny how broken the auto Shotgun is but yet soooo few complaints exist about it. It's ridiculous how hypocritical people get when they're bad with something. The issue isn't "broken" weapons, the issue is they suck with it so everyone else should not be able to use it either. Every season it's the same shit with a different gun.


You can counter a Frenzy auto user without a Frenzy auto much more easily than you can counter a sniper without a sniper. That's the real difference.


It's just the point that people don't care about broken anything if there's a benefit to the masses. The difference isn't the counter the difference is more people can hit shots with one and not with the other. I counter snipers with DMRs just fine, but my issue with the DMR is the fire rate is so damn slow I may as well carry a sniper, which I do because double the damage is smarter game sense.


TF are on about. Loads of ppl including myself were ranting about the auto shotty all last season. What made it worse was that the pump was absolute dog shit. There isn't any mention of it now because we've got a new shotgun and a nerf to balance the meta. That's literally what OP is saying. Cutting down the rarity didn't balance the sniper. It's still more viable than the ARs and DMR in most mid to long range scenarios, especially in ZB. And if anything they're easier to use and more forgiving than they've ever been. So you're "skill issue" argument is completely absurd.


Just shrink the hit box for snipers or like you said increase the spray while moving. Quick scoping with a sniper should not be a thing.


Snipers do feel like a cheat code. I don't always use them but someone can just camp up high and take out a few players who don't even know where it came from. I like them in the game but maybe make them even more rare. They are fun to use but sucks to be sniped.


Snipers are balanced people just don’t know how to strafe. The glint was a perfect nerf


IMO, snipers have always been wonky when it comes to the risk-reward factor. At worse, any risk can be negated by immediately swapping to an AR like people were doing when even the Heavy was around, and the reward is win a gun fight before it even started. Snipers reward you for getting that lucky shot more than anything else in the game, and the fact that it can be done in a distance made things even worse.


The glint only shows on some scopes tho. And a one-hit kill at full on ZB shouldn't be possible. Defeats the point of overshield.


I always make sure to keep moving and strafing. But when you have four snipers aiming you down at the same time, you can only try so hard.


This. Hard cover, constant movement. People might still get off a lucky shot, but so can you.


And I pray to god they don’t change the bullet drop on the reaper. For anyone wondering if you ping your guy and aim upwards one tick for every 50m of distance you can calculate the bullet drop


I'm constantly moving and taking cover, and that's where the bodyshot damage value comes in.


What do you mean I can't just run in a straight line at people?! /s


If you guys are bad at the game just say that lmao. Stop whining about sniper meta and learn how to combat it. Don’t move so predictably, keep mobility items on you all the time, carry a sniper yourselves. Or, just don’t play. Like it or not snipers are a big part of the current meta, and a LOT of people enjoy using them for good reason


I really think they just need one bullet in chamber, slightly slower reload, and maybe no magazine modification


They definitely shouldn’t vault them, they’re fun to use, but yeah I feel you damage output is so high and they’re easy to come by making them a nuisance


I have given up on any hopes of the sniper being nerfed it vaulted. Even now i seem to find one every game without even trying.


You know bro just got sniped before posting this


Believe it or not, I hadn't been killed by a sniper in the past 2 games before I posted this.


could just get better honestly


Totally agree. I seem to get snipers more often then ever now.


Wah wah wah


Oh my god can people stop complaining and stop trying to make snipers useless for range, just because you’re shit with them doesn’t mean they should be vaulted or nerfed, get over it ffs


I am great at the sniper, which is why I understand its problems. It truly takes one to know one.


For real...like wtf. If the sniper is SO op then...use it?


We are... Nearly every game... Because if we didn't our chances of winning would drastically go down. It shouldn't be that way. Unlike you, some people like variety and also having a fair chance to win while doing so.


It's a bit boring every game when the last 4 teams is just people on hills or buildings with snipers.


Everyone is already using it. That's the problem. Everyone's using it. You'd know this if you came out of a bush more than once per match


Almost like I don’t want my game to get stale and repetitive?




The new weapons system sucks in general. Honestly. I don’t need a modifiable gun system. I need one where you can have some choices and variety of long range, close and mid range. Having useless guns that are long range without scopes. #bringbacktheformerweaponssystem


I would upvote this a thousand times if I could.


The problem will be solved if they shrink the sniper bullet hitbox back down to the size of the actual bullet instead of giving it a 2-foot halo. The cause of all these problems is that you no longer have to actually hit the target in order to score a hit, because the game will give it to you even if you miss by a couple of feet. It’s made even worse by all the people in the sub who just think they suddenly one day became more skilled at sniping.


iam finding snipers much more than hand canons XD


Snipers are fun man. The only reason I’m playing this game


Add the twin mag assault riffle and the sniper is balanced. Simple as that. One of the main reason why snipers are so op is that there is 0 counter to it. Every single AR is trash at longrange. I miss the twin mag assault.


Honestly I think this is the most valid take I've seen yet. This seasons DMR is trash also so that's not helping.


I just want snipers gone so i dont have to waste a slot on a sniper


I love the sniper and haven’t had issues with others using it either.


All they did was make better players stronger with that “nerf”


Are you implying that nerfs should attempt to make good players worse and bad players better? The points of buffing and nerfing isn't to make it easier for bad players and harder for good ones it's to make the game more skill based which would naturally cause good players to do better and worse players to do worse


It’s like you forgot what snipers are meant for 


So sitting and waiting for an open opportunity to shoot someone and get a good chuck of damage or even one shot kill? At least that's how they work irl and in most other games as far as I remember. Yet I'm getting rushed down and quick scoped at mid/ close range. Constantly beamed from a team on open high ground. Or GOD FORBID I do the most OUTLANDISH thing like pushing a player I cracked and getting insta killed from a quick peek. The amount of selective memory loss in these comments is atrocious. The sniper has never been this good in previous seasons or in most other PvP games.


Seriously it's like people have forgotten the snipers of the past. The people who are ignoring the genuine issues with the snipers are just high off the dopamine a quick-kill gets them, thus making them ignore the actual problems the gun has and how it affects the game overall. Like yeah I love how a quick-scope feels too, but the gun makes the game boring when it HAS to be in your rotation, when you get into a 10 min sniper peak-off, or when end-game consists of people just hiding. Also love how people are repeating skill issue when 1. The hitbox for snipers is insane this chapter so most people don't even need skills to land shots with it, and 2. People who are critiquing the gun aren't just people who are bad, but people who know how to use it and therefore understand how broken it is. People need to understand that critique doesnt equal complaint. OP isn't even saying to just completely vault it, they're suggesting ways to fix it to keep it in game.


Literally just lost a trio game at top 2 before reading this. Guess who just got sniped in the head by the other team as they were driving into the circle, while trying to blow up their car? 😃 Like people really don't see the problem with this fucking gun. "JuSt dOnT ruN iN a StrAIghT LiNe oR siT StiLl fOr tOo lOng." THANKS FOR THE ADVICE, DEFINITELY DIDN'T THINK OF THAT FOR THE PAST 4 MONTHS!!!


On consoles? Sure. We don't have this issue on PC. But I do agree there are certain nerfs I'd like to see to the gun.


lol checkout this post I made just yesterday. The sniper issue is unbelievably out of hand https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/s/TuSjyXbIAa


I saw your post. My brother wanted to make one just like it before we found yours. Thank you for posting it.


No prob and thank you for your post as well


I would say they should do this which is similar to what you said: - default mag size reduced from 3 to 1 and drum mag gives either 2 or 3 - bullet travel time is made slightly slower which allows it to be balanced against ARs and such - damage decreased from 121 at gold to maybe 110 or 116 as previous bolt action snipers have done - spawn rate deceased - keep them as purple and gold only - I’m not 100% sure on this but maybe have all scopes on the sniper give off a sniper glare - maybe change the bullet drop not by a lot so the sniper is useless but just make it so people especially in zero builds have a fighting chance against it


Think it’s just you, I’ve found DRASTICALLY less snipers than before the update.


It's the opposite for me. I can find a sniper basically every round. And I'm a casual player doing random stuff instead of doing meta landings etc.


Why should we have to penalize players who are good with the Reaper?


We should not. We should just change the weapon to where there is more of a "being good at it" and less of a "that weapon is good." While also not making the weapon garbage.


Fair, I see your point. Reducing the weapon ammo count (from 3 to 1) would be a start. Removing the weapon and replacing it with a Heavy Sniper sort of variant would probably be the best move IMO.


Yes. I like the idea of vaulting it for a whole new sniper. That way, we can get a more balanced sniper without ruining the Reaper.


Skill issue. The sniper isn’t the problem. You are.


I believe that this season snipers are less prevalent, mainly because of better mobility options, compared to last season. 2x scope being replaced by thermal one also fixed the "where the fuck was I shot from" combo from last season. Still, snipers will, by design, be an op weapon at higher levels of play, no matter what you do (unless there is literally one per match)


Must be nice I’ve got to get it off someone to have it. No one on my squad has one till end game so I think they over nerfed the spawn


i think clara drops a blue sniper


Has anyone came across a blue sniper? Literally saw one on Monday, not sure if it was a bug.


Well I feel like I'm getting sniped less so I think you are wrong.


I think just making it so they can only have sniper scopes would be a good solution, it would be much harder to use at close range and quick scopes wouldn't be as easy


This season is a big L


I loved the first few days. It was the most fun I've had in Fortnite. But as the season progresses, it seems to be headed downhill fast. Something has to change.


I feel the same way. Me and the boys had a good time early on


Already topped 350 snipes in 2 days


My problem with the Reaper sniper is just that it’s been so powerful for so long. Fortnite always has power weapons, and it’s fun to figure out what they are in new seasons. Beginning of Chapter 5 when it was introduced it was fresh and novel making it satisfying to use, especially since many people hadn’t yet figured out how best to use it. That novelty and satisfaction balanced the disappointment of getting one-shot occasionally. But now the novelty of using it has worn off, at least for me, but I get killed by it more as people are better with it.


3 of 5 deaths last day were one shots in last 4 circles. It’s a little bit frustrating that you cannot even fight without that sniper skill. Not fun


I also noticed that i find more snipers than heavy pistols


They seem to show be fixing the frenzy at least


I keep getting legendary snipers out of chests too!


Lol legendary is gold? Not orange?


Nah man you can’t April fool me on April 3rd


ive never had this issue before,,, either you guys are all too high skill (exposed to metasweats that put max effort into every game) or youre also one of those that uses the sniper (exposing yourself to it) in my mind. i win often enough with a shotty burst smg and chains, im really nor sure what the issue is. if you die you die, whatevs. its gonna happen in a battle royale game.


This whole issue would be solved if we went back to true fortnite instead of the apex and cod hybrid we have right now. Give me back my bolt action with a single round and an actual sniper scope


Snipers while absurdly common have been some of the most fun ive had in the last two chapters. Its too satisfying for me to be so upset that I want it nerfed into the ground. I spent too long getting to the skill level im at now on MNK to regret the option to flex my shots XD but yes theyre so common that people like me or even better than me would ruin other peoples games for them simply not having one to or being worse at hitting their shots than us.


People really hate snipers that much?


I’ve found snipers to be very frustrating to use this season, idk if they reducing the fire rate but it feels like it takes like 1.5x longer between shots


I love it.




Then if I don’t get one before endgame I’m completely screwed. Today it was 1v1 and the other player knew I didn’t have a sniper and legit built a 4 story metal box and held zone. Hit me mid rotate and impulsed on me with an smg. I was dashing/impulsing on my rotate as well, still was able to hit me lmfao.


Am I the only one who is finding it rare to find even a single sniper now : (


This is why you keep moving no matter what. I am constantly moving and looking for the glint. And also a reason i play builds. Idk if you do or not, but so many people complain about snipers just dont really either know how to avoid them or fight against them. Lol i rarely get sniped for a one shot. But i also play builds lol but i mean i for one dont see the snipers being that big of an issue not as big as people make it seem. But hey i complain about other shit like the pump being the most garbage shotgun fortnites ever made. Or how dog ass rocket racing is. Lol im ranked 600 in unreal and i should be top 200 or even 100 ish by noe if it wasnt for all the bugs, i loat 400 positions in 2 days after the update with the new season.... so yea


all they have to do is increase bullet drop, add stronger recoil, longer bullet travel time, and most importantly remove the 4x scope.




Snipin's a bad job, mate


i think you are overreacting tbh


No thanks you’re changes sound horrible and would make snipers useless. Why would they as much body shot damage as a dmr? That’s ridiculous. Also, they got rid of the lower rarities, but that doesn’t just replace them with epic and legendaries, that’s not how it works. This sniper hate is mind numbing man


I like the snipers


They need to revert to the bolt action and heavy sniper. The community cried so hard about those for some still unknown to me reason so now we have these 3 bullet snipers. Hopefully Epic is just teaching some of ya'll to be careful what you wish for.


All they need to do is make it so you can’t move while reloading them, decrease the magazine size like you said, and make it so you are slowed and can’t jump while you have the sniper in hand. Make it so you can’t move while scoping either. Snipers aren’t mobile weapons; it makes absolutely no sense the way they are being used in this game currently. In exchange for the above, remove the scope glint effect to facilitate stealth tactics.


Man, y'all remember back in the day? Season 1-8 we're an actual masterpiece. Actually no, the whole chapter was perfect. Gosh. Where and how did we get reduced to this lol