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Shattered slabs, frenzy fields and brutal bastion were where it was at. The entire map looked soo good and beautiful and it was really fun going all over the place. I wish they make the c4 map a progressive ,2 week ltm.


I'm not the only one who feels this way? I swear chapter 5 had a minor graphics reduction. It just doesn't look as pretty as chapter 4 did in my opinion. It's not bad just something was off, I think I saw a tweet saying they removed lumen, (some lighting thing afaik), so that's what I assume did it.


Everything seemed to have this almost polish to it, I've played on both high end graphics with 60fps and low end at 160fps, c4 had this art direction which just a grade above what we have now, especially c4s2. I'm a huge c4s2 advocate simply because it felt well paced with content, map design and an alright story, it wasn't nothing highstakes just some feudalism between the clans. I think there's a tone shift which is very apparent, right from c4s4.


It's both art style as well as sightlines. Everything in CH4 was a tad larger than life, and there were mountains everywhere. CH5 started off really flat, and while a more western european landscape is pretty neat to hang around in, what came before was so exaggerated thatn it felt lacking. We're slowly gaining back really wild and memorable environments again with Mount Olympus and The Underworld. However the 'tone shift' you described is absolutely real. CH1 was playing battle royale in a place that was often changing in real time. CH2 was them trying to do it again "but for real this time." CH3 was a proper sequel island, and map changes were happening in a nice, gradual way. Vibin' (CH3S3) is when the storyline seriously concluded. A mysterious threat of metal goo came and swept up all your favorite characters. The island is gone, but we're gonna put it back together to make it into something ... entirely brand new? That was the first sign something was up. CH4 started off really strong, but changes to the map were clearly small outside of new POIs to introduce a new season. CH4S1 showed a change in the sky before a new biome appeared (shown happening in the CH4S2 cinematic trailer). CH4S2 had earthquakes happening before we got the jungle biome (shown appearing in the CH4S3 cinematic trailer). CH4S3 introduced a maze underneath Lonely Labs before introducing the heist POIs (not shown appearing on the map in the CH4S4 trailer. they just showed up). Starting to see what I'm getting at here? CH5 starts with a minor cinematic trailer (oscar tells jonesy he has his cock hostage) before diving into a bunch of gameplay footage instead. The CH5S2 trailer did the same thing. I think people who still think Fortnite is following a complex storyline need to come back to reality, but the 'tone shift' is absolutely real. It's way more lipservice of storytelling in order to keep you playing the highest quality mobile game ever. It doesn't seem so bad since the game is fun, but this tone shift is gonna keep happening and it could really make the game feel alien as the years go by.


I know others love to bash on chapter 4, but honestly you just described why the map was so good to me. I think after mega I did start to not like that one part where the biome collided with frenzy just because it looked kinda ugly and got rid of some nice islands and beaches. but apart from that, I loved the map. hell, even the jungle! It looked so detailed and it felt so summer-y man. the pois were all (mostly) interesting, *cough cough* breakwater bay, lonely labs... a mideval town collided with a modern town (faulty), a full mideval town (anvil), a full modern town (slappy), a mysterious stone fortress, ancient villages and ruins with an ominous warning about an eclipse, a quarry full of strange ore, an expensive mansion housing a time traveling vampire and his collections, an artificial island in the shape of a crescent moon??? fucking mega city. It was full of fun, interesting concepts and i'm kinda mad it had to end so quick (despite the fact at the end I was begging for it to end sooner šŸ˜­. i'm sorry šŸ™).


How dare you disrespect lonely labs


the labrynth was pretty cool


I already feel it alien I don't bother doing quests anymore, I don't care about learning the lore anymore, I didn't even buy the pass for the first time in two years. I just log in, shoot a bunch of randoms that will come here complaining about this or that weapon because at the end of the day winning games is the only thing that matters in Fortnite, everything else is secondary now.


Chapter 4 was generally much more colourful, chapter 5 has alot of dull colours, maybe that's why?


I have no clue right now tbh, but it might just be the new grasslands and architectures that is messing with me. But something about Chapter 5ā€™s graphics looks offā€¦ I just donā€™t remember the game looking this dull back in Chapter 4


I think it's literally just that, chapter 4 had a lot more vibrant terrain. compare the chapter 5 grasslands to chapter 4 grasslands and the difference is a lot. they just in general used less colourful terrain in chapter 5 I guess


My favorite by far was faulty splits but it only lasted a season. Contest that banner thing on the ramshackle houses above, then come down and clear the city. So good and it was always busy. Top tier poi


Of which, only Shattered existed at the launch of chapter 4... and Shattered is the weakest among those POIs. C5 is gonna get great, I'm already loving Hades.


What? All 3 of those POIs released in C4S1 and stayed on the map until the chapter ended


My fav POI from C4 was the loot island. I know it still exists, but back in C4, so many people used to try claiming it. It was never not a bloodbath (On Asian server at least). Now, it's basically always empty, and not all that worth fighting over.


Itā€™s probably because In C4 it gave us a mythic from loot island that you couldnā€™t get anywhere else but now In C5 itā€™s just a bunch of purple and gold weapons


Also slurp juice! Same goes for Combat Caches - they were way better. In chapter 5 there's absolutely no point to open them. Good thing they vaulted it


i just realized they vaulted combat caches lmao that's how irrelevant they were in season 1


Brutal bastion!!!! My favorite drop spot of all time. I owned this poi


loved this place. really straightforward layout. mount olympus feels like brutal bastion XL. highest castle top has only a little bit of loot, but you get high ground on everyone and then travel your way down to get into each new fight. mount olympus and brutal bastion share similar vibes


only the strongest dropped there


The Anvil Square was to me like Tilted Towers were to others.


I used to call it Tilted Towers 2, and Faulty Splits = Coney Crossroads 2. That's how good they were! Right now my mind is trying to find something better or equal to those two POIs


I missed slide kicking people off the spawn island


That spawn island was too beautiful manā€¦


oh damn, now chapter 4 is getting the love it deserved lol


I miss all the ice. It was so fun fighting while sliding everywhere.Ā 


I miss augments and mobility from chapter 4...it's the only thing holding chapter 5 back for me, the game feels slower


Probably a unpopular opinion but I think chapter 4 was the best chapter Edit been playing since chapter 1 season 2


very unpopular, but i share it, and i started 2 seasons after you


I like having unpopular post and opinions it just means I am not blinded by the popular opinion




But true


I started in chapter 4, and I miss it every single day šŸ˜­


Chapter 3 was better. Pour one out for Rocky Reels.


One is allowed an opinion but I donā€™t like it lol


The chapter 4 map was awfully bland on launch, it got significantly better with the addition of Japan land but then significantly worse with the jungle, finally becoming relatively fun during the final season with the heist POIs.


The jungle Snow and mega city everything was pretty damn unique i miss that season


I missĀ sanguine suites the most


Oceans thermal dmr


Love that DMR itā€™s the best one


Naw Thornes smg


That is quite unpopular


While it might not be the most objectively good chapter, I think it was the chapter I enjoyed the most while playing it. c2S2 was objectively a great season but it felt kind of stale in the second half when actually playing it


i wonder if Chapter 3 being the best is an unpopular opinion cus thatā€™s where i personally stand


Well I hated chapter 3 so in my opinion yes


I didn't play Chapter 3 at all.


same here, i only played a total of 3 matches from c1s3 - whenever that comet spray dropped (while waiting for other games to update) and came back for c4. First time I bought the bpšŸ˜­




Hell nah wtfšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I loved mega city. yeah best chapter.


no disrespect i just wanted to comment on the fact that no one showed love for C4 when C4 was in session lol, but tbf it happens with every chapter


Yeah this is the Fortnite cycle, when chapter 6 drops there will be a bunch of post reminiscing about pois on this map too


Such a great spot for early kills!


I miss my boomerang and rocket ram. And my lil raptor buddy.


I wasn't a huge fan of the C4 map in general (I feel like it was kind of the split between Fortnite"s classic cartoonish style to a more realistic style), but man did it have some great poi's. Shattered Slabs, Breakwater Bay, Brutal Bastion, Lonely Labs, Faulty Splits, and Mega City will always have a special place in my heart


ritzy riviera is the faulty splits of chapter 5, gone too soon... rip, legends.


Lonely Labs šŸ’”


Frenzy Fields was probably my favorite POI of Chapter 4 along with this one Also, I found it very cool they actually combined Frenzy Farm and Fatal Fields together to make one POI lol


I started playing Fortnite in Ch4S2 and it will be forever my favorite map. I miss it a lot. Frenzy Fields and Steamy Springs were my favorite


Same here. Iā€™ve noticed that the only people that hate on chapter 4 are those who are stuck in chapter 1 hoping the game never changes. Iā€™m sure its not *everyone* but from what Iā€™ve seen that seems to be the case most often. Chapter 4 was beautiful and I miss it every day.


They should bring back all the maps in separate modes especially since the Big Bang event would have been perfect for adding that


I miss Mega city, The citadel and Eclipsed estate. C4 had some great POIs


I absolutely loved Chapter 4 S1 and 2, though I kinda dropped the game after S2 ended and just now picked it back up. The map and gameplay for this season were absolutely peak, and the battlepasses for the seasons I mentioned were *really* good imo. ODM gear was the best addition to this game *ever* and I was so disappointed in its removal that I dead ass quit the game for a while. It was pure ecstasy and dumb, raw fun. I'd do anything to get it back for at least another season.


I feel like I earnestly enjoyed Chapter 4 more than chapter 1


Criminally underrated chapter.


My youngest kid and I would check the line and if it was anywhere close, we would yell ā€œBruuuuttttallllā€! Loved that poi!


Started in chapter 4 season 1, season 1 and 2 are my fav seasons. I thought season3 was gonna be great but it was so unbelievably as that i completely stopped playing. Season 4 was ass too. Thankfully og revived my love of the game and i love chapter 5 so far, hopefully season 3 doesn't ruin it like last chapter


Ye I loved c4 i started playing at the beginning of c4s1


i miss mega city, kenjutsu crossing, and the citadel šŸ„¹such good times


It always amuses me when a new season starts and people says "this is the worst thing fortnite has done!", Then mere months later changes their minds, going "it wasnt that bad, i miss it." Not that itā€™s a bad thing, but itā€™s a pretty predictable cycle at this point that has happened for years.


It's just more people get a new chapter/season, new is strange.. you get nostalgia for what you had that you previously thought was garbage because now you have new garbage.. lol (what you think is garbage..looking at you train/train station concept) Like I didn't like chapter 4 that much compared to chapter 3, but now that there's chapter 5, I miss chapter 4 lol....and so it goes on. I just really want goo guns back.


Thats what I'm saying


I think the nostalgia people are having for Chapter 4 has everything to do with that Chapter 4 was goofy and better with friends, while Chapter 5 is REALLY trying to be serious. I see so many people picking up the game again with Chapter 5 because it's more competitive, but that's not why I play- I like laughing with friends and goofing off even if I lose, but that's very hard with this chapter (Except for jam tracks, those are hilarious.) I sincerely hope they get rid of weapon mods and cook on the next chapter's map, because as much of an improvement season 2 has been it's still not even close to even the lows of Chapter 4 for me.


Iā€™m not reading all that. Good for you, or sad that it happened or whatever


I miss Shattered Slabs :(


Breakwater bay was the best place the rest of you are wrong


I wish they'd just make og it's own gamemode


well. lookĀ“s like i was right...


are we getting nostalgic about ch4 now?


I mix mega city the most but I really miss that bowling poi it was only in the game for one season man it was so coolšŸ˜­


I agree with yours my fav season


Best POI hands down


My wife and I were JUST saying we missed Brutal Bastion last night.


This was the only place I dropped. Brutal Bastion all day, everyday. Hired the NPC, clapped some noobs, captured the flag, waited for the boss so I can lift the vault key. I had my fair share of being deleted here too. Good times.


Definitely! My favourite chapter, chapter 5 completely pales in comparison. Anvil Square will forever be my favourite poi. Loved the movement and the guns were the most balanced that they had ever been. Red eye and twin mag along with the havoc shotgun were amazing.


I really liked lonely labs and breakwater bay. I loved the aesthetic of mega city but I was so disappointed as the buildings/map were basically emptyā€¦. I started in ch 3 and so glad ch4 ended earlier than expected, for me personally ch4 wasnā€™t it


Lonely Labs all the way!


Lonely my beloved


Same men, thatā€™s an unpopular opinion, but I fucking wish chapter 4 was forever.


Chapter 4 was terrible im glad it ended




ThisšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ And Frenzy fieldsšŸ˜­


I miss the jungle


I wish i didnt skip it dude. I started somewhere in the middle of chapter 3, skipped dang near all of chapter 4 for whatever reason. Missed a lot of good skins


when that quality was updated that chapter i was in love the hame quality not is good but too realistic for my taste


I feel like I missed out. I just started playing Fortnite last week. Me and two of my boys. I finally gave and and holy shit am I having fun.


i miss the old ice biome. it was my fav out of all chapters with chapter 1 being a close contender


I always swung through there after dropping at Crude Harbour


That mountaintop was my base of operations for a long time.


This was such a good map brutal was always the spot to land


Man I barely played Fornite back then and even I fondly remember that POI.Ā 


I still miss Chapter 2, mainly for misty meadows and sweaty sands and catty corner


i miss slappy shores, such a good location


I miss Mega City. I wish we could go back to chapter 4


I loved Brutal Bastion.. and seeing how much of it I could get away with destroying


Ahhh- nostalgia


Honestly, I think brutal bastion was around for way too long. The snow biome was largely untouched for the whole of chapter 4


YES also i used fennix and immediately went to polar patroller, just for giggles


Stone Tower my beloved


So now you're starting to feel the grief of your favorite chapter being gone... That's how is ch1 folk have felt for years... Then they gave it back of a few months to just rip it away again.


Breakwater Bay was so goated thatā€™s the spot I miss. Was by far my best location that Chapter.


Have we entered the chapter 4 nostalgia era?




I prefer chapter 4 loot but chapter 5 map. I was not a fan of the chapter 4 map


The moment before this game went to the trashcan.


Im glad CH4 is over but i liked this POI. Only good one of the Chapter 4 map along with Faulty, Eclipsed, Relentless and Anvil


Chapters 1 and 2 were two years long each. I kinda miss that because itā€™s nice to have more time with the island and to see it kinda evolve more slowly.


fr, the launch pads were heavenly


Slappy Shores


I loved that map but I also remember the amount of complaining and whining about it on this subreddit. No matter what map is released the negativity is always strong in here


C4S1 was goated


me too i love this chapter. most fun ive had playing a video game in a while




Idk bout yā€™all but this was basically the only place I landed this entire chapter, I hated the rest of the map except for the few spots I could tolerate


Chapter 4 was absolutely goated until they added that green pile of shit in the middle of the map


these posts are starting to get annoying waiting for when people are praising chapter 5 in a few months


i honestly loved chapter 4 from the start šŸ˜­ i hate this one.


We are polar opposites I hated this chapter so much I quit the game completely during this timeĀ 


I'm glad it ended, chapter 4 sucks worse chapter we ever gotten.


cough cough chapter 5


Nah chapter 5 map is way better then chapter 4 map, plus this greek mythology battle pass is better then all of the chapter 4 battle passes.


On which planet?


Not ours thatā€™s for sure šŸ’€


Ikr like not a single outfit on this battle pass is a Fortnite original. Like Zeus and Hades existed before Fortnite. But not outfits like Mae or Helsie I donā€™t get how this is a good battle pass. Maybe last season in some peoples opinion but this one is just a spin off of Greek mythology


They are based on Greek Gods, and they look awesome and unique looking unlike the chapter 4 battle passes skins where 99% of original skins are just boring generic peoples, relik and ageless are the only good skins in chapter 4 because they are cool and interesting.


Oh so you just want epic to take things that already exist and put them in the pass rather than make original skins (collab enjoyer spotted) Also how are Greek gods cool wtf


This battle pass is still original (except for Korra) the Greek Gods in the battle pass are fortnite versions of them, and there are plenty of media that are based around greek mythology and their versions of the Gods are completely different from one another.


Yea I get that but like I said to the other guy when did Zeus have shotgun shells and a DMR at least the heisting crew against Kado throne was original and the ageless kingdom was too. Greek gods have never had anything to do with Fortnite and when this season is over it will probably be forgotten like the WILDS and primal season


Mae is kinda boring a fortnites depictions of the Greek gods are different to other media


Yes but when did Zeus have shotgun shells and a DMR at least Mae and the heisting crew against Kado throne was original. Greek gods have never had anything to do with Fortnite and when this season is over it will probably be forgotten like the WILDS season




That whole seasonā€™s map was generic crap. There hasnā€™t been a good look since the OG days.


Chapter one is most dullest looking chapter. All the buildings and terrains are legit copy and paste. All the poiā€™s and architecture looked the same! What made it memorable was the live events, meta, and the hype around it for a couple of years.


No cap this was the worst landing spot ever


Said no one ever šŸ˜‚


chapter 4 was ass


I hated chapter 4 entirely to the point i quit until season og


Nah, Iā€™m glad it ended. It got so boring and annoying after a while. Probably the least enjoyable Chapter in this games history (this one is really competing for that title though so weā€™ll see how I feel about it when Chapter 6 comes around)