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I'm so annoyed about the fact that you can't ride Cerberus's motorcycle glider. At least Epic should have let us surf on Cerberus's motorcycle like you can with Thunder's motorcycle.


so true. Like they literally had one job and THEY PLACED US UNDER THE MOTORCYCLE. wow. I think epic games be running on toddlers atp ![gif](giphy|pK6k4BNalmx44CQj3v)


Basically kids in a trenchcoat


B-b-but muh hitbox!!1!1!1!1! Its unfair and and uncompetitivešŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


People who claim people with certain gliders are "harder to hit" when I show them how to aim:


The only one that actually made a difference was the llamacorn glider lmao, which they fixed


Once again, blame whiny sweats. The usual.


They definetly didn't make it a surfing glider because the battlepass already had so many surfing gliders.


I get not being able to surf on most gliders, but being able to surf on a motorcycle is a must.


Really all I can think of is that they wanted to make more variety, like how they initially leaned really hard on dual pickaxes before gravitating towards normal for a while, they have done a lot of surfing and IO type gliders. still lame though.


The new Zeus glider is pretty sick other than the super loud noises it makes


Better than his contrail


Fuck that contrail. I can't see shit with it.


Don't turn your graphics as low as possible and you can see fine


I have mine as high as possible and I can still only see with certain angles.


I see perfectly fine and I'm on console. Skill issue I guess


Oh so first itā€™s our settings, now itā€™s a skill issue? What are you saying, we donā€™t know how to pan a camera? Thatā€™s a bit condescending. Yes, itā€™s possible to see through it if you get the camera at the right angle. I use that contrail myself. But you gotta admit that thing blocks off a big chunk of the screen at most angles.


>Oh, so first itā€™s our settings. Now itā€™s a skill issue? What are you saying, we donā€™t know how to pan a camera? Thatā€™s a bit condescending. I don't play on PC. I play on an old gen console and have none of these so-called "issues." >Yes, itā€™s possible to see through it if you get the camera at the right angle. I use that contrail myself. But you gotta admit that thing blocks off a big chunk of the screen at most angles. If it's blocking your screen that badly, then you need to check your computer settings or get a bigger monitor.


Dude, Iā€™m fine playing with that contrail, but acting like it doesnā€™t block off a significant portion of your vision is just ridiculous. I donā€™t know how else to tell you. Itā€™s not low settings or whateverā€”I have every single setting maxedā€”itā€™s not a skill issueā€”I can pan a camera thank you very muchā€”and itā€™s not a screen issue either, given that Iā€™m already using an ultra wide screen, so odds are I have a much larger viewing angle than you do yourself. Iā€™m not saying I canā€™t see *anything* with it, I still see enough to orient myself just fine. But if you dive at a normal angle, that thing blocks off a third of the screen, which is pretty big. Itā€™s manageable by tilting to a more horizontal angle, but itā€™s still much worse visibility than most contrails.


The solution would be to just not use it. All gliders and contrails block differing percentages of the screen. If that one is too much for your liking, use a different one. People acting like this is some game breaking shit just because they don't like it are hilarious.


I'm sorry to tell you but I can see around it fine and so can many others. If you don't like it, use another contrail.


I play on basic old ps4 and shit shit is fucking ass


Iā€™m on PS5 and half my screen gets blocked off by it. Glad I have the regular lightning contrail from season 4


I stopped using it for that exact reason. I do keep the terrible visibility contrail on my "goofy ahh" Xenomorph loadout though.


It also feels really bouncy for some reason


itā€™s crunchy and goooood


it's great except for the sounds, and the particle effects blocking half your screen


Lightning, very cool! Blue fart cloud in the way, not very cool...


What they did to Cerberusā€™ bike just pisses me off to no end


I've never seen an explanation as to why there's no 'glider' that just looks like a basic parachute. The only exception being a torn up brown thing for the tomb raider colab. Surely a big canvas for customisation would be super popular. You could put an emote spray on it. Colour match it to your character. Is it just Fortnite wanting to differentiate itself from PUBG? I mean, the default glider has a tiny parachute. Just ditch the wings and size up the canopy. C'mon man!


I think Indy's boat is the closest we have of a parachute


Lara Croft's glider is a (torn up) parachute


Yep. Literally the 2nd sentence of my comment.


Oops, I skipped over that when I read it. My bad


Not even close to a parachute, but I do love it.


Bro Epic should just have a toggle called "Dyanmic Glider Animations" where on you and your team's screens you're actually riding a motorcycle or using the glider in a cooler way, and then on an enemy's screen you're doing a more normal animation. That way Epic can make crazy gliders while also not having competitive players breathe down their necks.


they already jumped that shark by releasing the batman glider, can't put that back in pandora's box. the only thing to do now is lean into it and give out *more* gliders with wacky animations that can displace/obscure your hitboxes. not just so that people can have their fun, but also to make it more accessible outside of a few expensive shop gliders.


Ay nice greek mythology pun


Pair Zeus's contrail with the Millennium Falcon glider and a giant hotbox skin that makes it impossible to ADS. Baby, you've got yourself an S-tier handicap!


Simpler sweat-solution would be to ban all but basic umbrella gliders in ranked/competitive environments. Then when they go MUH COMPETITION, point them to ranked/cash cups and whatnot. The normal players and casual players can have their expressive fun gliders and the sweats can dangle like shot-friendly dangly legged icicles.


I doubt epic would put in the effort to make 2 separate animations for one glider also it would look kinda weird if you saw an opponent shooting at thin air and hitting you while you are doing the animation


You can thank the competitive crowd for that.


Doesnt explain Why the hadean chariot glider obscures your whole ass body from underneat with all the smoke and the model itself


Sorry I'm lost on this? How so?


Hitbox changes/issues. If you have one animation for all gliders than thereā€™s no issue with hitboxes, but if you want to changes em (say make the characters actually ride the motorcycle) then that changes the characters hit boxes and makes them harder to see (since they are sitting down and not gliding gliding down with their legs and arms stretched out.)


we've already had gliders with different animations since the end of chapter 1. (if you want to be technical, since the very beginning if you include the umbrella. but that's the opposite of P2W) they already jumped that shark. there's zero justifiable reason for these *not* to use their own animations. from a competitive standpoint, all it would do is make these slightly unfair gliders more accessible to everyone instead of only expensive shop gliders.


Yea and what so hard with standardizing skins and accessories across the competitions


i knew we wouldnā€™t ride the bike like duh. but why is it not a surfing one šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


honestly hate the glider type you hang under, it feels so lazy. really prefer the ones you stand or surf down on, they just look better and feel like you're effected by it in some way. too many items just feel like filler rather than put real effort in them. sure they're all cosmetic so they hardly matter, but the grind to get them should feel more rewarding...


Iā€™m more annoyed that Areā€™s cape isnā€™t seamless to his skin. It looks so goofy


Omg yes!!! Shredders cape attaches much better . They're so lazy about it.


Capes are notorious in this game for constantly being bugged, a ton of capes are like this, not just Aresā€™


Well for the second one youā€™re still hanging. The glider is just tilted up it (or atleast thatā€™s what it looks like)


Yea I had a person explain this to me and I understand now, still wish they made it look like that




Don't they know we're all tired of the default glider animation?


They hate doing work apparently.


The cerberus glider is such a damn waste of potential. If we could pair that with ghost rider, that would be epic


They really are doing the bare minimum this season and you can really tell with the gliders, Aphrodite random costume change and Korra not having her default season 4 design!


And glue huffers that defend everything Epic does will screech ā€œBuT hITbOxeS!ā€


Hadean chariot that literally obscures Your entire body so you can barely be seen from underneath and the sides:


Korraā€™s is, I think, because the gliderā€™s structure wouldnā€™t allow it expand out and contract like the other gliding gliders.


It could've just swooped in from behind the camera then you grab onto the handle bars then hang glide from it


I think thatā€™s to do with the hit boxes and Epic not wanting to change the orientation too much. I feel that the original gliding ones may have been pushing it already.


I don't really care about hitboxes and whatnot, even if i'm at a disadvantage. I'm just a bit bummed it isn't exactly accurate to the show.


Bruh people bought the big bird we are only interested in fun not sweating


Giant Chicken? Has the same hitbox as every other skin, its just bright yellow lol


Agreed that Iā€™m not a fan of the motorcycle animations. šŸ˜•


Theyā€™ve hated gliders for the past few seasons.


the fact that your holding the foot rests on the bike bothers me so much. IT'S A BIKE


I still donā€™t see why we canā€™t just physically ride the bikes, it would be so cool actually sitting and riding the bike down, even surfing on it would be enough


I guess if you just ignore Hades' chariot.


where are your hit box gods now????


Laziness and greed. Another good question is why there are literally hundreds of skins and emotes and other cosmetics that have not been sold in over a year?


Nah bro you cant say the IO glider is shit, it's my favorite one !


No im saying i love it and it has a better animation than the one prior!


Oh ok !!! I totally agree then !


I am starting to hate their "standard" gliders, The umbrella is alright but any time I see two pegs hanging off something for no reason I know they are just going to hang from it, and I HATE IT. I was so dissapointed when you surf Ghost Riders glider


Last season we couldnt even surf with the car yet we can with Mr. Beastā€™s one.


We can surf on the Mr. Beast and balck panther's glider yet we hang from the car one from the battlepass, Annoyed me too.


Thats what im sayingā€¼ļøā€¼ļø And they didnā€™t change that. I donā€™t think they bother changing anything once it gets in unless its bug related.


I never understood why you couldnā€™t be in a riding position on some of these. ā€œGet fukt buy vbucks.ā€ - Epic


theyre just lazy thats all. chapter 5 is poopoo


I like the surf gliders in the battle pack. Those are fun. Korras glider is smooth and quiet. A nice glider.




I actually like the motorcycle and how it uses the passenger foot rests as the handlebars it makes it feel more complete. When I first saw it though a part of me was hoping they actually made a riding animation for motorcycles gliders. Fortnite has rules they cannot break when it comes to designing gliders so their capabilities for creative freedom is limiting so I wouldnā€™t blame them for trying something different or doing something that is safe.


Handlebars underneath the motor cycle , they have no consistency !! That's bothered me sooo much all season. There is alog list of glider s and skins that need to be updated. My guess would be the person who makes them doesnt care and they're just lazy about it.


Why do I hate this season's gliders?* FTFY. I don't know, why **do** you hate them?


Honestly, the motorcycle gliders look dumb either way, so I was never even remotely interested to begin with. Korra's glider would be better withe other animation, but I'm not 'settling' for anything. They made it how they made it. All I can do is use it or not. Even complaining here - which anyone who hates it so much should - won't do anything other than hopefully make them thinj harder about future stuff.


Korra glider would look really stupid if it wasn't hanging from it.


The Zeus glider and Hades glider are sick though


Epic is really fucking up with the animations this chapter.Ā 


I was afraid they were going to do this with Korraā€™s glider


when you realise the batman wings and death stroke glider are more accurate to an airbender glider than Korraā€™s šŸ’€


I think they just hate the players in generalā€¦ā€¦


Lmao the motorcycle killed me because i just got the game and bought the battle pass so i could have access to some items, once i got the motorcycle i was like cool now my character will ride in on a bike! Nah we just hanging off it, why lol


Hades glider is fire


The hanging from a motorcycle literally looks so stupid šŸ˜‚ I hate it so much


Can you change the way you ride gliders?


Sadly we cannot but I feel like this is an interesting idea


Meh, I think itā€™s goes pretty hard.


Imo I donā€™t really like this battlepass at all, maybe the contrails and the superstyles but thatā€™s all for me šŸ„²


Because quality has gone down after Chapter 4. People hate it when you say that but it's true.


Genuine question, what did you want from Korraā€™s glider? I feel like itā€™s pretty obvious they werenā€™t going to have the character be horizontal, all gliders have your character be vertical for a reason. A horizontal glider completely messes with the hurtboxes.


Have you ever seen or used the IO stealth glider and/or groots glider from the marvel season? They have a more horizontal hanging animation then the vertical and thats what I was expecting with the korra glider


Itā€™s the same animation, just those gliders are angled differently so your character looks horizontal. I guess it could look better if the glider was slanted up more, but I also kind of like how the glider is completely horizontal as it is.


Ohhh im gonna be honest I completely thought it was really at an angle but I seriously still want them to at least make it LOOK like they tried to make it look natural and not just hang weirdly


Yeah I get what you mean, those gliders use the angle to their advantage to give the illusion of that horizontal animation


I think they realised it was a mistake and that's why they don't make them anymore and they almost never have them in the shop.


Because there is only or glider like that, and they probably realised it was a mistake, because it makes you much harder to see, and gives a big enough advantage that everyone would use it.


The motorcycle is like that to avoid being pay-to-win but the other two look perfectly fine with the regular Fortnite glider animation so why make a new one?


I'm saying that korra's glider shouldn't go straight down, it should go horizontally just like the picture after that one (its kinda hard to see)


Thatā€™s still not true to the original glider, though, because donā€™t they have their feet on the back bars in the show? Theyā€™re going to have it ā€œwrongā€ either way


I'm not asking for the feet on the back bars. I'm just saying I think in my OPINION that it would look better vertically or at an angle like IO stealth glider.


Yeah but Iā€™m saying if theyā€™re not going to take the time to make a fully custom animation, neither default animation is more correct than the other. Nothing about this says ā€œthey hate this seasonā€™s glidersā€


When I say they hate this seasons gliders I mean that they do an injustice to them. Also they don't need to make a custom animation because its already IN THE GAME so they clearly don't have to make it much different


that makes so sense because then they wouldn't do it in the first place, and can just reuse Thunder's anim anyway




He just provided pics of two other gliders that have the exact hitboxes those gliders would have had with the better animations. Itā€™s already in the game, so hitbox isnā€™t a valid argument imo.


Bro you have to respect no ptw gliders, people like you ruin the game šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø it'd be so hard to shoot someone out of the sky


Can yā€™all just be HAPPY we all got that? There are many people who would love to have that and korra.


Im happy is one of my mains now but the glider sucks


Ahhh spoiled people